Jodi Arias Learns Her Fate at Sentencing Hearing Today in the Murder of Travis Alexander … Will It be Life Behind Bars or Eligible for Release After 25 Years?(Update: Judge Sentences Jodi Arias to Life with no Possibility of Parole)


Later today, Jodi Arias learns her fate at a sentencing hearing in Arizona as a judge formally imposes a life sentence in the 2008 shooting and stabbing death of her on-again-off-again boyfriend. Jodi Arias shot her boyfriend Travis Alexander and stabbed him nearly 30 times in his suburban Phoenix home before fleeing and driving to Utah to meet up with another romantic interest. Arias  was convicted of the murder of Alexander, but some how she escaped the death penalty because of one misguided juror who appeared to have an agenda and was sympathetic to Arias (VIDEO). The only remaining decision is whether Maricopa County Superior Court Judge Sherry Stephens will allow the 34 year old Arias to be eligible for release after 25 years or serve the rest of her life behind bars. We can only hope that Arias has not BS’d the judge in the same manner that she has played the legal system and the jury in this murder case.

How on earth to you so savagely murder some one, be found guilty and then some how be eligible for parole?


Jodi Aria – The Mistress Manipulator

The long-running legal saga of convicted murderer Jodi Arias draws to a close Monday as a judge formally imposes a life sentence in the 2008 shooting and stabbing death of her on-again-off-again boyfriend.

The sentencing is largely a formality after a jury deadlocked last month on whether to give her the death penalty or life in prison. The mistrial removed the death penalty as an option, and the only remaining decision is whether the judge will allow the 34-year-old Arias to be eligible for release after 25 years or serve the rest of her life behind bars.

It’s not known if Arias will speak to Judge Sherry Stephens before she hands down the sentence. Family members of victim Travis Alexander can also address the court.


UPDATE I:  Maricopa County Superior Court Judge Sherry Stephens Sentences Jodi Arias to Life in Prison without the possibility of Parole.

Yes Virginia, there is a Santa Claus and there is Justice finally for Travis Alexander. As Jodi Arias pleaded for parole to Judge Sherry Stephens, thankfully the judge would have nothing to do with it and did not buy into Jodi’s act. Arias’ manipulation has come to an end and so has any chance of her ever leaving prison a free woman.

“The most important thing I want to say is I am very sorry for the enormous pain that I’ve caused the people who loved Travis. I never thought I would cause so many people so much pain,” she said. “I live every day wishing that I could undo what I did to Travis and wishing that I could take away their pain and just put it onto myself.

“To this day, I cannot believe I was capable of doing something that terrible,” she said. “I’m truly disgusted and I’m repulsed with myself. I’m horrified with what I did and I wish there was some way I could take it back.”

UPDATE II: Sentencing Statement from from Maricopa County Judge Sherry Stephens:

“The crime involved substantial plan and preparation. The defendant did not render aid to the victim. The defendant destroyed evidence at the crime scene,” Judge Stephens said. “The defendant went to great lengths to conceal her involvement in the crime. The court has also considered the harm to the victim’s family members.”

“The court finds the mitigation presented is not sufficiently substantial to call for leniency and that a natural life sentence is appropriate. It is ordered the defendant shall be incarcerated in the Department of Corrections for the rest of her natural life with no possibility of parole,” Stephens added.

According to the Daily News, Charlatan Al Sharpton ‘Circus’ Not Welcome by Family of Murdered Walter Scott Family

The Daily News is reporting that the family of slain Walter Scott does not want any part of the Al Sharpton 3-ring circus and he is not welcome. Imagine that, the family of 50 year old Walter Scott, a black man who was shot in the back by a white police officer after a traffic stop does not want any part of Al Sharpton and his traveling race-baiting show to exploit his death. That was the message from the family of South Carolina police shooting victim Walter Scott to the civil rights activist charlatan Thursday, two days before the funeral for the slain father of four. The family did not want Walter Scott’s death turn into the circus that followed the death of Michael Brown in Missouri. Hopefully, they will not fall to pressure and keep that same request. 33 year old police officer, now former officer as he has been fired, Michael T. Slager, has been charged with murder.

Al Sharpton2

Who, me use tragedy for my own gain?

Hoping to avoid a Ferguson, Mo.-style “circus,” the family of alleged police shooting victim Walter Scott doesn’t want the Rev. Al Sharpton to attend the funeral, according to the Daily News.

“We don’t want another Ferguson type of circus here,” a source close to the Scott family in South Carolina was quoted as saying in the Daily News.

The family reportedly was referring to Rev. Sharpton’s speech at the funeral for Michael Brown, who was fatally shot by a police officer in Ferguson. That officer wasn’t charged in the incident, sparking numerous protests.

UPDATE I: Rev. Al Sharpton: Yes, I am welcome at funeral for Walter Scott.

Of course, Al Sharpton has to make the death of Walter Scott about him and has refuted the claim that he was not welcome.

The Rev. Al Sharpton has refuted a Daily News report that says the family of shooting victim Walter Scott does not want him to attend his funeral in South Carolina.

The family reportedly was referring to Rev. Sharpton’s speech at the funeral for Michael Brown, who was fatally shot by a police officer in Ferguson, Mo. The officer wasn’t charged in the incident, sparking numerous protests.

Patrolman Michael Thomas Slager has been charged in connection with the death of Scott, who was shot while allegedly fleeing from a traffic stop in North Charleston, S.C., on Saturday.

“Today’s Daily News story is bogus and has no merit,” Rev. Sharpton said in release Friday, adding that he has been invited to preach and help local clergy lead a healing prayer vigil on Sunday in North Charleston.

“There has never been a discussion about me attending or participating in the funeral on Saturday, since everyone knows that NAN’s convention with thousands of delegates is happening in New York and doesn’t end until Saturday night,” Rev. Sharpton said of the conference at the Sheraton New York Times Square Hotel in Manhattan.

“I have not decided whether or not I will accept the invitation to preach in North Charleston and participate in the prayer vigil on Sunday,” Rev. Sharpton said. “However, I am told the mayor and police chief have said that if I do choose to come they will attend the service as we seek healing and justice in these matters.”

28 Year Old Heather Bogle Missing Since 4/8/15 in Clyde, OH (Update: Found Deceased in Trunk of Car, Investigated at Homicide)

28 year old Heather Bogle has been missing since Thursday morning, April 8, 2015 in Clyde, Ohio. According to Detective Capt. Zachary Zender, of the Sandusky County Sheriff’s Office, Heather Bogle was last seen when she left work when she clocked out at Whirlpool in Clyde at 6:17 a.m. Thursday. Bogle was reported missing after she failed to pick up her daughter from school Thursday afternoon. Capt. Zender stated that the only clue after Bogle vanished was a ping on her cell phone in Green Springs.

Toledo News Now, News, Weather, Sports, Toledo, OH

Ms. Bogle is 5 feet, 7 inches tall, weighs about 130 pounds, with brown eyes and brown-blond hair. When she was last seen, she wore a neon yellow shirt, blue jeans, and black Nike Air Max shoes with pink on the sides, according to the sheriff’s office.

She drives a dark green, four-door 2003 Oldsmobile Alero, with tinted windows and a tribal decal across the back window. The car’s right front fender is burgundy and the front bumper is blue.

UPDATE I: Missing woman found dead.

A woman who went missing Thursday in the Clyde area has been found dead, according to a post at NBC 24.

The body of Heather Bogle, 28, was found in the trunk of her 2003 Oldsmobile Alero.

The Sandusky County Sheriff’s Office found the vehicle parked in the parking lot of the Somerton Apartments complex on Hickory Street in Clyde. (MAP)

The Ohio Bureau of Criminal Investigation has been called to assist, and the investigation will be conducted as a homicide.

The Lucas County Coroner’s Office will perform an autopsy.

Anyone with information is asked to call the sheriff’s office at 419-334-6434.

Police Dash Cam Video from Michael Slager’s Patrol Car Released Prior to Walter Scott Being Fatally Shot by North Charleston Police Officer


It seemed like an innocent and common incident as North Charleston Police Officer  Michael Slager pulled over Walter Scott for a brake light that was out on his car.  Officer Slager followed standard procedure and asked Scott for his license and registration. However, Scott tells the officer that he does not have the registration as he is planning on buying the car and that the owner of the car has all of the documents. This is when most likely the radar went up on the police officer, as whether one is white, black or purple, once your response to an officer is not the standard, here you go officer, there is a red flag. The VIDEO (2:10 minute) then shows Scott trying to get out of his car as Officer Slager tells him to stay inside the vehicle. Then at the 2:35 minute mark of the VIDEO, Walter Scott opens the car door and runs away from the scene.

The question now will be what happened between the time we see the dash cam video and the video taken by a bystander that shows officer Slager shooting 8 times at Walter Scott killing him. – Columbia, South Carolina

WISTV 10 – Dash cam video from Michael Slager’s patrol car released.

The State Law Enforcement Division has released a copy of the dash cam footage from North Charleston police officer Michael Slager’s patrol car in the moments before he fatally wounded Walter Scott.

In the video, Slager pulled over Scott and asked to see his license and registration. Scott tells the officer he is missing some paperwork, saying the car is not his but he plans to buy it and the current owner has all of the documents. Right after Scott pulls over, you can also hear Slager tell him his third brake light was out.

Once Slager returns to his car to check Scott’s license, Scott gets out of his vehicle and Slager tells him to get back inside. Scott gets back into his car, then suddenly gets back out and takes off on foot.

You can’t see Slager, but through his microphone you can hear him as he runs after Scott.

This is going to go to trial where former North Charleston Police Officer Michael Slager will be fighting murder charges. With all that being said, forgetting the guilt or innocence of this police officer, people … PEOPLE … DON’T RUN FROM A POLICE OFFICER, ROUTINE STOP OR NOT. DON’T PUT YOURSELF IN HARMS WAY WHERE SOME THING LIKE THIS COULD HAPPEN.

UPDATE I: New witness, dash cam video emerge in South Carolina shooting case.

On Thursday, a new witness emerged in the case. Gwen Nichols told CNN’s Brian Todd that she saw a scuffle between Scott and Slager at the entrance to a vacant lot.

“It was like a tussle type of thing, like, you know, like, ‘What do you want?’ or ‘What did I do?’ type of thing,” Nichols said. “I didn’t hear Mr. Slager saying: ‘Stop!’ ”

Criminal defense attorney Paul Callan says he believes Slager’s defense will play up the scuffle in arguing that this is not a murder case.

“Defense attorneys will say this was a heat of passion shooting — (that) this was something that he did suddenly after some kind of an altercation, a physical altercation with a suspect,” Callan said. “And that would constitute manslaughter under law, as opposed to murder, and it makes a huge difference in sentencing.”

In South Carolina, a murder conviction requires “malice or forethought,” Callan said. Some other states say a murder requires premeditation.

Slager, who has been fired from the North Charleston Police Department, faces up to life in prison or the death penalty if he is convicted of murder.

BOSTON BOMBING VERDICT: Dzhokhar Tsarnaev Guilty on All 30 Counts in Boston Marathon Bombings … Now Jury Must Decide Whether He Gets Death Penalty or Life in Prison


Dzhokhar Tsarnaev has been found guilty on all counts!!! It took the jury of seven women and five men 11½ hours of deliberations to reach their verdict, longer than it takes to run the Boston marathon. The convicted bomber never once looked at the jury as their verdicts were read. In the end, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev is guilty as sin for his crimes committed at the 2013 Boston Marathon and the ensuing acts that took place. As if that was ever in doubt. There was a mountain of evidence and some crimes are just so heinous that it is just a matter of the jury methodically going through the legal paperwork.

Dzhokhar Tsarnaev VIDEO: The guilty counts, one-by-one

Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, his face a blank, stood with his head bowed and his hands clasped as the guilty verdicts tolled one after another for what seemed like an eternity: Guilty of using weapons of mass destruction, guilty of bombing a place of public use, guilty of conspiracy and aiding and abetting. Guilty, guilty, guilty: The word was spoken 32 times.Yes, the jury said, Tsarnaev caused the deaths of Krystle Campbell, Martin Richard, Lingzi Lu and Sean Collier. Yes, it was murder. And so, the word “yes” was spoken 63 times, each time making Tsarnaev eligible for the death penalty.

From start to finish, it took 26 minutes for the jury to announce its verdict in the Boston Marathon bombing trial: Tsarnaev didn’t skate on a single charge. He now stands guilty of all 30 counts, 17 of which could send him to death row.

If hearing the verdicts seemed overwhelming, that paled in comparison to seeing and hearing evidence behind them: awful images and sounds. The jury saw bombs explode and tear people apart. They saw streets splashed crimson with blood and littered with severed limbs and body parts. They heard the cries of the injured, and witnesses told them how people tended to the dying and gravely injured, unaware of their own injuries as they tied belts around the mangled limbs of friends and strangers alike.

UPDATE I: After bomber’s conviction, jury to decide life or death.

17 of the 30 counts that Dzhokhar Tsarnaev was found guilty of on Wednesday are punishable by death. The question now becomes should Dzhokhar Tsarnaev rot in prison or rot in hell. Personally, I would choose Hell.

Now that a jury has convicted Boston Marathon bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev on all charges, even more is at stake in the next phase of the federal trial: The same 12 people must decide whether the 21-year-old lives or dies.

Tsarnaev was found guilty Wednesday of 30 counts against him, including conspiracy and deadly use of a weapon of mass destruction. Seventeen of those charges are punishable by death.

“In a crime of this magnitude, what American citizen wouldn’t ask, `What would drive a person to do this?’ And, as a juror, the question becomes, what answer would satisfy you?”

During the penalty phase, which could begin as early as Monday, prosecutors will provide evidence of aggravating factors they believe support the death penalty. They’ve already listed several aggravating factors, including the killing of a child and the targeting of the marathon because of the potential for maximum bloodshed.

UPDATE II: Tsarnaev relative in Russia says she believes he’s innocent.

A U.S. jury found Dzhokhar Tsarnaev guilty of the Boston Marathon bombing, and his own lawyer admitted it in court, but a relative said Thursday that she remains convinced that he and his now-dead elder brother had no reason to carry out such a terrorist attack.

Tsarnaev was found guilty on Wednesday of all 30 counts against him, and now the same jury in Boston must decide whether he should be sentenced to death or to life in prison.

Roza Tsarnaeva, a 66-year-old cousin of Tsarnaev’s father, told The Associated Press in Chechnya that she is “completely convinced that they were not guilty of this.”

“When something happens the first thing you have to do is ask ‘who needs this?’ These boys didn’t need this,” she said. “They never saw war, they were little when they arrived in the U.S. and grew up there.

“No one in the Tsarnaev family, none of the relatives, ever took part in the military campaigns in Chechnya” in which separatists, some of them radical Islamists, fought two wars against Russian troops, she said.

Tsarnaeva claimed that the Boston bombing was “the doing of the American secret services, although with what aim I don’t know.”

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