James Comey Admits New York Times is Fake News! (VIDEO)


Well if you did not already know it, James Comey confirmed it. The New York Times is fake news. It is simply amazing the BS that the liberal MSM has been spewing to the American people. The MSM has disgraced themselves and their profession all because they cannot stand the occupant of the White House. So much for fairly reporting the news.

 NBC News transcript:

RISCH: OK. So – so, again, so the American people can understand this, that report by the New York Times was not true. Is that a fair statement?

COMEY: In — in the main, it was not true. And, again, all of you know this, maybe the American people don’t. The challenge — and I’m not picking on reporters about writing stories about classified information, is that people talking about it often don’t really know what’s going on.

And those of us who actually know what’s going on are not talking about it. And we don’t call the press to say, hey, you got that thing wrong about this sensitive topic. We just have to leave it there.

I mentioned to the chairman the nonsense around what influenced me to make the July 5th statement. Nonsense, but I can’t go explaining how it’s nonsense.

RISCH: Thank you.

All right. So — so those three things, we now know, regarding the active measures, whether (ph) the president’s under investigation and the collusion between the — the Russian — the Trump campaign and the Russians.

I — I want to drill right down, as my time is limited, to the most recent dust-up regarding allegations that the president of the United States obstructed justice. And, boy, you nailed this down on page 5, paragraph 3. You put this in quotes — words matter.

You wrote down the words so we can all have the words in front of us now. There’s 28 words there that are in quotes, and it says, quote, “I hope” — this is the president speaking — “I hope you can see your way clear to letting this go, to letting Flynn go. He is a good guy. I hope you can let this go.”

Now those are his exact words, is that correct?

COMEY: Correct.

RISCH: And you wrote them here, and you put them in quotes?

COMEY: Correct.

RISCH: Thank you for that. He did not direct you to let it go.

COMEY: Not in his words, no.

RISCH: He did not order you to let it go.

COMEY: Again, those words are not an order.

RISCH: He said, “I hope.” Now, like me, you probably did hundreds of cases, maybe thousands of cases charging people with criminal offenses. And, of course, you have knowledge of the thousands of cases out there that — where people have been charged.

Do you know of any case where a person has been charged for obstruction of justice or, for that matter, any other criminal offense, where this — they said, or thought, they hoped for an outcome?

COMEY: I don’t know well enough to answer. And the reason I keep saying his words is I took it as a direction.

RISCH: Right.

COMEY: I mean, this is the president of the United States, with me alone, saying, “I hope” this. I took it as, this is what he wants me to do.

COMEY: Now I — I didn’t obey that, but that’s the way I took it.

RISCH: You — you may have taken it as a direction, but that’s not what he said.

COMEY: Correct. I — that’s why…

RISCH: He said — he said, “I hope.”

COMEY: Those are exact words, correct.

RISCH: OK, do you (ph) — you don’t know of anyone that’s ever been charged for hoping something. Is that a fair statement?

Harvard University Study Reveals Huge Extent of Anti-Trump Media Bias


According to a Harvard University study, the MSM bias against President Donald Trump is huge and unprecedented. If it seems like the MSM has it out for President Trump and reports pretty much every thing he does as negative, that is because they do. Just look at the charts below and see how the MSM reports on topics in a positive or negative slant and then take a look at how Trump compares to other presidents, especially Obama.

Keep this in mind when you watch the news. They are no longer reporting it, they are slanting it to fit their liberal, left-wing agenda. The MSM was AWOL for Obama’s eight years and the endless scandals like Fast & Furious, Benghazi, IRS-gate, let alone the lies of Obamacare. But for Trump, they do not even give him a chance. The MSM is working in lockstep with the Democrat party as their propaganda arm. Remember this, especially at election time.


A major new study out of Harvard University has revealed the true extent of the mainstream media’s bias against Donald Trump.

Academics at the Shorenstein Center on Media, Politics and Public Policy analyzed coverage from Trump’s first 100 days in office across 10 major TV and print outlets.

It found that the tone of some outlets was negative in as many as 98% of reports, significantly more hostile than the first 100 days of the three previous administrations:

Harvard other-presidents-tone

In America they analyzed CNN, NBC, CBS, Fox News, the New York Times, the Washington Post and the Wall Street Journal.

They also took into account the BBC, the UK’s Financial Times and the German public broadcaster ARD.

Every outlet was negative more often than positive.

Only Fox News, which features some of Trump’s most enthusiastic supporters and is often given special access to the President, even came close to positivity.

Gregg Jarrett on Comey Memo: “Comey has put Himself in a Box,” … Why Didn’t Comey Present This Immediately as Required by Law?


Okay common sense thinking people, let’s take a look at what former FBI Director James Comey really did here without the sensationalism and gotcha of the liberal MSM. The latest attempt to bring President Donald Trump down comes from a so-called memo from Comey that was leaked to the NY Times. As Fox News Anchor Gregg Jarrett stated in his well thought out commentary below, “Comey has put himself in a box.” Why did James Comey not present this obstruction with justice claims when they happened as he is required to by law? Good question. Maybe because it either never happened or he felt that the comments did not rise to such a level, not was their any intent. So why now then? Well that’s obvious, sour grapes. This is Comey’s revenge. In the end, some one broke a law in all of this and it appears to be James Comey.

This leaked memo speaks volumes of what was in charge of the FBI


Under the law, Comey is required to immediately inform the Department of Justice of any attempt to obstruct justice by any person, even the President of the United States.  Failure to do so would result in criminal charges against Comey.  (18 USC 4 and 28 USC 1361)  He would also, upon sufficient proof, lose his license to practice law.

So, if Comey believed Trump attempted to obstruct justice, did he comply with the law by reporting it to the DOJ?  If not, it calls into question whether the events occurred as the Times reported it.

Obstruction requires what’s called “specific intent” to interfere with a criminal case.  If Comey concluded, however, that Trump’s language was vague, ambiguous or elliptical, then he has no duty under the law to report it because it does not rise to the level of specific intent.  Thus, no crime.

There is no evidence Comey ever alerted officials at the Justice Department, as he is duty-bound to do.  Surely if he had, that incriminating information would have made its way to the public either by an indictment or, more likely, an investigation that could hardly be kept confidential in the intervening months.

But by writing a memo, Comey has put himself in a box.  If he now accuses the President of obstruction, he places himself in legal jeopardy for failing to promptly and properly report it.  If he says it was merely an uncomfortable conversation, he clears the president of wrongdoing and sullies his own image as a guy who attempted to smear the man who fired him.

Either way, James Comey comes out a loser.  No matter.  The media will hail him a hero.

Forget what the MSM says, James Comey is in a no win situation. He was duty bound by law to report such an obstruction of justice that the MSM is running with, yet he didn’t. He comes off looking small and smarmy trying to get his revenge for being fired. So we have an FBI Director who didn’t follow the law? The only thing we can surmise from all of this is that Comey thought anything Trump said was insignificant and that Trump broke no laws. Otherwise, why didn’t he act upon the so-called obstruction of justice when it occurred?

Poll: 35% of Americans Don’t Know ObamaCare & Affordable Care Act Are the Same Thing


As reported at The Hill, 35% of Americans have no clue that Obamacare and the not-so Affordable Care Act are one in the same. How is that possible. The Times article bias tried to portray that people are confused between the two names for the same law, yet some how when we look at the numbers … among Republicans, a higher percentage of 72% said they knew Obamacare and the A.C.A. were the same. The liberal bias Times would have you believe that the high percentage is a reflection of the party’s longstanding hostility to the law. Sorry Times, maybe it’s because they pay attention more and are more informed.


More than one-third of Americans are unaware that ObamaCare and the Affordable Care Act are the same law.

The figure comes from a new poll by Morning Consult that found 35 percent of Americans do not know ObamaCare is another label — made popular by the GOP — used to describe the Affordable Care Act, enacted under former President Barack Obama in 2010.

About 17 percent of Americans polled thought they were two different laws, and 18 percent said the didn’t know whether they were the same policy or two different things.

The New York Times published the results from the survey on Tuesday. Morning Consult conducted the survey in late January with a sample of 1,890 adults.

The bias analysis of the polling data courtesy of the NY Times:

Sorry Libs, it’s not a matter of confusion, this is a matter of a voter electorate being willfully and woefully uninformed. When one side of the political spectrum is so uninformed regarding what was supposed to be Barack Obama’s signature piece of legislation, their is a problem and it has nothing to do with confusion. However, ask those same Obamacare-ACA challenged people who the Kardashian’s are and the number skyrockets.

This finding, from a poll by Morning Consult, illustrates the extent of public confusion over a health law that President Trump and Republicans in Congress hope to repeal.

In the survey, 35 percent of respondents said either they thought Obamacare and the Affordable Care Act were different policies (17 percent) or didn’t know if they were the same or different (18 percent). This confusion was more pronounced among people 18 to 29 and those who earn less than $50,000 — two groups that could be significantly affected by repeal.

Among Republicans, a higher percentage (72 percent) said they knew Obamacare and the A.C.A. were the same, which may reflect the party’s longstanding hostility to the law.

This confusion may affect the public debate over health care policy. If many people think repealing Obamacare would not affect the popular provisions of the A.C.A., they might not understand the potential consequences of the proposals being considered in Washington.

Two Inspectors Generals Ask Justice Department to Open Criminal investigation into Hillary Clinton Email Account


The New York Times report Thursday that two inspectors general had made a criminal referral to the Justice Department with regards to Hillary Clinton’s personal email account as Secretary of State and at least four messages from her email that contained classified information. That was before the NY Times decided to scrub their story at the bequest of the Clinton camp. No left-wing media bias there, huh? Who thinks the Times would change a story like this for a GOP presidential candidate?

Hillary Clinton sent at least four messages from her personal email account containing classified information during her time as secretary of state, according to a memo from the Inspector General of the Intelligence Community obtained by the Wall Street Journal.

Following a New York Times report Thursday that two inspectors general had made a criminal referral to the Justice Department, the Journal cited a letter to Congress from the inspector general.The Times later made revisions to the initial story.

Email/Server-gate is going to hound her all the way to the 2016 Presidential election. The media talks about how Trump should withdraw for what he has said about illegals. If that is the case, Hillary Clinton should withdraw immediately for her actions and lack of transparency as Secretary of State under Obama. Speaking of Obama, will his DOJ actually investigate Hillary? If not, why not?

CNBC: Criminal Inquiry Is Sought in Clinton Email Account.

Two inspectors general have asked the Justice Department to open a criminal investigation into whether sensitive government information was mishandled in connection with the personal email account Hillary Rodham Clinton used as secretary of state, senior government officials said Thursday.

The request follows an assessment in a June 29 memo by the inspectors general for the State Department and the intelligence agencies that Mrs. Clinton’s private account contained “hundreds of potentially classified emails.” The memo was written to Patrick F. Kennedy, the under secretary of state for management.

It is not clear if any of the information in the emails was marked as classified by the State Department when Mrs. Clinton sent or received them.

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