Boko Haram Islamists Beheads 40 People with Chainsaws During Nigeria Elections as Barack Obama Golfs in Florida


Once again we are witness to the world in flames as terrorists in Nigeria kill scores of individuals as they continue their heinous acts. As reported at RT, Boko Haram beheaded 40 people with chainsaws during the Nigeria elections. But of course Barack Obama would tell you that Islam is a religion of peace. Speaking of Barack Obama, he spent the weekend working hard, worrying about the terror in the world by golfing in Florida.

Militants from extremist group Boko Haram attacked several Nigerian towns, torching houses and fatally shooting those who fled before reportedly beheading some of the bodies with chainsaws. The string of terror attacks comes amid the presidential vote.

At least 25 people were killed and more than 30 injured in the village of Buratai in Borno state, local officials confirmed.
Surviving witnesses described gruesome scenes of murder, saying that not only did the extremists set homes on fire and shoot those trying to escape, but also decapitated the bodies.


Pic – The Economist: Hmm, he looks so natural

Local politician Ibrahim Adamu, who fled the scene, told CNN that Boko Haram “slaughtered their victims like rams and decapitated them,” adding that “they burned a large part of the village and we are afraid some residents were burnt in the homes because most people had gone to bed when the gunmen struck.”


Shh, don’t let people know I could care less about terrorism and radical Islam

Meanwhile, at least 14 people were killed in separate attacks by the radical Islamist group in the towns of Biri and Dukku, located in Gombe state. The victims included a legislator, AP reported.

The attacks came after the Nigerian military announced Friday that it had cleared all major centers in the northeast from militants. They also coincide with the country’s presidential election, which Boko Haram had vowed to derail.

Chris Wallace Grills CIA Director John Brennan on ISIS & Iran … “Didn’t You Give the American People and the President Give the American People a False Sense of Confidence Back in 2012 about Our Fight Against Islamic Terrorists at a Time”

Chris Wallace asks, Director, can we really say ISIS is losing?

Yesterday on Fox News Sunday, Chris Wallace interviewed CIA Director John Brennan and asked some very direct questions when it came to the treats from both Iran and ISIS. Wallace asked why the Obama administration refuses to call or enemy for what they are, “Islamic extremists” and why President Obama and John Brennan have rejected identifying them for what they are. Brennan replied that ISIS was simply “a corruption of the Islamic faith.” REALLY? Director Brennen might want to read the Koran. It is not a corruption of the Islam, it is an interpretation that many agree with.

Brennan said the vast majority of Muslims reject ISIS’ actions. Wallace then directly confronted Brennan over why he and the president won’t openly talk about “Islamic extremism.” He asked why the administration is “ignoring” confronting them like that.

Brennan simply insisted that “it is a corruption of the Islamic faith.”

Sadly, the CIA director sounded more like a shill for Barack Obama than truly understanding and caring about the safety and protection of the United States. There were far too many references to touting Barack Obama and John Kerry during this interview as compared to folks like formal CIA director General David Petraeus and Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu who are persona non grata with the Obama administration.

FOX NEWS Sunday Full Transcript:

WALLACE: Do you really think that the U.S. and Iran share interests?

BRENNAN: I think what’s Daesh, ISIL has been doing in the region is something that is counter to U.S. interests as well as counter to Iranian interests. And the Iranians are now engaged with their Iraqi partners to try to push back these forces of terrorism inside of Iraq.

So, Iran does have an interest in preventing further Daesh, ISIL terrorist attacks. At the same time, I think they need to be responsible as far as what they’re doing inside Iraq and not further inflaming that situation.

WALLACE: But your immediate predecessor in this job, General David Petraeus, said this week Iran is not an ally. It’s part of the problem, not part of the solution. And Benjamin Netanyahu, when he spoke to Congress, said the enemy of your enemy is not your friend, he is your enemy.  [...]

WALLACE: General Lloyd Austin, the head of the U.S. Central Command, told Congress recently that ISIS is losing. But ISIS is still dug into Iraq and Syria. They now have affiliates across North Africa. They were possibly responsible for these terrible attacks this week in Tunisia and Yemen.

Director, can we really say ISIS is losing?

BRENNAN: Clearly, ISIS momentum inside of Iraq and Syria has been blunted and it has been stopped. So, they are not on the march as they were several months ago. And so, our working with the Iraqis and the Iraqis now trying to push back against it, it is having some great, I think, progress.

At the same time, this phenomenon of Daesh throughout the entire region is something that we need to work with our partners. We see what’s happening in other countries, in these franchises that are blowing up in Libya and other areas. They — they’ve claimed responsibility for attacks in Tunisia and Yemen.

This is something that clearly is not just restricted to Iraq and Syria. So, we cannot relent. We have to continue working with our partners in the region.

WALLACE: Here is what you said in 2012.


BRENNAN: If the decade before 9/11 was the time of al Qaeda’s rise and the decade after 9/11 was the time of its decline, then I believe this decade will be the one that sees its demise.


WALLACE: Director Brennan, weren’t you just flat wrong about that?

BRENNAN: No. And when we look at al Qaeda and we look at what has happened to al Qaeda and particularly the core of al Qaeda that was in the area of Afghanistan and Pakistan, they have taken some really big hits.

WALLACE: But — but, respectfully, sir, when you were saying this is the decade of al Qaeda’s demise, I don’t think most people thought you meant, well, yes, but there will be an offshoot called ISIS which spreads across the Middle East.

BRENNAN: This phenomenon that Daesh represents right now is a new one. It is one that has grown up in the past two years.

WALLACE: But it’s an offshoot of al Qaeda.

BRENNAN: We’ve done a lot against al Qaeda. We’ve been able to push them back. We’ve been able to prevent their attacks.

But there are these offshoots, as you say. This is a phenomenon that we’re going to have to deal with. And I do think over the next decade, this is going to be a long, hard fight.

WALLACE: I guess what I’m asking is didn’t you give the American people — and the president give the American people a false sense of confidence back in 2012 about our fight against Islamic terrorists at a time, perhaps not so coincidentally, when the president was running for reelection?

BRENNAN: What we said was al Qaeda was on the run. We said that al Qaeda was really bloodied and it was not the same organization that it was in 9/11, as well as in the years after that.

There was no sense that I think either I or the president or others gave to the American people that terrorism was going away. But we’ve made great progress against a lot of these groups that had plans in place to carry out attacks.

WALLACE: You talked recently of the ideology — your word — that fuels ISIS.

What is that ideology?

BRENNAN: It is a very twisted, perverted interpretation of a religion that they purport to represent, but in no way do they represent. It’s an ideology of violence. That’s what it is. It is not a religious ideology.

WALLACE: Well, Islam is certainly a part of it, isn’t it?

BRENNAN: They purport to be Muslims. But as I said, the overwhelming majority of Muslims throughout the world roundly denounce and condemn what they’re doing. And that’s why we should not give them any type of religious legitimacy.

WALLACE: This gets to your refusal and the president’s refusal to talk about Islamic extremism. (MORE)

ISIS (Islamic State) Calls For the Death of 100 United States Military Personnel Who They Posted Names & Addresses Online


The Islamic State has called for the death of American military personnel as they have reportedly posted the names, addresses and photos of 100 American military service members online and called upon its “brothers residing in America” to kill them.  The self-identified “Islamic State Hacking Division” claimed to have obtained the information by hacking into military servers, databases and emails.  They are claiming the individuals named had participated in efforts to defeat it in Syria, Iraq, Yemen and elsewhere.


Pic Hat Tip: Legal Insurrection

Islamic State has posted online what it says are the names, U.S. addresses and photos of 100 American military service members, and called upon its “brothers residing in America” to kill them.

The Pentagon said after the information was posted on the Internet that it was investigating the matter. “I can’t confirm the validity of the information, but we are looking into it,” a U.S. defense official, speaking on condition of anonymity, said on Saturday.

“We always encourage our personnel to exercise appropriate OPSEC (operations security) and force protection procedures,” the official added.

In the posting, a group referring to itself as the “Islamic State Hacking Division” wrote in English that it had hacked several military servers, databases and emails and made public the information on 100 members of the U.S. military so that “lone wolf” attackers can kill them.

NY Times – ISIS Urges Sympathizers to Kill U.S. Service Members It Identifies on Website.

Defense Department and F.B.I. officials said that they were aware of the website and were investigating the posting.

It does not appear that the information had been hacked from government servers. One Defense Department official, who was not authorized to speak publicly, said that most of the information could be found in public records, residential address search sites and social media.

The officials said the list appears to be drawn from personnel who have appeared in news articles about airstrikes on the militant group.

Some of the names also appear to be drawn from the Defense Department’s own official reports on the campaign against the Islamic State, also known as ISIS and ISIL.

“With the huge amount of data we have from various different servers and databases, we have decided to leak 100 addresses so that our brothers in America can deal with you,” the Islamic State’s so-called Hacking Division said in the web posting.

It added: “And now we have made it easy for you by giving you addresses, all you need to do is take the final step, so what are you waiting for?”

The disclosure by the Islamic State highlights some of the challenges facing the military in balancing how it performs two essential functions: protecting its personnel while providing the American public with information.

UPDATE I: ‘Behead them in their own homes’: ISIS publishes ‘kill list’ online of names, photos and addresses of 100 US military members.

The ISHD said it wants ‘lone wolf’ attackers to go after the military members and ‘kill them wherever you find them’.

The list did appear to match up with information which was available online, TheBlaze reported.

The posting read: ‘With the huge amount of data we have from various different servers and databases, we have decided to leak 100 addresses so that our brothers in America can deal with you.

‘And now we have made it easy for you by giving you addresses, all you need to do is take the final step, so what are you waiting for?

‘Kill them in their own lands, behead them in their own homes, stab them to death as they walk their streets thinking that they are safe.’

ISIS Killing Muslims: Bombings: 137 People Killed & 345 Injured in Quadruple Suicide Bombings At a Pair of Mosques in Sanaa, Yemen


The BBC is reporting that hundreds are dead and even more injured after multiple suicide bombs ripped through two mosques during Friday prayer in the capital city of Sanaa, Yemen. ISIS is taking credit for the bombings saying in a statement that the terror attacks were carried out by IS in Yemen.  ISIS called these attacks, “a tip of an iceberg.” Yemen is in complete and total chaos. Wasn’t it Obama that was just touting Yemen as one of his shining successes? Typical.

Suicide bombers have attacked two mosques in Yemen’s capital, Sanaa, killing at least 126 people and wounding many others, reports say.

Worshippers were attending noon prayers at the Badr and al-Hashoosh mosques when at least four attackers struck.

The mosques are used mainly by supporters of the Zaidi Shia-led Houthi rebel movement, which controls Sanaa.

Islamic State (IS), which set up a branch in Yemen in November, said it was behind the attacks.

A statement from the group was published on Twitter accounts known as reliable sources for IS propaganda. If confirmed, the attacks would be the first carried out by IS in Yemen.



The Sunni terror group ISIS purportedly claimed it committed Friday’s bombings that killed scores of people at two mosques frequented by Shiite rebels in Yemen’s capital — an attack that would mark ISIS’s first large-scale attack in the Arabian Peninsula country.

At least 137 people were killed and 357 wounded when suicide bombers, pretending to be disabled and hiding explosives under casts, attacked the mosques in Sanaa, according to Yemen’s state-run Saba news agency.

It would also illustrate a seemingly expanding focus for ISIS, which controls parts of Syria and Iraq and earlier this week claimed responsibility for Wednesday’s killings of tourists at a museum in Tunisia.

Regardless, Friday’s attacks marked one of the worst days of recent violence during a complicated struggle for control of Yemen, where Houthi rebels — Shiites in a predominantly Sunni country — already faced resistance from AQAP and from supporters of ousted President Abdu Rabu Mansour Hadi.

UPDATE I: Yemen mosque bombings: ‘Blood was running like a river.’

Many of the worshippers in the mosques were supporters of the Shia Houthi fighters who control the capital, and responsibility for the carnage was claimed by Isis which regards all Shia as heretics – though it was impossible to immediately verify this and some analysts were sceptical. The final death toll was uncertain last night, with sources giving varying accounts, at least one putting it at 137 with a further 350 people injured. But the authorities warned that with so many of the wounded suffering critical injuries the toll is sure to rise.

After the blasts the wounded were loaded on the back of pick-up trucks and were taken to hospitals where, as they waited for treatment, they lay side by side with the dead. Among the dead was, according to Al Jazeera and Houthi-owned television, the imam of the Badr mosque, the prominent Houthi cleric al-Murtada bin Zayd al-Mahatwari.

VIDEO – AP: ISIS killing other Muslims in Yemen

And Barack Obama is too busy trying to determine if he can salvage his March Madness NCAA brackets.

FOX19 NOW Exclusive Interview: Self-Proclaimed ISIS Terrorist Christopher Lee Cornell (Raheel Mahrus Ubaydah) Speaks from Jail … “We are Indeed Here in America. We Are In Each and Every State. We are Here in Ohio, We Are in Every State”

FOX19 NOW Exclusive Interview with recently arrested, self-proclaimed ISIS terrorist Christopher Cornell …

In a telephone interview with jailed Tri-State terrorist, Christopher Lee Cornell, stated what his intentions were and that he was looking to raise jihad in America. Cornell said had he not been arrested by the FBI (VIDEO) outside the Point Blank Range and Gun shop in Colerain Township, he “would have took my gun, I would have put it to Obama’s head and I would have pulled the trigger. Then I would have released more bullets on the Senate and the House of Representative members, and I would have attacked the Israeli embassy and various other buildings full of kafr who want to wage war against us Muslims.” Cornell goes by his Muslim name, Raheel Mahrus Ubaydah. Thankfully,  Christopher Lee Cornell was arrested in a FBI sting and has been indicted on federal charges in connection with alleged bomb threat and with attempted murder of a government official, solicitation to commit a crime and possession of a firearm with intent to commit a violent crime.

Cincinnati News, FOX19-WXIX TV

The state of the Islamic State in the U.S.

Cornell said he didn’t do this alone, and spoke about his alleged ties to leaders of the Islamic State in the interview, saying he spoke with other members overseas via an encrypted messaging service.

“Talking about how we should raise Jihad in America. We should form groups and alliances with the Islamic State. When I say groups, I mean what you would call sleeper cells,” said Cornell.

And Cornell said he believes there are more attacks to come.

“What do I think is coming? Many things. There will be many, many attacks. Like I said, we are ready for the battle over the Capitol.”

Cornell said there are others like him throughout the United States.

“We are pretty strong. Yes, yes. In every state like I said. We’re in Texas. We’re in Ohio. We’re in New York City. We’re in Washington, DC. We’re in every single state you can name, just about.”

Cornell said he was fighting against “the continued American aggression against our people and the fact that America, specifically, President Obama, wants to wage war against the Islamic State.”

“Yes, they might say I’m a terrorist, but we see the American troops as terrorists as well, coming to our lands, invading, stealing our resources and killing our people, raping our women,” said Cornell. “Have you seen the photos and videos of the innocent children being killed, bodies upon bodies, stacked inside the back of a truck? You know, that’s what’s happening to our kids. America is funding and giving weapons to Israel. Israel is using these weapons to kill our children in Palestine every single day.”

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