Thousands of German Protesters Take to the Streets Saying Chancellor Merkel ‘Must Go’ and Her Open Borders Immigration Policies


Chancellor Angela Merkel finds herself in a precarious situation as the German people march in the streets and demand that “SHE MUST GO.”  This is in response to her ‘open-door’ policy that many have blamed for four brutal terrorist attacks that left 13 dead over the last month. Three of the attackers were among 1.1 million who entered as refugees as part of Merkel’s open door policy. But what does Merkel do, defends her policy as innocent Germans are murdered.  This is what happens when you have open borders and let not only terrorists into your country, but also individuals who have no intention of ever assimilating to your culture.

  1. Suicide bomber in Germany pledged allegiance to ISIS leader.
  2. 21year old Syrian refugee hacks PREGNANT woman to death with machete and injures two others before hero BMW driver runs him over in yet another attack in Germany.
  3. ISIL flag found in room of German train attacker.

Guess what America, this is what is in sore for the United States as well as Barack Hussein Obama and Hillary Clinton want to do the same and bring in unvetted refugees from parts of the world that hate the US and where ISIS has stated that they will infiltrate the refugee population.

Merkel on the ropes: Thousands of German protesters take to the streets saying she ‘Must Go’ and a key coalition ally withdraws support to open-door immigration policy after terror attacks

  • Thousands to gather in towns and cities across Germany today at 3pm
  • They are calling for her resignation over open door immigration policy
  • Comes after four brutal attacks leaving nearly a dozen dead in one week
  • Three of the attackers were among 1.1million who entered as refugees

Merkel’s premiership is hanging by a thread today as thousands gathered to call for her resignation while a key political ally dramatically withdrew his support over immigration policy.

More than 5,000 protested in Berlin and thousands more throughout Germany over the ‘open-door’ policy that many have blamed for four brutal terrorist attacks that left 13 dead over the last month.

The Chancellor faced a fresh wave of fury after it emerged that two recent terror attacks and a third killing were carried out by men who entered the country as refugees.

One Police Officer Killed and Another Wounded in Shooting in San Diego, CA (VIDEO)


FOX News is reporting that another police officer has been killed, this time in San Diego, California. Two police officers have been shot, sadly one has passed away during a traffic stip in San Diego. Which further leads to the obvious, that there is no such thing as a routine police stop. According to San Diego Police Chief Shelley Zimmerman, the shooting happened at around 11 p.m. local time (2 a.m. ET Friday) in the Southcrest neighborhood. One suspect has been taken into custody.


One San Diego police officer was killed and another one wounded when a driver they stopped Thursday night opened fire on them in the latest in a series of cop shootings around the nation.

The suspected shooter was arrested, and police said they were not pursuing any other suspects. Neither the police officers’ nor the alleged gunman’s names were immediately released.

The determination that the killer acted alone followed a long manhunt in the city’s Southcrest neighborhood involving SWAT teams, helicopters and squad cars.

Video footage showed officers out in force with numerous squad cars with emergency lights flashing lining a street, officers on foot, and a helicopter buzz overhead.

Police said the officers were shot while making a stop and immediately called for help. The officer who died was shot multiple times.


LA Times: 2 San Diego police officers shot, one fatally, in traffic stop; suspect held.

Two San Diego police officers were shot, one of them fatally, during a traffic stop late Thursday night in the Southcrest neighborhood, police said.

The names and tenures of the male officers, both part of the department’s gang suppression unit, were not released.

One of the officers suffered multiple gunshot wounds and died at a hospital despite lifesaving efforts, police Chief Shelly Zimmerman said early Friday outside Scripps Mercy Hospital. The second officer underwent surgery early Friday and was expected to survive.

Police had one suspect in custody. He had been shot and was being treated at a hospital, Zimmerman said.

The two officers had pulled over a vehicle about 11 p.m. somewhere in the area of Acacia Grove Way and 36th Street. Immediately after, they called for emergency cover, Zimmerman said.

Other officers were in the area and arrived shortly after. They found both officers suffering from gunshot wounds to the upper torso. One was rushed in a police vehicle to a hospital, where he died.

“Despite heroic efforts by officers on scene and heroic efforts by doctors to save his life, I’m heartbroken to report they were unable to save him and he is deceased,” Zimmerman said.

She said she went to the home of the officer who died and notified his wife, two children and extended family members who were at the home.

84 Year Old Priest Father Jacques Hamel Beheaded by Islamic Terrorist in France … ISIS Claims Responsibility


An 84-year-old priest was killed and four other people taken hostage by two armed radical Islamist terrorists at a church in a suburb of Rouen in northern France. The radical Islamist savages slit the throat of an 84 year old Father Jacques Hamel and beheaded him.

French President Francois Hollande stated in a press conference that ISIS has declared war on France.

The two attackers, who said they were from the so-called Islamic State (IS), slit Fr Jacques Hamel’s throat during a morning Mass, officials say.

Police surrounded the church and shot dead both hostage-takers. French media named one of them as Adel K.

One of the hostages is in a critical condition in hospital.

President Francois Hollande, visiting the scene, in Saint Etienne-du-Rouvray, said the attackers had committed a “cowardly assassination” and France would fight IS “by all means”.

Pope Francis decried the “pain and horror of this absurd violence”.

UK Prime Minister Theresa May branded the attack “sickening” and offered her condolences to the people of France.

The suspect named as Adel K, aged 18, is reported to have been in custody and then placed under a control order, and had tried to enter Syria twice.

UPDATE I: French church attack: What we know.

UPDATE II: One of two suspects in a church attack that left a priest dead in northern France was known to anti-terror authorities.

Adel Kermiche, 19, was wearing an “electronic tag” during the deadly hostage incident at a Catholic church in the town of Saint-Etienne-du-Rouvray, prosecutor Francois Molins said.

The monitoring apparatus was a condition of his house arrest after two attempts in 2015 to travel abroad — at least once to Syria — using a relative’s identification, Molins said.

Kermiche was identified via fingerprints after the attack, which French President Francois Hollande said was committed in the name of ISIS.
The second killed attacker has not been identified.

Rudy Giuliani Says We Have To Understand More About the Races; However, “Black Lives Matters” is Racist & Anti-American


Rudy Giuliani went on CBS’s ‘Face the Nation’ and did what Rudy does, spoke the truth that many, including the media, can not handle.  As Jack Nicholson famously said in the movie, ‘A Few Good Men’ … “you can’t handle the truth.” Rudy stated, “Whites and Blacks both have to look at things differently.” He then went on to say, to the horror of an uninformed and agenda driven media, “Black lives matter” is racist.

Check out the VIDEO below tongue lashing and education that Mayor Rudy gave to the liberal MSM. Rudy stated that “Black Lives Matters” is racist and then backed up his assertion with facts. Because if they cared about black lives, they would care about the 93% of deaths where blacks are killed by black crime.

So what kind of a group claims they are for saving the lives of blacks and only focuses on something that happens 1 to 2 percent of the time and avoids 93-95%? Better yet, what kind of a media does the same and pushes a false narrative against authority and police officers?

Former New York City Mayor Rudy Guiliani says the Black Lives Matter movement puts a target on the back of police officers. Guiliani adds, “When you say black lives matter, that’s inherently racist.”

War on Police … 26 Police Officers Killed To Date in 2016, Up 44% from 2015


Ad reported at USA Today, the number of police officers shot and killed in the United States is 44% higher than at this time last year following the Dallas ambush Thursday night that left five officers dead. This is what happens when you have leadership and an administration that blames authority, rather than the suspects for wrong doings. This is what happens when “Black Lives Matters” is glorified as having some kind of point and justification when random acts of excessive police force are made to appear as they are an everyday occurrence and systemic, while black on black crime is completely and willfully ignored.

This is what happens when the MSM, liberals, Democrats and Barack Obama blame a terrorist shooting in Orlando, Florida on the NRA … but are silent and as quiet as church mice when it comes to make the same blame for the rhetoric from “Black Lives Matters”. Sorry folks, you cant have it both ways. Imagine that, liberal hypocrisy.

The sad reality is that there is a War on Police …


The number of police officers shot and killed in the USA is 44% higher than at this time last year following the Dallas ambush Thursday night that left five officers dead, according to data from the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund.

The deaths of four Dallas police officers and one Dallas transit officer from sniper fire during a protest in the city Thursday raised the national total of firearm deaths among police to 26. This compares with 18 at this point in time in 2015, said Nick Breul, director of research for the fund in Washington, D.C.

Breul said it was also the latest of 11 ambushes of police officers so far this year across the country, already outpacing the eight ambushes of law enforcement that occurred last year.

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