Incumbent Democrat Arkansas Senator Mark Pryor Says Barack Obama Has “Been a Drag” on His Campaign”


Incumbent Democrat Arkansas Senator Mark Pryor tries in vain to distance himself from President Barack Obama as he finds himself well behind by 7% in the recent RCP average polling to Republican challenger Tom Cotton. Unfortunately for Pryor, it is hard to suddenly call Obama a drag on his campaign and distance one’s self when Sen. Mark Pryor had voted with Obama 93% of the time. However it has been even worse this year … Roll Call lists Pryor in their 10 Most Vulnerable Senators of 2014 and has him voting in support for Obama’s agenda 97% of the time.

 In recent days, Pryor has gone farther than he ever has to put daylight between himself and the president, telling Fox News that the biggest liability in his re-election bid is Obama.

“Well, you know, he has been a drag. I mean, I am just going to be honest about that,” Pryor said. “People here know that I have had my fair share of disagreements with him. You can look at gun control issues, Keystone pipeline. I have never supported one of his budgets.”

Sorry Mark Pryor, it is not Obama that is a drag on your campaign, it is that you voted with Obama’s failed policies that the good people of Arkansas soundly reject. You do not represent the folks in Arkansas and much like Blanche Lincoln in 2010, you will be retired from the US Senate.

Isn’t that interesting that Mark Pryor considers President Barack Obama a drag on his campaign, because in2008 Pryor said that Barack Obama  was “exactly the right guy for this moment in history”. REALLY? So Sen. Pryor, do you still feel the same? Challenger Tom Cotton has stated that Pryor has voted with Obama 93% of the time and it has been proved by Politifact to be a true statement.  Make no mistake about it, Pryor voted to pass Obamacare. Also, he voted for the Obama illegal’s amnesty plan.

Sen. Mark Pryor cast the deciding vote on Obamacare and says he would do it all over again and vote for it, even though the people of Arkansas strongly disapproved of it and the so-called Affordable Health care law is not affordable and does not ensure you can keep your doctor or your insurance, if you liked it. Pryor does not represent Arkansas, he represents the Obama agenda.

Here’s Pryor’s presidential support rate since 2009, when Obama took office.

Year – Presidential support rate

2009 – 95 percent
2010 – 92 percent
2011 – 95 percent
2012 – 91 percent
2013 – 90 percent

Pryor’s votes have lined up with Obama’s stated position on that vote between 90 and 95 percent of the time for the past five years. Cotton’s figure — 93 percent — is right smack in the middle. (The average is 92.6 percent.) So it’s pretty accurate.

It was not that long ago when Arkansas Senator Mark Pryor was singing the praises of Barack Obama and stumping for him asking others to vote for him. Pryor stated that Obama had the leadership skills, the vision and the hope that America needs. Pryor went on to say in 2008 that elections have consequences. Pryor asked those in attendance to go out and work as hard as they can for Barack Obama and “let’s bring the chance to America that we need”. Flash-forward to 2014 and I guess Pryor has had a change of hear. Guess what Sen. Pryor, elections do have consequences and the change that America needs includes removing you from office.

EXIT QUESTION: Pryor says Barack Obama has been a drag … is that racist?

Chairman of the RNC Rance Priebus Says GOP Will Stop Barack Obama’s ‘Un-American’ Amnesty if We Win Senate

Hey GOP … You better do something to rally the base ahead of the 2014 midterm elections.

In a radio interview with Laura Ingraham, Republican National Committee chairman Rance Priebus said, “It is un-American for a president to try and do such a thing. I want to make it clear: There is no part of me, there is not a molecule in my body that agrees with the president on executive amnesty.” Laura Ingraham told the RNC chair that Republicans better explain how amnesty will destroy the country and not let Democrats say that I am against amnesty too. Laura rightfully took Rance  Priebus to task and told him that the GOP better get aggressive on amnesty and get a spine and a message.

Good for you Laura, listening to Priebus is exactly why we do not see a real wave election.

I don’t support it. It is wrong,” Priebus said. “It is un-American for a president to try and do such a thing. I want to make it clear: There is no part of me, there is not a molecule in my body that agrees with the president on executive amnesty.”

Priebus promised the hundreds of activists on the call that the Republican Party, if it takes the Senate on Nov. 4 in the upcoming midterm elections, will do everything in its power to stop Obama from proceeding on the executive amnesty. Priebus even boldly predicted that Republicans can and will succeed in stopping Obama if elected on Nov. 4.

“While I can’t speak for the legislature, I’m very confident we will stop that,” Priebus said. “We will do everything we can to make sure it doesn’t happen: Defunding, going to court, injunction. You name it. It’s wrong. It’s illegal. And for so many reasons, and just the basic fabric of this country, we can’t allow it to happen and we won’t let it happen. I don’t know how to be any stronger than that. I’m telling you, everything we can do to stop it we will.”

Gallup Poll: Barack Obama Ties All-Time Low Job Approval at 38% … 54% Disapprove


According to the most recent Gallup poll, three day rolling average, Barack Obama has tied his all-time low for job approval at 38%. At some point though, Obama’s job approval numbers have to sink even lower as we look around and nothing, I mean nothing is positive for the United states or Americans, both in domestic and foreign policy, in the disastrous Obama presidency. As Obama’s poll numbers continue to shrink, the MSM-Democrat state run media complex refuses to report the news.


Gallup_job approval 090514


The below average polling for Obama’s job approval is at 40.25% Approve and 54.25% Disapprove.

Reuters/Ipsos – 8/30 – 9/3:  38% Approve – 56% Disapprove (-18)
Gallup – 9/2 – 9/5 :  38% Approve – 54% Disapprove  (-16)
The Economist/YouGov – 8/30 – 9/1:  41% Approve - 56% Disapprove  (-15)
GWU/Battleground – 8/23 – 8/28: 44% Approve - 51 Disapprove   (-7)
USA Today/Pew Research – 8/20 – 8/24: 42% Approve -  50% Disapprove  (-8)

The Polling Company … 63% of Hispanics & 57% of Blacks Say the Government is not Doing Enough to Enforce U.S. Immigration Laws


CNS News reports the following TPC/WC poll that shows that an overwhelming majority, including Hispanics and Blacks, say that the government is not doing enough to enforce current US immigration policy. But the MSM, Democrats and pro-amnesty Republicans would have you believe that “amnesty” is the only way to deal with illegals already in the country. The poll also went on to say that 71% of Blacks and 63% of Hispanics believe the government “has a responsibility” to protect job-hungry Americans “from competition with illegal immigrants.” It would appear that legal Hispanics and blacks in America both agree that American jobs should be given to legal Americans.  Hmm, think Hispanics and blacks realize that their already poor unemployment numbers and salaries are drastically affected by illegals?

Amnesty No

Fully 63% of Hispanics and 57% of Blacks say the government is not doing enough to enforce U.S. immigration laws, according to the survey by The Polling Company, Inc. Likewise, 78% of Whites and 74% of all respondents want tighter border security.

What’s more, 71% of Blacks and 63% of Hispanics believe the government “has a responsibility” to protect job-hungry Americans “from competition with illegal immigrants.” About three-quarters of Whites (77%) and all respondents (74%) agree that the government has a duty to protect Americans from job competition by illegal aliens.

More than three times as many Hispanics and Blacks agree as disagree that “Americans who need work ought to have the opportunity to do the jobs that are currently done by illegal aliens”:

  • Hispanics:        73% Agree, 21% Disagree
  • Blacks:             70% Agree, 22% Disagree
  • Whites:            83% Agree, 12% Disagree
  • Total:               81% Agree, 14% Disagree

Employment and Unemployment Among Youth Summary

Labor force:

The youth labor force participation rate was highest for whites, at 63.2 percent in
July 2014. By contrast, the rate was 52.9 percent for blacks, 45.8 percent for Asians,
and 56.2 percent for Hispanics. For all four groups, labor force participation rates
were little different from last July.


The employment-population ratios for young men (53.6 percent) and whites (55.4 percent)
were higher in July 2014 than a year earlier. The ratios for young women (50.1 percent),
blacks (39.8 percent), Asians (40.8 percent), and Hispanics (47.0 percent) showed little
change from last July.

 JULY 2014 – Unemployment Rate

Among the major worker groups, the unemployment rate for adult women increased to 5.7 percent and the rate for blacks edged up to 11.4 percent in July, following declines for both groups in the prior
month. The rates for adult men (5.7 percent), teenagers (20.2 percent), whites (5.3 percent), and Hispanics (7.8 percent) showed little or no change in July. The jobless rate for Asians was 4.5 percent(not seasonally adjusted), little changed from a year earlier.

Economist/YouGov Poll: 77% of Americans Say Illegal Southern Border Kids Need to be Sent Back Home … 64% of Hispanics Want Children Deported

RUT-ROH, looks like Barack Obama, Democrats and the MSM have misread the tea leaves badly…

A funny thing has happened on the way to Barack Obama and Democrats trying use self-created humanitarian crisis of illegals pouring across our Southern border in mass and passing it off as an only unaccompanied minor issue … an unanticipated American backlash, including Hispanic-Americans that says, SEND THEM HOME!!! According to a recent Economist/YouGov poll, 77% of Americans say that the children who have massed on our Southern border in an attempt to get into the USA illegally need to be sent back home to where they came from. Obama and Democrats with the aid of the MSM tried to use “the opportunity” to their advantage to pass amnesty. However, according to the poll 64% of Hispanics want the children to be deported as well. Looks like some one [Democrats] has misread the signs badly.

By the way, it’s not just children on our borders trying to get in illegally.

Poll_You Gov_children border

Breitbart asks, where has the wall to wall media coverage gone? Even the MSM understands that it is hard to exploit “an opportunity” when the American people are so strongly against their bias position.

Rather than convince the American people that passing a mass amnesty is what’s needed, the burst of border coverage earlier this month convinced 77% of the American people that the kids need to be sent back home. A full 42% want the kids sent back immediately regardless of what’s happening in their home countries. Add to that another 35% who want them sent back  unless their home country is deemed unsafe.

Only 11% want what Obama, Democrats, and the media want — which is amnesty for everyone.

The numbers are not all that different among Hispanics. Only 22% want to give the children amnesty. A full 64% want the children deported. Of that 64%, 28% want them deported immediately; 36% want them deported unless their home country is deemed unsafe.

That puts Hispanics almost perfectly in line with the rest of country.

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