Bill Maher & Ben Affleck Battle Over Radical Islam … “They Will F*cking Kill You”

Ben Affleck gets his “liberal” lunch handed to him by Bill Maher … 

Poor Ben Affleck was just a perplexed mess as for once he was not surrounded by individuals who were just there to agree with him in an echo chamber. Affleck was given a lesson into the real war on woman. However, I hardly believe that he thought such a thing would happen with his appearance with Bill Maher. Affleck had a look of disbelief when Maher said,  “It is the only religion that acts like the Mafia. They will F*cking kill you if you say the wring thing, draw the wrong picture or write the wrong book.”

It was not too long ago when Maher ripped Charlie Rose a new one and informed him that Islam was not like other religions.

The Blaze:

Affleck was noticeably uncomfortable and frustrated throughout the discussion, calling claims that there are widespread problems within the Islamic religion “racist” and “gross.” Maher said liberals should stick up for liberal principles that many in the Muslim faith do not value, such as freedom of speech and equality for women.

Later in the segment, Affleck said the United States has “killed more Muslims” than radical Islamists have killed Americans while asking Maher to lay out his solution.

“I can show you a Pew Poll of Egyptians, they are not outliers in the Muslim world that say like 90 percent of them believe that death is the appropriate response to leaving the religion,” Maher eventually responded. “If 90 percent of Brazilians thought death was the appropriate response to leaving Catholicism, you would think it was a bigger deal.”

ISIS Video Shows Beheading of British Aid Worker Alan Henning … Threatens American Aid worker Peter Kassig Is Next


In an act of barbarism and cowardice, ISIS has headed yet another westerner, this time British aid worker Alan Henning. The murdering terrorist who executed Henning blamed the death on the United Kingdom for joining the United States led bombing campaign against the terror group ISIS. Henning was abducted the day after Christmas in 2013 by masked gunmen. He was part of a team of volunteers that traveled to Syria to deliver food and water to people affected by Syria’s civil war.  At the end of the VIDEO, an ISIS terrorist is seen threatening a man identified as an American aid worker Peter Kassig.

“Obama, you have started your aerial bombardment of Sham (Syria), which keeps on striking our people, so it is only right that we continue to strike the necks of your people,” the masked militant in the video said.


CNN – ISIS video claims to show beheading of Alan Henning.

A short video released by ISIS on Friday shows the apparent beheading of British aid worker Alan Henning, with the executioner blaming the death on the United Kingdom for joining the U.S.-led bombing campaign against the group.

Before he is killed, Henning speaks to the camera, referencing the British Parliament’s decision to participate in coalition of more than 40 countries who have banded together to go after the so-called Islamic State terror group in Iraq and Syria.

At the end of the video, ISIS shows American aid worker Peter Kassig and threatens his life.

“The brutal murder of Alan Henning by ISIL shows just how barbaric and repulsive these terrorists are,” UK Prime Minister David Cameron said, referring to the group also known as ISIS.

ISIS threatens to kill American aid worker Peter Kassig next:

Kassig, a 26-year-old American now threatened by the Islamic State group, enlisted in the Army in 2004, and became a Ranger, ultimately serving in the 75th Ranger Regiment, an Army special operations unit.

According to his military record, Kassig trained at Fort Benning, Georgia in 2006, and deployed to Iraq from April to July 2007. He was medically discharged at the rank of private first class in September 2007. His home of record at the time of his enlistment was Indianapolis, Indiana.

His parents, Ed and Paula Kassig, issued a statement asking for the world to pray for their son.

“The Kassig family extends our concern for the family of Alan Henning. We have read about his work and his generous character with great respect and admiration,” the statement said. “We ask everyone around the world to pray for the Henning family, for our son, and for the release of all innocent people being held hostage in the Middle East and around the globe.”

His family said Kassig had been working for the relief organization he found, Special Emergency Response and Assistance, or SERA, when he was captured on Oct. 1, 2013, on his way to Deir Ezzour in eastern Syria. He converted to Islam while in captivity and the family has heard from former hostages that his faith has provided him comfort.

Henning, 47, nicknamed “Gadget,” had joined an aid convoy and was taken captive on Dec. 26, shortly after crossing the border between Turkey and Syria. Earlier this week, Henning’s wife Barbara Henning asked the militants in a televised plea: “Please release him. We need him back home.”

Woman Beheaded in Oklahoma at Vaughan Foods by Muslim Convert (Update: Suspect, Alton Nolen Shot by CO’s COO … Victim Colleen Hufford)

Please do not insult our intelligence and call this work place violence …

30 year old Alton Nolen was arrested after stabbing and beheading, yes you read that correctly, beheading 54 year old Colleen Hufford with a knife at Vaughan Foods in Moore, Oklahoma. Nolen then began stabbing 43 year old Traci Johnson before he was shot by Mark Vaughan, a reserve sheriff’s deputy and the company’s COO. But wait, before the PC police and media struggle as to motive and  try and say that this is an act of  workplace violence from an angry, recently fired employee let the commonsense facts present the obvious. First, Moore Police Sgt. Jeremy Lewis stated that recently Alton Nolen, a Muslim covert himself,  had started trying to convert several employees to Islam. Second, exactly who these days beheads individuals with knives? Third, Nolen was a convert to Islam. So please, spare us the BS that this was strictly a horrible incidence of workplace violence, the savage brutality of the killing reeks of the violence and savagery of recent ISIS beheadings.

A man fired from an Oklahoma food processing plant beheaded a woman with a knife and was attacking another worker when he was shot and wounded by a company official, police said Friday.

Moore Police Sgt. Jeremy Lewis said police are waiting until Alton Nolen, 30, is conscious to arrest him in Thursday’s attack and have asked the FBI to help investigate after co-workers at Vaughan Foods in the south Oklahoma City suburb told authorities that he recently started trying to convert several employees to Islam.

Nolen severed the head of Colleen Hufford, 54, Lewis said.

“Yes, she was beheaded,” Lewis told The Associated Press before a Friday news conference.

Lewis said Nolen then stabbed Traci Johnson, 43, a number of times before Mark Vaughan, a reserve sheriff’s deputy and the company’s chief operating officer, shot him.

Let’s be honest and rid ourselves of the PC filter of the media and even law enforcement … if a murder looks like Islamic jihad and smells like Islamic jihad … IT IS ISLAMIC JIHAD AND A TERRORIST ACT IN THE NAME OF ALLAH. However, the MSM like CBS News in the video below will have you believe that this was just simple workplace violence.

CBS News: Police: Woman beheaded at Oklahoma workplace

Police say a woman who was killed by a co-worker at a food distribution center in suburban Oklahoma City was beheaded and that witnesses have said the suspect had been trying to convince co-workers to convert to Islam.

But authorities say the killing was motivated by the suspect’s firing, rather than any pre-planned act of terror.

Moore Police Sgt. Jeremy Lewis said Friday that 30-year-old Alton Nolen had been terminated from Vaughan Foods in Moore, where he worked as a production line employee, shortly before the incident took place on Thursday afternoon.

Colleen Hufford, 54, was beheaded and another woman, 43-year-old Traci Johnson, was stabbed. Both victims were employees of Vaughan Foods, but according to Lewis, it appeared the women were not targeted and were instead stabbed at random.

The FBI is involved in the investigation and is currently conducting a background investigation into Nolen, Lewis said.

According to the Oklahoma Department of Corrections website, Nolen has a criminal history dating back to 2006 that includes charges of possession of a controlled substance and assault and battery on a police officer.

He was imprisoned from April 2011 to March 2013 and is currently listed as being on probation.

French Hostage Hervé Gourdel Beheaded in Algeria by Islamic Jihadists Linked to ISIS

Another beheading from ISIS, this time is is Jund al-Khilafa who posted a video of French hostage Herve Gourdel being killed that  was entitled “Message of blood for the French government”. The group calling itself  Jund al-Khilafah,  Soldiers of the Caliphate,  released a video that appeared to depict the beheading of  55 year old Hervé Gourdel,  a mountain guide from Nice, France who had only arrived in Algeria the previous day. TheIslamic terrorists said that the murder of Herve Gourde was a response to his government’s action against Isis in Iraq, where France launched its first air strikes last Friday.

ISIS has now beheaded individuals from the United States (James Foley and Steven Sotloff) , Great Britain (David Haines) and now France.

France has confirmed that an Algerian jihadist group linked to Islamic State (IS) militants has beheaded tourist Herve Gourdel, seized on Sunday.

Jund al-Khilafa killed Mr Gourdel, 55, after its deadline for France to halt air strikes on IS in Iraq ran out.

French President Francois Hollande condemned the killing as a “cruel and cowardly” act.

He said that French air strikes which began on IS targets in Iraq last week would continue.

Speaking at the UN general assembly, Mr Hollande said that Mr Gourdel’s abduction and decapitation was a barbaric act of terrorism which presented a problem not only for the region but also for the world.

He said the fight against terrorism should know no borders and that France was now in mourning.

“It is not weakness that should be the response to terrorism but force,” he said.

 French tourist beheaded in Algeria by jihadis linked to Islamic State

The video shows Gourdel kneeling, with his arms tied behind his back, in front of four masked militants who read out a statement in Arabic criticising France’s military intervention. They then pushed him on his side and held him down.

The beheading is not shown, but one militant holds his severed head up to the camera. “This is why the Soldiers of the Caliphate in Algeria have decided to punish France, by executing this man, and to defend our beloved Islamic State,” one of the militants said in the video.

Gourdel briefly addressed his family before the militants gave their statement.

The release of the beheading video could have been timed to coincide with Barack Obama’s address to the General Assembly on Wednesday in which the US president urged the world to come together to defeat a jihadist “network of death” in Iraq and Syria.

NBC/WSJ Poll: Large Majority of Americans Support Barack Obama Mission to Destroy ISIS, But Have No Confidence That He Can Do So


It is a sad state of affairs in the White House these days and the people have lost confidence in President Barack Obama. In the most recent NBC/WSJ poll, although 62% of voters say that they support Obama’s decision to take action against ISIS in Iraq and Syria, however, even more, 68%, say they have little to some confidence that he can reach his goals of degrading and eliminating ISIS. Sadly, that seems to be Obama’s own opinion as well with his mixed messages and a plan that counts on premises that he was against just months ago.

It is hard to win a war on terror when you cannot even bring yourself to say it.


Nearly 70 percent of Americans say they lack confidence that the U.S. will achieve its goals in fighting the terrorist group ISIS, according to a new NBC News/Wall Street Journal/Annenberg poll. The findings come in the wake of President Barack Obama’s national address announcing new measures to combat the Sunni militants.

Pressure is mounting on the U.S. and its allies to cripple the militants, who have waged a brutal campaign across Syria and Iraq. ISIS already has beheaded two American journalists and on Saturday released a video showing the execution of a third Westerner, British aid worker David Haines.

The poll – conducted before the latest execution emerged – showed that a combined 68 percent of Americans say they have “very little” or “just some” confidence that Obama’s goals of degrading and eliminating the threat posed by ISIS will be achieved. Just 28 percent said they had “a great deal” or “quite a bit” of confidence. Still, 62 percent of voters say they support Obama’s decision to take action against ISIS in Iraq and Syria, while 22 percent oppose it.

The NBC/WSJ poll also shows that just 38% of voters approve of Obama’s job in handling foreign policy.Which is actually higher than the most recent FOX News poll that has Obama’s approval rating in dealing with foreign police at 34% approve and 59% disapprove.


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