African Americans Back Tea Parties More than the Occupy Wall Street Protesters

A funny thing happened on the way to the OWS protests …

It turns out that the  Occupy Wall Street protesters are not being embraced by blacks. In fact, the 1.6% of blacks that make up the OWS protesters is even less than that who support the Tea Party.  So why isn’t the OWS movement diverse? Better question is why isn’t the MSM calling them RACISTS for not being diverse like they did with the Tea Party?

Occupy Wall Street might seem like a movement that would resonate with black Americans. After all, unemployment among African Americans is at 15 percent, vs. almost 8 percent for whites. And between 2005 and 2009, black households lost just over half of their median net worth compared with white families, who lost 16 percent, according to the Pew Research Center.

However, these numbers have not translated into action. A few prominent African Americans, such as Cornel West, Russell Simmons, Kanye West and Rep. John Lewis (D-Ga.), have made appearances at Occupy protests. “Occupy the Hood,” a recent offshoot, has tried to get more people of color involved. But the main movement remains overwhelmingly white: A Fast Company survey last month found that African Americans, who are 12.6 percent of the U.S. population, make up only 1.6 percent of Occupy Wall Street.

The Gateway Pundit reminds us that a past, the Tea Party has more support from blacks and minorities that the Obama endorsed Occupy Wall Street protests. As the WAPO questions, shouldn’t blacks be for the OWS movement, after all they are more adversely affected than whites by the economy, unemployment and banks. The libs just cannot believe that they do not have any diversity in support of the OWS anti-capitalist protests. Maybe it is because blacks are actually interested in real issues that affect them at home, locally in their lives. Putting on a farcical show of living in tents, doing drugs, raping, sexually assaulting and committing vandalism is not part of what blacks believe in of making a difference.

Is there a chance that the movement can become more diverse? Leslie Wilson, a professor of African American history at Montclair State University, is not optimistic.

“Occupy Wall Street cannot produce enough change to encourage certain types of black participation,” Wilson said in an interview. “The church cannot get enough blacks out on the streets. Some students will go, but not the masses. Black folks, particularly older ones, do not think that this is going to lead to change. .?.?. This generation has already been beaten down and is hurting. They are not willing to risk what little they have for change. Those who are wealthier are not willing to risk and lose.”

Black America’s fight for income equality is not on Wall Street, but is a matter of day-to-day survival. The more pressing battles are against tenant evictions, police brutality and street crime. This group doesn’t see a reason to join the amorphous Occupiers.

So where is the MSM stories and OPED’s calling the OWS crowd racist? If they have any journalistic integrity, if they claimed the Tea party was for a lack of involvement from blacks … they more than would have to do so with the incredible lack of support for the Occupy Wall Street movement. Don’t hold your breath on that one.

Correction, Price Tag to American Tax Payers for Occupy Protesters is Now Over $20 Million

Yup, once again we are witness to the facts that the Occupy protesters are nothing like the Tea Party.

Hold the phone, earlier this week it was reported that the Occupy protesters had cost the American tax payers $13 million. Needless to say, it ha been adjusted up. Good grief, as per the calculations at Verum Serum and some adjustments by the Gateway Pundit … the price tag continues to climb at the expense of the American tax payers. This Occupy protest movement is nothing more than a drain upon America. What else should we expect from an Obama endorsed movement, except that what would cause a drain on America.

Total: Over $21,273,499

Imagine that, these so called protesters of the people have cost the American people over $21 million and there is no end in sight to the violence and destruction from these hooligans.

Activist Nkrumah Tinsley, Molotov #OWS Madman Arrested for Saying He Would Bomb Macy’s is Out of Jail Just in Time for the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade

File this one under, this makes 0% sense …

Nothing says giving thanks than letting a “Malotov madman” out of jail and putting the public at rick. The insanoid, OWS protester who stated he would fire bomb Macy’s and burn the city to the f’n ground has been freed from jail and is back out just in time for the Macy’s Day Thanksgiving Day parade and Black Friday.I am so glad that the justice system thought so little set set his bail so low so that a bunch of Leftist with deep packets and shallow minds would free this sicko and let the public be at risk. No one will be happy until one of these freaks kills and innocent individual. When that happens, everyone will act like that are shocked and outraged.

VIDEO: Warning – Adult language

The Daily News snapped photos of Occupy Wall Street nut case Nkrumah Tinsley, 29, prancing around after the movement coughed up $7,500 for his bail, his lawyer, Pierre Sussman said.

“It’s ridiculous that this guy is back on the street,” said City Councilman Peter Vallone Jr. (D-Queens), head of the public safety committee.

“For someone with a strong case against him and deep pockets behind him, bail should have been set higher. Now we’re all placed at risk.”

How two-faced could this Occupy movement be? They condemned what this fool did, yet they had no issue bailing him out of jail.  As stated at Jammie Wearing Fool, “When this loose cannon commits his next crime, they should be held accountable. But that would be the first time they were ever held accountable for anything”. AMEN.

Occupy Protests Have Cost America Tax Payers at Least $13M … and Counting

OBAMA AND OCCUPY PROTESTERS, PERFECT TOGETHER: So who are the Occupy Wall Street protesters hurting? The answer, the American tax payers.

According to the AP, the Occupy protesters have cost American tax payers $13 million. NICE. The OWS protesters continued demands for $’s they did not earn from the 1% have actually wound up costing the 99% tax payers. UNREAL. Their continued crimes, arrests, arrests and arrests, vandalism, theft, rape, assaults, STD’s, TB, defecating, threatening to burn cities and unruly behavior toward police have cost the tax payers dearly.

During the first two months of the nationwide Occupy protests, the movement that is demanding more out of the wealthiest Americans cost local taxpayers at least $13 million in police overtime and other municipal services, according to a survey by The Associated Press.

The heaviest financial burden has fallen upon law enforcement agencies tasked with monitoring marches and evicting protesters from outdoor camps. And the steepest costs by far piled up in New York City and Oakland, Calif., where police clashed with protesters on several occasions.

In other words, had the Occupy protesters never been a thought and never had one protest, American tax payers would be $13 million dollars richer. In other words, the US would be better without #OWS. As the Gateway Pundit stated, “we knew they were crude and violent, now we know they are costly.” Check out the VIDEO below of some more pleasant Occupy protesters who are in need of a bar of soap for their bodies and their mouths.

VIDEO Warnings: Adult language

No wonder President Barack Obama endorses and supports the Occupy protesters, both believe in wasting American tax payers hard earned money. Take a good look at the VIDEO above of the reason why Obama ran for office.

Just curious, how much money have the Tea Party cost Americans?

OCCUPY BLACK FRIDAY: OWS Protesters Plan Demonstrations to Occupy Business Retailers on Black Friday

Could the OWS protesters be any more delusional or insane?

This Friday, Black Friday, the Occupy Wall Street protesters plan on demonstrating against business retailers on one of the busiest shopping days of the year. What is this supposed to accomplish, prevent the 99% who work in these stores from working? Preventing businesses from selling products and making a profit and in harming the economy?

FACE IT AMERICA … THE OWS PROTESTERS WHAT TO HARM THE US ECONOMY, NOT HELP IT!!! They are socialist and want to end capitalism, not help fix it.

Some demonstrators are planning to occupy retailers on Black Friday to protest “the business that are in the pockets of Wall Street.”

Organizers are encouraging consumers to either occupy or boycott retailers that are publicly traded, according to the Stop Black Friday website.

The goal of the movement is to impact the profits of major corporations this holiday season.

Hey OWS protesters, try getting in the way of a shopper on “Black Friday” when they are trying to buy a toy or electronic gadget for their kid, I DARE YOU!!! It is one thing to be a bunch of annoying, unwashed PITA’s, however, to confront John and Jane Q. Public and openly get in their way … GOOD LUCK. Look for the #OWS crowd’s poll numbers to decrease even more.

The Lonely Conservative says, “What better reason to stay home and shop right here than to avoid the disease and bug infected criminal occupy mob on Black Friday?” Although a part of me agrees, there is the other part of me that says, I want to go out on Friday and confront these dirt bags. Try getting in front of me and the rest of America and their First Amendment rights of free speech to speak with their wallets. However, we certainly agree that the continued nonsensical actions and protests of the OWS loons will show the real 99% that they do not support them.

Maybe Barack Obama would like to come out in support of this OWS demonstration and its attempts to harm businesses and the economy? Come on Barack, let’s hear it, after all, they are the reason why you ran for office.

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