19,252 Emails from DNC Leaked by Wikileaks … Looked to Attack Bernie Sanders as an Atheist Jew


Just ahead of next week’s Democrat National Convention in Philadelphia, ,PA comes 19,252 emails from the DNC leaked by Wikileaks. It is what we thought it was and much, much more. The DNC conspired with the MSM to sabotage Bernie Sanders during the Democrat primary so to aid Hillary Clinton. As reported at The Hill, Sanders supporters are none too happy.

Is it possible to have Email-gate II?


The leaked email prompted swift outcry online Friday afternoon. One apparent Sanders supporter tweeted: “HRC folks called Sanders “McCarthyite” & ranted about purity while DNC plotted to smear him as godless commie Jew.”

How dare the liberal MSM not follow in lockstep with the DNC … Wasserman Schultz Was FURIOUS With Mika Brzezinski Over Criticism.

As Red State opines, man some of these are great.

On Friday, website Wikileaks posted over 19,000 emails that were taken from the Democratic National Committee that show story manipulation and collusion with the MSM, internal attempts to sabotage Bernie Sanders during the primary, and a whole lot more.

More from RedState via ABC News:


We all knew the party was working to help Hillary and burn Bernie, but now we have positive confirmation of some of the ways they did it. And one of those ways was to attack him on religious grounds. For serious.

Several of the emails released indicate that the officials, including Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz, grew increasingly agitated with Clinton’s rival, Bernie Sanders, and his campaign as the primary season advanced, in one instance even floating bringing up Sanders’ religion to try and minimize his support.

“It might may [sic] no difference, but for KY and WA can we get someone to ask his belief,” Brad Marshall, CFO of DNC, wrote in an email on May 5, 2016. “Does he believe in God. He had skated on saying he has a Jewish heritage. I read he is an atheist. This could make several points difference with my peeps. My southern baptist peeps would draw a big difference between a Jew and an atheist.”

Amy Dacey, CEO of the DNC, subsequently responded “AMEN,” according to the emails.

Polls Following Email Scandal is Weighing on Hillary Clinton, Now Tied With Donald Trump & In Trouble in Battle Ground States


In the aftermath of the non-Hillary Clinton email indictment, many polls find the race tightening between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. The most recent New York Times/CBS News poll shows that it is a toe at 40% between Trump and Hillary.  Mrs. Clinton’s 6 percentage point lead over Trump from last month’s CBS News poll has all but evaporated. Another major problem for Clinton, as she prepares to accept the Democratic Party’s nomination at the convention in Philadelphia this month, is she that 67% of voters say she is not honest and trustworthy. Can you say #Lying, Crooked Hillary.

Trump also has picked up some momentum in battleground state polls.


Hillary Clinton has emerged from the F.B.I. investigation into her email practices as secretary of state a wounded candidate with a large and growing majority of voters saying she cannot be trusted, according to the latest New York Times/CBS News poll.

As Mrs. Clinton prepares to accept the Democratic Party’s nomination at the convention in Philadelphia this month, she will confront an electorate in which 67 percent of voters say she is not honest and trustworthy. That number is up five percentage points from a CBS News poll conducted last month, before the F.B.I. released its findings.

Mrs. Clinton’s six-percentage-point lead over the presumptive Republican nominee, Donald J. Trump, in a CBS News poll last month has evaporated. The two candidates are now tied in a general election matchup, the new poll indicates, with each receiving the support of 40 percent of voters.

48% of Voters Believe Hillary Clinton’s Use of a Private Email server While Serving as Secretary of State was Illegal


In a recent poll, 48% of voter believed that Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server while she was Secretary of State was illegal and a major problem for her campaign. According to the poll, 48% stated it was a major issue for her campaign, while 18% of Hillary true believers said it was not an issue at all but think that Watergate was a big issue. Folks wake up … what Hillary Clinton did was illegal, put the USA at great risk and was purposely done to hide info from the American people under the Freedom of Information Act or FOIA. This was a purposeful act on her part and frankly, she should be disqualified from running for president. Normally, We the People, are dismayed by politicians who become president and get caught up in lies and scandals. Hillary Clinton already has that beat.


Half of all voters think that Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server during her time as secretary of State was illegal, according to a new Morning Consult poll released Wednesday.

Meanwhile, 27 percent say they’re not sure if it was legal or not, and 22 percent believe it was legal. And 20 percent said the practice was ethical.

Nearly half of voters polled, 48 percent, see her use of a private server as a major problem for the campaign, while 24 percent see it as a minor one. Eighteen percent said it isn’t a problem at all.

State Department’s Inspector General Released a Report on Hillary Clinton’s Email … Hillary Busted in More Lies


Actually, what Nixon did was 1000 x’s less … The State Department’s Inspector General has released a scathing reports on Hillary Clinton’s emails. Once again Hillary has been busted as she continually lies. Hillary and her campaign mouth pieces have continually claimed that they had done nothing wrong and there was nothing to her use of private emails(s) and the private server in her home that stored said emails so that no one could see or request them thru FOIA. Hilary Clinton, who of course exposed secrets to possible national security issues by her knowing and willful acts to hide her emails, claims this has all been a right wing witch hunt. So I guess she can add the Obama-appointed intelligence community Inspector General, and the Federal Bureau of Investigation to the right wing conspiracy.


Read the report here, OIG’s report.

As the FBI continues to investigate criminal wrongdoing, CNN reports that the Inspector General has raised the stakes with the release of a remarkable report finding that Clinton’s actions violated State Department policies and were inconsistent with federal record-keeping laws. Hmm, but Hillary said she did nothing wrong. Oh wait, her lips were moving, she must have been lying.

The report also discloses new details relevant to Clinton’s motives and her assertion that the use of a private server was simply a matter of convenience. While criminal charges still remain highly unlikely, the inspector general’s report is significant and unquestionably damaging to Clinton’s public defense.

Most crucially, the inspector general directly contradicts Clinton’s repeated assertions that she complied both with federal law and State Department policies. “At a minimum,” the report finds, “Secretary Clinton should have surrendered all emails dealing with Department business before leaving government service and, because she did not do so, she did not comply with Department’s policies that were implemented in accordance with the Federal Records Act.”

The report goes further, noting that while Clinton’s subsequent production of 55,000 pages of emails in response to State Department demands partially corrected these violations, the records Clinton turned over were incomplete. Remarkably, the report includes reference to a previously unreleased 2010 email in which Clinton, responding to her deputy chief of staff for operations, Huma Abedin, directly addresses her lack of an official State Department email account and voices a fear of the “risk of the personal being accessible” if she had one. In a briefing, State Department officials were unable to confirm the source of this email, but if it was omitted from the records Clinton produced, it again would raise questions about the process she used to distinguish between “federal records” and “personal records” before destroying the latter.

Emails From Hillary Clinton’s IT Director Bryan Pagliano at State Department Appear to Be Missing


What a crock of sh*t, according to the State Department now it appears that Hillary Clinton’s IT Director, Bryan Pagliano’s, emails are missing. Of course they are. Pagliano’s emails from the time he served as Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s senior information technology staffer during her tenure there have gone poof, up in smoke, or should we say delete, scrub. Sorry folks, I have worked with government contracts, which is not even the extensive nature of the government, and all emails are backed up daily on and offsite server and saved. The fact that they claim they can’t find them means either they were scrubbed off, he was using a different email server o they are just flat out lying. WHY THE AMERICAN PEOPLE WOULD TOLERATE THIS TYPE OF COVER UP AND LYING IS ASTOUNDING. Sorry, Hillary Clinton does not belong running for president, but instead should be serving time in prison for her crimes of putting the United States secrets at risk and the cover up.


The State Department said today it can’t find Bryan Pagliano’s emails from the time he served as Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s senior information technology staffer during her tenure there.

Pagliano would have been required to turn over any official communications from his work account before he left the government. State Department officials say he had an official email account, but that they can’t find any of those records he would have turned over and continue to search for them.

“The Department has searched for Mr. Pagliano’s email pst file and has not located one that covers the time period of Secretary Clinton’s tenure,” State Department spokesman Elizabeth Trudeau said today, referencing a file format that holds email.

America, You do realize her crimes are worse, right?


“To be clear, the Department does have records related to Mr. Pagliano and we are working with Congress and [Freedom of Information Act] requesters to provide relevant material. The Department has located a pst from Mr. Pagliano’s recent work at the Department as a contractor, but the files are from after Secretary Clinton left the Department,” Trudeau added.

After this story was posted, Trudeau reached out to ABC News, amending her previous statement to say that despite the absence of his original pst file, some small amount of Pagliano’s email has been recovered, suggesting they were gleaned from other email accounts.

This statement about Pagliano’s email comes in response to a FOIA request-turned-lawsuit by the Republican National Committee, which wants the State Department to turn over all his emails as well as Clinton’s text and Blackberry Messenger communications. In a court filing today, the RNC said the State Department has told them there are no documents responsive to either of those requests.

Hillary Clinton and her cronies continue the cover up of her crimes and stonewalling of the American People …

In a shocker that should shock no one, Bryan Pagliano’s emails from his time as Hillary Clinton’s senior information technology staffer have turned up missing.

Even though a condition of him leaving government would have included turning over all official communications.

Even though other archived email communications from Pagliano’s account have been retrieved, except, of course, those dated May 1, 2009 to Feb. 1, 2013, the time he worked for Secretary Clinton.

Pagliano, you’ll recall, was the staffer who traveled to Clinton’s private Chappaqua, New York residence to set up her private server. As such, he is a key witness in the FBI inquiry into the Clinton email scandal and was even granted immunity in exchange for his cooperation.

RNC Deputy Communications Director Raj Shah released a statement to ABC News, “It’s hard to believe that an IT staffer who set up Hillary Clinton’s reckless email server never sent or received a single work-related email in the four years he worked at the State Department. Such records might shed light on his role in setting up Clinton’s server, and why he was granted immunity by the FBI. But it seems that his emails were either destroyed or never turned over, adding yet another layer to the secrecy surrounding his role.”

Sidney Blumenthal Will Not Say Whether The FBI Has Interviewed Him About Clinton’s Private Server

VIDEO – Washington Free Beacon

QUESTION TO ALL AMERICANS ... Why is it do you think that Hillary Clinton and her State Department has gone to such extensive measures to cover up her private email server scandal and stonewall the investigation? Do you think, maybe, just maybe she had a lot to hide that was so damning that what we are seeing with the drip, drip, drip of news stories was better than the actual truth what she really did?

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