JOBS FOR JIHADISTS … Even MSNBC’s Chris Mathews Trashes State Dept Spox Marie Harf’s Obama Talking Points Idiocy, … “We Cannot Win This War by Killing Them” … “Lack of Opportunity for Jobs”


Obama’s war on terror is in reality a jobs program for Jihadists.

Just when you thought the Obama admin could not be more of a bunch of terrorist deniers, now these libs put forth that they can end radical Islam with a jobs program.  America, you know it is bad for Barack Obama when MSNBC’s Chris Matthews laughs at your foreign policy and slaps your State Department spokesperson upside her head as to Obama’s end game with ISIS. Mathews began the interview by stating, “if I were ISIS. I would not be afraid right now. There is no existential threat to these people, they can keep finding places where they can hold executions and putting the camera work together, getting their proper together , and killing people for show, and nothing we do right now seems to be directed at stopping this.”

Jobs for Dummies

State Department spokesperson Marie Harf unbelievable said the following, “We can not win this war by killing them. We can not kill our way out of this war. We need in the medium and longer term to go after the root causes that lead people to join these groups, whether it is lack of opportunity for jobs.” WHAT!!! Jobs, jobs? This insane administration thinks that if Jihadists have jobs, they will stop them from beheading innocent men, women and children. Just curious America, how frightened are you right now that these people are in power? This idiot speaks for Sec. of State John Kerry, who follows the foreign policy strategy of Barack Obama and she just told the enemy that an organized US military and their allies cannot defeat ISIS. I would ask the following question, then why are we there? Surprisingly, Matthews shot back with a look of, are you effing kidding me stating, “But we’re not going to be able to stop that in our lifetime or in fifty lifetimes. There’s always going to be poor people. There’s always going to be Muslims, and as long as the trumpet is blowing they’ll join.” WOW, how many times can you say that you agreed with Chris Matthews?

So let’s understand this, professor Obama is using Root cause analysis to defeat ISIS, really? The root cause analysis of burning people alive, mass beheadings, seriously? So we are going to use The 5 Whys, Barrier Analysis, Events and Causal Factor Charting and Realitycharting to determine what makes these 17 year old kids pick up an AK-47 instead of starting a business? GOD HELP US THAT WE CAN SURVIVE THE OBAMA PRESIDENCY.

Chris Matthews amazingly says at the end, to my surprise, in response to Marie Harf’s blathering, “this sounds like how we are going to get rid of juvenile delinquency in America over time by erasing poverty and improving education.” Then Mathews said, “the American people I think are getting humiliated morally by this.” BINGO!!! And there lies Obama’s ultimate goal, he is a community agitator socialist at heart who blames America for all the evils of the world.

Transcript – Real Clear Politics:

MARIE HARF, U.S. STATE DEPARTMENT: I think there are a few stages here, right now we are trying to take their leaders and their fighters off the battlefield in Iraq & Syria, that is where they really flourish.

CHRIS MATTHEWS, MSNBC: Are we killing enough of them?

MARIE HARF: We’re killing a lot of them. And we’re going to keep killing more of them. So are the Egyptians and Jordanians, they’re in this fight with us. We can not win this war by killing them. We can not kill our way out of this war. We need in the medium and longer term to go after the root causes that lead people to join these groups, whether it is lack of opportunity for jobs–

CHRIS MATTHEWS: But we’re not going to be able to stop that in our lifetime or in fifty lifetimes. There’s always going to be poor people. There’s always going to be Muslims, and as long as the trumpet is blowing they’ll join. We can’t stop that, can we?

MARIE HARF: We can work with countries around the world to help improve their governance. We can help them build their economies, so they can have job opportunities for these people.  [...] What makes these 17 year old kids pick up an AK-47 instead of starting a business?

57% of Americans prior to this nonsense of “jobs for Jihadists” disapproved of how Barack Obama was handling ISIS, look for this number to go up as it is clear that Barack Obama has no plan or strategy to take on ISIS because frankly, he does not take it seriously.

CNN Poll: 57% Disapprove of Barack Obama Handling of ISIS


According to a recent CNN poll, 57% of Americans disapprove of how Barack Obama is handling ISIS. Just 57%, seriously? 40% of the American public are actually so clueless and out to lunch that they approve of how Obama is handing ISIS and the brutal beheadings and burning people alive. What are the odds that this 40% even are aware of these barbaric acts or even what ISIS is. It is disgustingly pathetic that so many people cannot just be honest and actually admit that Obama can actually do something poorly.

Full poll results can be read HERE.

ISIS_burn pilot alive

40% of polled approve of Obama’s handling of ISIS, as innocents are burned to death.

Americans are increasingly unhappy with President Barack Obama’s handling of ISIS, and a growing share of the nation believes that fight is going badly, according to a new CNN/ORC survey released Monday.

The CNN/ORC poll found 57% of Americans disapprove of how Obama is handling the threat posed by ISIS, a significant decline in support for the President over the past few months. In late September, that number was 49%.

Fifty-seven percent disapprove of his handling of foreign affairs more broadly, and 54% disapprove of how the President is handling terrorism. Another 60% rate Obama negatively on his handling of electronic national security.

EXIT QUESTION: I wonder how the 21 Coptic Christians that were beheaded by ISIS in Triopli, Libya would have answered this question? Maybe we could also ask Kayla Mueller, British aid worker Alan Henning, 47 year old Kenji Goto, Haruna Yukawa, or Peter Kassig. We would love to get their opinions; however, they have all been killed by ISIS.

ISIS Releases VIDEO of Barbaric Mass Beheading of 21 Egyptian Coptic Christians in Libya (Update: Egypt Bombs ISIS in Revenge for Beheadings)

ISIS releases another barbaric VIDEO showing the mass beheading of 21 Egyptian Coptic Christians in Libya. Making matters worse, if possible, these vile acts took place in Tripoli, Libya. Remember when we used to have a presence and am embassy in there? Just yet another example of Barack Obama’s failed foreign policy and terrorist on the run.

Islamic State has released a video purporting to show the militant group beheading 21 Egyptian Christians kidnapped in Libya.

The video, released this afternoon, shows ISIS fighters dressed head to toe in black, marching the captives, all wearing orange jumpsuits, to a beach.

The 21 men can be seen being forced onto their knees before they are beheaded by the militants standing behind them.

The extremely graphic video first appeared on the Twitter feed of a website that supports Islamic State.

A caption on the five-minute video read: ‘The people of the cross, followers of the hostile Egyptian church.’

PICS – Warning, graphic imagery.

In the picture below from the YouTube VIDEO, the masked ISIS terrorist says, “Safety for you crusaders is something you can only wish for.” Thanks Barack Obama for providing these savages talking points when you stated at this years National Prayer breakfast that some how Christians were to blame for all of this because they started it with the Crusades. You sad and pathetic excuse for a president.

ISIS_Coptic Christians

“Safety for you crusaders is something you can only wish for.”

UPDATE I: Egypt Bombs ISIS in Revenge for beheadingd of 21 Coptic Christians.

Egypt sent warplanes over the border to bomb ISIS targets in Libya on Monday in revenge for a savage attack on Egyptian Christians.

It was still dark when the F-16 fighter jets took off, striking training camps and weapons depots along Libya’s coast. One of the targets was Derna – headquarters for many Islamic militants who have sworn allegiance to ISIS.

The bombings came a day after ISIS released a video that appears to show the execution of 21 Egyptian Christians. Masked jihadis are seen marching the captives along a beach, a few whisper their final prayers and then all are beheaded.

Most of the victims came from the Christian village of el-Aour, south of Cairo. On Monday relatives sobbed and shouted in grief. One father begged for the return of his son’s body. Egypt’s President Abdel Fattah al Sisi visited Cairo’s main cathedral to offer his condolences and condemned what he called “a heinous act of terrorism.”

Obama White House Issued a Statement Following the Shooting at a Free Speech Event in Denmark … Once Again Failed to Call it Terrorist


Following the shooting at a free speech event in Copenhagen, Denmark, the Obama White House issued a statement calling the attack “deplorable” but did not describe it as “terrorist” in nature. I guess Obama must think this was work place violence.  However, the Danish Prime Minister Helle Thorning-Schmidt had no problem what so ever calling the attack ?“politically motivated” and “terrorist.”


Denmark’s prime minister, Helle Thorning-Schmidt, said the country was on high alert after a “terrorist attack” in Copenhagen that police said had been aimed at a controversial Swedish artist.

“We feel certain now that it was a politically motivated attack, and thereby it was a terrorist attack,” she told reporters close to the site of the shooting, in which one civilian was killed and three policemen were wounded. “We are on high alert all over the country.”

Sadly, the United States has a pathetic president who cannot call terrorism for what it is. Obama cannot call obvious terrorist events for what they are because it goes against his BS, failed narrative that terrorism is being defeated. However, that is quite the opposite. Barack Obama has so downplayed the role  of terrorism during his presidency that he has allowed terrorist groups like ISIS and Al-Qaeda to no longer be on the run and defeated. Instead, Obama’s so-called ISIS jayvee, thanks to his lack of effort and defining the enemy, is now the Varsity.

Several Shots Fired at Swedish Cartoonist Lars Vilks at “Arts, Blasphemy and Freedom of Expression” Event in Copenhagen, Denmark (VIDEO) … Two Terrorist Suspects Remain At Large (Update: 1 Dead in Terrorist Shooting, 3 Police Wounded)(Update: Another Shooting at Copenhagen Synagogue)


The BBC is reporting that several shot have been fired at Swedish Cartoonist Lars Vilks in a cafe where a freedom of speech event was taking place in Copenhagen, Denmark. Obviously, this was a terrorist-like shooting, similar to that of the one that took place in Paris, France at the offices of Charlie Hebdo. Lars Vilks has had numerous death threats since his 2007  drawing pictures of the Prophet Muhammad dressed as a dog. The two, unidentified suspects remain at large. According to the police, the Islamo-terrorists fled the scene in a dark Volkswagen Polo, which has since been found abandoned.

According to Lars Vilks website, the event that the 68-year-old artist was hosting Saturday was called “Arts, Blasphemy and Freedom of Expression.”

Lars Vilks

Reports say up to 40 shots were fired during the attack and a manhunt has been launched.

Swedish cartoonist Lars Vilks has faced death threats after drawing caricatures of the Prophet Muhammad.

He was not harmed during the attack.

Shortly after the shooting, a message appeared on the Twitter feed of French ambassador Francois Zimeray saying he was still alive.

The area around the venue is under lockdown, the BBC’s Malcolm Brabant reports.

Police have erected cordons and are searching a nearby park, he adds.

There were reports that police were hunting two gunmen, but this is unconfirmed.

Shooting at Copenhagen blasphemy debate

UPDATE I: From Local Denmark, Danish police confirm that one person has died after shots were fired at a meeting attended by controversial Swedish artist Lars Vilks.

Update, 6.18pm: The civilian killed in Saturday’s shooting attack was a 40-year-old Danish citizen, police have said. Police added that they have founded the suspected getaway vehicle but two suspects are still at large.

Update, 6.08pm: Reports of up to 200 shots fired
The French ambassdor to Denmark told AFP from inside the venue that shots rang out in the midst of a debate on Islam and free speech in Copenhagen.

“They fired on us from the outside. It was the same intention as [the January 7 attack on] Charlie Hebdo except they didn’t manage to get in,” Francois Zimeray said by telephone.
Swedish artist Lars Vilks, the author of controversial Prophet Mohammed cartoons published in 2007 that sparked worldwide protests, was also at the debate.

Three police officers were reported wounded outside the building, Danish media reported, quoting eyewitnesses.

ABC News – Police: 1 Dead in Shooting at Copenhagen Free Speech Event:

According to a statement from Danish police,  said the victim was a 40-year-old man inside the cafe attending the event. He has not yet been identified. The police also stated that three police colleagues at the event were also shot.

 A gunman fired on a cafe in Copenhagen as it hosted a free speech event Saturday, killing one man, Danish police said. The event was organized by Swedish artist Lars Vilks, who has faced numerous threats for caricaturing the Prophet Muhammad.

Danish police said the gunman shot through the windows of the Krudttoenden cafe, which the TV2 news channel said were riddled with some 30 bullet holes. Helle Merete Brix, one of the event’s organizers, told The Associated Press that Vilks was at the meeting but was not hit.

“I saw a masked man running past,” Brix said. “I clearly consider this as an attack on Lars Vilks.”

CNN – 1 dead in shooting at event attended by cartoonist who depicted Mohammed:

Helle Merete Brix — the founder of the Lars Vilks Committee, created two years ago in support of the Swedish cartoonist whose portrayals of the Prophet Mohammed angered many in the Muslim world — told CNN that security on site moved her and others to safe areas once they realized a shooting had taken place.

She and Vilks ended up in a storage room together, holding hands, until police told them it was OK to come out.

“We have never taken any chances,” Brix said, pointing to the heavy security from police, Danish intelligence services and Vilks’ own security guards at this and other committee events. “What we have so much been frightened would happen happened tonight.”

 VIDEO – Telegraph: Aftermath of Copenhagen cafe shooting

Continual Updates from the UK Telegraph.

UPDATE II: French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius condemned what he called a “terrorist attack.”

UPDATE III: The man killed at the free-speech debate identified as Finn Norgaard.


UPDATE IV: Police Respond to Second shooting in Copenhagen synagogue in Krystalgade street.

Hours later, a gunman opened fire outside a synagogue in Krystalgade street, about 5km from the scene of the first attack, killing a Jewish man and wounding two police officers.

The victim was named as Dan Uzan, 37. He had been on security duty while a bat mitzvah ceremony was taking place inside the synagogue.

UPDATE V: Copenhagen attacks – the victims.

Finn Norgaard:

Finn Norgaard, 55, who was killed in the Copenhagen cafe attack, was a Danish film director, who directed and produced documentaries for Danish television including in 2004 “Boomerang boy” about an Australian boy’s dreams to become a world boomerang champion and in 2008 “Le Le” about Vietnamese immigrants in Denmark.

Dan Uzan:

Dan Uzan, 37, who was killed in the subsequent synagogue attack, came from a family active in Copenhagen’s Jewish community. He attended a Jewish school and joined the community’s security efforts, taking part in patrols to protect Jewish institutions, from a young age.

At 6ft 9 inches, he was a talented basketball player and had played for Horsholm 79-ers since 1996. In a statement the club described him as “a great player and a great personality.”

UPDATE VI: Danish police raid Internet cafe, arrest 2 in terror attacks investigation.

Danish police raided an Internet cafe in Copenhagen, arresting at least two people in the area where a suspected gunmen in Saturday’s terror attacks was killed, AFP reported on Sunday, citing Danish media.

Police told Denmark’s DR television that the raid was part of the investigation into the terror attacks in which two people were killed.

UPDATE VII: Suspected terrorist gunman killed by Danish Police.

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