2 Radical Islamist Terrorist Suspects Killed, 7 Detained After Raid in Saint-Denis, France (VIDEO)


Two Islamist terrorist suspects have been killed in the Paris suburb of Saint-Denis following a police raid of a home of individuals linked to the deadly terror attacks that rocked the French capital five days ago killing 129 innocent lives. According to reports, seven people have been arrested, including three men who were removed from inside the apartment. It is also being reported that the suspects targeted in Saint-Denis were “about to move on some kind of operation.” It appears that the raid has thwarted another terror attack that was planned for Paris. Abdelhamid Abaaoud, the suspected ringleader of the Paris attacks, is one of the potential targets of the operation.

VIDEO Hat Tip – Jihad Watch

• 3:07 a.m. ET: Five people have been arrested during the operation, the Paris prosecutor’s office said. They include three men who were removed from the apartment at the heart of the raid, and a man and a woman who were detained near the apartment, the prosecutor’s office said. It also confirmed that a woman killed herself at the scene by activating her suicide belt.

• 2:16 a.m. ET: One of the terrorist suspects killed was shot by a police sniper, and another was a woman who died after her suicide vest exploded, the broadcaster reported. A civilian passerby was killed during the operation, it said.


A violent, hours-long operation in a Paris suburb ended Wednesday with two suspected terrorists dead, seven detained, new attacks potentially thwarted and further proof, according to French President Francois Hollande, that his country is “at war” with ISIS.

The Saint-Denis raid targeted the purported ringleader of last week’s bloody Paris attacks and came as the suspects were “about to move on some kind of operation,”


• 7:43 a.m. ET: French President Francois Hollande said Wednesday that he would propose a law to legislators to extend by three months the state of emergency that was declared after the Paris attacks. The state of emergency does restrict certain liberties but gives France the means to re-establish citizens’ liberty, Hollande said.

• 7:22 a.m. ET: Hollande said that what happened in Saint-Denis is further confirmation that “we are at war” with ISIS. He said terrorists were targeting France because of its values and place in the world. “Daesh (ISIS) has an army, financial resources, oil resources, and occupies a territory. It has accomplices in Europe. … It commits barbarous massacres,” Hollande said.

Two Air France Flights from U.S. to Paris Diverted Due to Bomb Threats


CNN is reporting that two Air France flights headed from the United States to Paris were diverted because of bomb threats. Flight 65, en route from Los Angeles International Airport to Paris, was diverted to Salt Lake City, Utah after a bomb threat was called in from the ground. Also, Air France Flight 55 from Washington’s Dulles International Airport to Charles de Gaulle Airport in Paris was diverted to an airport in Halifax, Nova Scotia also because of a called-in bomb threat as well. Both flights landed safely without incident. No bombs were found on either plane. Whether this was a sick hoax or a continued act of terrorism following the massacre in France, the results are the same, people living in fear that it might be terrorism. Tensions are high as incidents are occurring in the United States and across the world in the wake of the ISIS terror attacks in France this past Friday where 129 individuals were killed.

Two Air France flights headed from the United States to Paris were diverted because of bomb threats, officials said.

Both flights landed safely Tuesday night, and were searched and given the all-clear by Canadian and U.S. authorities.

Flight 65, en route from Los Angeles to Paris, was diverted to Salt Lake City after a bomb threat was called in from the ground, a U.S. government official said.

The official did not know whether anyone was arrested and was not aware of any unruly passengers on board.

Shortly afterward, Air France Flight 55 from Washington’s Dulles International Airport to Charles de Gaulle Airport in Paris was diverted to an airport in Halifax, Nova Scotia — also because of a called-in bomb threat, a government source said.

Video Captures the Moment Islamic Terrorists Opened Fire During Paris Rock Concert at the Bataclan

The moment that radical Islamic terrorist opened fire during the rock concert in Paris, France at the Bataclan was captured on video. Many in the audience that the popping sounds were part of the shows pyrotechnics. Sadly, it was not. It was Islamic terrorists murdering innocents with Kalashnikovs and in the end, 89 people were dead and scores more injured.

The Blaze:

There was a moment — just a moment — when the concert hall was eerily quiet. The rock band had stopped playing, and people had dived to the floor after realizing the sudden explosions hadn’t been part of the show. Everything was silent.

Then the attackers started again, strafing the crowd with automatic gunfire. There were screams of terror, the staccato of Kalashnikovs and cries of the wounded, followed by a standoff with police and the explosions of suicide bombs.

By the time the ordeal was over at one of Paris’ celebrated entertainment venues, 89 people were dead and many more were wounded, entangled bodies in pools of blood.

A French survivor summed it up with one word: “Hell.”

It was a sell-out crowd at the Bataclan on Friday for the 9 p.m. concert by an American group, the Eagles of Death Metal. Less than an hour after the band began its set, a series of bangs rang out. Many thought it was firecrackers or pyrotechnics.

ISIS Terrorist ‘Jihadi John’ Believed Killed in US Drone Strike


U.S. officials are saying that the ISIS terrorist, Jihadi John, was killed in a U.S. airstrike Thursday night in Raqqa, Syria. The ISIS Muslim jihadist whose real name is Mohammed Emwazi was thought to be hit as he left a building in Raqqa, Syria and entered a vehicle. Pentagon Press Secretary Peter Cook stated, “U.S. forces conducted an airstrike in Raqqa, Syria, on November 12, 2015 targeting Mohamed Emwazi, also known as ‘Jihadi John.” The ISIS executioner was responsible and seen in many videos murdering innocent.

Jihad John

The ISIS terrorist dubbed “Jihadi John”, who oversaw the brutal executions of American and Western hostages, was hit by a U.S. air strike Thursday night and is believed to have been killed, U.S. officials told ABC News.

One official said the jihadist, Mohammed Emwazi, was thought to be hit as he left a building in Raqqa, Syria, and entered a vehicle. The official called it a “flawless” and “clean hit” with no collateral damage and that Emwazi basically “evaporated.”

“U.S. forces conducted an airstrike in Raqqa, Syria, on Nov. 12, 2015 targeting Mohamed Emwazi, also known as ‘Jihadi John,’” Pentagon Press Secretary Peter Cook said.

“Emwazi, a British citizen, participated in the videos showing the murders of U.S. journalists Steven Sotloff and James Foley, U.S. aid worker Abdul-Rahman Kassig, British aid workers David Haines and Alan Henning, Japanese journalist Kenji Goto, and a number of other hostages,” Cook said. “We are assessing the results of tonight’s operation and will provide additional information as and where appropriate.”


The PJ Tatler opines, the death of Jihadi John could have come to a nicer guy … AGREED!

18 Year Old Faisal Mohammad Who Attacked 4 People with a Knife before He was Shot & Killed by UC Merced Police Had Planned Much More Killing


It turns out that 18 year old Faisal Mohammad had planned to kill a lot of people, according to a two-page, hand-written manifesto found during his autopsy. The college freshman went on a stabbing rampage on a Northern California college campus after being kicked out of a study group. However, before he could do too much harm, police shot and killed Mohammad Wednesday morning after he stabbed two students and two others during a morning rampage on campus.

Faisal Mohammad

Anger over being kicked out of a UC Merced study group drove an 18-year-old computer science student to make a precise plan to kill “a lot of people,” according to a two-page, hand-written manifesto found during his autopsy, authorities said Thursday.

Faisal Mohammad, a slender freshman in glasses, entered his Wednesday morning class with a 10-inch knife, a backpack filled with zip-tie handcuffs, duct tape and, in his pocket, a point-by-point script for vengeance, Merced County Sheriff Vern Warnke told reporters: “He had a pretty elaborate idea of what he wanted to do.”

“We had an upset teenager that was upset over being kicked out of a study group” for being disruptive, the sheriff said. “He was a teenager, he got mad and took it out this way.

“We don’t know what’s going to trigger and we don’t have a crystal ball … We don’t know. The human person is a very unpredictable being.”

Mohammad rolled out his plan, attacking and wounding one student as the professor and others in the room screamed. Then, something happened that interrupted his script, Warnke said. A nearby construction worker heard the screams and burst in. The 31-year-old Merced man tangled with the teen, who slashed him with the knife and then fled the room. Mohammad would stab and wound two other people before he was chased down by campus police and shot to death.

“The fortunate part is,” Warnke said, “his plans went haywire because people fought back … a very brave construction worker who stopped this from going on. It took his script away from him.”

More political correctness from law enforcement. Police have stated that they did not believe this was terrorism related; however, in his manifesto there were several references to Allah. Let us not forget he was using a 10 inch knife as well, similar to the ones we see from videos where Islamofascists are cutting the heads off of innocent people. And of course let is not forget who praised this individual for his actions, that would be ISIS.

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