Uber-Liberal Bill Maher Calls American Sniper Chris Kyle a “Psychopath Patriot” on HBO’s ‘Real Time’


Bill Maher calls American hero Chris Kyle a “Psychopath Patriot”.  The only redeeming quality of far-Left comedian Bill Maher was that he got terrorism, radical Islam and the Islamo-fascist killers who would sooner cut some ones head off than say hello. Or at least we thought. During the latest episode of HBO’s ‘Real Time,’ Bill Maher came out in his condescending tone, “The Hurt Locker made 17 million because it was a little ambiguous and thoughtful, and this one [the movie America Sniper] is just American hero, he’s a ‘Psychopath Patriot’ and we love him”  Why, because that’s what liberals do, they mock American heroes because they hate the military. Even though Maher has ripped radical Islam in the past, to the horror of the radical LEFT, it would appear that Maher cannot support an actual American hero he made a difference in killing murderous Islamists.


Maher quoted Chris Kyle stating, “I hate the damn savages” and I love killing bad guys”. Maher then said, that doesn’t seem like a Christian thing to say. Wow really, an atheist like Maher is going to judge an individual it was to be a sniper, to kill the enemy, in order to protect Americans. Welcome to the hateful liberal mindset. Left Howie Dean tried to pile on and make a comparison that there is a lot of anger in the country and the people going to see the movie are angry Tea Party folk. Really Howie? This from Howie “I have a scream” Dean, you seem like a little hate-filled man yourself. Did we also say clueless? American Sniper is #1 at the box office again this week, bringing in over $200 million. Wow Howie, who knew there were that many Tea Party people out there. You better hope not.

This guy (the late Chris Kyle) basically says, ‘I’m going to fight on your side. I bet you if you looked at the cross-section of the tea party and people who see this movie there’s a lot of intersection.”

But a funny thing happened after Maher made is mocking and snarly comments regarding Chris Kyle, his guets turned against him. Two of Maher’s guests made the case that there is nuance in the movie, and that it’s not just about “killing savages.” They stated, it’s about the horror of war, the moral struggles a sniper faces and the battle with PTSD that rages on the home front.

“I can’t believe you came away with that impression of the film,” Mr. Stephens said to Mr. Maher. “What I saw was a movie that treats what veterans and soldiers go through in way that was subtle. It was not just about war it was about PTSD. It’s about what the wives of soldiers go through. And by the way the savages he’s talking about aren’t ordinary Iraqis, the savages are al Qaeda killers who put drills into children to enforce orders.”

Comedian Bill Burr backed up Mr. Stephens, telling Mr. Maher “You can’t sum up a man by one quote taken out of context.”

Bill Maher, calls Chris Kyle, American Sniper, a ‘Psychopath Patriot’

VIDEO – (content warning: strong language)

The Blaze:

Is “American Sniper” just a mindless, pro-war action movie with a “psychopath” hero?

That’s what one liberal claimed — but he was quickly contradicted by his own guests.

Bill Maher, host of HBO’s “Real Time,” came out swinging against the blockbuster “American Sniper” on his show Friday night, complaining that the film doesn’t show any nuance and merely presents sniper Chris Kyle as an American hero.

“‘He’s a psychopath patriot and we love him,’” Maher said mockingly of the thousands of Americans who flocked to see the film.

EXIT QUESTION: I wonder if the only thing that separated Bill Maher from be beheaded by a savage radical Islamist was a sniper’s bullet if he would consider that sniper a “Psychopath Patriot”?

ISIS Claims They Have Killed One of Two Japanese Hostages … VIDEO Shows Hostage Kenji Goto Holding Pic of Beheaded Body of the Second Hostage, Haruna Yukawa


The Islamic State, ISIS, has reportedly released a new video Saturday claiming one of the two Japanese captives had been beheaded.  In the video, Japanese freelance journalist Kenji Goto holds up a photo that shows the dead body of the second hostage, Haruna Yukawa. The video has yet to be verified and there is some question as to the videos authenticity as it is different from past ISIS ones released. However, with ISIS’s record of beheading innocents, why would these savages put forth a fake?  ISIS is now issuing a new demand for the second Japanese hostage, to al Qaeda female prisoner in Jordan, , Sajida Mubarak Atrous al-Rishawi.”

ISIS_Japanese hostage

Japanese Times

A purported ISIS video posted online today claims the terror group has beheaded one of two Japanese hostages and will execute the second unless an al Qaeda female prisoner is freed in Jordan.

Neither U.S. nor Japanese officials were able to immediately authenticate the video, which did not contain many of the high production techniques seen in earlier ISIS videos nor the typical branding for the terror group.

The video shows a still picture of Japanese television reporter Kenji Goto holding a photo of the beheaded body of Haruna Kuwana.

Clearly reading a message written for him, the voice says ISIS no longer is demanding a $200 million ransom but will free him if the female prisoner is released.

“They no longer want money, so you don’t need to worry about funding terrorists,” the voice says. “They are just demanding the release of their imprisoned sister, Sajida al-Rishawi. It is simple, You give them Sajida and I will be released.”

UPDATE I: Japanese hostage feared killed as government says will not give in to terrorism.

In an audio tape sent to the family of one of the hostages, Kenji Goto, he appeals for help and say that the other, his friend Haruna Yukawa, has been killed.

As he speaks, Mr Goto is shown in a still photograph, in which he holds up another photograph showing what seems to be Mr Yukawa’s decapitated body with his head lying on his back – a now standard method used by Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant to display its victims.

“You have seen the photo of my cellmate Haruna slaughtered in the land of the Islamic Caliphate,” he says, addressing the Japanese prime minister, Shinzo Abe.

“You were warned. You were given a deadline and so my captors acted upon their words.

UPDATE II: White House has released a statement condemning the alleged action of the Islamic State group.

“We have seen the video purporting to show that Japanese citizen Haruna Yukawa has been murdered by the terrorist group ISIL,” Patrick Ventrell, a U.S. National Security Council representative, said in the statement. “The intelligence community is working to confirm its authenticity. The United States strongly condemns ISIL’s actions, and we call for the immediate release of all the remaining hostages. The United States is fully supportive of Japan in this matter. We stand in solidarity with Japan and are coordinating closely.”

ISIS Threatens to Kill Two Japanese Hostages (Kenji Goto Jogo & Haruna Yukawa) Unless They Receive $200M (VIDEO)


The terrorist group ISIS has released an online video on Tuesday purporting to show two Japanese captives and threatening to kill the two hostages unless it received $200 million in ransom.  In the video, a black-clad figure, presumed to be Jihadi John, with a knife, standing over over the two kneeling men wearing orange clothing, demanding that the Japanese public have 72 hours to pressure their government to stop its “foolish” support for the U.S.-led coalition waging a military campaign against Islamic State.  The $200 million ransom is the same amount that Prime Minister Shinzo Abe pledged on January 17 in a visit to Cairo in non-military assistance for countries battling Islamic State.

CNN – ISIS threatens to kill 2 Japanese hostages unless Tokyo pays $200 million:

Two Japanese hostages, one demand from ISIS: Hand over $200 million, or else.

The else being that the pair will meet the same gruesome fate as other captives held by the terrorist group, others who were shown in ISIS videos kneeling in orange jumpsuits in front of masked, black-clad men — just like the Japanese hostages identified as Kenji Goto Jogo and Haruna Yukawa — shortly before being beheaded.

A masked man in the latest video gives the Japanese government a choice to pay $200 million — the same amount of money Prime Minister Shinzo Abe recently pledged for those “contending” with ISIS — to free the Japanese men. That deal holds for 72 hours, which would seem to mean sometime Friday since the video appeared on social media Tuesday.

ISIS Demands $200M In Ransom In Next 72 Hours For Japanese Hostages.

The video identifies the hostages, who are wearing orange jumpsuits, as Kenji Goto Jogo and Haruna Yukawa. The Japanese Foreign Ministry’s anti-terrorism section has seen the video and analysts were assessing it, a ministry official said. Japanese media identified the first man only a Kenji Goto.

In August, a Japanese citizen believed to be Yukawa, a private military company operator in his early 40s, was kidnapped in Syria after going there to train with militants, according to a post on a blog. Pictures on his Facebook page show him in Iraq and Syria in July. One video on his page showed him holding a Kalashnikov assault rifle with the caption: “Syria war in Aleppo 2014.”

Goto is a respected Japanese freelance journalist who went to report on Syria’s civil war last year and knew of Yukawa. “I’m in Syria for reporting,” he wrote in an email to an Associated Press journalist in October. “I hope I can convey the atmosphere from where I am and share it.”

Le Journal du Dimanche Poll: 42% of French Opposed to Charlie Hebdo’s Cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad

And you wonder why Western Europe is considered to have already lost the war on terror to Islam?

In a recent poll by Le Journal du Dimanche, 57% of respondents stated that ‘Charlie Hebdo’ should continue to print cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad; however, an amazing 42% oppose Charlie Hebdo’s cartoons of Muhammad. So I guess that these people do not believe in Je Suis Charlie Hebdo. With nearly 50% of French not believing in freedom of speech and freedom of the press, does anyone wonder why many believe that western Europe has lost the war against Islam? What else would you expect when you allow Muslim “free zones” within a sovereign country?

Free Speech NO2

More than 4 in 10 French people believe Charlie Hebdo shouldn’t publish cartoons depicting the prophet Muhammad, given that many Muslims find the images offensive, according to a recent poll by a French publication, published Sunday.

A survey conducted by Le Journal du Dimanche, a French weekly newspaper, presented participants with this information: “Some Muslims feel attacked or injured by the publication of cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad.”

In the final tally of responses, 42% checked a box to indicate that the country should “consider these reactions and avoid publishing these cartoons,” while 57% of respondents checked “we should ignore these reactions and continue to publish such cartoons.” The remaining 1% checked “no opinion.”

Pope Francis Claims There Are Limitations on Freedom of Speech, ‘One Cannot Make Fun of Faith’ … REALLY?


Following the radical Islam terror attack at Charlie Hebdo, the satirical newspaper that had made fun of the prophet Mohammad in the past, that left numerous dead, Pope Francis stated that there were limitations of freedom of speech and said, “One cannot provoke, one cannot insult other people’s faith, one cannot make fun of faith.” Really? SORRY PONTIFF, YOU COULD NOT BE ANY MORE WRONG. So let’s understand this, the Pope thinks that people do not have the right to make fun of religion? The Pontiff made his point by comparing it to if an individual cursed at his mother, that person would be punched. So is the Pope saying that ‘Charlie Hebdo’ brought this on themselves? Would he say the same about a rape victim?

A note to the Pontiff, blasphemy is offensive, cruel and pretty much wrong, but it is not illegal and does not warrant murder.That is what is supposed to separate Christianity from radical Islam. Sorry, but the very essence of freedom of speech is to defend the very words that you would disagree with, offend you and make your blood boil. Wasn’t it Jesus who told us to bless those who persecute us (Romans 12:14), to return love for hate and good for evil (Psalm 109:5), and even to love our enemies (Matthew 5:43-48). Loving your enemies would include supporting the fundamental commitment to free speech, and defending the right of free speech, even, or especially, for those who offend you. Why am I telling a Pope this?




Pope Francis suggested there are limits to freedom of expression, saying in response to the Charlie Hebdo terror attack that “one cannot make fun of faith” and that anyone who throws insults can expect a “punch.”

The pontiff said that both freedom of faith and freedom of speech were fundamental human rights and that “every religion has its dignity.”

“One cannot provoke, one cannot insult other people’s faith, one cannot make fun of faith,” he said. “There is a limit. Every religion has its dignity … in freedom of expression there are limits.”

The right to liberty of expression comes with the “obligation” to speak for “the common good,” Pope Francis said, cautioning against provocation.

To illustrate his point, he joked about Vatican aide Alberto Gasparri who was standing nearby on the plane.

“It’s true that we can’t react violently, but, for example if Dr. Gasbarri here, a great friend of mine, says a curse word against my mother, then a punch awaits him,” the pontiff said.


Pope Francis also said that killing in the name of religion is an “aberration,” but adding that those who deride other faiths can expect to provoke a strong, even violent response. An aberration?

“One cannot react violently, but if [someone] says something bad about my mother, he can expect a punch. It’s to be expected,” the pontiff said. “There are a lot of people who speak badly about other religions. They make fun of them. What happens is what happens with my friend [who insults my mother]. There is a limit.”

The pope made the comments during an in-flight news conference from Sri Lanka to Manila, where he took up the second leg of a weeklong tour of Asia. He was greeted at the airport by President Benigno Aquino III and a performance by hundreds of jeans-clad young people. People cheered the pope’s motorcade to the residence of the apostolic nuncio.

In recent days, the 78-year-old pontiff strongly denounced the attack by two militant Muslim gunmen on Charlie Hebdo, the French satirical publication that has long derided Islam and other religions and their institutions, including the Vatican.

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