Secretary of State John Kerry Caught on Hot Mic Comment About Israel … “It’s a Hell of a Pinpoint Operation”

Once again the Obama administration treats it’s allies with condemnation … Kerry was for saying it was an Israel hell of a pinpoint operation, before he was against it.

Secretary of State John Kerry was caught on a hot mic during this Sunday morning’s round robin of talk shows with some interesting and blunt remarks as a condemnation of Israeli tactics Kerry said on the open mic, . “It’s a hell of a pinpoint operation” not once but twice.”The Washington Post’s reports:

Kerry’s comments are clear. “It’s a hell of a pinpoint operation,” he says, then repeats it. “It’s a hell of a pinpoint operation.” It’s an apparent reference to Israel’s insistence that its incursion into the region would be limited. “It’s escalating significantly,” the person on the phone replies, and Kerry then says: “We’ve got to get over there. I think we ought to go tonight.” He then calls it “crazy” to be “sitting around.”

Sec. of State Kerry was asked by Chris Wallace on ‘Fox News Sunday’ what he meant by his comments. As reported at Powerline, In an unusual moment during Fox News Sunday, host Chris Wallace presented Secretary of State John Kerry with video recorded before he came on air and asked Kerry whether he thought that Israel went too far? Let the double talk begin.

“When you said it’s a hell of a pinpoint operation,” Wallace asked, are you “upset that the Israelis are going too far?”

“It’s very difficult in these situations,” Kerry said, repeating that the United States supports Israel’s right to defend itself. He then explained his comments by saying, “I reacted, obviously, in a way that anybody does in respect to young children and civilians.”

Al Qaeda Magazine Suggesting Target List for Attacks Including The US Tennis Open

 Who finds it a little bizarre that Al Qaeda has a magazine that would announce their terror intentions?

In a briefing for New York City’s private security community, Rebecca Weiner, the NYPD’s director of intelligence analysis, warned that Inspire magazine, Al Qaeda magazine, is instructing terrorists on how to make bombs and where to set them off. It would appear that the US Tennis Open in Flushing Meadows, Queens, NY has made the list. Will Al Qaeda now start targeting sporting events where infidels are just having a good time and bothering no one? Was the Boston Marathon just the beginning?

US Open

Pic – US Open

The US Open Tennis Championship appears on a wish list of terror targets in an al Qaeda magazine, an NYPD official said Wednesday.

In a briefing for New York City’s private security community, Rebecca Weiner, the NYPD’s director of intelligence analysis, warned that Inspire magazine is instructing would-be terrorists on how to make bombs and where to set them off, WCBS 880?s Marla Diamond reported.

The magazine lists targets in Washington, D.C.; Virginia; and New York — including the US Open, which begins Aug. 25 in Flushing Meadows, Queens.

My persona belief is that contained sporting events like The US Open are less susceptible to attack because they are contained and easier to defend. One would think these cowards would attack more open events like a marathon that is really impossible to control.

I wonder if any of these would be Al Qaeda terrorists have come through that secure Southern border?

Barack Hussein Obama Highest Approval Rating Among U.S. Muslims

Imagine that, Barack Hussein Obama gets highest approval rating among U.S. Muslims …

From the Politico comes a new Gallup poll that shows President Barack Obama’s approval rating is higher among Muslims than any other religious group. What is some what perplexing is the fact that American Jews give Obama high marks, although down from 2009, even as Obama has shown in the last 6 years that he is no friend of Israel. Although, not surprising at all that those with no religion also sing the praises of The One.

Barack Obama: “My Muslim Faith”

President Barack Obama’s approval rating is higher among Muslims than any other religious group, a new poll says.

According to a Gallup poll released Friday that tracked responses for the first six months of 2014, 72 percent of Muslims said they approve of the president, compared with just 20 percent who disapprove.

Mormons were the least approving religious group, with 18 percent of Mormons approving and 78 percent disapproving of the president. Mormons in the past have ranked as the most conservative major religious group in the U.S.

The survey underscores a religious divide when it comes to presidential approval — Obama is more popular among non-Christians and less popular among Christians.


Chart via Gallup

Gallup: U.S. Muslims Most Approving of Obama, Mormons Least – Relative rank order of religious groups stable throughout his presidency.

Seventy-two percent of U.S. Muslims approved of the job President Barack Obama was doing as president during the first six months of 2014, higher than any other U.S. religious group Gallup tracks. Mormons were least approving, at 18%. In general, majorities of those in non-Christian religions — including those who do not affiliate with any religion — approved of Obama, while less than a majority of those in the three major Christian religious groups did.

Missing and Kidnapped Jewish Teens Eyal Yifrah, Gilad Shaar & Naftali Fraenkel (Dual Israeli-American Citizenship) Found Deceased in West Bank … Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Vows, “Hamas Will Pay”

The search for three missing teens in Israel has come to a sad, savage and bloody end …

19 year old Eyal Yifrah, 16 year old Gilad Shaar and 16 year old Naftali Fraenkel, who had dual Israeli-American citizenship, have been missing since June 12, 2014 have been found murdered in the West Bank north of Hebron. The three went missing while hitching home from a West Bank religious school. Israeli officials said at the time that one of the teens called a police emergency line said: “We’ve been kidnapped.” They were not heard from again.

Israel_3 teens killed2

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Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu vowing “Hamas will pay.”

The Israeli air force conducted strikes early Tuesday morning against 34 targets in the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip in response to rocket attacks against Israel’s southern communities. It was not immediately clear if the airstrikes, which targeted Hamas and Islamic Jihad assets in the strip and came after more than 20 rockets were fired into southern Israel over the past two days, resulted in any casualties, the Jerusalem Post reported.

Also on Tuesday, a Palestinian who Israel said was a member of Hamas was shot dead when he threw a grenade at forces carrying out an arrest raid in the West Bank. The man was the first casualty since the bodies were found.

Israel_3 teens killed

UPDATE I: The Times of Israel: What happened on the night of the kidnapping.

The three teens were waiting at Geva’ot Intersection, west of the settlement of Alon Shvut in the Etzion Bloc south of Jerusalem, soon after 10:15 p.m, looking to catch a ride heading west on Route 367 toward Beit Shemesh and from there to locations in central Israel where each of them lived.

Inside the Hyundai, Israel alleges, were Hamas terrorists Amer Abu Aysha and Marwan Kawasme.

Recognizing, too late, that the car was not an innocent Israeli vehicle, one of the teens called the police at 10:25 p.m. and whispered, “We’ve been kidnapped.” The call was transferred immediately to a senior officer, who continued to ask questions but received no reply. The call lasted for 2:09 minutes and was then cut off. The officer called the number eight more times, but received three busy signals and reached voicemail five times.

The kidnappers, apparently realizing that a call had been made, shot the three teens dead soon afterwards in the backseat of the car, military sources said.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Monday night that they were murdered “in cold blood.”


UPDATE II: Israel Launches Airstrikes in Gaza Strip.

Israel said it launched a series of airstrikes against targets in the Gaza Strip early Tuesday. The military said the strikes hit 34 targets and injured four Palestinians across the Hamas-controlled territory.

It also said approximately six rockets hit Israel, including two that struck an area north of the city of Sderot. No damage or injuries have yet been reported.

Israel launches Gaza air strike after bodies of missing teens found.

Israel bombed dozens of sites in the Gaza Strip on Tuesday, striking at Hamas after finding the bodies of three missing teenagers whose abduction and killing it blames on the Palestinian Islamist group.

Israel’s security cabinet, which held an emergency session late on Monday and was due to meet again on Tuesday, was split on the scope of any further action in the coastal enclave or in the occupied West Bank, officials said. The United States and regional power-broker Egypt urged restraint.

The military said aircraft attacked 34 sites, mostly belonging to Hamas, though its statement did not link the strikes to the abductions. Palestinian medics said two people were slightly wounded.

The military cited 18 Palestinian rockets launched against Israel from Gaza in the past two days.

The Islamist group has neither confirmed nor denied involvement in the disappearance of the students as they hitchhiked near a Jewish settlement on June 12 nor in the cross-border rocket salvoes from Gaza.

Barack Obama Goes Golfing & Fund Raising as Iraq Implodes & All the Sacrifices of Americans Soldiers are Lost to ISIS Terrorists Thanks to Obama

Barack Obama, a complete and epic failure as Commander in Chief … Obama just doesn’t care about America, the military or Americans!

It was said from the outset by many intelligent and common sense thinking people that a premature exit from Iraq by the US military would result in the fall of the Iraq government to insurgents. However, Barack Obama was never one of those intelligent people either as a US Senator or as a president. In order to keep his campaign promise to end the war in Iraq, he sacrificed any victory and all of the sacrifices and lives of those brave American soldiers who fought, died and were injured. Now Iraq is in dire straights as Islamic jihadists take over the country.

In January 2007 then Senator Barack Obama went on Face the Nation to share his foreign policy brilliance stating, “One of the things that I strongly disagree with Senator McCain is, this notion that we have future catastrophe to look forward to if we start phasing down troops.” Guess who was wrong, Epically Wrong! Has there ever been a worse Commander in Chief, ever? Iraq is in complete chaos. City after city are falling in Iraq as Iraq implodes.

Barack Obama stood by and watched Iraq fall to terrorists. There were multiple requests from Iraq for United States airstrikes against the insurgents in staging areas; however, they were turned down. What is up with our Commander in Chief refusing to help militarily in Iraq? Why is he emboldening terrorists? As Ralph Peters said on Fox News, the Jihadi conquest of Iraq the biggest Islamist victory since 12th century. Welcome to Obama’s Jihadi state.

“Patty Ann, this is President Obama’s real legacy. The creation of the first jihadi state in modern history stretching from central Syria to Central Iraq and now approaching Baghdad all because President Obama saw everything through a political lense. He’s gonna end the War in Iraq. He refused to negotiate seriously for residual US presence.

And now, just to put this in perspective for viewers, with this jihadi conquest of Mosul and jihadi forces approaching Baghdad, this is shaping up to be the biggest Arab jihadi victory since the 12th Century, 1187, and the fall of Crusader Jerusalem. This is momentous.

I can’t overstate the importance of Obama’s jihadi state in the heart of the Middle East.”

Video Hat Tip: The Gateway Pundit

So what exactly is Obama trying to accomplish except to try and dispirit America? Barack Obama released 5 Taliban insurgents from GITMO for one military deserter, Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl. Something that the American people are against, and the number will only continue to grow, the more and more the truth comes out. Obama has all but lost Iraq. All of the gains from brave American military soldiers all seem for naught. Sadly, many veterans feel their accomplishments were a waste. A note to the US military veterans of Iraq, what you did was not a waste, your actions were destroyed by Obama more hellbent on a political ideology than winning a war.

Instead, this joke of a president continues and doubles down on his failed foreign policy.Obama spoke on Friday from the White House with some of the most gutless talk from a US president ever. Instead of taking decisive action to help Iraq, Obama is going to continue to dither. UNREAL.

‘We will not be sending US troops back into combat but I had asked my national security team to prepare a range of other options that could help support Iraq security forces. And I’ll be reviewing those options in the days ahead. I do want to be clear though. This is not solely or even primarily a military challenge.”

Barack Obama stated on Friday, he would be reviewing options from his national security team to prepare a range of other options that could help support Iraq security forces. Hmm, really? Looks like as Iraq falls to ISIS terrorists, Barack Obama is going to go golfing and fundraising. For the love of God, are you serious? After all, aren’t we glad that our US president has his priorities straight?

The president’s handlers scoped out some golf courses and gave a list to Obama just in case he wants to spend Father’s Day on the links.

Obama plans to take a short flight to Orange County Saturday to raise money for the Democratic National Committee at a closed-door event at a private home.

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