US Supreme Court Halts President Obama’s Climate Change Initiative 5-4
In a 5-4 decision, the Supreme Court abruptly halted President Obama’s controversial new power plant regulations that is part of his global warming climate change initiative. 27 states and industry opponents that call the regulations “an unprecedented power grab” and that the regulations would greatly increase energy costs and put some of their industries out of business. Appellate arguments are set to begin June 2, 2016. Thankfully, the SCOTUS put a hold on anything going forward as Powerline opines, “Obama’s EPA was betting that the slow legal process would mean that they’d have a lot of things in place, and many utilities would have complied with the EPA’s dictates, before the law was settled at the Supreme Court.”
A divided Supreme Court on Tuesday abruptly halted President Obama’s controversial new power plant regulations, dealing a blow to the administration’s sweeping plan to address global warming.
In a 5-4 decision, the court halted enforcement of the plan until after legal challenges are resolved.
The surprising move is a victory for the coalition of 27 mostly Republican-led states and industry opponents that call the regulations “an unprecedented power grab.”
By temporarily freezing the rule the high court’s order signals that opponents have made a strong argument against the plan. A federal appeals court last month refused to put it on hold.
The court’s four liberal justices said they would have denied the request.
The plan aims to stave off the worst predicted impacts of climate change by reducing carbon dioxide emissions at existing power plants by about one-third by 2030.
“We disagree with the Supreme Court’s decision to stay the Clean Power Plan while litigation proceeds,” White House spokesman Josh Earnest said in a statement.Earnest said the administration’s plan is based on a strong legal and technical foundation, and gives the states time to develop cost-effective plans to reduce emissions. He also said the administration will continue to “take aggressive steps to make forward progress to reduce carbon emissions.”
Posted February 10, 2016 by Scared Monkeys Appeals Court, Barack Obama, Community Agitator, EPA, Epic Fail, Global Warming, Imperial President, Misleader, Obamanation, Politics of Fear, Supreme Court, The Lying King | one comment |
Navy Goes PC … The End of ‘Midshipman’? Navy Secretary Calls for Removal of ‘Man’ from Titles
So the US Navy is going PC because some all of a sudden calling woman who serve in the Navy, Midshipman, is just too mean and makes them feel uncomfortable. The term “midshipman” has been used since the 1600′s, long predating the academy, which opened in 1845. According to the story, women first enlisted in the Navy in 1917, weeks before the United States entered World War I , as yeomen. But suddenly the use of the name “Midshipman” is no longer good. Has this country lost its mind and focus on the task at hand? The fact that our military is wasting any resources to something so silly and ridiculous is just incredible. What else would we expect with Barack Obama as Commander in Chief? So what will the Navy come up with, Midship-people, or maybe Midship-folks?
What happens when you take the “man” out of “midshipman”?
Navy officials will consider this question as they turn to language in an effort to fully integrate women into all levels of the service, including the Naval Academy.
Ray Mabus, the secretary of the Navy, issued a memo to the chief of naval operations on Jan. 1 asking for an “update of position titles and descriptions to demonstrate through this language that women are included in these positions.”
He also wrote: “Please review the position titles throughout the Navy and ensure that they are gender-integrated … removing ‘man’ from their titles.”
So what should it be?
Just mid?
Chief of Naval Operations John Richardson assigned the Navy’s master chief petty officer to establish a group that will, Navy officials said, “canvass the fleet, talk with sailors to hear their thoughts and provide recommendations on feedback.”
I have an idea, how about the US Navy focus on their job of protecting America and not get embarrassed by having their sailors taken hostage by Iranians on the seas and forced to put their hands over their heads and surrender their weapons. Hmm?
Posted January 21, 2016 by Scared Monkeys Barack Obama, Community Agitator, Epic Fail, Military, Obamanation, Political Correctness, US Navy, WTF | 2 comments |
House of Representatives Passes ObamaCare Repeal and Sends it to President … VETO Expected
The House of Representatives passes legislation yesterday that would repeal much of Obamacare and defund Planned Parenthood for one year. The bill passed by a vote of 240 to 181 margin and was sent to Barack Obama, who is most certainly going to veto it. The GOP does not appear to have enough votes override a veto. It makes one wonder then, why did the Republicans bend over to Obama and provide him with a budget just recently that funded all of Obamacare, Planned Parenthood and the rest of his liberal agenda? Is anyone in Washington, DC looking out for “We the People”? It is the first time in 5 years that the GOP has put a bill forward on the desk of Obama that repeals Obamacare.
The House on Wednesday passed legislation that would repeal much of ObamaCare and defund Planned Parenthood for one year, sending the measure to President Obama’s desk.
The bill passed by a vote of 240 to 181. Rep. Collin Peterson (Minn.), who opposes abortion, was the only Democrat to vote for the measure. Reps. Bob Dold (Ill.), Richard Hanna (N.Y.) and John Katko (R-N.Y.), who all hail from swing districts, were the only Republicans to vote against it.
Obama is certain to veto the measure, but Republicans touted the vote as important step toward reversing the Affordable Care Act and the expansion of government it created.
“We are confronting the president with the hard, honest truth: ObamaCare doesn’t work,” Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) said Wednesday.
Republicans were able to get the repeal bill through the Senate, where Democrats had filibustered previous efforts, by using a fast-track process known as reconciliation that allows the bill to pass with a simple majority.
Democrats denounced the measure on the House floor, repeatedly invoking the roughly 16 million people enrolled in ObamaCare programs.
The GOP better do a lot more than just put bills in front of the President. They best come up with alternatives and provide a choice for Americans.
Posted January 7, 2016 by Scared Monkeys Barack Obama, Conservatives, Epic Fail, Healthcare, House of Representatives, Misleader, Obamacare, Obamascare, Obamatax, Paul Ryan (R-WI), Republican, The Lying King, You Can Keep Your Insurance | 2 comments |
FOX News Host Andrea Tantaros Responded to Obama’s Gun Control Tears … I Would Check the Podium for a Raw Onion or Some “No More Tears.”
FOX News Host Andrea Tantaros responded to Barack Obama’s tears on gun control by saying, I would check that podium for a raw onion or some “No More Tears.” It’s not really believable. On Outnumbered, watch the VIDEO where all of the cast respond to Obama’s comments and his continued divisive nature. But once again in a time when Americans are fearful terrorism, want to defend themselves and respect the Bill of Rights of the U.S. Constitution while Obama mocks all who do not agree with his liberal agenda.
Really, after all this time, this lame duck president is making this an issue as if he cares?
FOX News host Andrea Tantaros responded to Obama’s tears today during his gun control push.
“This is how many years? Eight years, he’s almost at the end of his term. And you haven’t heard him go to Chicago and speak out about this issue and he is uniquely poised to do so. But everything he’s doing won’t solve that problem. So I would check that podium for a raw onion or some “No More Tears.” It’s not really believable.
So is FOX News going to suspend her too for making such a comment of the Obamamessiah?
Posted January 6, 2016 by Scared Monkeys 2nd Amendment, Barack Obama, Chicago-Style Politics, Community Agitator, Divider in Chief, FOX NEWS, Gun Control, Obamamessiah, Obamanation, Politics of Fear, The Lying King, US Constitution | 2 comments |
CNN to Host Barack Obama Town hall on Guns in America & Attack on Second Amendment
“A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State,
the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” (Second Amendment)
Lame duck Barack Obama is looking to once again fundamentally transform America and directly attack the Second Amendment. CNN is to host a town hall meeting at George Mason University in Fairfax, Virginia where Obama will look to push gun control even though the Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution states that Americans have the right to bear arms. Sorry, but I don’t trust a word this man says. So he wants to get rid of the guns that protect Americans, really? So then why are the guns not taken away that protect politicians? If Americans allow this to stand, it is the death of liberty. Please do not let this man destroy this country any more than he already has.
President Barack Obama is mounting a final-year push to make gun control part of his legacy despite Republican opposition and is expected to announce unilateral action soon.
He will join CNN’s Anderson Cooper Thursday for an exclusive one-hour live town hall on gun control at George Mason University in Fairfax, Virginia, in hopes of mounting a final pitch to the public.
It’s an issue he has had zero success on so far in his presidency, despite his repeated, emotional appeals for change. Congress has remained a roadblock even in the face of widespread public support for Obama’s past calls for universal background checks or bolstered mental health support, with near uniform opposition from Republicans and a split on the issue among Democrats.
Obama will sit down with Cooper at 8 p.m. ET for the event, titled “Guns in America.” The event’s timing coincides with the fifth anniversary, next Friday, of the shooting of former Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, D-Arizona, in a rampage that left six dead and 13 others wounded.
On January 4, President Obama will meet with Attorney General Loretta Lynch to finalize the executive gun controls expected to be announced next week.
During his first weekly radio address of 2016 Obama said:
A few months ago, I directed my team at the White House to look into any new actions I can take to help reduce gun violence. And on Monday, I’ll meet with our Attorney General, Loretta Lynch, to discuss our options.
Because I get too many letters from parents, and teachers, and kids, to sit around and do nothing. I get letters from responsible gun owners who grieve with us every time these tragedies happen; who share my belief that the Second Amendment guarantees a right to bear arms; and who share my belief we can protect that right while keeping an irresponsible, dangerous few from inflicting harm on a massive scale.
UPDATE I: Donald Trump says I will veto Obama actions on guns.
Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump told supporters Saturday that he will veto President Obama’s actions on guns if elected to the White House.
“The Second Amendment, it’s so great to me,” Trump said at a campaign rally in Biloxi, Miss.
“We’re not changing the Second Amendment.”
Trump said to loud cheers that there is an “assault” on the Second Amendment as Obama considers executive action on gun control.
“I will veto that. I will unsign that so fast,” Trump said.