Sabrina Rubin Erdely, Author of Rolling Stone Magazine Article on University of Virginia Rape Offers Apology for False Story to all but the Fraternity


Rolling Stone magazine is in full retreat on their now completely discredited University of Virginia rape story where the so-called rape victim, Jackie, was assaulted at a UVA fraternity. The author of the article, Sabrina Rubin Erdely, is now offering an apology and Rolling Stone is asking what went wrong. Hmm, you mean besides everything? Rolling Stone has officially retracted the article, ‘A Rape on Campus,’ as nothing can ce corroborated; however, has the damage already been done? Sabrina Rubin Erdely offered an apology saying, “I want to offer my deepest apologies: to Rolling Stone’s readers, to my Rolling Stone editors and colleagues, to the U.V.A. community, and to any victims of sexual assault who may feel fearful as a result of my article.” Um, and I can’t actually believe I am saying this as I have no love for the fraternity system, but where is Rolling Stone’s apology to the  Phi Kappa Psi fraternity where the faux rape occurred? Could it be because the fraternity will most likely sue Rolling Stone for libel?

Rape is a terrible crime unto itself and affects a victim for the rest of their life. But to report such a sensational, false story like this and not have any journalistic integrity, no fact checking, no nothing what so ever, is a crime itself.


Sabrina Rubin Erdely, the author of a now-discredited article in Rolling Stone magazine about a rape at a University of Virginia fraternity, issued this statement:

“The past few months, since my Rolling Stone article “A Rape on Campus” was first called into question, have been among the most painful of my life. Reading the Columbia account of the mistakes and misjudgments in my reporting was a brutal and humbling experience. I want to offer my deepest apologies: to Rolling Stone’s readers, to my Rolling Stone editors and colleagues, to the U.V.A. community, and to any victims of sexual assault who may feel fearful as a result of my article.

“Over my 20 years of working as an investigative journalist — including at Rolling Stone, a magazine I grew up loving and am honored to work for — I have often dealt with sensitive topics and sources. In writing each of these stories I must weigh my compassion against my journalistic duty to find the truth. However, in the case of Jackie and her account of her traumatic rape, I did not go far enough to verify her story. I allowed my concern for Jackie’s well-being, my fear of re-traumatizing her, and my confidence in her credibility to take the place of more questioning and more facts. These are mistakes I will not make again.

There seems to be more missing from the Rolling Stone mea culpa on this false rape article that they published, who is being held responsible for such a miscarriage of journalism? Who got suspended, who got fired … no one. So how are we to believe this will never happen again at Rolling Stone, because they said so? Sorry folks, but as private investigators Sam Spade, Humphrey Bogart, said in The Maltese Falcon, some one must take the fall.

So, there was a massive “failure of journalism” here, but none of the journalists who failed so massively will lose their jobs, and none of the journalistic practices that led to this failure will change.

Somehow, this is so America 2015. Leaders “take full responsibility” for failure, but rarely seem to pay a price for it. As we tell our children, “‘Sorry’ is not a magic word.” That is, it’s great to say “I’m sorry” when you’ve done wrong, but saying the word does not erase the consequences of the deed. You have to show by your actions that you mean it.

The editors who handled that UVA story will remain in place. Unbelievably, even the writer who wrote the catastrophic lies will not suffer any professional penalty at the magazine.

Liberal Democrats, LGBT and MSM … You Do Realize that it was President Bill Clinton Who Signed into Law the Federal Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA) in 1993, Right?


Everyone needs to watch the VIDEO below of then Vice-President of the United States Al Gore and President William Jefferson Clinton comments and their gushing over the signing of the Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA) in 1993  (text of HR 1308)and then compare it to the reaction of the Democrat party of today. So as the LGBT crowd is losing their collective minds over the recent passage of Religious Freedom Restoration laws in Indiana and Arkansas with faux-rage, they act like there already is not a federal law that states the same thing and 19 other states that already have their own Religious Freedom Restoration laws. But instead they, Democrats and their willing accomplices in the MSM attack a small business like Memories Pizza instead.

Remember when the Democrat party actually believed in Freedom of Religion?

Let’s get some facts straight here as the LGBT community, Democrats and the MSM whine about the passage of a law that was supported by Democrats. Bill Clinton said in 1993 that the federal law would do a better job of protecting Americans of all faiths in the practice of their religion.

  • The bill was introduced by Congressman Chuck Schumer (D-NY) on March 11, 1993. You know, that same Chucky Schumer who is supposed to be the next Democrat Senate Minority Leader.
  • A companion bill was introduced in the Senate by Ted Kennedy (D-MA) the same day. Yes, Ted Kennedy, the Liberal Lion was for freedom of religion as well.
  • It passed 97-3 in the US Senate and on a voice vote in the House.
  • President Bill Clinton signed it into law.

Quotes from President Bill Clinton’s speech in signing the  Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA) in 1993:

“It is interesting to note that what a broad coalition of Americans came together to make this bill a reality.”

“We all have a shared desire here to protect perhaps the most precious of all American liberties – religious freedom.”

“The free exercise of religion has been called the first freedom – that which originally sparked the full range of the Bill of Rights.”

“Today this event assumes a more majestic quality because of our ability together to affirm the historical role that people of faith have played in the history of this country, and the constitutional protections those that profess and express their faith have always demanded and cherished.”

“What this law basically says is that the government should be held to a very high level of proof before it interferes with someone’s free exercise of religion.” This judgement is shared by the people of the United States and Congress.”

“By honoring the principle that our laws and institutions should not impede or hinder , but should rather protect and preserve fundamental religious liberties.”

“Let us never believe that the freedom of religion imposes on any of us some responsibility to run from our convictions – let us instead respect one another’s faith.”


Hillary Clinton Wiped Server Hard Drive Clean … RNC Chairman Priebus Blasted Hillary Clinton, “Even Nixon Didn’t Destroy the Tapes”


Unbelievable, Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC), the chairman House Select Committee said in a statement on Friday that “Clinton unilaterally decided to wipe her server clean and permanently delete all emails from her personal server.” The House Select Committee was informed by Hillary Clinton’s lawyer that Clinton no longer had copies of any emails from her four-year tenure as secretary of State. UNREAL. Can you say Nixonian coverup? Hillary Clinton did this while under subpoena from the House Committee to produce emails. Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus took the opportunity to blast the former Secretary of State saying, “Even Nixon Didn’t Destroy the Tapes”.


Sorry, this purposeful lack of transparency, over the top secrecy and hiding emails from We the People should exempt her from even being able to run for president. What part about she works for us doesn’t Hillary quite get?

Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus blasted Hillary Clinton on Saturday for wiping her server and permanently deleting all emails.

“Even Nixon didn’t destroy the tapes,” Priebus said in a statement.

Clinton’s lawyer informed the House Select Committee investigating Benghazi on Friday that Clinton no longer had copies of any emails from her four-year tenure as secretary of State, ending in 2013.

Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.), the chairman of the committee, said in a statement Friday that “Clinton unilaterally decided to wipe her server clean and permanently delete all emails from her personal server.”

Gowdy, whose committee had subpoenaed the server earlier this month, charged that Clinton apparently decided to delete her emails after Oct. 28, 2014, when the State Department first asked her to turn over public records.


Hat Tip – Michelle Mirror – Peas in a pod

Try doing this as John Q. Public and see what happens to you. What ever happened to a government of, by and for the people?

Judge Jeanine Pirro: We Need a Woman President, But Not this Woman … Does Hillary Clinton Have The Integrity To Be President?


Judge Jeanine Pirro slammed Hillary Clinton in her opening monologue on ‘Justice with Judge Jeanine’ stating, “As much as I want a woman president … But not this woman.” Judge Jeanine Pirro ripped Hillary Clinton for not having the integrity to be president of the United States. Hillary Clinton does not have what it takes to protect America and our Constitution, she is only concerned with covering her behind and protecting herself. The rules have never applied to Hillary. How could anyone think that she is what America needs after 8 years of Obama?

“As much as I want a woman president, the latest news of deleting emails and keeping communications with her highest level staff outside of government servers, ignoring it until it became clear it wasn’t going away, tells me that Hillary Clinton is not about transparency and is not about integrity,” Judge Jeanine stated.

My personal opinion is, if Hillary Clinton becomes president in 2016, this country is finished. It is bad enough that presidents do unethical things and lie while in office. But to knowingly elect Hillary Clinton, an individual who has a past of lies, unethical behavior and hiding things from the American people would mean this country does not care anyone. It would mean, as long as you are the first of anything, like Barack Obama being the first black president or Hillary, the first female president, everything else that makes up someone being an ethical and qualified candidate does not matter. Or as Hillary would say about her past and lack of qualifications … what different does it make.


Alright, so she used her private email and she communicated with her top level staff through their private emails. Who cares? Will this impact your decision on whether to vote for Hillary Clinton for president?

Of course not. You won’t even remember this kerfuffle next year. But the question is much deeper than that. The question becomes: does Hillary Clinton have the integrity to be the President of the United States of America, the leader of the free world? Does Hillary Clinton have the instincts to protect us, someone other than herself?

And as much as I want a woman president, the latest news of deleting emails and keeping communications with her highest level staff outside of government servers, ignoring it until it became clear it wasn’t going away, tells me that Hillary Clinton is not about transparency and is not about integrity, that she does whatever she wants regardless of the rules.

And nobody knows scandal or loopholes better than this woman who has danced with special prosecutors, federal investigators and subpoenas for most of her professional career. It’s simply part of her history.

Now Congressman Trey Gowdy, head of the Benghazi Committee, wants to give her the benefit of the doubt, saying but “it wouldn’t be reasonable for her to be on her way to Libya to discuss Libyan policy and there are no emails from the trip.”

And I’m going to shock you tonight, in spite of my law enforcement background, to me this email investigation is almost irrelevant.

Hillary Clinton knows exactly what she’s doing. What matters to her is making history by becoming the first woman president. The rules simply don’t apply to her.

Read more

The State Department Finally Admits There is No Record of Hillary Clinton Signing the OF-109 Separation Statement (Video)

I would say UNREAL, but this is Hillary Clinton we are talking about …

The Politico is reporting that the State Department is finally admitting that they have no record of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s signed OF-109, a standard separation staement form declaring that she surrendered all official records before leaving her post in 2013. Imagine that. For the past week or so State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki has been performing the 5 D’s of dodge-ball (Dodge! Duck! Dip! Dive! And… dodge) that even Patches O’Houlihan would be proud of when it came to answering whether the form had been signed by Hillary. Hmm, wonder why someone wouldn’t sign a form declaring that they surrendered all official records before leaving their post when they had all their emails on their own personal server? But as Hillary would say, What difference does it make.

The State Department has no record that former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton signed a standard form declaring that she surrendered all official records before leaving her post in 2013, a spokeswoman said Tuesday.

Critics of Clinton, including the Republican National Committee, said she might have committed a crime by signing the form despite having tens of thousands of work-related emails in a personal account. She provided copies of those emails to her former agency in December.

“We have reviewed Secretary Clinton’s official personnel file and administrative files and do not have any record of her signing the” form, State spokeswoman Jen Psaki told reporters at a regular briefing.

State Department: Hillary Clinton Did Not Sign Exit Statement

VIDEO via the Gateway Pundit

Sorry, but there is no way this woman should ever even be considered for the office of the presidency when you can’t even trust her as Secretary of State. After 8 years of Bill Clinton America was just so scandal weary and having just spent 8 years of Obama with too many scandals to name, how could this country stomach another Clinton?

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