Two Des Moines, Iowa Police Officers Killed in Apparent Ambush Attacks … Suspects Still At Large


WHO-TV is reporting that two police officers were killed overnight in what is being called as an “ambush-style attack” in Des Moines, Iowa. The incident started at 1:06 a.m. Wednesday with a report of shots fired near 70th and Aurora. The first officer who arrived at that scene found an Urbandale police officer suffering from a gunshot wound. About 20 minutes later, a Des Moines police officer was found shot at the intersection of Merle Hay Road and Sheridan Drive. The names of the officers who were killed have not been released at this time in order to contact and notify their families first. So far, there has been no information about a potential suspect or suspects released by police. There have been no information on a suspect and no arrests have been made at this time.

VIDEO – ABC Action News

Two metro police officers are dead following what is being called an “ambush-style attack” and police say there is a “clear and present danger to police officers right now.”

According to Des Moines police the incident started at 1:06 a.m. Wednesday with a report of shots fired near 70th and Aurora. The first officer who arrived at that scene found an Urbandale police officer in his patrol vehicle, suffering from a gunshot wound. Twenty minutes later a Des Moines police officer was found shot in his patrol vehicle at the intersection of Merle Hay Road and Sheridan Drive. Both officers have died from their wounds.


Des Moines Police are describing the shootings as ambush-style attacks.

At an early morning news conference Sgt. Paul Parizek with the Des Moines Police Department called the attacks a “cowardly act.” He also said, “Somebody out there is shooting police officers. We hope we find him before anybody else gets hurt, we definitely don’t want any of the public, in the community to get hurt but there is a clear and present danger to police officers right now.”

UPDATE I: Des Moines Police Sgt. Paul Parizek discusses the ambush … “There is a clear and present danger to police officers right now.”

As of a 5 a.m. press conference, police were still notifying the family members of the slain officers and planned to withhold the officers’ names, years of service and other details until later in the day, Parizek said.

Streets at both shooting scenes are closed as officers investigate, and classes have been canceled at Urbandale schools today. In Urbandale, the intersection of 70th Street and Aurora Avenue is closed, and in Des Moines, Merle Hay Road is closed between Urbandale Avenue and Hickman Road.

Police had no information on suspects as of 5 a.m. They could not say how many shots were fired or how many people may have been shooting.

Third Presidential Debate Discuss Abortion … OMG Hillary Clinton Wants to Kill Babies in the 9th Month … Isn’t that Infanticide?


It’s too bad that the unborn can’t vote … maybe they would have a chance that way with Hillary as she could pander for their vote. Since they can’t, she could care less.

During tonight’s third presidential debate, the candidate were asked about Roe v. Wade and justices to the SCOTUS they would nominate.  From Hillary, chilling, simply chilling. Hillary is not just pro-choice, she is for late term abortion in the 7th, 8th and 9th month. Are you kidding? What kind of sick bastard supports that? This is what is called infanticide. Thank you Donald Trump for standing up for the unborn tonight. Okay “Never Trumpers” are you going to allow that heinous individual in the White House? Hillary stated something rather interesting when she was supporting killing a viable baby at 8 and 9 months, “I can tell you the government has no business in the decisions that women make with their families in accordance with their faith, with medical advice”.

Why is it that Hillary thinks the government has no business telling a women what to do but she certainly has no problem having the government interfering in our lives. Why just women Hillary? Note to Hillary … The government has no business interfering in “We the People’s” lives!!!

Presidential Debate Transcript:

Wallace: I’m going to give you a chance to respond, but I want to ask you, Secretary Clinton, how far you believe the right to abortion goes. You have been quoted as saying that the fetus has no constitutional rights. You also voted against a ban on late-term partial-birth abortions. Why?

Clinton: Because Roe v. Wade very clearly sets out that there can be regulations on abortion so long as the life and the health of the mother are taken into account. And when I voted as a senator, I did not think that that was the case. The kinds of cases that fall at the end of pregnancy are often the most heartbreaking, painful decisions for families to make. I have met with women who toward the end of their pregnancy get the worst news one could get, that their health is in jeopardy if they continue to carry to term or that something terrible has happened or just been discovered about the pregnancy. I do not think the United States government should be stepping in and making those most personal of decisions. So you can regulate if you are doing so with the life and the health of the mother taken into account.

Wallace: Mr. Trump, your reaction, and particularly on this issue of late-term partial birth abortion.

Trump: I think it’s terrible if you go with what Hillary is saying in the ninth month you can take the baby and rip the baby out of the womb of the mother just prior to the birth of the baby.

Now, you can say that that’s okay, and Hillary can say that that’s okay, but it’s not okay with me. Because based on what she’s saying and based on where she’s going and where she’s been, you can take the baby and rip the baby out of the womb in the ninth month, only the final day. And that’s not acceptable.

Clinton: Well, that is not what happens in these cases. And using that kind of scare rhetoric is just terribly unfortunate. You should meet with some of the women that I’ve met with. Women I’ve known over the course of my life.

This is one of the worst possible choices that any woman and her family has to make. I do not believe the government should be making it. I’ve been to countries where governments forced women to have abortions like they did in China or force women to bear children like they used to do in Romania. I can tell you the government has no business in the decisions that women make with their families in accordance with their faith, with medical advice, and I will stand up for that right.

Wallace: All right. Just briefly, I want to move on.

Trump: And honestly, nobody has business doing what I just said, doing that as late as one or two or three or four days prior to birth, nobody has that.

Remains ID’d of North Carolina Teen Erica Parsons Who Went Missing in 2011 … Found in South Carolina

The remains were found in the Pageland Mount Croghan area of Chesterfield County Tuesday was that of Erica Parsons who went missing in 2011. The North Carolina girl was last seen in November 2011, but her family didn’t report her missing until July 2013. At the time, she was just 13 years old. Both parents are currently incarcerated in federal prison on numerous counts, including mail fraud and conspiracy to defraud the government, among others. Erica Parsons found buried in rural South Carolina.

Erica Parsons

Human remains found in Chesterfield County, South Carolina, are confirmed to be those of missing teen Erica Parsons, according to officials, CBS affiliate WBTV reports.

The remains were found in the Pageland Mount Croghan area of Chesterfield County Tuesday. Family members told WBTV they were asked to go to the Rowan County Sheriff’s Office on Friday.

According to a release from the Rowan County Sheriff’s Office they, along with the FBI, obtained leads in August of 2016 that Erica was “more than likely deceased.” On September 27, the release states, the remains were located. They were then sent to the NC Medical Examiner’s Office and were identified as the young girl.

Investigators have not said how the remains were located, or indicated how Parsons may have died.

Parsons was reported missing from Rowan County in July of 2013, but had reportedly not been seen for two years prior to that time.

Parsons was reported missing by her adoptive brother, Jamie Parsons, who said she had not been seen since November 2011. Parsons was reportedly adopted by Sandy and Casey Parsons at birth.

Jamie Parsons told investigators he asked his parents where Erica was and they said they had gone to Asheville to take Erica to her grandmother’s residence. He said he has not seen Erica since.

UPDATE I: Both parents are incarcerated in federal prison on numerous counts.

I guess we can add murder to the list as well.

Erica’s adoptive parents, Sandy and Casey Parsons, initially told authorities they had last seen their daughter when she went to a relative’s house – but investigators later determined they were lying, according to WCNC.

Both parents are incarcerated in federal prison on numerous counts, including mail fraud and conspiracy to defraud the government, among others.

Prosecutors in a May 2015 trial said the Parsons continued to claim Erica as a dependent for tax purposes for almost two years before she was finally reported missing.

Burke Ramsey, JonBenet Ramsey’s Brother Breaks his Silence After 20 Years to Dr. Phil (VIDEO)

The case of JonBenet Ramsey is back in the news again …

20 years after the death of JonBenet Ramsey, her brother Burke breaks his silence in an interview with Dr. Phil.  Burke Ramsey, now 29, stated that he felt the need to say something on the 20th anniversary if JonBenet’s death. Host Phil McGraw described the interview with Burke Ramsey, a three-part series kicking off the show’s 15th season — as “no holds barred.” According to Dr Phil, “There were no rules. He agreed to talk about anything and everything,” McGraw said today on “The View.” “I asked him everything that anybody has ever wanted to know from this young man, and he does answer the questions.”

Will this interview reveal more answers or just more questions?

The case of JonBenet Ramsey is one of America’s most famous and mysterious cold cases.

Now, 20 years after her murder, CBS Miami reports JonBenet’s brother Burke Ramsey is breaking his silence and giving his first interview ever to Dr. Phil which will air Monday, September 12th.

JonBenet Ramsey was a 6-year-old child beauty queen when she was brutally murdered inside her family’s Colorado home on Christmas in 1996.

Burke, who was 9 years old when his sister died, told Dr. Phil he felt it was time to talk about her death two decades after the media first swarmed onto that quiet street in Boulder, Colorado.

“For a long time the media basically made our lives crazy. It’s hard to miss the cameras and news trucks in your front yard and we go to the supermarket sometimes and there would be a tabloid with my picture, JonBenet’s picture plastered on the front or they would follow us around,” said Ramsey. “Seeing that as a little kid is just kind of a chaotic nightmare, so I was pretty skeptical of any sort of media, it just made me a very private person. As to what I’m doing now, it’s the 20th anniversary and apparently still a lot of tension around it, I guess I kind of wanted to make it about remembering her and not just another news story.”

Despite being cleared by DNA evidence, many people still speculate that JonBenet’s parents or her brother Burke, the only ones in the home that night, could be responsible for the little girl’s death.

Burke admitted, “I know people think I did it; that my parents did it.” For the first time he revealed what he says happened the day his sister was found dead in their basement.

Daily Commentary – Monday, September 5, 2016 – Hard to Believe it’s Been 20 Years Since Jon Benet Ramsey Was Murdered

  • Since we are coming up on the 20 year anniversary, there are several TV specials in the works to feature the cold case.

Daily Commentary – Monday, September 5, 2016 | Download

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