Terror Suspect Usaama Rahim, Shot Dead By FBI & Boston Police After Refusing to Drop Military-Style Knife (Update: Brother of Boston Imam Ibrahim Rahim, Claims Brother Shot in Back)(Update: Second Suspect David Wright [Dawud Sharif Abdul Khaliq] Arrested)


An armed individual, being tracked by Boston police and the FBI counterterrorism unit was shot dead yesterday in Roslindale, MA when he refused to drop his weapon, a military-style knife, and came at police in an aggressive manner.  The man shot was the 26 year old brother of Boston Imam Ibrahim Rahim, who claims he was shot 3 times in the back. For the record, The Boston Globe reports that Usaama was shot twice, once in the chest and once in the stomach. Also police sources state, Usaama had been radicalized by ISIS propaganda and may have been preparing an attack on law enforcement.

From the Jawa Report, the family of Usaama is crying racism and Islamophobia and claiming Usaama was ‘shot in the back’. Usaama was a grievance hustler’s twofer. Imagine that, a completely different story from a criminal and in this case an individual being tracked by counter-terrorism. Wow, will this give rise to #Terrorist Lives Matter?

An armed man in his 20s being surveilled by the FBI counterterrorism unit was shot and killed by an FBI agent and a Boston police officer in Roslindale this morning, according to Boston Police Commissioner William Evans.

“He was on foot, under surveillance,” Evans said. “The officers have been surveilling him and again they wanted to speak to him … and he turned and our officers gave several commands for him to drop the weapon and unfortunately he came at the officers and they did what they were trained to do and that’s never an easy decision for any officer to make.”

One FBI agent and one BPD officer fired, FBI Special Agent in Charge Vincent B. Lisi said.

Evans said the suspect was wielding a large military-style black knife that he could have “done a lot of damage” with.

“I think our officers tried their best with the FBI to try to convince him to put down the knife but he didn’t leave us a choice,” Evans said. “It’s an active investigation with the joint terrorism task force … It’s very fluid it’s ongoing, but we have one male shot and as you can see it is a very active scene.”

The Boston Globe – Man shot in Roslindale was under 24-hour surveillance.

Usaama Rahim, 26, had made threats against law enforcement, according to two law enforcement officials with knowledge of the case. Officials declined to explain what had led to the ongoing antiterrorism task force investigation or detail its scope, although they said it had been going on for a while.

“We believed he was a threat,” Boston Police Commissioner William B. Evans said. “He was someone we were watching for quite a time. The level of alarm brought us to question him today. I don’t think anybody expected the reaction we got out of him.”

Rahim allegedly wielded the knife after being approached on Washington Street in Roslindale by task force members. Evans said the officers did not have their guns drawn when they approached.


UPDATE I: Man arrested in Everett in connection with terrorism investigation.

A man was arrested in Everett in relation to a Joint Terrorism Task Force investigation.

In Everett, police blocked off Linden Street, unsettling neighbors, and officers entered a home there late Tuesday afternoon.

Just after midnight, authorities confirmed that they arrested David Wright, who will face federal charges in court on Wednesday. Officials said the investigation was potentially an “ISIS inspired plot to harm law enforcement officials.”

UPDATE II: Boston terror probe widens after police arrest suspect.

A Massachusetts man is in custody in connection with Tuesday’s shooting of a man police say was radicalized by Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) propaganda, reports CBS News correspondent Jeff Pegues.

Police led the man, David Wright, out of an Everett home late Tuesday, linking his arrest to the terror investigation of Usaama Rahim.

Just 14 miles away, investigators say, Rahim had pulled out a knife and waved it at officers in Boston. Moments later, police fired, shooting and killing him. He was under 24-hour surveillance at the time he was killed.

“We believed he was a threat,” Boston Police Commissioner William Evans said.

Evans says the shooting was caught on nearby surveillance cameras, and the video shows police guns weren’t drawn at first.

UPDATE III: Police seek third person in Usaamah Rahim’s Boston terror plot.

Rahim, 26, and Wright, 25, were apparently tight — Rahim called him his nephew on Facebook, where he thanked him for attending his wedding. Both of them used aliases on Facebook. Rahim went by “Abu Sufyaan” and referred to Wright as “Dawud Sharif Abdul-Khaliq.”

And they spoke in coded language, too, the FBI said, but Rahim’s meaning in recorded phone conversations with Wright seemed obvious to agent Joseph Galietta, who listened in.

Rahim would come out swinging with a knife soon to kill police officers — probably Tuesday, Wednesday at the latest, Galietta said in an affidavit.

“I’m just going to, ah, go after them, those boys in blue. Cause, ah, it’s the easiest target,” Rahim told Wright, according to the affidavit.

Watch the Phoenix, AZ Mosque Protest LIVE (VIDEO)

Watch the Phoenix, AZ Mosque Protest,  Freedom of Speech Rally and a Draw Mohammed contest … LIVE (VIDEO)

Good grief, could the commentary from the media being any more bias against. They are talking about putting police against the people and comparing this to protests in Baltimore and Ferguson. Note to the bias media, even FOX news in Phoenix, it is black America vs. police, not white folk. These media types are upset that the protesters have guns. UNREAL.

Protest at Mosque

To watch and listen to the two women who are providing the commentary is simply amazing that they are discussing that their news agency discussed how not to cover it. Note to the two women, you two would be second class citizens in Shariah law.

The MSM is asking to find common ground and that Islam is not about violence when every terrorist event is just another example that Islam is not a religion of Peace. Sorry folks, but Islam is the most intolerant religion that exists, its the only one that calls for the death of infidels.


Former Marine Jon Ritzheimer Plans Freedom of Speech Rally with ‘Draw Muhammad’ Contest at Same Phoenix Mosque Texas Terrorist Shooters Attended


Jon Ritzheimer, a former US Marine, has planned a Freedom of Speech Rally and a Draw Mohammed contest Friday night out side of the Phoenix, AZ mosque, Islamic Community Center of Phoenix, that was attended by the two ISIS  sympathizer gunmen who were killed last month by police in Texas. Ritzheimer said, “I want this to be about pushing out the truth about Islam,” and makes no pretense for his opinion of Islam as he wears a t-shirt saying F*CK ISLAM. The rally is planned for 6:30 PM. Jon Ritzheimer stated, “I think the whole thing, the cartoon contest especially, I think it’s stupid and ridiculous, but it’s what needs to take place in order to expose the true colors of Islam.”


A former U.S. Marine is planning a “Draw Muhammad” contest at a free speech rally planned for Friday at a Phoenix mosque.

The “Freedom of Speech Rally,” organized by Jon Ritzheimer, comes nearly one month after police killed two gunmen, who were suspected Islamic State sympathizers, during an attack outside a similar contest in Garland, Texas, a local NBC affiliate reported.

Friday’s event is to be held outside the Islamic Community Center of Phoenix, the same mosque that Elton Simpson and Nadir Soofi attended several years before their attack in Garland. Mosque leaders said the men never expressed extremist or violent views before.

Mr. Ritzheimer has held two anti-Islam protests in Phoenix since the Texas shootings, telling NBC that he’s using provocative methods to draw attention to a religion he believes is inherently violent.

FACEBOOK: Freedom of Speech Rally Round II.

Former Marine Jon Ritzheimer organizing Friday’s “Draw Muhammad” contest in Phoenix.

According to Vocativ, Ritzheimer says his contest is an exercise in free speech and is being held, in part, to respond to the “liberals” who criticized those gathered in Texas with Geller instead of criticizing the two Islamic men who walked up to a cartoon contest and opened fire.

He put it this way:

This is not about race or any other side agenda that the Liberals are making it out to be. This is purely 100% a Freedom of Speech Rally. Stand Tall and show that we can PEACEFULLY protest our rights that are under attack. That is the sole cause for this Rally and Islam wants to silence us.

Ritzheimer is also asking all attendees to exercise their Second Amendment rights and bring firearms in case the expression of a First Amendment right “comes under the much anticipated attack.”

What is stunning from Anderson Copper is two things, note to Mr. Cooper … Shariah law is Islamic law. Also, for a gay man to support Shariah Law and Islam is quite astonishing as he would be one of the first to be killed. One would think that a real journalist and member of the media would do an investigative piece into this mosque and what they might be teaching that would inspire two of their members to try and kill others for drawing a pic of Mohammed. One would think, but that is not the case for the liberal MSM.

UPDATE I: Video ahead of the event. Too bad the media was bias saying that they individuals inside are peaceful. Hmm, the two Texas shooters who attended this mosque were hardly peaceful.

Kashif Parvaiz Sentenced to Life in Prison for Wife’s 2011 Murder in Boonton, NJ … Claimed Family had Been Targeted in Anti-Muslim Attack

Muslim Kashif Parvaiz sentenced to life in prison for 2011 shooting death of his wife.

30 year old Kashif Parvaiz has been sentenced to life in prison for the 2011 murder of his wife, Nazish Noorani. The judge deemed Parvaiz ‘cold-blooded’ and ‘beyond redemption. Parvaiz was previously convicted by a jury on February 26, 2015 of first degree murder, conspiracy to commit murder in the first degree and other counts in the shooting death of his wife. Initially following the shooting, Kashif Parvaiz claimed that he and his family were the victims of an anti-Muslim attack.  Kashif Parvaiz, from New York City, was on a walk with his wife, Nazish Noorani, 27, and their two-year-old son in Boonton, New Jersey, in August 2011 when Noorani was fatally shot in the chest. However, his story unraveled when his mistress, Antoinette Stephen, admitted to her role in set-up and testified against Parvaiz.

Kashif Parvaiz and Antoinette Stephen

From left: Kashif Parvaiz and Antoinette Stephen (Morris County Prosecutor’s Office)

Morris County Prosecutor Fredric M. Knapp has announced that Kashif Parvaiz, 30, has been sentenced to life in prison in connection with the 2011 murder of his wife, Nazish Noorani.

On Feb. 26, 2015, Parvaiz was convicted when a jury returned a verdict of guilty against him on counts of first degree murder, conspiracy to commit murder in the first degree; two counts of the second degree of possession of a weapon for an unlawful purpose; two counts of unlawful possession of a weapon, crimes of the second degree; prohibited weapons and devices in the fourth degree; second degree endangering the welfare of a child; and third degree hindering one’s apprehension.

This prosecution stemmed from the Parvaiz’s arrest for his role in the shooting death of his wife, Nazish Noorani, on Cedar Street in Boonton on the night of Aug. 16, 2011.

ISIS Execute a Man with a Rocket Propelled Grenade (RPG) Then Whoop it Up Like a Bunch of Yahoo’s (VIDEO)


ISIS steps up their barbaric actions and executed yet another individual. However, this time they did not cut off his head, they instead blew the man up with a shoulder-fired rocket propelled grenade. ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!! What will these savages think up of next? ISIS, or as Barack Obama calls them, the JV, used a weapon designed to be used against tanks to kill a person. In doing so, following the savagery, they danced around shooting their guns and whooped it up with shouts of ‘Allah is greatest’.

No longer content with executing their prisoners with knives and guns, Islamic State militants have ratcheted up their savagery by blasting a man to death with a bazooka.

Shocking video emerged today showing the captive exploding into a ball of flames after being shot with a rocket-propelled grenade that is designed to take out tanks and aircraft.

Amid sickening whoops of joy and shouts of ‘Allah is greatest’, the barbaric jihadis continue to fire their rifles at the dead man as they move in and surround his body.

The man, named by the group as Ibrahim Shraideh, was said to be a member of the Al Shaitat tribe from the town of Abu Hamam in Syria’s Deir ez-Zor province.

Warning: Video extremely disturbing

Which further begs the question, how in the hell wasn’t a jdam(s) used (VIDEO) on this ISIS column on terrorists in their victory march celebrating the ISIS victory in Rimadi?

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