PETA Takes Issue with Broadway Joe Namath’s Fur Coat He Was Wearing for Coin Toss at Super Bowl on Twitter
The first thing I thought when I saw Broadway Joe sporting that fine fur coat for the coin toss was, oh boy PETA is going to have a COW!!!
Call the wambulance, PETA is upset again. PETA took to twitter complaining about Broadway Joe’s fur coat he was wearing during the Super Bowl. Really folks, you don’t have more important issues to deal with. Like trying to figure out how to get folks to adopt pets rather than killing them.
click on pic for coin toss
Broadway Joe looked the part.
Would you expect anything less?
Joe Namath, New York football royalty as MVP of the third Super Bowl for the Jets, wore a fur coat for the coin toss. After a false start on the first attempt, the Seahawks called tails, and they were right. Seattle deferred to the second half.
“Whatever was killed to keep Joe Namath warm won’t. I guess he’s not a PETA member,” Frank Mosco wrote.
Meanwhile, PETA took issue with Namath’s coat on Twitter.
PETA also tweeted an image of a pile of skinned animals with the message, “FYI @RealJoeNamath: Here’s the REST of your fur coat.”
UPDATE I: Ha, looks like Joe was just imitating another, via re-tweet from Gateway Pundit.