Idaho Police Officer Sgt. Greg Moore Dies After being Shot by Suspect Jonathan Renfro, Stole Patrol Car & Later Arrested After High Speed Chase


Another one of America’s finest dressed in blue has died at the hands of a dirt-bag career criminal. Idaho Police Officer Sgt. Greg Moore has died from his wounds after being shot by 26 year old Jonathan Renfro. The 16 year veteran of the police force was gunned down at approximately 1:35 AM Tuesday after checking on a suspicious person in the 2800 block of Wilbur Ave. in the Sunshine Meadows neighborhood. Renfro was a career criminal and now will either spend the rest of his life in prison or be put to death. Preferably the latter.

Police officers put their lives on the line every day and never know what danger they will face. Around ever corner they face peaceful citizen breaking the law with no dangerous intent and then there are those that have nothing but bad intentions. The overwhelming majority of police officers are fine individuals tasked with protecting and serving their communities. Sgt. Greg Moore was one of those fine police officers, Rest in Peace.

Greg Moore_SGT RIP

Sgt. Greg Moore, Rest in Peace

A northern Idaho police officer shot by a man who stole his patrol car died of his injuries Tuesday evening, police said.

Sgt. Greg Moore died at 5:50 p.m. local time at Kootenai Health in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, police spokeswoman Sgt. Christie Wood said in a statement.

Moore was shot about 1:30 a.m. Tuesday after checking on a suspicious person in a neighborhood, Coeur d’Alene Police Chief Lee White said.

Police arrested Jonathan Renfro, 26, after a car chase that reached speeds of 125 mph. The pursuit ended when a police dog dragged the man from his hiding place underneath a commercial truck.

Renfro appeared in court Tuesday afternoon and was charged with attempted murder, theft of a police vehicle, theft of an officer’s gun and being a felon with a gun. Bail was set at $2 million. He was held in the Kootenai County, Idaho, jail.

Moore, a 16-year veteran of the Coeur d’Alene department, called dispatch to get information on Renfro, White said. Not long after, a resident called police.

Jesse Matthew Charged With Capital Murder in Death of Hannah Graham in Charlottesville, VA

As reported at NBC 4, Jesse Matthew has been charged with capital murder in the death of University of Virginia student Hannah Graham in Charlottesville, VA. The Albemarle County Commonwealth’s Attorney Denise Lunsford said Tuesday have upgraded the first degree murder charges against Jesse Matthew to capital murder. Lunsford said the new murder charge that she received “compelling evidence” from the state crime lab in February concerning the 2014 death of 18-year-old Hannah Graham. Although she did not release that information publicly. This now makes the case against Matthew a death penalty eligible case.


The man charged in the abduction and killing of University of Virginia student Hannah Graham is now charged with capital murder in the case.

If convicted, Jesse Leroy Matthew Jr. could now face the death penalty in the death of 18-year-old Graham, who went missing last fall following a night out with friends. Her remains were found five weeks later.

A prosecutor said new forensic evidence led to the additional capital murder charge and prosecutors will seek the death penalty if Matthew, 33, goes to trial.

Matthew was previously charged with first-degree murder, a charge which carries up to a life sentence. He is also charged with abduction with intent to defile and two counts of reckless driving for incidents that occurred early in the investigation.

Graham, 18, disappeared last September 2014 after a night out with friends in Charlottesville, where the school is located. Her remains were found weeks later in woods several miles from the campus. Matthew  is a suspect in another college student’s death, faces trial next month for sexual assault in northern Virginia.

25 Year Old NYPD Officer Brian Moore Died Monday After Being Shot in the Head by Career Criminal Demetrius Blackwell


Sadly, 25 year old New York City police officer  Moore has died after from his injuries after being shot in the head while on duty Saturday night in Queens, NY.  Officer Moore was removed from life support at 11:15 AM on Monday. Brian Moore was shot in the face around 6:15 PM when Moore and his partner, Officer Erik Jansen, approached a “person of interest” near the intersection of 212th Street and 104th Road in the Queens Village neighborhood. Before the officers could react to an individual who had a gun in his waist, he fired upon the officers. Demetrius Blackwell was later arrested in connection with the shooting.  According to the New York Post, Blackwell has a record of 10 arrests, including five on charges of robbery, criminal possession of a weapon and grand larceny.

What would the White House and media response have been have the rolls been reversed?

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NYPD Officer Brian Moore, RIP

An NYPD officer who was shot in the head while sitting in an unmarked car in Queens Saturday has died from his injuries.

Brian Moore, 25, died Monday, the NYPD confirmed.

“Condolences to the family of PO Brian Moore who lost his life today. RIP to a true hero. We will never forget. #Hero,” the NYPD 104th Precinct tweeted Monday afternoon.

“The shooting of Officer Brian Moore over the weekend was a deplorable act of violence that has robbed New York of one of its finest,” New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo said in a statement Monday. “As a member of the NYPD, Officer Moore put the safety of his fellow New Yorkers before his own, and we will remember his service with gratitude and pride. I join with all New Yorkers in mourning his passing and send my deepest condolences to his friends and family.”

Moore underwent surgery for what court papers described as “severe injuries to his skull and brain” and had been in a coma.

Question, do police lives matter? As Barack Obama, black activists, black politicians, liberal politicians and the liberal MSM rail against police attacks and racial bias upon blacks, one has to ask where is the outrage from these folks when police officers are gunned down in the line of duty by dirt-bag thugs? Where are the protests for Brian Moore? Thanks to the racial divide caused by irresponsible leaders and an all too willing lap-dog media to create a narative that does not exists, they have put a target and a bulls-eye on police officers. I hope you are happy. We have lost a good man in Brian Moore at the hand of a career criminal who should have been locked away because he served no functional purpose to society.

I am still waiting for the outrage from Obama, Holder, Sharpton and all the usual suspects.

Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke Calls Charges Against 6 Baltimore Police Officers in the Death of Freddie Gray … “It’s a Miscarriage of Justice”

Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke calls the charges against the 6 Baltimore police officers in the death of Freddie Gray by States Attorney Marilyn Mosby “a Miscarriage of Justice.” Sheriff David Clarke called her a neophyte and stated that she did it for political reasons to appease the mob.

Sheriff Clark_Baltimore

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Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke (D) declared the charges brought against six police officers in the death of Freddie Gray “George Zimmerman and the Duke Lacrosse case all over again” and said “these cops are political prisoners,” offered up as human sacrifices, thrown like red meat to an angry mob” on Friday’s “Your World with Neil Cavuto” on the Fox News Channel.

Clarke said of the charges, “it’s a miscarriage of justice. This neophyte prosecutor stood up there and made a political statement, Neil, and I say that because she’s chanting or voicing some of the chants from this angry mob. Her job is to tune that out. She said, I hear the voices. She’s not supposed to hear anything as she reviews this case that is not consistent with the rule of law and our system of justice. Look, I’m an experienced and a veteran homicide detective. I’ve had — I’ve participated in charging conferences. There is no way I have ever gotten a criminal charge within 24 hours after taking over all the reports and evidence to a prosecutor. A prosecutor who is thorough needs several days to sift through hundreds of pages of reports. They usually want to interview some of the witnesses themselves, in person, and they have to sift through all of the evidence, piece by piece, and they have to wait for some of the forensics evidence to conclude, to come back and that’s why I say on a minimum, three to four days. She just got this case yesterday. This is political activism. She’ll never prove this beyond a reasonable doubt, and I’m not going to silently stand by and watch my brother officers, offered up as human sacrifices, thrown like red meat to an angry mob, just to appease this angry mob.” And that “she rushed this thing through.”

Six Police Officers Charged in Death of Freddie Gray in Baltimore, MD


Six police officers, Officer Caesar Goodson Jr., Officer William Porter, Lt. Brian Rice, Sgt. Alicia White, Officer Edward Nero and Officer Garrett Miller have been charged in the death of Freddie Brown. So was this a political arrest or a criminal one? Was this done to appease the mob? As reported at CBS Baltimore, cheers erupted as City State’s Attorney Marilyn Mosby after she announced that the charges were brought against the police officers. The charges against the officers range from second degree depraved murder for the driver of the van to manslaughter to misconduct in office to false imprisonment.

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 Baltimore officers charged, clockwise from top left: Caesar Goodson; Brian Rice; Alicia White; Garrett Miller; William Porter; and Edward Nero. Credit Baltimore Police Department

  1. Officer Caesar Goodson Jr., 45, the driver of the police van that carried Freddie Gray was charged with second-degree murder, manslaughter, second-degree assault, two vehicular manslaughter charges and misconduct in office.
  2. Officer William Porter, 25, was charged with involuntary manslaughter, second-degree assault and misconduct in office.
  3. Lt. Brian Rice, 41, was charged with involuntary manslaughter, second-degree assault and misconduct in office.
  4. Sgt. Alicia White, 30, was charged with involuntary manslaughter, second-degree assault and misconduct in office.
  5. Officer Edward Nero, 29, was charged with second-degree assault and misconduct in office.
  6. Officer Garrett Miller, 26, was charged with second-degree assault, misconduct in office and false imprisonment.

The six Baltimore police officers involved in the arrest of Freddie Gray – who died after being injured in police custody – have been charged criminally, State’s Attorney Marilyn Mosby announced Friday.

Mosby’s announcement on the steps of the War Memorial Building was greeted with cheers and applause. Mosby said she told Gray’s family that “no one is above the law and I would pursue justice upon their behalf.”

The city was gearing up for another round of demonstrations after the announcement. Baltimore City and Maryland state offices granted workers in the city liberal leave early Friday afternoon.

After the charges were announced, Desmond Taylor, 29, shouted in jubilee in front of the War Memorial Building.

“I did not expect this, but I prayed for it,” he said. “This day means that your actions bring consequences in Baltimore City.”

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