Where is the MSM? Remember When Obama Trashed Republicans for High Gas Prices During 2008 Election
Remember when Barack Obama was trashing Republicans for the high price of gas during the 2008 Presidential election? The gas prices have more than doubled, $1.84 to $3.85, since Obama took office, yet the silence in deafening from the MSM informing America. The corrupt liberal media complex is so in the tank, pardon the pun, that it would be simply unheard of for the media to remind America that they are not better off today than they were four years ago.
From CNS News:
Average retail gasoline prices have more than doubled under President Obama, according to government statistics, rising from $1.84 per gallon to $3.85 per gallon.
The average gasoline price is calculated by the Energy Information Agency, and shows that over the past 43 months of President Obama’s term retail gasoline prices have more than doubled, rising from an average of $1.84 per gallon to $3.85 per gallon.
Rising gasoline prices were particularly prevalent in August, which saw a 9.0 percent rise in the Consumer Price Index (CPI) for gasoline, a rise that almost entirely accounts for the general increase in prices seen by families across the country over the past month.
Just curious, what energy independence plan did Obama come up with in the last four years? Question two, who thinks if Obama was a Republican that the price of gas and unemployment rate would lead every new broadcast?
Posted September 23, 2012 by Scared Monkeys 2012 Elections, Are You Better Off Today Than You Were 4 Years Ago, Barack Obama, Energy, Epic Fail, Gas Prices, Hypocrisy, Media Bias, Obamanation, Political Ads, Presidential Election, Presidential Election 2008, WTF, You Tube - VIDEO | 5 comments |
The Comedian “Hypocrite” in Chief: Obama Cracks “Racist” Birther Joke, Asks Hawaiian Boy if He Has His Birth Certificate? VIDEO
The Comedian in Chief, or is it the Hypocrite in Chief Barack Obama makes “birther” joke.
After Barack Obama and his insincere minions made it a federal issue when Mitt Romney made what was considered a “birther” joke on the campaign stump, what does Barack Obama do? Why of course he makes a birther joke of his own. As reported by The Hill, at a campaign stop in Orlando, FL Barack Obama cracked a “birther” joke when he asked a young boy who was born in Hawaii, if he had a birth certificate.
The Comedian in Chief keeping the birther meme alive …
The president made a stop at a local sports bar, Gator Dockside, where he made the rounds, speaking to patrons, according to a White House pool report.
At one table, Obama was told by an adult that a young boy at the table was “born in Hawaii.”
“You were born in Hawaii? You have a birth certificate?” the president asked, as the table broke into laughter.
Of course the corrupt, leftist main stream media complex and Obams’s minions will defend Obama’s comments as just a joke, making fun of birthers. It gets worse, the AP just plain did not even report that Obama attacked Romney just last month for making a birther joke. Unreal, that America can exist when the media has become nothing more than a propaganda tool for Democrats. This should never be allowed to fly. Not when Barack Obama and his mouth pieces whined incessantly that there was no place in the public or political discourse for “birther” comments. In the video below, DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Shultz stated that, “there is nothing funny to suggest that the President of the United States was not born in this country … It’s beneath some one who is running for President of the United States.” Hmm, so if the hypocritical LEFT does not want the story mentioned, why it it Obama that keeps the “birther” meme going? It would see that if its beneath the Office, that should apply to Obama as well.
The Obama team, however, quickly leaped on the remarks, releasing a web video saying that “America doesn’t need a birther-in-chief.”
“Holding out hope Romney had a vision for the middle class?,” the narrator said in the video. “Think again. Embracing unfounded conspiracy theories, distracting from real issues. America doesn’t need a birther-in-chief.”
As Weasel Zippers reminds us, According to the clowns on MSNBC birther jokes are racist.
Who actually thinks it is appropriate, responsible or even ethical for Obama to cry bloody, political murder when anyone dare reference his birther certificate, yet Obama continues the narrative in order to further distract and demonize others by purposely continuing the controversy?
Posted September 9, 2012 by Scared Monkeys 2012 Elections, Barack Obama, Birth Certificate, Campaigner in Chief, Comedian in Chief, Hypocrisy, Media Bias, Mitt Romney - Paul Ryan 2012, Presidential Election, WTF, You Tube - VIDEO | 9 comments |
Alana Wenger: 8 Year Old’s ‘Dreams Were Crushed’ After Being Denied Entry to Obama Event … Get Used to the Disappointment
Talk about your metaphors … and signs of things to come. Let this be a lesson to all Americans as to the hypocrisy and the uncaring attitude of Obama toward We the People.
As reported at The Weekly Standard, an 8 year old dreams were crushed when she was denied entry into an Obama event in Grand Junction, Colorado. It appears that Barack Obama was supposed to speak at 5:30 according to the ticket, but for some reason started his speech one hour earlier A note to the 8 year old girl, get used to the disappointment from Barack Obama. The 8 year old’s of the United States better get used to the fact that they will be paying off Obama’s debt for years to come because of his wasteful spending and foolish spending.
However, it appears that a prominent Democrat was allowed into the event, even after they were told they could not. Shannon Wenger, the father of the 8 yea old girl said that this rubs him the wrong way. What else would one expect but hypocrisy from Team Obama? Has he not been paying attention for the last 4 years? Shannon Wenger said that Obama’s people is contradicting what Obama claims he is all about, that people should not be treated special because of who they know or how much money they have. Yet this father and daughter saw the hypocrisy first hand. Shannon Wenger is considering changing his political affiliation after this event.
ERICSSON (REPORTER): An eight-year-old’s dreams were crushed when she wasn’t let in to see President Obama speak at Grand Junction High School.
ALANA WENGER: When they said that no one could go in I was so frustrated.
ERICSSON (REPORTER): Alana has Asperger’s and she doesn’t do well in the heat. So her dad waited until 4 p.m. to show up to the event because his tickets said the president would speak at 5:30.
Posted August 11, 2012 by Scared Monkeys 2012 Elections, Campaigner in Chief, Hypocrisy, Obamanation, Presidential Election, You Tube - VIDEO | 6 comments |
Political and Media Hypocrisy: Liberal Attack Ad Shows Black Republican Allen West Beating an Elderly White Women (VIDEO)
Has the LEFT no shame and the liberal MSM no honor?
More shameful and racial attack ads from the LEFT. This time they target Rep. Allen West (FL-R) hitting a woman in the face and taking money away from the middle class. The ad displays a caricature of West wearing boxing gloves hitting an old lady. One thing, what would the outcry be from the LEFT and the MSM if the GOP or a Right leaning group made a political ad of a Democrat black man hitting a white elderly woman? There would be screams for Romney to denounce the ad and for it to be taken off the air. As the Lonely Conservative opines, “It would be called racism.” But in typical Leftist and MSM hypocrisy, silence is golden.
It’s a typically misleading ad from a liberal SuperPAC against a principled conservative- of course, it’s always women and minorities who are hardest hit by conservatives’ policies- never mind that it’s West who is the one on the front lines trying to bring an end to our fiscal recklessness and entitlement mentality that Democrats will give their last breath to defend.
But then again. how is this any different than the LEFT’ist hateful attack ad showing Rep. Paul Ryan (WI-R) pushing grandma over the cliff in a wheel chair or worse yet former Florida Democrat Representative bottom feeder Alan Grayson saying, “Republicans want to kill old people”. Just a continuation of the LEFT’s shameful behavior.
Posted August 10, 2012 by Scared Monkeys 2012 Elections, Allen West (FL-R), Democrats, Ethics, House of Representatives, Hypocrisy, Liberals, Media Bias, You Tube - VIDEO | 3 comments |
Rick Warren Tweets: @dancathy just called me. #ChickFilA has already set a world record today … As the Left Shows the Hypocrisy of Their Hate
Rick Warren tweeted that Dan Cathy, the CEO of Chick-Fil-A, called him and said that they had already set a world record toda for food sales and there was still 7 hours to go out in the West. Honestly, it does not surprise me at all. The one’s the I frequented today and passed by were a zoo. There were traffic jams at every location and people standing in line as if waiting to go on an amusement park ride at Disney World. At one location I stopped at today, they had served 10,000 customers. A note to the intolerant LEFT, backlash is a bitch. Today, waiting in line for a Chick-Fil-A chicken sandwich in support of free speech, in November it will be waiting in line to take our country back.
Mike Huckabee is amazed at the outpouring and a victory for ‘We the People”
Christians are allowed freedom of speech as well and many are tired of the Anti-Christian sentiment
and attempted censorship of commerce because they disagreed with someone’s opinion.
As Hot Air opined, Somewhere, a Burger King ad man’s toying with the idea of having “The King” declare himself “100% pro-life.” We might want to ad a pro-second amendment “Red Haired” little girl with pony tails as well.
Not a word about today’s activities has been whispered on Chick-fil-A’s feed even though CFA has been trending on Twitter off and on all day. As noted in the earlier post, the suspicion is that the company’s lying low about what’s happening in order to extricate itself from the front line of the culture war, but I wonder if today’s outpouring will draw some sort of recognition tomorrow. If Dan Cathy’s willing to tout the numbers to Rick Warren, presumably an official acknowledgment and thank you is on the way.
I would have to say that because of such a tremendous outpouring of support today by “We the People”, CFA is going to have to make some sort of announcement. When they do, the numbers are going to be staggering.
What the Left and the Gay community does not understand is your hypocrisy makes people ill. You are the first to cry hate speech and discrimination, yet it is you who spews vile hate and intolerance. Like this moonbat, hate filled Leftist (VIDEO) calling others hateful when he is a perfect example of what hate is all about.
Posted August 2, 2012 by Scared Monkeys Abuse of Power, Chick-Fil-A, Civil Rights, Freedom of Religion, Freedom of Speech, Gay Marriage, Gay-Lesbian, Government, Hypocrisy, Liberals, Religion, We the People, You Tube - VIDEO | 8 comments |