HATE CRIME: 37 Year Old Lakeem Keon Scott, Tennessee Shooter Targeted White Victims, Similar to Dallas Police Ambush


Tennessee Bureau of Investigation has released the name of the individual responsible behind Thursday morning’s shooting in Bristol, TN that claimed the life of an area newspaper carrier and injured three others, including a local police officer. The TBI stated that 37-year-old Lakeem Keon Scott  “acted alone” and was armed with at least two weapons. Preliminary finding show that Lakeem Keon Scott targeted people and officers after being troubled by recent events involving black people and law enforcement officers in other parts of the country. Yes, Lakeem Keon Scott was black and the victims that were targeted were white. You do the math.

Hmm, where are the Black Lives Matters folks, where’s Barack Obama’s outrage, where is Jesse Jackson and Rev. Al Sharpton and where is Attorney General Loretta Lynch and the DOJ’s “Hate Crime” unit? Hey America, aren’t you so happy and proud you elected Barack Obama to two terms in office so he could bridge the divide between the races? But this is what you get when you elect a community agitator who is an ideologue and not a leader.


The Tennessee Bureau of Investigation has released the name of the suspect behind Thursday morning’s random shooting in Bristol, TN that claimed the life of an area newspaper carrier and injured three others, including a local police officer.

The TBI says 37-year-old Lakeem Keon Scott was armed with at least two weapons, an automatic-style rifle, a pistol and a large amount of ammunition, reports CBS statation WJHL in Tennessee.

According to the TBI, the victims were:

Jennifer Rooney ( A Bristol Herald Courier newspaper carrier) : Deceased after being shot driving in her vehicle on Volunteer Parkway.
Deborah Watts: In serious, but stable, condition at Bristol Regional Medical Center after being shot while working at the Days Inn.
David Whitman Davis: Received minor injuries at the scene after being injured by flying glass resulting from the gunfire.
Officer Matthew Cousins: Sustained a superficial wound to the leg. Was subsequently treated and released from BRMC.

Preliminary findings indicate Scott may have targeted people and officers after being troubled by recent events involving African-Americans and law enforcement officers in other parts of the country.

Anyone with information that may be helpful in this case is asked to call the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation at 1-800-TBI-FIND.

The Other McCain references yet another police shooting case in Georgia.

25 Year Old Army Reservist Micah Xavier Johnson ID’d as Shooter Who Murdered 5 Police Officers at Dallas “Black Lives Matters” Protest … Suspect Elimanated by Bomb Carrying Robot


25 year old Army Reservist Micah Xavier Johnson has been identified as the individual who murdered 5 police officers Thursday night during the “Black Lives Matter’s” protest in Dallas, Texas. Yes, he was black. The suspect stated that he was upset about Black Lives Matter and that he was upset about the recent police shootings of black suspects. Also, he said he was upset at white people. The suspect, Micah Johnson,  stated to law enforcement prior to his demise, that he wanted to kill white people, especially white officers. Isn’t that special. I guess this sick SOB was not upset about black on black crime. The suspect claims he acted alone, however, three suspect were taken into custody following the shooting. Thankfully, law enforcement put an end to this man’s killings forever, as they blew him up to smithereens with the aid of a bomb carrying robot.

So the suspect wanted to kill white people, so is this a hate crime?

Sorry, a cop killer does not get his face posted, but the device that killed him does.

The man who shot 12 police officers, killing five, at a Black Lives Matter protest in downtown Dallas on Thursday night has been named as Micah Xavier Johnson, a 25-year-old Army reservist with no criminal history or ties to terror groups.

Johnson, from Mesquite, Texas, a 20-minute drive from Dallas, reportedly told law enforcement that he was a veteran, and claimed to have acted alone, countering initial reports that as many as four gunmen were involved in the massacre.

‘The suspect said he was upset about Black Lives Matter. He said he was upset about the recent police shootings of black suspects. He said he was upset at white people. The suspect stated he wanted to kill white people, especially white officers,’ Dallas Police Chief David Brown revealed at a 7.30am press conference.

Cops cornered Johnson at El Centro College at around 11pm on Thursday and attempted to negotiate, but four hours later the talks failed and a robot was brought in to detonate a bomb and kill the suspect. This was after shots had rung out at a previously peaceful protest in downtown Dallas with demonstrators screaming and running for their lives as cops dropped dead one by one.

Johnson wore body armor, which would suggest why a cop was not able to kill him when he confronted him in a one-on-one situation which was caught on camera. It resulted in the cop being executed. He also carried an AR-15 assault rifle and a handgun, and several rounds of ammunition.

During a search of his home, detectives found bomb making materials, ballistic vests, rifles, ammunition and a personal journal of combat tactics.

A black SUV found at the scene of the shootings was listed as registered to Delphene Johnson, also of Mesquite, who is understood to be his mother. Police gathered at the address of Ms Johnson on Friday and were seen searching the property.

The casualties include Dallas police officers Patrick Zamarripa, Michael Krol, Lorne Ahrens and Michael J. Smith, as well as DART Officer Brent Thompson.

Presser of how suspect was put down and what the suspect said, wanted to kill white people

Dallas Shooter Videoed Firing at Police …. Ambush Execution of Police Officer (VIDEO)


Dallas KDFW has released a video of the cop killer firing on police at the Black Lives Matter protest last night. Sadly, 5 police officers are now dead and 8 others are in serious condition following the shooting rampage that specifically targeted the police.

You can see in the videos below that the shooter hid behind pillars and then shoots a police officer at point blank range who didn’t see him coming! Despicable.


Videos via The Gateway Pundit


Multiple Police Officers Shot at ‘Black Lives Matter’ Protest in Dallas, TX (Update: 1 DART Officer Dead)(Update: 10 Officers Shot, 3 Dead)(Update: Suspect Pic Released)(Update: 4th Police Officer Dies)

SHOOTING IN DALLAS … Police officers targeted and shot during ‘Black Lives Matter’ protest.

Chaos erupts during a Black Lives Matter protest in Dallas Texas tonight as four DART police officers have been shot, one has been confirmed dead. Reports are that multiple sots were fired during the protest. It would appear that police officers were targeted by two gunman. The protest was in response to the two police shootings of two black men in Minnesota and Louisiana.

Four DART police officers have been shot, one has been confirmed dead, at a Dallas protest Thursday evening, according to KDFW.

Protesters and police alike took cover when witnesses reported hearing 50 or more rounds fired during a demonstration in response to recent deadly police shootings across the country.

Disturbing video shows what appears to be two officers and possibly several others lying in the street.

Police sources tell KDFW one suspect is down while a second possible suspect is in a downtown Dallas garage and wearing a bulletproof vest and tactical gear.  Bystanders have been told to shelter in place, according to KTVT.

“The shots were coming from the roof,” one protester told the station. Witnesses reported hearing more than a dozen gunshots that scattered the crowd. That protester said that officers and bystanders alike were in the line of fire.
Police officers were searching for a man with a rifle, according to several reports.

Video of multiple shots fired, UNREAL

UPDATE I: Three officers are dead, and at least seven others are injured in downtown Dallas.

Chief Brown sent the following statement via email at 10:35 p.m. Thursday night.

Tonight it appears that two snipers shot ten police officers from elevated positions during the protest/rally. Three officers are deceased, two are in surgery and three are in critical condition. An intensive search for suspects is currently underway. No suspects are in custody at this time. We ask that any citizen with information regarding the shootings tonight call 214-671-3482.


UPDATE II: 10 Dallas Officers Shot, 3 Dead in Shooting As Protest Ended10 Dallas Officers Shot, 3 Dead in Shooting As Protest Ended.

Ten law enforcement officers in Dallas were shot, three fatally, by what is believed to be two snipers near the end of a demonstration over police killings of black men was ending, Dallas police said.

The shooting occurred at around 9 p.m. (10 p.m. ET) as a rally and march downtown was ending, NBC Dallas-Fort Worth reported.

A large number of law-enforcement vehicles and personnel could be seen at the scene. The demonstration and march was ending at the time.

A person at the protest said they were “making our second lap” when gunfire erupted.

“We heard shots, we smelled gunpowder, and that’s when everything got really intense and surreal,” the witness told MSNBC. “We just started to run and grab kids,” he said.

UPDATE III: Police Release PIC of possible suspect.

Dallas Shooting suspect

 UPDATE IV: 4 Police Officers Dead After Shooting in Downtown Dallas.

Four officers are dead, including three Dallas police officers and one DART transit officer, after two snipers opened fire on police at the end of a protest against nationwide officer-involved shootings, officials say.

At least eight other Dallas police officers were hit, including three that are in critical condition; three additional DART officers suffered injuries that were not life threatening in the shooting.

House Republicans’ Report Sheds New Light on Benghazi Attack (VIDEO)

Hillary Clinton in more hot water because of Benghazi disaster … She had her 3 AM moment and failed miserably

House Republicans release a lengthy report on Bengazi Tuesday recounting the events that led to the deaths of four American diplomats, including Ambassador Chris Stevens. Eventually, the Hillary Clinton lies are going to catch up to her and the so-called Obama most transparent administration ever has been anything but. They have stonewalled this investigation for obvious reasons and now Democrats are only looking to run cover for Hillary, who was AWOL during the Benghazi attacks. Ever wonder what a trial run for Hillary Clinton as president looks like, it was the Benghazi attacks that left 4 Americans left to die.

Full Report can be read HERE.

After a more than two-year investigation into the 2012 terrorist attack in Benghazi, House Republicans are set to release a lengthy report Tuesday recounting the events that led to the deaths of four American diplomats.

It sheds new light on the breakdown in the U.S. military’s response to the attack and offers new details about why U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens was at the compound in the Libyan city with only two State Department bodyguards, months after the British and others had evacuated the area.

NBC News obtained the first 175-page section of the full 800-page House Select Committee on Benghazi report. The full report was released later Tuesday morning. The Democratic minority released its own report Monday.

One section of the report seems to allege that U.S. officials fundamentally misunderstood who their allies were at the time. The Republican majority’s report found that 35 Americans were saved not by a “quasi-governmental militia” as previous reports concluded, or even a group the U.S. saw as allies. Instead, the report determines that the Americans were saved by the “Libyan Military Intelligence,” a group composed of military officers under the Moammar Khaddafy regime, the Libyan dictator who the U.S. helped topple just one year earlier.

FOX News: House GOP Report: Despite eyewitness accounts, Clinton, administration pushed video explanation for Benghazi.

The claim that the fatal 2012 Benghazi terrorist attacks were sparked by an anti-Muslim video was crafted in Washington by Obama administration appointees and reflected neither eyewitness nor real-time reports from the Americans under siege, according to the final report of the GOP-led Benghazi Select Committee.

The GOP report, released Tuesday, followed by less than a day a report by the Democrats on the panel saying that security at the Benghazi, Libya facility was “woefully inadequate” but former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton never personally denied any requests from diplomats for additional protection.

According to portions of the Republican report reviewed by Fox News, one U.S. agent at the American outpost in Benghazi, whose name was withheld for security reasons, told the committee he first heard “some kind of chanting.”

Then that sound was immediately followed by “explosions” and “gunfire, then roughly 70 people rushing into the compound with an assortment of “AK-47s, grenades, RPG’s … a couple of different assault rifles,” the agent said.

In addition, a senior watch officer at the State Department’s diplomatic security command described the Sept. 11, 2012, strikes as “a full on attack against our compound.”

When asked whether he saw or heard a protest prior to the attacks, the officer replied, “zip, nothing, nada,” according to the Republican majority report.

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