Barack Obama Wrote a Secret Letter to Iran’s Khamenei About Fighting Islamic State, ISIS


And you wonder why the Democrats got a real “ass-whuppin” on November 4 in the 2014 midterm elections. As reported in the NRO, President Barack Hussein Obama penned  a “secret” letter to Iran’s Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Khamenei, in an effort according to sources, to fight the Islamic State (ISIS) and to nudge Iran’s religious leader closer to a nuclear deal. Yes, the same Islamic, Jew hating leader who has called for the death of Israel. WOW. What the hell is this president thinking? As The Daily Caller opines, “the President of the United States has had a tough week. First he watched the voters thoroughly repudiate him. Now the news is out that he’s been begging and pleading for help from the Supreme Leader of Iran, who has no time for him either.

Obama_Iran Ayatollah Khamenei

Iran’s Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Khamenei, Barack Hussein Obama – Bosom Buddies

November 24, the deadline for a nuclear deal with Iran, approaches, and things aren’t looking good. With less than three weeks left, Iran is adopting a hardline negotiating position. And although there’s time left to reach a good deal, President Obama’s current strategy is problematic.

Yesterday the Wall Street Journal reported that last month Obama wrote his fourth “secret” letter to Iran’s Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Khamenei. According to sources, he did so in an effort “aimed both at buttressing the Islamic State campaign and nudging Iran’s religious leader closer to a nuclear deal.”

No problem, right? After all, what harm can a letter do? Actually, a lot. The Journal quotes a senior White House official who provides context for Obama’s outreach: “We’ve passed on messages to the Iranians … saying our objective is against ISIL. We’re not using this as a platform to reoccupy Iraq or to undermine Iran.”

Saying this to Iran is the diplomatic equivalent of telling an ill-reputed used-car salesman, “Money is no object, I don’t need a test drive, and I’m desperate to buy today.” It’s not very clever.

Iran’s hardliners are likely to see the president’s latest letter as a verification of increasing American malleability. But there’s a deeper issue here. As I noted in September, the administration’s willingness to see the best in Iran without challenging the worst manages to inspire only the latter. While we offer friendship, from Beirut to Baghdad, from Sanaa to Washington, Iran forges power through violent opportunism. Members of the Lebanese and Iraqi parliaments recognize Iran’s proclamations of peace for what they are: a thin veil concealing an absolutist agenda. Not incidentally, many American military personnel, through personal experience, share the same skeptical view

UPDATE I: Obama’s Letter to Iran Rattles Congressional Nerves.

House Speaker John Boehner (R., Ohio) expressed concern Thursday when asked about President Barack Obama recent overture to Iran, in which the president outlined a shared interest in countering Islamic State militants in the region.

“I don’t trust the Iranians, I don’t think we need to bring them into this,” Mr. Boehner said.

Lawmakers — especially Republicans, but also many Democrats  — want to have a say in any agreement that comes out of international nuclear talks by a Nov. 24 deadline. Secret communications between the administration and Tehran are likely to raise eyebrows.

UPDATE II: Mitt Romney Calls President Obama letter to Iran leader an “astonishing” and “an enormous error.”

Mitt Romney slammed President Barack Obama on Friday for reaching out to Iran in the fight against Islamic State militants, calling the president’s recent letter to Ayatollah Ali Khamenei “astonishing” and “an enormous error.”

“I was frankly stunned that the president of the United States would write a letter of that nature and in effect, legitimize a nation and a leadership which is violating international norms and is threatening the world,” the 2012 Republican presidential candidate told the audience of the Israeli American Council’s inaugural national conference at the Washington Hilton.

2016 cannot come soon enough, this president is just too damn dangerous for America.

Zale H. Thompson Attacks NYC Police Officers with Hatchet … Suspect Shot Dead by Police (Update: His Facebook Points to Radicalized Lone Wolf Jihadist)


32 year old Zale Thompson, a resident of Queens, New York, was shot dead by police Thursday after he attacked two NYC police officers with a hatchet. One officer was struck in the arm and another in the head by the hatchet wielding suspect. According to Commissioner Bill Bratton, Zale Thompson “charged at the officers with a hatchet in his hand. Unprovoked and not speaking a word, the male then swung at one of the officers with a hatchet, striking his right arm. After striking that officer, the suspect continuing swinging the hatchet, striking a second officer in the head.”

Zale Thompson had a past criminal record; however, upon further review it seems like this may be the acts of a lone wolf terrorist, radicalized Muslim.

Police say they were investigating whether Thompson’s attack on the cops was linked to Islamic terrorism. ISIS has urged fighters to launch lone wolf attacks in the United States.

Thompson’s Facebook page features a photograph of a man dressed in Middle Eastern garb and a cover photo displaying Arabic writing.


A man charged at four New York police officers with a metal hatchet Thursday, hitting two of them at a time of high alert for authorities concerned they might be targeted in the United States and Canada.

The suspect was hiding behind a bus shelter as if he was waiting to attack the officers, according to a law enforcement official, who said it almost appeared as if he was stalking them. The officers were posing for a photo when the man pounced, police Commissioner Bill Bratton said.

He struck one officer in the right arm and another in the head, according to the commissioner. The two officers who weren’t hit then shot at and killed the attacker.

The law enforcement official identified the suspect as Zale H. Thompson, who had a criminal record in California and had been discharged from the Navy for misconduct, according to the source.

The police officer who was struck in the head remains in critical but stable condition. The other officer, who is 24, was struck in the arm and was expected to be released soon.

UPDATE I: Atlas Shrugs – Pamela Geller.

Hatchet Wielding jihad


According to his Facebook page, Thompson is a native of Queens. In 2011, Thompson graduated from Teacher’s College in Columbia University. His page also says that he went to the The College of New Rochelle and High School of Graphic Communications Arts. His last-known address is unknown. He is 32 years old. On his LinkedIn page, Thompson lists his skills as Microsoft Office, Public Speaking and Research.

On his Facebook page, he also went by the name Zaim Farouq Abdul-malik.

1.Thompson Wielded an 18-Inch Ax
2. He Was Discharged From the Navy
3. Zale Was Vocal Online About Racism

Terrorism in Ottawa, Canada: Cpl. Nathan Cirillo Shot to Death at his Post at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier … Update: Gunman Killed, ID’d as Michael Zehaf-Bibeau

Terrorism hits Canada …

24 year old Cpl. Nathan Cirillo was shot to death at at the National War Memorial at  his post at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Ottawa, Quebec. Following the murder, the gunman fled into Parliament building where it was reported that 30 to 40 shots were fired, watch the video below. According to accounts, the gunman, radicalized Muslim, was later shot dead inside the Parliament  building by the House of Commons sergeant-at-arms Kevin Vickers and RCMP. CBC News has confirmed the dead shooting suspect is Michael Zehaf-Bibeau, a Canadian born in 1982.

What a shock, Michael Zehaf-Bibeau was a recent Muslim convert.

VIDEO – CBC (Shots fired inside Parliament)


Prime Minister Stephen Harper said in an evening address that Canada would not be intimidated by Wednesday’s “brutal and violent attack” in Ottawa, in which an armed attacker shot and fatally wounded a Canadian Forces member at the National War Memorial before being shot dead in Parliament’s Centre Block.

The slain soldier is Cpl. Nathan Cirillo, 24, a reservist from Hamilton.

Moments after Cirillo was shot at his post by the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, MPs and other witnesses reported 30 to 50 shots fired inside the main Parliament building.

It was confirmed later that the gunman was shot dead inside the building, felled by the House of Commons sergeant-at-arms and RCMP, according to MPs’ accounts.

CBC News has confirmed the dead shooting suspect is Michael Zehaf-Bibeau, a Canadian born in 1982. CBC News has learned that Zehaf-Bibeau has a criminal record in Quebec dating back 10 years on some drug-related charges. Court documents from that time show that he lived at an address in Montreal.

The Star: Remembering fallen Cpl. Nathan Cirillo.

A Parliament Hill security guard was wounded in the chaotic attack Wednesday just before 10 a.m. in the nation’s capital that police believe involved more than one assailant.

Cirillo, of Hamilton, was one of two Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders of Canada reservists standing guard in front of the monument when a gunman opened fire Wednesday morning. The shooter was killed inside the Parliament buildings after firing at least 20 shots.

Social media accounts and online photos paint a picture of Cirillo as a loving father to his young son, animal lover and fitness buff. Pictures depict him smiling, cuddling a dog, working out at the gym, and playing guitar.

Cirillo was part of a large family and attended Sherwood Secondary School.


Mohammed Hamzah Khan, 19 Year Old American Student Arrested at Chicago’s O’Hare Airport Trying to join ISIS

In a note to his parents, Khan warned … ‘FIRST and FOREMOST, PLEASE MAKE SURE NOT TO TELL THE AUTHORITIES.’

19 year old Mohammed Hamzah Khan, an American student has been arrested at Chicago’s O’Hare Airport in an attempt to travel to Syria to join the terrorist group ISIS. The Bolingbrook teen has been charged with attempting to provide material support to a foreign terrorist organization, specifically by attempting to join the Islamic State, ISIS. The charge of attempting to support terrorism carries a maximum penalty of 15 years in prison.

An American teenager disgusted with the American way of life has been arrested at Chicago’s O’Hare International airport after he allegedly tried to travel to the Middle East to join and fight with ISIS.

Federal prosecutors announced on Monday that FBI agents arrested 19-year-old Mohammed Hamzah Khan, of suburban Bolingbrook, on Saturday evening before he boarded a flight to Istanbul, Turkey, via Vienna.

They accuse him of attempting to travel overseas to support terrorism which carries a maximum sentence of 15-years and Khan is also charged with attempting to provide material support to a foreign terrorist organization.

On Monday, the slight, bearded Khan appeared in a federal court in orange jail clothes, calmly telling the federal magistrate that he understood the allegations.

The local CBS affiliate in Chicago identified a Facebook account belonging to a Hamzah Khan as that of the would be ISIS recruit.

CNN – Planned to meet contact in Istanbul.

During questioning at the airport, Khan waived his Miranda rights and told FBI agents that a person he met online had given him the phone number of a person to call once he arrived in Istanbul.

That person, Khan told agents, was to take him into ISIS territory.

The Department of Justice said the $4,000 round-trip ticket to Istanbul was bought on September 26. But details on who purchased it for Khan and who he was to meet in Turkey were not disclosed.

According to the complaint, Khan told authorities he was planning on working in some type of public service for ISIS — like a police force — providing humanitarian work or taking up a combat role.

SNL Mocks Barack Obama on ISIS and His Underestimating of the Terror Group … “Could I Throw One Particular Person Under the Bus … James Clapper”

Saturday Night Live mocked Barack Obama’s handling of ISIS and the continual Secret Service screw ups at the White House. After throwing James Clapper under the bus, in the spoof, Obama then went on to inform Steve Kroft what the “I” in ISIS stood for. They always say that there has to be a little truth in humor to make it funny. The reality is in the SNL skit below, the entire thing is pretty much a rehashing of what actually happened and people in the audience laughed. Guess what America, the joke has been on you.

Steve Kroft: You made the point  that ISIS and the Islamic faith are in no way connected. Do you still believe that?

Barack Obama: Actually, I am beginning to think there is some connection. For example, did you know that the first “I” in ISIS stands for Islamic, I mean who knew?

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