20 Year Old ISIS Sympathizer Christopher Lee Cornell (Raheel Mahrus Ubaydah) Arrested on Charges in Plot to Attack the U.S. Capitol & Kill Government Officials

20 year Ohio man arrested in terror plot … They walk among us.

20 year old Christopher Lee Cornell of Green Township, Ohio, was arrested Wednesday on charges of attempting to kill U.S. government officials in an alleged plot to attack the U.S. Capitol in Washington, DC. The terror attack by the 20 year old “Raheel Mahrus Ubaydah” on DC was radical Islam, ISIS inspired.  Cornell posted statements, videos and other content expressing support for ISIS and told an undercover FBI agent that that they should conduct “jihad” against the United States saying, “I believe that we should just wage jihad under our own orders and plan attacks and everything … I believe we should meet up and make our own group in alliance with the Islamic State here and plan operations ourselves.” The FBI said Cornell told the informant he planned to detonate pipe bombs at and near the Capitol, and use rifles to shoot and kill employees.

Christopher Lee Cornell, 20, of Green Township, was arrested on charges of attempting to kill a U.S. government official, authorities said.

According to government documents, he allegedly planned to detonate pipe bombs at the national landmark and open fire on any employees and officials fleeing after the explosions.

The FBI first noticed Cornell several months ago after an informant notified the agency that Cornell was allegedly voicing support for violent “jihad” on Twitter accounts under the alias “Raheel Mahrus Ubaydah,” according to charging documents. In addition, Cornell allegedly posted statements, videos and other content expressing support for ISIS — the brutal terrorist group also known as ISIL — that is wreaking havoc in Iraq and Syria.

But of course we are not at war with radical Islam … Because Islam is a religion of Peace.


FBI: Ohio Man Inspired By ISIS Plotted Attack On U.S. Capitol.

Cornell met with the informant in Cincinnati on Oct. 17 and 18, and said weapons were needed for an attack, the FBI said. He also showed jihadist videos and information about making bombs on his laptop computer, the FBI said.

The informant met with Cornell a second time on Nov. 10 and 11, and said he considered members of Congress enemies and wanted attack the Capitol, the FBI said. He said he would case out security before conducting the attack, the FBI said.

The FBI said Cornell told the informant he planned to detonate pipe bombs at and near the Capitol, and use rifles to shoot and kill employees. He made plans to get guns and make pipe bombs, and saved up money for the attack, the FBI said.

On Tuesday, Cornell and the informant discussed the final steps to go ahead to Washington, D.C., and on Wednesday, Cornell bought two M-15 semiautomatic rifles and 500 rounds of ammunition for the mission, the FBI said.

Cornell was arrested after he bought the guns, prosecutors said.

FBI: Federal agent arrest Cornell in terror plot at Capitol inspired by ISIS

Obama White House Mouthpiece Josh Earnest: Charlie Hebdo Attacks Not Radical Islam … But Al Qaeda Claims Responsibility for Terror Attacks

Political Correctness Kills …

Yesterday in from of the White House press corps, Barack Obama spokesman Josh Earnest said it was “inaccurate” to use the phrase “radical Islam” to describe the attacks in Paris, France. HUH? According to the the Barack Hussein Obama White House it is inaccurate to call Islamic or radical Islam to describe Muslims who are murdering and dying for their religious beliefs, seriously? In other words, we are not allowed to call radical Islam for what it is, radical Islam. It is incredible to see the Obama administration bend over backwards and contort themselves to describe terrorism.

“I’m describing a reason why we have not chosen to use that label because it doesn’t seem to accurately describe what had happened.”

Maybe Josh Earnest, Barack Obama, Eric Holder and the rest of the lunatic fringe would like to take a listen and watch the video below where Al Qaeda was behind the terror attack.

Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula claimed responsibility Wednesday for last week’s rampage that killed 12 people at France’s Charlie Hebdo satirical newspaper.

The attack was years in the making, AQAP claimed.

In a video, the group said the late Anwar al-Awlaki masterminded the attack. The U.S.-born Muslim scholar and cleric was spokesman for AQAP before his death in 2011.

Radical London Imam Anjem Choudary Admits Islam is not a Religion of Peace, ISLAM IS A RELIGION OF SUBMISSION


Love him or hate him, at least London Imam Anjem Choudary speaks the truth. Last Wednesday during an interview with Sean Hannity on Fox News, Hannity and  Choudary discussed Islam and its views toward the world, freedom of expression, freedom of religion, woman, gays and other social issues. However, the money line of the contentious interview was when London Imam Anjem Choudary stated  that Islam is not a Religion of Peace …Islam does not mean peace, Sean, it means submission, submission to the commands of God.”

 “You’re saying you do not believe in freedom of speech, you don’t believe in freedom of expression, you believe in Islamic fascism, that people must abide by your laws,” Hannity said.

“Actually, as a Muslim, we believe that sovereignty and supremacy belongs to God and therefore we believe in submitting to the commands of God,” Choudary said.

Hannity asked him, “So you’re saying anything offensive about the prophet Muhammad should be illegal and it should be worldwide?”

Choudary told Hannity that in Islam, that carries capital punishment.

Sean Hanity_Imam Anjem Choudary

Click HERE or on PIC to watch VIDEO

Transcript of last Wednesday’s broadcast of Hannity from RCP:

HANNITY: So what you’re basically saying is freedom of expression does not extend to insulting the prophets of Allah, whatever your views on what happened in Paris. So you’re saying you do not believe in freedom of speech. You don’t believe in freedom of religion. You don’t believe in freedom of expression. You believe in Islamic fascism, that people must abide by your laws!

ANJEM CHOUDARY, LONDON IMAM: Actually, as a Muslim, we believe sovereignty and supremacy belongs to God. And therefore, we believe in submitting to the commands of God–

HANNITY: Well, you’re demanding–


HANNITY: But you’re not– no, you’re demanding everybody else submit to what you believe–

CHOUDARY: No. No, what we say–

HANNITY: –and it should be–


HANNITY: Well, that’s what you said. You said freedom of expression–

Read more

Attorney General Eric Holder Cannot Simply Say “YES” When Asked Asked by Todd & Stephanopoulos Whether the US is at War with Radical Islam


America, i hope you are proud of yourselves, this is the administration you not only elected once, but you did so again for a second time. This Sunday morning on NBC’s ‘Meet the Press’ and ABC’s ‘This Week,’  Attorney General Eric Holder was asked by both Chuck Todd and George Stephanopoulos whether the United States was at war with radical Islam. Holder could not find it in himself to simply say, yes we are. UNREAL. These people will be the death of us all. HOW ON EARTH CAN YOU DEFEAT THE ENEMY, IF YOU CANNOT DEFINE THE ENEMY!

Even France’s Prime Minister Manuel Valls said that France was at war with radical Islam. However, this sorry bunch of SOB’s in the Obama administrations cannot bring themselves to say it … RADICAL ISLAM.

From NBC’s ‘Meet the Press,’ Eric Holder cannot say that the United States is at war with radical Islam.

Chuck Todd: the French Prime Minister today declared the France is at war with radical Islam. Would you say the United States is at war with radical Islam?

Eric Holder: Well, I would say we are at war with terrorists who commit these heinous acts. Who use Islam. Who use a corrupted version of Islam to justify their actions. We are bound and determined to hold them accountable. To find which ways we prevent young people who become attracted to this radical ideology, becoming members of these groups and perpetrating these heinous acts.

Eric Holder also made similar comments when asked by ABC’s George Stephanopoulos the same question. (Transcript)

STEPHANOPOULOS: The French prime minister said yesterday that France is at war with radical Islam. Is the U.S. At war with radical Islam?

HOLDER: Well, I certainly think that we are at war with those who would commit terrorist attacks and who would corrupt the Islamic faith in the way that they do, to try to justify their terrorist actions.

So that’s who we are at — at war with. And we are determined to take the fight to them to prevent them from engaging in these kinds of activities.

Our president has indicated that we will be calling, on February the 18th, a summit, so that we deal with better ways in which we can counter violent extremism and really get at the core, come up with ways in which we prevent people from adhering to, being attracted to this terrorist ideology.

Jihadi VIDEO From the Grave of Paris Deli Terrorist Amedy Coulibaly Saying He was with ISIS


A VIDEO was posted online Sunday of gunman Amedy Coulibaly, the terrorist who took part in the Paris terror attack at the Jewish deli taking and murdering hostages, professing loyalty to ISIS. Amedy Coulibaly was shot dead in the police raid on the Hyper Cacher supermarket in eastern Paris. In the video, Coulibaly says he carried out the attack on behalf of Islamic State, ISIS. You will remember that Coulibaly told BFMTV  he had “coordinated” his terror attacks with the Charlie Hebdo killers and was a member of ISIS. The Kouachi brothers had also said the attacks were coordinated as well before they were killed.

UK Telegraph - Jihadi video of Amedy Coulibaly emerges from beyond the grave:

Amedy Coulibaly, the gunman who killed four people in a Jewish grocery, says he helped to fund the Kouachi brothers’ attack on the satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo.

A video has emerged online of Amedy Coulibaly, the terrorist who killed a policewoman on Thursday in Paris and another four people in a kosher supermarket in Vincennes on Friday, seeking to justify his murders, pledging allegiance to Isil and discussing the Charlie Hebdo attack.

Entitled ‘soldier of the Caliphate”, the film shows Coulibaly, referred to as Aboü Bassir AbdAllah al-Ifriqip, preparing his terror strike by doing push ups in what looks like a prison coutryard, and filming a cache of weapons.

More VIDEO of Amedy Coulibaly espousing his hate (caption translations)

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