Hawaiian Senator and Medal of Honor Winner Daniel K. Inouye Dies at Age 88

US Senator Daniel K. Inouye of Hawaii died at the age of 88 at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center in Bethesda, MD from respiratory complications. He served in WWII, was a member of Congress and a US Senator since 1962.  In 1959 when he was elected to the House because the first Japanese American elected to Congress. Since 2010 Sen. Inouye had been the Senate’s president pro tempore, which put him third in the line of succession for the presidency. Inouye was also a Medal of Honor recipient. Rest in Peace.

Daniel K. Inouye … Rest in Peace

Sen. Daniel K. Inouye of Hawaii, a highly decorated World War II combat veteran who used his status as one of the most powerful Democrats in Washington and the second-longest-serving senator in history to send billions of dollars to his home islands, died Monday at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center in Bethesda. He was 88.

Peter Boyland, a spokesman for the senator, said the cause was respiratory complications.

He cut a singular figure in the nation’s capital when he arrived in Washington in 1959 as a representative from the newest state and the first Japanese American elected to Congress.

Posted December 18, 2012 by
Deceased, Democrats, Obituary, Senate | no comments

Actor Larry Hagman of ‘Dallas’ and ‘I Dream of Jeannie’ Fame Dies at Age 81 in Texas from Complications of Cancer

Larry Hagman, the actor who played such iconic roles as Major Anthony Nelson and J.R Ewing of ‘I Dream of Jeannie’ and ‘Dallas’ fame, respectively, has passed away at the age of 81 due to complications of cancer. Hagman was surrounded by his family and friends in Texas and died peacefully as per a family statement. Never has an actor been so loved and hated as to the roles that Hagman portrayed. From the bumbling and comical character of astronaut Major Nelson and everyone’s dream to have a problem like how to deal with a Jeannie, Barbara Eden, to the ruthless, conniving and mischievous Dallas business man J.R. Ewing … Rest in Peace Larry Hagman.


Rest in Peace: (September 21, 1931 – November 23, 2012)

“Larry was back in his beloved hometown of Dallas, re-enacting the iconic role he loved the most. Larry’s family and closest friends had joined him in Dallas for the Thanksgiving holiday,” the family said in a statement that was provided to The Associated Press by Warner Bros., producer of the show.   The 81-year-old actor was surrounded by friends and family before he passed peacefully, “just as he’d wished for,” the statement said.

The original pilot of I Dream of Jeannie … Major Nelson meets Jeanie for the first time at 2:12 mark

For those of you who are too young to know that TV used to actually have fantastic drama programming, not ridiculous ‘reality” tv on every channel and before a DVR was ever heard of, Friday nights from 1978 to 1991  were reserved to watch ’Dallas’.   For those who think that the choosing of the Apprentice or who is the final one standing on Survivor, Dancing with the Stars or American Idol were events, it had nothing on the story line of “Who Shot J.R.” that captured the collective imagination and forever entered the American lexicon of individuals in the 1980′s.

On this day in 1980, 350 million people around the world tune in to television’s popular primetime drama “Dallas” to find out who shot J.R. Ewing, the character fans loved to hate. J.R. had been shot on the season-ending episode the previous March 21, which now stands as one of television’s most famous cliffhangers. The plot twist inspired widespread media coverage and left America wondering “Who shot J.R.?” for the next eight months.  The November 21 episode solved the mystery, identifying Kristin Shepard, J.R.’s wife’s sister and his former mistress, as the culprit.

Warner Bros.”Dallas” executive producers Cynthia Cidre and Michael M. Robin, and the show’s cast and crew released the following statement:

“Larry Hagman was a giant, a larger-than-life personality whose iconic performance as J.R. Ewing will endure as one of the most indelible in entertainment history. He truly loved portraying this globally recognized character, and he leaves a legacy of entertainment, generosity and grace. Everyone at Warner Bros. and in the “Dallas” family is deeply saddened by Larry’s passing, and our thoughts are with his family and dear friends during this difficult time.”

Posted November 24, 2012 by
Celebrity, Deceased, Obituary | one comment

Former US Senator & 1972 Democrat Presidential Candidate George McGovern Dies at Age 90, Rest in Peace

George McGovern, the former Democrat presidential candidate and South Dakota Senator has died at age 90 in a Sioux Falls, South Dakota hospice surrounded by family and friends. McGovern was a U.S. House of Representatives from 1957 to 1961, a U.S. senator from 1963 to 1981, a Democrat President candidate in 1972 and a the face of his party’s liberal wing.

George McGovern, 1922 – 2012: Rest in Peace

Former Democratic presidential candidate George McGovern died at a hospice in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, on Sunday, at the age of 90.

McGovern’s family announced his passing in a statement, first reported by the Associated Press.

McGovern represented South Dakota’s first district in the U.S. House of Representatives from 1957 to 1961, and was a U.S. senator from 1963 to 1981, where he was a champion of his party’s liberal wing.

McGovern was the Democratic presidential candidate in the 1972 election, losing in a landslide to then-president Richard Nixon.

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Former Pennsylvania Senator Arlen Specter has Died from Complications of Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma at Age 82

82 year old Arlen Specter, the former US Senator of Pennsylvania from 1981 to 2011, has died Sunday at his home in Philadelphia from complications of non-Hodgkins lymphoma.

Arlen Specter: (February 12, 1930 – October 14, 2012) – Rest in Peace

Specter, who announced in late August that he was battling cancer, died at his home in Philadelphia from complications of non-Hodgkins lymphoma, said his son Shanin. Over the years, Arlen Specter had fought two previous bouts with Hodgkin’s disease, overcome a brain tumor and survived cardiac arrest following bypass surgery.

Arlen Specter Wiki:

Arlen Specter (February 12, 1930 – October 14, 2012) was a United States Senator from Pennsylvania. Specter was a Democrat, but was a Republican from 1965 until switching to the Democratic Party in 2009. First elected in 1980, he represented his state for thirty years in the Senate. Specter was a moderate who staked out a spot in the political center.[2]

Specter was born in Wichita, Kansas to an American mother and a father who immigrated from Russia. He graduated from the University of Pennsylvania and served with the United States Air Force during the Korean War. Specter later graduated from Yale Law School and opened a law firm with Marvin Katz, who would later become a federal judge. Specter served as assistant counsel for the Warren Commission investigating the assassination of John F. Kennedy and helped devise the “single bullet theory.” In 1965, Specter was elected District Attorney of Philadelphia, a position that he would hold until he lost his re-election bid in 1973.

On April 28, 2009, Specter announced that, after 44 years as an elected Republican, he was switching membership to the Democratic Party,[3][4] On May 18, 2010, Specter was defeated in the Democratic primary by Joe Sestak, who then was defeated by current Senator Pat Toomey in the general election. Toomey replaced Specter on January 3, 2011.

UPDATE I: Of course in typical liberal media bias CNN had to make the reference that Sen. Arlen Specter embodied a dying breed of liberal Republicanism before switching to the Democratic Party at the twilight of his political career. You mean a RINO? Hmm, so who embodies conservatism in the Democrat Senate? One, two, three … waiting?

Posted October 14, 2012 by
Deceased, Obituary, Senate | 2 comments

Sun Myung Moon, Founder of the Unification Church, Dead at Age 92

Reverend Sun Myung Moon, the self-proclaimed messiah and founder of the Unification Church has died at the age of 92. Sun Myung Moon died two weeks after being hospitalized with pneumonia, The Unification Church and “Moonies” became infamous and was accused of using devious recruitment tactics and duping followers out of money and brainwashing its followers to join. Some called it a religions, other referred to it as a cult. The Unification Church has certainly come a long way from the Moonies selling flowers and trinkets on street corners at the airport. The religion in recent times appeared to be more of an investment business. A truely unique, bizarre and controversial figure has passed.

The Rev. Sun Myung Moon, the self-proclaimed messiah who turned his Unification Church into a worldwide religious movement and befriended North Korean leaders as well as U.S. presidents, has died, church officials said Monday. He was 92.

Moon died Monday at a church-owned hospital near his home in Gapyeong, northeast of Seoul, two weeks after being hospitalized with pneumonia, Unification Church spokesman Ahn Ho-yeul told The Associated Press. Moon’s wife and children were at his side, Ahn said.

Moon, born in a town that is now in North Korea, founded his religious movement in Seoul in 1954 after surviving the Korean War. He preached new interpretations of lessons from the Bible.

The church gained fame — and notoriety — in the 1970s and 1980s for holding mass weddings of thousands of followers, often from different countries, whom Moon matched up in a bid to build a multicultural religious world.

NY Times Obit:

Building a business empire in South Korea and Japan, Mr. Moon used his commercial interests to support nonprofit ventures, then kept control of them by placing key insiders within their hierarchies. He avidly backed right-wing causes, turning The Washington Times into a respected newspaper in conservative circles.

An ardent anti-Communist who had been imprisoned by the Communist authorities in northern Korea in the 1940s, he saw the United States as the world’s salvation. But in the late 1990s, after financial losses, defections and stagnant growth in the church’s membership, he turned on America, branding it a repository of immorality — he called it “Satan’s harvest” — and repositioned his movement as a crusade for moral values.

Posted September 2, 2012 by
Deceased, Obituary, Religion | no comments

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