ISIS VIDEO Appears to Show Another Brutal Beheading … This Time It is British Hostage & Aid Worker David Haines (Update: British PM Condemns as “Act of Pure Evil”)


From Reuters comes the following … An ISIS VIDEO appears to show the latest execution, the beheading of  44 year old British hostage, David Haines. These savages need to be jdamed out of existence. David Haines was a British aid worker helping the French agency Acted deliver humanitarian aid and a father-of-two who was taken hostage in the village of Atmeh, in the Idlib province of Syria, in March 2013. This now makes the third Westerner that ISIS has beheaded, which previously included American journalists James Foley and Steven Sotloff.

The beheading occurred just a day after Haine’s family issued a plea to ISIS.  People need to understand, there is no dealing with this people. ISIS does not comprehend pleas, acts of mercy or anything human. They are brutal killers who can only be dealt with in one way ... annihilation!

Islamic State militants fighting in Iraq and Syria released a video on Saturday which purported to show the beheading of British aid worker David Haines.

Reuters could not immediately verify the footage. However, the images were consistent with that of the filmed executions of two American journalists, James Foley and Steven Sotloff, in the past month.

Haines, a 44-year-old father of two from Perth in Scotland, was kidnapped last year while working for the French agency ACTED.

The video entitled, “A Message to the Allies of America,” opened with UK Prime Minister David Cameron talking about working with the Iraqi government and allied Kurdish Peshmerga forces to defeat Islamic State.

“This British man has to pay the price for your promise, Cameron, to arm the Peshmerga against the Islamic State,” said a masked man dressed in black with a British accent, standing over Haines, who was shown kneeling and wearing an orange jumpsuit.

The video then showed the beheading of the kneeling man.

UPDATE I: Prior to beheading, Haines was forced to give a statement saying that British Prime Minister David Cameron is “entirely responsible for [his] execution.”

“You entered voluntarily into a coalition with the United States against the Islamic State [ISIS], just as your predecessor Tony Blair did, following a trend amongst British Prime Ministers who can’t find the courage to say no to the Americans,” Haines says.

In another section of the video, the would-be executioner says, “This British man has to pay the price for your promise, Cameron, to arm the peshmerga against the Islamic State.” The peshmerga are Kurdish forces who, along with Iraqi forces and heavy American air support, dealt ISIS a major blow by wresting from the terror group control of the Mosul Dam last month.

This is not a US fight, it is a Western fight


UPDATE II: BBC – British Prime Minister David Cameron Condemns the murder of David Haines.

The murder of David Haines was an “act of pure evil”, David Cameron has said after the release of a video purporting to show the UK hostage’s beheading.

The PM vowed to do “everything in our power to hunt down” the killers of the 44-year-old aid worker, from Perth, who was kidnapped last year in Syria.

Islamic State militants have already beheaded two Americans, saying it was in response to US airstrikes in Iraq.

The latest video also includes a threat to kill a second British hostage.

Mr Cameron said the murder of an innocent aid worker was “despicable and appalling”.

“It is an act of pure evil. My heart goes out to the family of David Haines who have shown extraordinary courage and fortitude throughout this ordeal.


UK Daily Mail

UPDATE IV: NBC - ISIS terrorist says the execution is in retaliation for Britain’s decision to supply arms opposition fighters battling ISIS in Iraq.

A black-clad, masked militant holding a knife then says the execution is in retaliation for Britain’s decision to supply arms to Kurdish fighters battling ISIS in Iraq.

After the murder, another captive is shown and the executioner warns Cameron, “you will have the blood of your people on your hands,” if the U.K. continues to ally with the U.S. in its campaign against the group.

UPDATE V: The White House has just released a statement condemning the murder of David Haines and promise to “degrade and destroy” the terrorist group now known as ISIL.

Enough of your cheap talk Obama … do something.

“The United States strongly condemns the barbaric murder of UK citizen David Haines by the terrorist group ISIL.

“Our hearts go out to the family of Mr. Haines and to the people of the United Kingdom.

“The United States stands shoulder to shoulder tonight with our close friend and ally in grief and resolve.

“We will work with the United Kingdom and a broad coalition of nations from the region and around the world to bring the perpetrators of this outrageous act to justice, and to degrade and destroy this threat to the people of our countries, the region and the world.”

Michael Foley, Brother of Beheaded American Journalist James Foley, Says US State Department Threatened Us


In an exclusive interview with Megyn Kelly last night on ‘The Kelly File’ , Michael Foley, the brother of beheaded American journalist James Foley said that the American State Department threatened him personally. UNREAL. It is one thing for the United States government not to negotiate with terrorists and pay ransoms, but to hinder a family in trying to get their loved one back, at any cost, so-to-speak. It’s not like Obama was busy trying to secure Foley’s release. He was too busy on vacation and golfing.

Kelly: I’m wondering if you feel he [Obama] and the administration did all they could to get Jim back.

Foley: No, no. We’re appalled by the situation and you know, it went past not doing everything they could, they were actually in impedance and got in our way and that’s what really bothers me to the core. We were, I was specifically threatened by the Department of State about raising funds toward ransom demands for my brother. We were smart enough to look past it but it slowed us down. We lost a lot of time trying to regroup.


In an exclusive interview with Fox News’ Megyn Kelly last night on the Kelly File the brother of beheaded American journalist James “Jim” Foley, Michael Foley, expressed disappointment over how the Obama administration is handling the threat of terror army ISIS and in the administration’s handling of his brother’s capture leading up to his death. James Foley was beheaded three weeks ago by an ISIS terrorist and a YouTube video of the gruesome murder was posted online. President Obama was on vacation at the time and eight minutes after making a statement about the murder, returned to the golf course, a move a majority of Americans found to be in bad taste.

In reacting to President Obama’s speech earlier this week, Foley said he wanted to see a more involved strategy put on the table to stabilize the region. Further in reaction to a question posed by Kelly about whether the Obama administration did everything it could to bring James Foley home, especially after the Bowe Bergdahl swap and comments by Obama saying Americans leave no man behind, Michael Foley said his family is “appalled” by the situation. Foley also talked about how he was threatened directly by the State Department and said that when the family tried to get information from the U.S. government or from other allies, they were stonewalled

The Untold Story by the MSM … Ali Muhammad Brown Called Murdered 19 Year Old Brendan Tevlin as a “Just Kill” and said Was an act of “Vengeance” Against U.S. Military Killings in the Middle East (Update: Audio, PLJ’s Todd Pettengill)

The murder of 19 year Brendan Tevlin was an act of terrorism and a “Just Kill”.

Brendan Tevlin, a 19 year old college student was found shot to death in his SUV in West Orange New Jersey on June 25, 2014. It received little media coverage and the police initially called it as a robbery gone wrong.That is what it may have fist appeared to be; however, the murder of 19 year old Brendan Tevlin was far from a robbery, it was an act of terrorism and as the defendant, Ali Muhammad Brown, called it … a “Just Kill”. Ali Muhammad Brown, a devout Muslin told prosecutors that, “All these lives are taken every single day by America, by this government. So a life for a life.” Ali Muhammad Brown was earlier charged with aggravated murder in the June 1 shooting deaths of two young men in Seattle, WA, Ahmed Said and Dwone Anderson-Young and with first-degree aggravated murder in the April 27 shooting of 30-year-old Leroy Henderson in Skyway, south of Seattle.

Listen to 99.5 PLJ’s radio host Todd Pettengill from The Todd Show.

Please make sure to listen to NY radio personality Todd Pettengill’s comments. It is a must listen. Here is a blast from the past. I used to listen to Todd back in the 90′s when he was a co-host on WPLJ’s morning show with Scott Shannon. And before that when he worked at 92FLY in Albany, NY. Here is an individual that does morning radio, not hard news and yet he has done more to cover this story than all of the MSM combined. Once again we are witness to political correctness where the MSM refuses to cover what they consider uncomfortable. It is okay to riot in the streets when a black teen is shot by a white police officer, but it is not okay to even cover the story when a white teen is murdered as a result of domestic terrorism by one who follows Islam?

Brendan Tevlin’s murder evidence that ‘domestic terrorism is already here,’ says radio host (AUDIO):

Todd Pettengill, host of WPLJ’s “The Todd Show”, discussed the death of Brendan Tevlin for more than eight minutes this morning, asking why the case has not received more attention despite the alleged murderer’s admissions that he killed Tevlin as an act of vengeance for U.S. military actions in the Middle East.

“It was in fact an act of jihad, perpetrated by a fellow American who sympathized more with those who want to annihilate us than with his own country and its people,” he said.

Essex County authorities have charged 29-year-old Ali Muhammad Brown with killing Tevlin in a West Orange intersection on June 25. Since being taken into custody on July 18, he has confessed to the murder, along with three others in Washington state, saying they were carried out as retribution for innocent lives lost in Iraq, Syria and other parts of the Islamic world.

Pettengil criticized President Barack Obama and U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder for not referencing the case in recent addresses and downplaying the level of threat radical Islamists currently living in America could pose.

He also chided the media for not bringing the story to the national stage, and focusing instead on other protests such as those in Ferguson, Mo., where an unarmed black teenager, Michael Brown, was shot to death by a police officer last month.


Ali Muhammad Brown

I understand why the MSM did not cover this story initially as it may have appeared as just another tragic shooting death in the commission of a robbery. But that is not the case now. This was a terror act. Where is the MSM, where is Eric Holder, where is Barack Obama? How is an America 19 year old boy murdered on American soil by a devout Muslim as an act of vengeance against US military operations in the Middle East and it is not covered as the terrorist act that it is?

Brendan Tevlin

Brendan Tevlin

Brown is a devout Muslim opposed to U.S. intervention overseas, especially Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria and Iran, prosecutors said.

“All these lives are taken every single day by America, by this government. So a life for a life,” he told investigators, according to the documents.

Brown further justified killing Tevlin by claiming the shooting was a “just kill,” meaning he targeted an adult man and did not put any women, children or elderly people in danger.

In police interviews, Brown described the U.S.’s military campaign in the Middle East as evil and said if a “man sees evil, then he must take action against that evil,” the court papers show.

Police maintained that the June 25 shooting started as a robbery.

Officers said Brown fired 10 shots into Tevlin’s Jeep Liberty when it was stopped at intersection early in the morning in West Orange, N.J. Then he got into the 19-year-old’s car and drove it to a nearby apartment complex to abandon it

19 Year Old Convicted Killer T.J. Lane Escapes Allen Oakwood Correctional Institution in Lima, OH … Was Serving Three Life Sentences for 2012 Chardon High School Shooting (UPDATE: T.J. Lane Captured)


19 year old T.J. Lane, who was serving three life sentences for the 2012 murders of his fellow students at Chardon High School, has escaped the Allen Oakwood Correctional Institution in Lima, Ohio. At his sentencing, this smug and remorseless POS, T.J.Lane, unbuttoned a dress shirt to reveal a T-shirt scrawled with the word “killer.” He wore a similar shirt during the shootings. He then cursed profanities and made an obscene gesture as the judge gave him three life sentences.

According to reports, Lane broke out of prison with two other individuals around 7:40 p.m. Thursday. T.J. Lane escaped with Clifford E Opperud, 45, who was serving time for aggravated robbery and another man. According to the police department’s Facebook page, the men are wearing prison-blue uniforms. According to Lima police Sgt. Andy Green, one inmate was captured.

T.J. Lane, a remorseless killer serving three life sentences for indiscriminately killing fellow students at his Ohio high school in 2012, has escaped.

Authorities haven’t said how the 19-year-old broke out of the Allen Oakwood Correctional Institution in Lima, about 90 miles northwest of Columbus. He escaped, along with two other men, about 7:40 p.m. Thursday.

Lima police were searching the neighborhoods on the north end of the city, and asked residents to lock their doors and stay inside.

Lane was sentenced to three consecutive life sentences for his attack at Chardon High School on February 27, 2012.

He walked in to the school cafeteria with a .22-caliber gun and randomly started shooting. He fired 10 rounds, killing three students.


UPDATE on the two escaped prisoners.

The two prisoners are Thomas Michael Lane III and Clifford E Opperud. Please share these photos with all your friends. Do not open your doors for strangers. Do not pick up hitch hikers. Call LPD if you see anything suspicious. Officers are currently searching the neighborhoods in the vicinity of the north end of town. You will see law enforcement in your neighborhood. PLEASE do not tweet or post the locations of our officers.

Thomas Michael Lane III
age 19
5’8″ / 125 lbs
brown hair / brown eyes
Originally from Chardon Ohio

Clifford E Opperud
age 45
5’10″ 175 lbs
blonde hair, blue eyes
originally from Carlisle Ohio

TJ Lane Escape

Clifford E Opperud (left) – Thomas Michael Lane III (right)

Chardon High School shooter T.J. Lane escapes from prison, reports say.

Lima Police Sgt. Andy Green said officials are now searching areas near the prison for Lane, 19, and another man, Clifford E. Opperud, 45, who also escaped. Lane escaped with two other inmates but one was captured, Green said.

Green said the department was notified about the escape at 8 p.m. Thursday. He said it’s unknown how the men got out of the Allen Correctional Institution.

Lima police, the Allen County Sheriff’s Department and the Ohio Highway Patrol are all searching neighborhoods and wooded areas within a quarter-mile of the prison for the two men, Green said.

Opperud, of Carlisle, Ohio, is described as being 5-10, 175 pounds with blond hair and blue eyes. According to the Ohio Department of Corrections website, Opperud has been incarcerated since June 2008 on charges of kidnapping, aggravated robbery and aggravated burglary.

He was scheduled to remain in prison until March 2023.

UPDATE I:  T.J. Lane captured!!!

 T.J. Lane, who killed three students in an attack at Chardon High School in 2012, was recaptured early Friday morning, just hours after he escaped from prison in Lima, according to the State Highway Patrol.

Lane,19, was one of three inmates who escaped from the Allen Correctional Institution at 7:45 p.m. Thursday. One of the inmates was captured soon after.

If was unclear if Clifford Opperud, 45, who also escaped with Lane, was apprehended.

Posted September 11, 2014 by
Aggrevated Murder, Crime, Murder | no comments

Judge Thokozile Masipa Rules Blade Runner Oscar Pistorius Not Guilty of Premeditated Murder in the Death of Girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp … Still Faces “Culpable Homicide”(Update: Pistorius Found Guilty of Culpable Homicide)

Oscar Pistorius Found Not Guilty of Murder in Death of  Reeva Steenkamp … Say hello to South Africa’s O.J. Simpson.

This morning Judge Thokozile Masipa ruled the Blade Runner, Oscar Pistorius, was not guilty of premeditated murder in the shooting death of his girl friend Reeva Steenkamp. The shooting took place on Valentine’s Day 2013.  The judge ruled that the prosecution’s evidence to support a charge of premeditated murder was “purely circumstantial.” and “the state clearly has not proved beyond reasonable doubt that the accused is guilty of premeditated murder.”  The judge went on to say that “there are not enough facts.” However, Pistorius is hardly out of trouble as he only has been found “not guilty” of the most serious murder charge. He still faces the lesser charges of “culpable homicide” in the shooting death of his girlfriend.

The judge presiding over the trial of Oscar Pistorius, the Paralympic athlete, cleared him of the two most serious murder charges against him on Thursday, almost certainly sparing him a long prison sentence. But then, after appearing to be on the verge of declaring Mr. Pistorius guilty of a lesser crime, culpable homicide, in the shooting death of his girlfriend, the judge abruptly suspended court proceedings for the rest of the day.

“We’ll have to stop here and resume tomorrow morning,” the judge, Thokozile Matilda Masipa, said less than half an hour after the session had resumed after a lunch break. She did not explain the adjournment.

Judge Masipa then turned to the lesser charge of culpable homicide, which is comparable to involuntary manslaughter, and said Mr. Pistorius had failed three tests to be exonerated of the charge. One considers what a “reasonable” person would have done under the same circumstances.

Reuters – Africa: Pistorius cleared of murder, culpable homicide verdict to come.

“I am of the view that the accused acted too hastily and used excessive force. It is clear that his conduct was negligent,” she told the packed courtroom before adjourning until Friday. She also said he had not acted “reasonably”.

Earlier, Masipa ruled that prosecutors, led by the combative Gerrie Nel, had failed to prove the 27-year-old intended to kill Steenkamp after an argument.

The defence said Pistorius shot Steenkamp as a result of a tragic accident after mistaking her for an intruder hiding behind a locked toilet door.

As Masipa delivered her not-guilty decision on the primary charge of premeditated murder, Pistorius, who would have faced at least 25 years behind bars if convicted, sat sobbing in the dock, tears streaming down his cheeks.

Culpable homicide – the South African equivalent of Britain’s manslaughter – carries up to 15 years in prison but has no minimum sentence.

Although Masipa described Pistorius as a “very poor” and “evasive” witness, she said it did not mean he was necessarily guilty in a case heavily reliant on circumstantial evidence

ABC News:  Judge Masipa called Pistorius a “very poor witness” during the murder trial and found he was at times vague and avoided answering some of the prosecution’s questions. Despite that, she says this does not necessarily indicate his guilt. From the wording of the judge’s decision in the not guilty verdict of murder and premeditated murder,m it seems almost a certainty that she will find him guilty of culpable homicide.

 A verdict on the charge of culpable homicide, similar to manslaughter in the United States, still remains. Pistorius also faces two counts of discharging a gun in a public area, as well as illegal possession of ammunition.

If he is found guilty of murder without premeditation, or culpable homicide, he could receive a 15-year sentence as a first time offender. Mitigating factors, such as his emotional state, anxiety levels and disability could result in a lesser sentence.

The Guardian: LIVE updated coverage of the trial of Oscar Pistorius.

UPDATE I: Oscar Pistorius found guilty of culpable homicide

Olympic and Paralympic track star Oscar Pistorius was convicted of culpable homicide on Friday, escaping the more serious charge of murder for the killing of his girlfriend, and will now battle to avoid going to prison.

The 27-year-old double amputee, who became one of the biggest names in world athletics, stood impassively in the dock, his hands folded in front of him, as Judge Thokozila Masipa delivered her verdict.

Pistorius was also convicted of firing a pistol under the table of a packed Johannesburg restaurant but cleared of two other firearms charges – illegal possession of ammunition and firing a pistol out of the sun-roof of a car.

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