German Newspaper The Hamburger Morgenpost (MOPO) Firebombed That Reprinted Charlie Hebdo Cartoons


German newspaper, The Hamburger Morgen Post, was firebombed overnight as police state that a “burning object” and rocks were thrown through a window. The MOPO as it is locally known had reprinted cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed from Charlie Hebdo.  The newspaper featured three Charlie Hebdo cartoons of the prophet Mohammed on its front page on Thursday, together with the headline “This much freedom must be possible!” No one was injured in the fire at the editorial offices of the Hamburger Morgenpost.

Charlie Hebdo_MOPO

Berlin (AFP) – A German tabloid that reprinted cartoons from the French satirical paper Charlie Hebdo lampooning the Prophet Mohammed was targeted in firebombing Sunday, police said.

With security services on high alert after a killing spree in Paris by Islamic extremists, police in the northern German port city of Hamburg said no one was injured in the blaze at the headquarters of the regional daily Hamburger Morgenpost, which caused only slight damage.

“Rocks and then a burning object were thrown through the window,” a police spokesman told AFP.

“Two rooms on lower floors were damaged but the fire was put out quickly.”

The Hamburger Morgenpost, known locally as the MOPO, had splashed the Charlie Hebdo cartoons on its front page after the massacre at the Paris publication, running the headline “This much freedom must be possible!”

Police said the attack had occurred at about 0120 GMT and that two young men seen acting suspiciously near the scene were detained. State security has opened an investigation, a spokesman added.

Second Hostage Situation in Paris France … Hostage Taker Identified as Amedi Coulibaly … “You Know Who I Am” … the Individual Suspected of Fatal Shooting a Police Officer (Update: Two Hostages Dead)


There is now a second terrorist hostage situation in Paris, France that is connected with the terror attack at Charlie Hebdo that left 12 dead.  ABC News is reporting that heavily armed SWAT teams moved into Porte de Vincennes after the second hostage situation developed at a kosher grocery, involving a gunman and multiple hostages. It is now being reported that there are 5 hostages inside the kosher deli.

A police official says the man who has taken at least five people hostage in a kosher market in Paris appears linked to the newsroom massacre earlier this week that left 12 people dead.

The official, who was not authorized to speak about the situation, said the man opened fire in the market Friday and declared “you know who I am.”

Paris police released a photo of Amedy Coulibaly, 32, as a suspect in the killing Thursday of a policewoman, and the official named him as the man holed up in the market. He said some hostages have been gravely wounded.

He said a second suspect, a woman named Hayet Boumddiene, is the gunman’s accomplice

paris terror-suspects-Amedi Coulibaly

CNN: Charlie Hebdo attack: 2 intense standoffs in France.

Two intense standoffs with gunmen were underway in and around Paris early Friday afternoon — one involving the two brothers wanted in the Charlie Hebdo massacre and the other a hostage situation at a kosher grocery store near eastern Paris’ Porte de Vincennes.

UPDATE I: The Guardian – Charlie Hebdo attack: new hostage situation at Paris grocery – live updates

More details are emerging about Amedy Coulibaly who is believed to be holding up six people hostage at a kosher supermarket in eastern Paris, after being named as suspect in the killing of a policewoman on Thursday.

He is 33 and from Juvisy-sur-Orge in Ile-de-France. According to Le Monde, Coulibaly and Cherif Kouachi were two of the most committed followers of convicted terrorist Djamel Beghal . Telephone conversations reveal that the pair visited Beghal’s home in Murat in the south of France. Hayat Boumeddiene, 26, has been Coulibaly’s partner since 2010 and lived in his home while he was serving a prison sentence, Le Monde said.

UPDATE II: More trouble in France as armed man kills 2 hostages at kosher deli in Paris.

An armed man exchanging in gunfire with police has taken five hostages and killed two of them at a kosher deli in the Porte de Vincennes area of Paris, various media reported Friday morning.

Fox News and other media reported that two have been killed.

Agence France-Presse reported that a gunman has opened fire and taken at least one hostage. Fox News, meanwhile, said a total of five women and children were being held by the gunman.

Two dead when armed man takes hostages at standoff at kosher deli in eastern Paris

The gunman, reportedly armed with a Kalashnikov rifle, has killed at least two people at a grocery in Porte de Vincennes, according to reports Friday. The armed man, named as 32-year-old Amedy Coulibaly, has taken five people hostage and is linked to Thursday’s murder of a Paris police officer and is an ‘associate’ of terror brothers Said and Cherif Kouachi, who carried out Wednesday’s terror attack on Charlie Hebdo.

Charlie Hebdo Suspected Terrorists (Said & Cherif Kouachi) Surrounded by French Authorities Inside Warehouse with Female Hostage … “Want to Die as Martyrs”(Update: Kouachi KILLED!)


Said and Cherif Kouachi, the two terrorist brothers responsible for the savage massacre at Charlie Hebdo in Paris, France that left twelve dead are reported to be barricaded in a warehouse with one hostage. The Kouachi brothers stormed into a warehouse near Charles de Gaulle airport and forced the workers out, saying “We don’t kill civilians.” French law enforcement officers have surrounded a building about 40 kilometers (25 miles) northeast in the town Dammartin-en-Goele.

One lawmaker said they told negotiators they “want to die as martyrs.”

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The terrorist brothers suspected in the Charlie Hebdo massacre barricaded themselves inside a warehouse with a hostage Wednesday, just hours before a second gunman killed two and took multiple people hostage inside a Paris deli, French media reported.

It appears that the two hostage situations and the Thursday killing of a French police officer are all related.

“Armed and dangerous” brothers Said and Cherif Kouachi stormed into a printing company’s warehouse Friday after they led police on a chase through the Paris area, cops said. The two, accused of slaughtering 12 at the French magazine Wednesday, demanded the workers leave.

“Get out. We don’t kill civilians,” they said, according to Sky News.

At least 1,500 police officers and snipers surrounded the building and began phone negotinations with the Charlie Hebdo massacre suspects. The brothers told officials they “want to die as martyrs,” a French politician told the Telegraph.

The situation is tense and fluid  as the standoff continues between authorities mobilizing commando-style units capable of storming the single-story printing business in Dammartin-en-Goele and the terrorists who want to die as martyrs.



UPDATE I: The terrorist brother, Said and Cherif Kouachi, have been killed!!!

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UPDATE II: Charlie Hebdo Suspects Killed, Market Shooter Dead.

Good riddance to bad rubbish. Hmm, they released the hostage prior to the siege. Looks like they wanted to garner public opinion that they are terrorist with a conscience.

Two brothers believed behind Wednesday’s attack on the offices of French satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo were killed on Friday, Agence France Presse reported, culminating a dramatic day in which France was shaken by two simultaneous hostage crises.

Police cornered brothers Cherif and Said Kouachi on Friday inside a printing house in the town of Dammartin-en-Goele near Charles de Gaulle International Airport, where the suspects had been holed up since Friday morning.

A hostage taken by the brothers in Dammartin-en-Goele was released before the siege. An employee at the printing house who was hiding in the building’s cafeteria was freed by police after the raid. The Associated Press said the brothers told police negotiators they wanted to die as martyrs.

A government source told Reuters that the Kouachis were killed after stepping out of the building and opening fire. The brothers had a loaded M82 rocket launcher, two Kalashnikov assault rifles and two automatic pistols, according to Paris prosecutor Francois Molins.

Charles Krauthammer: The Terror Attack in France on Charlie Charlie Hebdo Shows We Can Not Retain The Ambivalence Obama Has Taken Toward Nature Of War

Last night on Special Report syndicated columnist and Fox News contributor Charles Krauthammer called the war on terror under President Barack Obama for what it has been, a non-seriousness of the big picture in a war against those that want to destroy us and our way of life in jihad. This is not to be conducted as a police action, it is war.

“And we have a president and these events remind us that you cannot retain this ambivalence about the seriousness of this and the nature of the war.”

Krauthammer_RCP_Obama French Terror

Click HERE or on PIC to watch VIDEO

Real Clear Politics:

CHARLES KRAUTHAMMER: Obama said we stand with the people of Ukraine. He said that we stand with the people of Syria. You know, they did the hashtag and the tweet of the girls in Nigeria. It’s nice to say all these things but if you are — by default or whatever reason — the leader of the free world as we have been you’re supposed to do something if you say that.

Look, I don’t think you want to blame anybody. I just think that these events are a reminder, and it’s not so much the attack on Australia, which was a semi-lunatic, who was sort of, you know, a deranged — there are deranged people around the world who will latch on to this ideology and abuse it. These guys did not look like deranged wanderers trying to discover a purpose or an identity. These are people who are killers, trained — the way they executed that cop laying on the street.

This is a war against an enemy and these are the elements of it. And we have a president and these events remind us that you cannot retain this ambivalence about the seriousness of this and the nature of the war. And that’s what worries me because as long as we think that we can deal with this like law enforcement we are going to be continuing to be exposed to a threat that could hit us as easily as it hits them and it deprives us of the weapons like interrogation, like intelligence, like human intelligence that Obama is depriving us of and has been for six years. (Special Report Online, January 7, 2014)

Liberal Democrat Howard Dean Says Islam Not to Blame for Charlie Hebdo Terror Aattack … “I Stopped Calling these People Muslim Terrorists” … “They’re about as Muslim as I Am.”

Does the “D” in Democrat stand for denial or just plain dumb?

WOW, just wow … Former Democrat Governor of Vermont appeared Wednesday on MSNBC’s ‘Morning Joe’ to espouse his brilliance, knowledge and clueless  comments following the Islamic terrorist attack that left 12 dead in the attack of the French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo. Dean dismissed the idea that Islam was to blame for the attack. Dean stated, “I stopped calling these people Muslim terrorists,” and ”They’re about as Muslim as I am.” He also said he does not believe ISIS is an “Islamic cult” WHAT?

Vermont Democrat Howard Dean appeared on MSNBC’s Morning Joe Wednesday with a message for anyone who dares call the Paris shooters that attacked satire magazine Charlie Hebdo “Muslim terrorists.”

“I stopped calling these people Muslim terrorists,” he said. “They’re about as Muslim as I am.”

In comments that are sure to make waves around the Internet, Dean added that ISIS (the so-called “Islamic State”) were not members of the religion either, but instead a “cult,” distinguishing “not an Islamic cult.”

Liberalism kills. This is the mindset of the LEFT when it comes to dealing with terrorism.  Just imagine America, this man was one scream away from winning the Democrat nomination to be president. A note to Howie Dean, the “I” in ISIS stands for Islam.

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