Search Continues for Missing Charlotte-Mecklenburg School Teacher Bianca Tanner … Son tells Police, “Angelo is Mean to Mommy and Hurt Mommy in the Face.”(Update: Body of Bianca Tanner Found)(Update: Missing Teacher’s Boyfriend charged With Murder)

31 year old Bianca Tanner has been missing since Sunday, June 8, 2014 in Charlotte, North Carolina. The police have elevated the case to a homicide investigation and have released new details of the missing persons case. During the course of the investigation, detectives talked to several family members of Tanner, including her 3-year-old son. The child told police, “Mommy got a spanking with the belt. Angelo kicked mommy’s butt and made her cry. Angelo is mean to mommy and hurt mommy in the face.” Angelo Smith has an outstanding warrant for domestic battery out of Arkansas.



Police said Tanner’s boyfriend, Angelo Smith, reported her missing on June 8. Smith told police the two got into an argument over a text message, the warrant states.

In the warrant, Smith said Tanner left the apartment intoxicated carrying a bag with her. Tanner has not been seen since.

During the investigation, detectives talked to several family members of Tanner, including her 3-year-old son.

Tanner’s son told police, “Mommy got a spanking with the belt. Angelo kicked mommy’s butt and made her cry.” The boy also told police that “Angelo is mean to mommy and hurt mommy in the face.”

The search warrant states police are looking for a belt/paddle, cellphones, clothes worn by Tanner during the alleged assault, evidence of blood, hairs and other bodily fluids.

UPDATE I:  Body of missing Bianca Tanner found.

Charlotte-Mecklenburg police said early Thursday they believe they have found the remains of Bianca Tanner, the former Guilford Co. teacher that went missing in Charlotte June 8.

Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Chief Rodney Monroe  said detectives believe they have found the remains of Tanner in a wooded area near Shopton Road West and Westinghouse Boulevard, about 16 miles from Smith’s apartment.

UPDATE II: Missing teacher’s boyfriend charged with murder after body found.

Her boyfriend, Angelo Grayson Smith Jr., has been charged with murder. He was initially identified as a person of interest in the case after he told authorities that a drunken Tanner left their home following an argument and never returned. She was last seen June 8.

Waffle House Employee Quintavius Martin Shoots and Kills Customer Adrian Mosley in South Fulton County, Georgia

Looks like the customer isn’t always right …

A Waffle House cook. 25-year-old Quintavius Martin, shot and killed a customer, 33-year-old Adrian Mosley, after an argument Friday morning at a Waff;e House in South Fulton County, Georgia. The police were called to the restaurant on Fulton Industrial Boulevard and Shirley Drive just after 4:30 AM. According to a witness, “Three people came in and they were being unruly.”  They were asked to leave, one female did; however, the two guys hung around and one of them got into it with the cook and the security guard. According to accounts, one of the customers threatened Martin saying, “he’s from this side of town and you can take it outside because I’m going to fire you up.”  Quintavius Martin has been charged with murder.

One might say that the Waffle House cook was defending himself and this was justifiable homicide.

Police say a Waffle House cook shot and killed a customer after an argument Friday morning.

Officers said they were called to the restaurant on Fulton Industrial Boulevard and Shirley Drive just after 4:30 a.m.

“Three people came in and they were being unruly,” said witness Ontray Haley. “The female that was with them they asked her to leave so she left, but the two guys hung around and one of them got into it with the cook and the security guard. Next this I know shots rang out and it was a chaotic scene. Everybody was running and ducking.”

Fulton County police detectives said the customer, identified as 33-year-old Adrian Mosley, may have thrown water into 25-year-old Quintavius Martin’s face before Martin, the Waffle House cook, pulled a gun.

“The guy was threatening the cook saying he’s from this side of town and (Martin) said you can take it outside because I’m going to fire you up, which I guess he meant he wanted to shoot him or whatever,” Haley said. “I didn’t know the cook had a weapon on him because I thought the security guard shot him.”

UPDATE I: Accused Waffle House shooter waives first court appearance.

Quintavius Martin, the Waffle House employee charged with shooting and killing a customer during an argument Friday morning, waived his first court appearance Saturday, said Fulton County Sheriff’s Office spokeswoman Tracy Flanagan.

Fulton County police Cpl. Kay Lester said Martin, 25, has been charged with murder, possession of a firearm during the commission of a crime and carrying a concealed weapon without a permit. He is being held at the Fulton County Jail without bond.

O.J. Simpson: 20 Years Since the Murders of Nicole Brown Simpson & Ron Goldman… After Midnight on the Morning of June 13, 1994, Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman were Found Murdered Outside her Home in Los Angeles, CA

It is hard to believe it has been 20 years since the murders of Nicole Brown Simpson and her friend Ron Goldman. The two were found brutally murdered outside of her home in Los Angeles, CA.

Long after the so-called “not guilty” verdict of O J Simpson in the horrific murders of  Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman so many questions still remain.  There was a mountain of evidence, including DNA, that should have made this a slam dunk case. However, in what was probably the greatest example ever of jury nullification, a jury acquitted OJ Simpson in the double murders. Of course, common sense and rational people knew then and know now much different. The murder trial of O.J Simpson was dubbed, The Trial of the Century. But sadly, instead of the trial being about finding justice for Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman, for their brutal and savage murders, the Defense ‘Dream Team’ sought to make the trial about race and pulled the race card out from the bottom of the deck. The trial divided America. The verdict was a travesty of justice and for all those involved in that travesty, and applauded that travesty … God help you.

Nicole Brown Simpson_Ron Goldman

Remember Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman murdered 6/12/94

To many, particularly in minority communities,  the trial of Orenthal James Simpson became not so much a determination of his guilt or innocence of murder in the first degree, beyond a reasonable doubt, but whether or not a black man could find justice in a legal system designed by and largely administered by whites. To others, many of whom were white, the key question was whether a mostly minority jury would convict a black celebrity regardless of the weight of evidence against him.

Ron Goldman’s father: Son’s death is ‘like yesterday’

AP PHOTOS: Memorable images from OJ Simpson case.

NBC News Today:

“It’s like yesterday,” said Fred Goldman on TODAY Wednesday. His son, Ron Goldman, was murdered along with Simpson’s ex-wife Nicole Brown Simpson. “The loss is exactly the same. Nothing has changed.”

Years after O.J. Simpson was acquitted of the murders, questions remain about what happened 20 years ago this month and how an apparently strong case with “a mountain of DNA evidence” failed result in a conviction.

Shortly after midnight on the morning of June 13, 1994, Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman were found murdered outside her home in Los Angeles. Evidence on the scene led police to suspect O.J. Simpson of the murders, and Simpson’s lawyers arranged for him to turn himself in on the morning of June 17.

Soon after Simpson failed to appear at the allotted time, police issued an all-points bulletin. Early that evening, a bizarre low-speed chase ensued, with up to 20 police cars pursuing Simpson in his white Bronco, driven by his friend Al Cowlings, while media helicopters televised the chase nationwide. The chase ended at Simpson’s house, where he eventually surrendered peacefully.

Simpson’s trial on two counts of murder began in January 1995 and ended with his acquittal more than eight months later.

Most people focus on the cute tag line by the late defense attorney Johnny Cochran when O.J Simpson was asked to put on the bloody gloves, “If It Doesn’t Fit, You Must Acquit”.  There is a general rule withing the legal industry that a lawyer is never to ask a question they do not already know the answer to. Assistant DA Darden blew this one.

OJ Simpson_glove

However, folks may want to better remember where that bloody golf came from, the gruesome crime scene where Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman were stabbed to death. Where Nicole’s head was nearly severed from her body. Take a good look at that bloody glove, doesn’t seem so cute with “if it doesn’t fit” does it? What doesn’t fit is that an obviously guilty individual was set free.  WARNING – DISTURBING AND GRAPHIC PHOTOS: pics here of crime scene.

OJ Simpson_blood evidense_Photo By LAPD_AP

16 months after the killings of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman on June 12, 1994, a jury found there was not enough evidence against O.J. Simpson to convict him. But there was plenty of evidence the jury didn’t see.

  • Nicole’s best friend Kris Jenner said Nicole told her just weeks before the murders, “He’s gonna kill me, and he’s gonna get away with it.”
  • Two other key witnesses told police they saw O.J. Simpson soon after the killings. Jill Shively said, “All of a sudden, a white car comes flying north on Bundy, and I barely miss him. It was O.J. Simpson.” But Shively never testified because she sold her story to the press.
  • Jurors never heard, either, from Skip Junis, who said he saw the former football star and actor at the airport later that night. “He was carrying this little, cheap gym bag, and was pulling things out and dumping ‘em in the trash can,” he said.
  • There was also a suicide note, read by Simpson’s close friend Robert Kardashian. It was never heard in court. Neither did 911 recordings from the police’s famous low-speed chase of the white Bronco on Los Angeles highways.

Barack Obama Administration Heard Terrorists Using State Dept. Phones During Benghazi Attacks, Eric Stahl U.S. Air Force Commander Speaks … But What Difference Does It Make


The information keeps trickling in on Benghazi and what both Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton were very much aware of as the attacks occurred. The attacks in Benghazi on the US Consulate, that the Obama administration knowingly and falsely blamed on a video tape, where four Americans died including US Ambassador Chris Stevens took place on September 11, 2012. Now we learn that the Obama administration heard terrorists using US State Department phones the night of the attack. UNREAL!

Interview with Fox News and Bret Baier, ‘Special Report’.

Bret Baier: Bottom line, in the alert status you were in, conceivable if they called early enough you could have evaced those people from Benghazi?

Eric Stahl: Absolutely! If they would have called we could have been down there in 3 hours, basically … We could have gone down there and got them easily.


The terrorists who attacked the U.S. consulate and CIA annex in Benghazi on September 11, 2012 used cell phones, seized from State Department personnel during the attacks, and U.S. spy agencies overheard them contacting more senior terrorist leaders to report on the success of the operation, multiple sources confirmed to Fox News.

The disclosure is important because it adds to the body of evidence establishing that senior U.S. officials in the Obama administration knew early on that Benghazi was a terrorist attack, and not a spontaneous protest over an anti-Islam video that had gone awry, as the administration claimed for several weeks after the attacks.

Eric Stahl, who recently retired as a major in the U.S. Air Force, served as commander and pilot of the C-17 aircraft that was used to transport the corpses of the four casualties from the Benghazi attacks – then-U.S. Ambassador to Libya Chris Stevens, information officer Sean Smith, and former Navy SEALs Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods – as well as the assault’s survivors from Tripoli to the safety of an American military base in Ramstein, Germany.

In an exclusive interview on Fox News’ “Special Report,” Stahl said members of a CIA-trained Global Response Staff who raced to the scene of the attacks were “confused” by the administration’s repeated implication of the video as a trigger for the attacks, because “they knew during the attack…who was doing the attacking.” Asked how, Stahl told anchor Bret Baier: “Right after they left the consulate in Benghazi and went to the [CIA] safehouse, they were getting reports that cell phones, consulate cell phones, were being used to make calls to the attackers’ higher ups.”

More from The LID:

Stahl said members of a CIA-trained Global Response Staff who raced to the scene of the attacks were “confused” by the administration’s repeated implication of the video as a trigger for the attacks, because “they knew during the attack…who was doing the attacking.” Asked how, Stahl told anchor Bret Baier: “Right after they left the consulate in Benghazi and went to the [CIA] safehouse, they were getting reports that cell phones, consulate cell phones, were being used to make calls to the attackers’ higher ups.”

A separate U.S. official, one with intimate details of the bloody events of that night, confirmed the major’s assertion. The second source, who requested anonymity to discuss classified data, told Fox News he had personally read the intelligence reports at the time that contained references to calls by terrorists – using State Department cell phones captured at the consulate during the battle – to their terrorist leaders. The second source also confirmed that the security teams on the ground received this intelligence in real time.

Major Stahl was never interviewed by the Accountability Review Board, the investigative panel convened, pursuant to statute, by then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, as the official body reviewing all the circumstances surrounding the attacks and their aftermath. Many lawmakers and independent experts have criticized the thoroughness of the ARB, which also never interviewed Clinton nor the under secretary of State for management, Patrick Kennedy, a key figure in the decisions about security at the consulate in the period preceding the attack there.

Murder/Suicide: Two Police Officers and a Third Person Killed by Two Gunmen in Las Vegas on Sunday in Las Vegas, Nevada (Update: Two Gunman Kill Themselves)(Update: Slain Officers ID’d as Alyn Beck & Igor Soldo)

Two police officers ambushed and gunned down in Las Vegas …

Two gunmen have killed two police officers and a third individual in Las Vegas, Nevada Sunday around 11:30 am local time. The two police officers were shot as they ate lunch at a  CiCi’s Pizza shop  at 309 N. Nellis Boulevard. The shooting was described as an ambush as one of the suspects yelled, “This is a revolution”.  The two gunmen then fled to a Wal-Mart across the street, where they shot to death a person near the entrance, then continued inside the store. The two then killed themselves in an apparent suicide pact. No names of the victims or suspects have been released. According to accounts, the two assailants were a man and a woman.

Two police officers and a third person were killed by two gunmen in Las Vegas on Sunday, according to Las Vegas Metropolitan Police spokeswoman Laura Meltzer.

The attackers first opened fire and killed the officers at about 11:30 a.m. as they were eating lunch, she said.

Witnesses told police that the gunmen said “this is a revolution.”
Gunmen kill two police officers

The shooters then crossed a street and went to a Walmart where the third person was killed at the store’s entrance, Meltzer said.

The suspects then killed themselves, she said.


Las Vegas Metro police Sheriff Doug Gillespie was not able to answer many of the media’s questions this afternoon due to the on going investigation into the murder/suicide shooting and police ambush this afternoon. Sheriff Gillespie did provide the names of the two deceased police officers, Alyn Beck and Igor Soldo.

The two Metro Police officers killed while they ate lunch Sunday have been identified as Officers Alyn Beck, 42, and Igor Soldo, 32, Metro Police said.

Police Conference-Las Vegas2

pic: screen grab from 8 News Now video

Rest in peace officers Alyn Beck and Igor Soldo.

Police Conference-Las Vegas3

screen grab from 8 News Now video

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