90% Of Workers Likely To See More Money In Paycheck Next Month Thanks to Trump-GOP Tax Cuts
As reported at CBS News – Boston, next month American workers will see the beginnings of the Trump-GOP tax cut in their paychecks. All Americans, whether you be Republican, Democrat, Conservative, Liberal, Libertarian or somewhere in-between will benefit from this. Whether you are black, white, Hispanic, Asian or whatever, you will benefit from these tax cuts where not one Democrat House Representative or Senator voted for. Unreal, the once Democrat party of the blue color worker now votes against the American worker. The LEFT, Democrats and the liberal media can say and write all of the negative stories they want, the fact of the matter is that an overwhelming majority of Americans will see a benefit from this courtesy of President Trump and the GOP.
The U.S. Treasury and the IRS on Thursday put out new guidance and withholding tables for employers that incorporate changes from the new tax law.
Under those new tables, the Treasury estimates that 90% of people who get a paycheck are likely to see more in take-home pay, as soon as February. Employers will have until Feb. 15 to incorporate the changes in their payroll systems.
But for many taxpayers, they will need to assess whether the new tables really are withholding enough money so that they’re not saddled with a big bill when they file their taxes next year.
The major changes affecting individuals include new tax brackets, (mostly) lower income tax rates, a near-doubling of the standard deduction and the elimination of both personal exemptions as well as many itemized deductions.
The new tables are designed not only to best approximate the change in workers’ tax liability under the new law, but to do so in a way that “delivers benefits as soon as possible to as many people as possible with as little disruption as possible,” a senior Treasury official told reporters.
The IRS is not issuing new Form W-4s … yet. “We’ve constructed the tables so that most people should be accurately withheld if they leave their W-4 in place,” a senior IRS official noted.
Let’s see how the Democrats and their MSM propaganda machine spin this ahead of the 2018 midterm elections. What is their slogan, Vote for Democrats, because your money is our money! Good luck to those Democrats in Trump states explaining this one.
Posted January 13, 2018 by Scared Monkeys Conservatives, Democrat-Media Complex, Democrat/Obama Propaganda, Democrats, Donald Trump, Liberals, Making America Great Again, Media, Media Bias, Progressives, Republican, Socialist, Tax & Spend Liberals, Taxes | no comments |
Barack Obama Takes Negative Shot at FOX News Viewers Saying They’re “Living On a Different Planet”
The Community agitator is back … Just when you thought you were save from the eight nightmare, divisive years of Barack Obama, he’s back. As reported at Fox News, the former President Barack Obama resurfaced on Friday and took a shot at Fox News viewers, saying they’re “living on a different planet” than people who consume mainstream media. One can look at this two ways, one; how Obama intended his negative and derisive words and two; thank God we care to be more enlightened and not sheeple listening to the bias, fake news liberal-Democrat media complex. So the former “Divider in Chief” Obama now does not insult Fox News, but its viewers? REALLY? Heaven forbid anyone have a differing opinion than the LEFT. In the case of Fox News, actually care enough to actually do some investigative journalism into what really went on during the Barack Obama/Hillary Clinton years? Add John Solomon at The Hill in as well and Sara Carter. Imagine what would have happened to your presidency had the liberal MSM done their job and investigated your Russian collusion with the Uranium One deal, Hillary Clinton’s private email servers and national security issues, illegal use of the NSA to spy on your enemies, the weaponize of the IRS against Obama enemies and the phony Steele dossiers used for FISA warrants, etc.
Hey Obama, who is it that is living in a fantasy world? It’s time to get off the unicorn. As we have learned, the president who claimed he was going to have the most transparent president, was hardly that.
Sean Hannity & Gingrich discuss Obma’s somments
Former President Barack Obama resurfaced on Friday and took a shot at Fox News viewers, saying they’re “living on a different planet” than people who consume mainstream media.
Obama made the remarks on the premiere of the new monthly Netflix series “My next guest needs no introduction with David Letterman,” which hit the streaming service on Friday morning. Early in the episode, Obama asked Letterman about his retirement but the veteran talk show host quickly let the former president know who was boss.
“Now here’s how this is gonna work. I’m gonna ask you stuff, and then you respond to stuff,” Letterman joked.
Letterman then asked Obama what he considers the more dangerous threat to a democracy, the president demeaning the press or a foreign power sabotaging the voting process. Both options are clearly jabs at President Trump and Obama answered without mentioning the current president’s name.
“One of the biggest challenges we have to our democracy is the degree to which we don’t share a common baseline of facts,” Obama said. “If you watch Fox News, you are living on a different planet than you are if you are listening to NPR.”
Barack Obama enjoyed the pleasure of 95% of the media covering for him, rather than doing their job and being a watch guard against government for the American people. Now Obama would actually attack the very few who dared to not stick their heads in the sane and blindly follow and protect him.
Posted January 13, 2018 by Scared Monkeys Barack Obama, Community Agitator, Democrat-Media Complex, Democrat/Obama Propaganda, Divider in Chief, Epic Fail, Fake News, FOX NEWS, Imperial President, Media, Media Bias, Misleader, NPR, The Lying King, Transparency | one comment |
Debbie Wasserman Schultz’ ‘Islamophobia’ Claim Prompts Angered Marine To Go Public On Awans
From The Daily Caller comes the following story regarding the Marine who came forward and provided key evidence to the FBI in the case against Democratic Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz’s former IT employee Imran Awan. The Marine, who is black and says he votes Democrat, stated that he was “pissed off” that Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz’ claims of Islamophobia by law enforcement. He knew them to be bad actors and wanted them exposed. There is a reason why the liberal MSM and Democrats do not want this story widely published and investigated. In the end, the investigation in to the Awan’s actions is going to be be huge. Let’s speculate for a second, imagine if this is where the Russians got their info from?
Sometimes the crime is bigger than the cover up.
A Marine who provided key evidence in the FBI case against Democratic Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz’s former IT employee said he is appalled by her claim that Islamophobia led U.S. Capitol Police to frame the former staffer.
Also Wednesday, two of Imran Awan’s relatives went on the record to say they think he would do anything for money.
Andre Taggart alerted the FBI to damaged harddrives and a cache of electronics tied to Imran Awan, a former IT specialist for dozens of House Democrats. Awan is the central figure in a criminal investigation of suspected procurement fraud and violations of the congressional IT network, including diverting data to an off-site server.
Taggart told The Daily Caller News Foundation’s Investigative Group Wednesday that “it was amazing” that Wasserman Schultz, a Florida Democrat, describes Imran as a victim of religious discrimination by law enforcement. Taggart rented the Northern Virginia home of Awan, who had frantically moved out after learning authorities were onto him.
“It pisses me off,” said Taggart, a black Marine who says he votes Democrat. He believes Wasserman Schultz is crying wolf and devaluing the meaning of genuine discrimination, while also exposing herself and the nation to risks.
Wasserman Schultz claimed Imran Awan is being “persecuted” by the Capitol Police and FBI after she was told that he is suspected of “data transfer violations,” even as she lamented the seriousness of the hacking of the Democratic National Committee. Wasserman Schultz was chairwoman of the Democratic National Committee when its IT network was hacked in 2016.
“I just want to get these [guys] locked up and exposed and now,” Taggart told TheDCNF. “The people who facilitated them should also be locked up, as far as I’m concerned.”
Posted August 25, 2017 by Scared Monkeys Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL), Democrat-Media Complex, Democrat/Obama Propaganda, Democrats, Liberals, Progressives | one comment |
Fox News – Hannity 8/14/17 … Discusses the Hate & Riots in Charlottesville Caused by Extremism … Don’t Ever Let the MSM Define You! (VIDEO)
It is hard to believe we have this type of hate, ignorance and racists in America today. However, this is such a small pocket of extremist hate on both sides of the political spectrum, right and left. This is what happens when hate meets hate. Thankfully, this is a minority of people, fringe groups, but you would never know that if you listened to the media.
It is a sad state of affairs when the liberal MSM tries to point blame at everyday, average, run of the mill Americans who are Republicans, conservatives or are on the Right, with extremest, ignorant white supremacist, Nazi types. The sick MSM took the opportunity this weekend to call President Trump and in turn all who voted for him as racists too. REALLY? The LEFT and the Attack Trump media took this tragic event as an opportunity to spread their own division and hate. It is bad enough we have this kind of evil, hate and ignorance in America, do we really need the MSM fanning the flames and calling hard working, law abiding citizens who they agree with racists too?
Oh the hypocrisy of the LEFT and the MSM … isn’t it them who remind us all the time that radical Islam is not Islam? We are constantly told that Islam is a religion of peace every time there is a terrorist event and that all Muslims should not be held responsible for the actions of the radical, extremist few. So what’s the difference? Nope, not when it comes to racism, some how the acts of white supremacists some how reflect the President and all whites who voted for him. REALLY?
Or what about the Bernie Sanders campaign volunteer who opened fire yesterday in Alexandria, Va on Republican Congressman as they practiced baseball for an upcoming charity baseball game? Weren’t we told this was not a reflection of all of the LEFT? We were told by Sen. Sanders that he condemned these actions. Hell, this guy volunteered for his campaign and we give the LEFT and Sanders a pass. But oh no, not when the vile MSM and their sick divisive agenda is at work. Their double standard and hypocrisy is disgusting.
Posted August 15, 2017 by Scared Monkeys Democrat-Media Complex, Democrat/Obama Propaganda, FOX NEWS, Gang Violence, Hate Crime, KKK, Media, Media Bias, Nazi, Racism, United States, WTF, You Tube - VIDEO | 4 comments |
NBC Reporter Andrea Mitchell Gets Destroyed by State Dept Spox Heather Nauert On Trump’s Threat To North Korea (VIDEO)
During yesterdays presser, State Dept Spokesperson Heather Nauert reminded the liberal MSM exactly really what is alarming and it was not the comments made by President Donald Trump regarding, “fire and fury”. The MSM acts as if a country making the threat of a nuclear attack is perfectly ok and should not be responded to. Nauert actually had to scold and lecture the media as to the gravity of the situation going on with North Korea as the MSM just wants to play silly season and attack Trump. Sorry, the Obama days are over of apologies to our enemies and drawing faux lines in the sand. There is a reason why Trump was elected by the American people and the MSM still cannot stand it. The days of kicking the can down the road with North Korea, as other presidents have done of both parties, are over.
“Let’s consider what is alarming,” State Department spokeswoman Heather Nauert said. “What is alarming: two ICBM tests in less than a month, two nuclear tests that took place last year.”
“It is a big deal what is going on,” she added. “It is a concern to the world, not just the United States. Those are alarming actions, they’re provocative actions on the part of North Korea.”
“The United States is on the same page,” she said. “Whether it’s the White House, the State Department, the Department of Defense, we are speaking with one voice, and the world is, in fact, speaking with one voice.”
Posted August 10, 2017 by Scared Monkeys Democrat-Media Complex, Democrat/Obama Propaganda, Donald Trump, Donald Trump, Kim Jong Un, Making America Great Again, Media, Media Bias, MSNBC, NBC, North Korea, North Korea, State Department, You Tube - VIDEO | 3 comments |