CAIR Officials Dishonor American Heroes on Memorial Day Who Gave the Ultimate Sacrifice to Preserve Our Freedom

Yup, we have allowed them to live among us and have a credible voice …

From The Clarion Project: While the rest of the country was remembering and honoring US fallen military heroes who made the ultimate sacrifice to preserve our freedoms and liberties, some prominent members of CAIR were doing quite the opposite as they questioned whether they deserved to be honored. In fact, Zahra Billoo, the radical executive-director of CAIR’s San Francisco Bay Area chapter went much further and tweeted whether US soldiers should be honored. I remember when such actions were considered anti-American.

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Virtually all Americans come together on Memorial Day to honor those who paid the ultimate sacrifice for the country’s freedom and safety. Two Council on American-Islamic Relations’ officials spent the holiday weekend differently: Questioning whether U.S. troops deserve to be honored and tweeting that the country was “established upon white supremacy.”

The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), a group labeled by the Justice Department as a U.S. Muslim Brotherhood entity and unindicted co-conspirator in a terrorism-financing trial, disingenuously claims that it is a moderate organization.

Yet, on May 23, Zahra Billoo, the radical executive-director of CAIR’s San Francisco Bay Area chapter, tweeted that she “struggles with Memorial Day each year” about whether to honor American soldiers who died in wars:

Wait there is more. Another CAIR official, Dawud Walid, the executive-director of CAIR’s Michigan chapter, as questioning whether they should honor American soldiers that died in “unjust” wars and occupations. Remember this the next time you see a CAIR mouthpiece on TV spewing BS as a moderate view. It gets more sick, on May 4, 2014 Billoo re-tweeted two opinions that America is inherently murderous. Hah, this coming from the folks who kill innocents, kidnap girls, kill Christians and sentence to death anyone who does not convert to Islam.

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Oh by the way, the U.S. government labeled CAIR an unindicted co-conspirator in the trial of the Holy Land Foundation for financing the Hamas terrorist group.

Volunteer American Doctor Mehdi Ali Qamar Gunned Down in Pakistan

The sick and reprehensible irony of radical Islam, killing a doctor who was trying to save others … Doctor loses his live trying to save others.

Mehdi Ali Qamar, an American doctor was killed when two gunmen on motorcycles shot him dead as he was visiting a graveyard in Pakistan. Dr. Mehdi Ali Qamar was a cardiologist and resident of Fairfield, Ohio. The murdered doctor had arrived in the Punjab province of Pakistan just three days ago to provide free medical cardiac care to heart patients. News travels fast in radical Muslim circles. It is reported that Dr. Mehdi Ali Qamar was shot at least ten times at close range. He was killed in front of his wife and son, who thankfully were not harmed.

Warning: graphic image of murdered doctor can be seen HERE.

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Doctor Mehdi Ali Qamar

A volunteer American cardiologist of Pakistani origin was shot dead in a remote Pakistani town on Monday, in the latest attack which underscored growing religious hatred across the south Asian country.

Doctor Mehdi Ali Qamar, who a Pakistani official said lived in Columbus, Ohio, and was visiting a family graveyard in the town of Chenab Nagar in Pakistan’s Punjab province early morning on Monday, was shot by two gunmen riding a motorcycle.

He belonged to the Ahmadi sect of Muslims whose members were officially declared to be heretics under Pakistan’s law in the mid-1970s. Qamar was a naturalized U.S. citizen who moved there about 15 years ago but visited Pakistan occasionally for volunteer work, said a senior police official in Pakistan’s city of Lahore, which is the local capital of the Punjab.

So why the senseless killing of a volunteer doctor who was just looking to help others? Does radical Islam really need an excuse to kill?

“The assassination of Dr. Qamar took place apparently because he belonged to the Ahmadi sect,” said the police official adding that the doctor was in Pakistan to perform medical procedures as a volunteer.

The Ahmadi movement is regarded by orthodox Muslims as heretical because it does not believe that Mohammed was the final prophet sent to guide mankind.

The U.S. Embassy in Islamabad confirmed the attack and the identity of the victim. Meghan Gregonis, a U.S. Embassy spokeswoman, said in a statement: “We express our deepest condolences to his family and friends. The U.S. Embassy is providing consular assistance. Out of respect for Dr. Qamar’s family during this difficult time, we have no further information to share.”

Three More Victims Identified After Elliot Rodger Deadly Killing Spree in Isla Vista, California … UCSB Students Cheng Yuan Hong, 20, George Chen, 19, and Weihan Wang, 20

Three more victims of the Elliot Rodger of the deadly killing spree have been identified. The three victims who were stabbed multiple times to death in unit No. 7 of a two-story, charcoal gray building on Seville Road have been identified as 20 year old Cheng Yuan Hong, 19 year old George Chen amd 20 year old Weihan Wang. The police state that Hong and Chen were listed as tenants at the apartment along with the 22 year old mass murderer Elliot Rodger. All three victims were students at the University of California Santa Barbara. Thirteen others were injured, some by gunfire and others by being hit by his vehicle. One was in serious condition at Santa Barbara Cottage Hospital.

The three victims who were stabbed in the apartment of the man who unleashed a rampage in the college town of Isla Vista, California, were identified by authorities Sunday, two days after the violent spree.

The victims were identified as Cheng Yuan Hong, 20, and George Chen, 19, both of San Jose, and Weihan Wang, 20, of Fremont.

Authorities said that Hong and Chen were listed as tenants at the apartment of 22-year-old Elliot Rodger, who was suspected of causing the rampage. It was unclear if Wang was a roommate, too. All three were students at the University of California Santa Barbara.


Early today the three other shooting victims that were killed were ID’d,  22 year old Katie Cooper, 19 year old Veronika Weiss and Christopher Ross Michaels-Martinez. All 6 victims in Isla Vista murdered were UCSB students. That fact that an individual with so many mental issues and for some time was not flagged some where along the line had legally purchased guns is troubling, and personally I am as pro-Second Amendment as it gets.

Hidden in Rodger’s bedroom were three guns purchased legally from licensed dealers in Goleta, Oxnard and Burbank, authorities said. They said Rodger used the guns and his black BMW to wreak havoc across a square mile of the quiet college town — running down cyclists and skateboarders, shooting through shop windows and exchanging fire with officers.

Elliot Rodger had wrote in his 141 page manifesto the details to his deranged plans that stated, “The first people I would have to kill are my two housemates, to secure the entire apartment for myself as my personal torture and killing chamber.” The psycho then went on to write that he would lure people into the apartment and kill them before an “ultimate showdown in the streets of Isla Vista.”

Three Victims of Mass Shootings Identified By Police: 22 Year Old Katie Cooper, 19 Year Old Veronika Weiss & 20 Year Old Christopher Michael-Martinez … All University of California Santa Barbara Student … RIP

Please ay a prayer for the family and loved ones of the Isla Vista Mass shooting victims … REST IN PEACE.

Three victims of the mass shootings at the hands of 22 year old Elliot Rodger have been identified by authorities. The three victims ID’d were all  University of California Santa Barbara students. Four others were also killed, including the gunman and several others were injured in the shooting rampage. 22 year old Katie Cooper and 19 year old Veronika Weiss were Delta Delta Delta sorority sisters who died after being shot outside the Alpha Phi sorority house at the 800 block of Embarcadero del Norte close to the campus of the University of California at Santa Barbara (UCSB).

Thousands of mourners gathered for a vigil in Isla Vista at University of California, Santa Barbara on Saturday evening as students and community members sang ‘Amazing Grace’.

Christopher Ross Michaels-Martinez: A grieving father identified his 20-year-old son as a victim in in the shooting. Michaels-Martinez was from Los Osos and was gunned down at a local deli, IV Deli Mart.

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Christopher Michael-Martinez

Veronika Elizabeth Weiss: Weiss, of Westlake Village and a graduate of Westlake High School, was in her first year at the University of California, Santa Barbara. She was 19. According to her Facebook page, Weiss was a member of the Delta Delta Delta sorority The crazed shooter claimed to be a virgin and spurned by girls; however, the father of Veronika Weiss said his daughter would not have shunned the loner.

My daughter would probably have been a friend to him because of the way she was,” he was quoted as telling the newspaper.

“She was always drawn to the ones with the broken wings. She was the opposite of what he thought he was shooting.
US-CRIME-SHOOTING-SCHOOL The shooting has stunned the student town

“She was the kind who would have reached out to him. She reached out to the kids who weren’t the most popular or the cutest.”

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Veronika Weiss

Katherine Breann Cooper: Cooper was a 22-year-old UCSB student from Chino Hills. She and Weiss were Tri-Delta sorority sisters. Cooper studied art history and archaeology at UCSB, according to her Facebook. She graduated from Ruben S. Ayala High School in Chino Hills in 2010.

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The Twitter community, filled with people who closely knew Katie and Veronica, have sent their condolences, prayers, and sympathies through hundreds of tweets already.



16 Year Old Aazis Richardson Arrested and Charged with Murder of Cabbie Vincent Darbenzio Because He Took the Long Way … Hmm, Also Robbed Cabbie of $500

Yeah, the gang member and punk with the illegal gun blames the cabbie …

16 year old Aazis Richardson has been charged with  first, second and third degree murder, robbery and other related counts in the shooting death of a cab driver. Richardson shot 47 year old Vincent Darbenzio twice in the head as he claims he did so because he became “upset because the cab driver was taking the long way and ripping him off.” Hmm, so you killed him, that’s the response? Aazis Richardson claims the cabbie was trying to rip him off so what did this thug do, he robbed the cabbie of $500.  The shooting occurred at the intersection of Crown Avenue  and Pear Street in South Scranton, right outside the entrance to the Valley View Terrace housing complex, one of the city’s first public housing developments. Brian McCarthy, the owner and CEO of McCarthy Flowered Cabs, who Darbenzio worked for said, “This is the most horrific thing that’s ever happened to me since I’ve been in the taxi business.”

Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, the NAACP and Barack Obama could not be reached for a response.

Full criminal complaint can be rad HERE.

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16 year old Aazis Richardson

Aazis Richardson was charged with murder Friday night, hours after police said he shot 47-year-old Vincent Darbenzio twice in the head. The cab driver’s body was found in his vehicle shortly before 5 a.m. near the entrance to a Scranton housing complex.

“Richardson said he got upset because the cab driver was taking the long way and ripping him off,” police wrote in a criminal complaint posted online by The Times-Tribune of Scranton. The complaint said Richardson told investigators the driver kept taking a longer route even after being told shortcuts.

Richardson told police he became angry and shot Darbenzio after telling him to pull over,  according to the complaint.

UPDATE I: Teen arrested in Scranton cabbie’s murder has a criminal and gang related past … go figure.

16 years old and already implicated and being investigated in 4 murders. Just lock this kid up for the rest of his life or introduce him to old ” Sparky” and do society a favor.

Mr. Darbenzio picked Mr. Richardson up on Washburn Street about 3 a.m. and Mr. Richardson told detectives he asked to be let out near Valley View Terrace. It was there Mr. Richardson shot Mr. Darbenzio and stole $500 from his pockets before walking away.

He told police he threw the money in the woods near his 1011 Washburn St. home, but police have not found it.

“All homicides have a certain level of coldness,” Chief Carl Graziano said at a news conference after the accused murderer was arraigned. “But this particular defendant exceeds all measurable levels of coldness.”

Police located Mr. Richardson after tracing his address from the phone number used to call for the cab.

Mr. Richardson claims he bought the 9mm handgun for $175 in Newark, N.J., where he said he is a member of the Boyton Boys set of the Bloods gang. Police found the weapon after the defendant continued to glance at a bag where he had stashed it in the attic.

He also claims to be a suspect in a triple homicide in Newark but had been released from jail. District Attorney Andy Jarbola said his office was investigating.

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