Al Sharpton vs. the Teleprompter #4 … Use Tube Celebrities, Asphema and a Massive Manhood Underway

Is it really Rev. Al Sharpton against the teleprompter or is it that he just can’t read?

From the Washington Free Beacon comes the following best of All Sharpton struggling with the English language. Exactly how does this man have a show on MSNBC? I am not sure which one is my favorite, President Obama holding a “Kolique,” Everybody Loves Ray “Morahno,” “accidental asphema,” or the the massive “manhood” going on in Paris. But perhaps the best is the “use tube” celebrities that Obama met with just just week.


Just in case you might have missed the previous Al Sharpton vs. the Teleprompter videos, the following are for your viewing entertainment and I mean entertainment. The parent network, NBC, must be so proud. David Brinkley, Chet Huntley,  John Chancellor, Garrick Utley and Tim Russert are all collectively rolling over in their graves.

Al Sharpton VS The Teleprompter #1

Al Sharpton VS The Teleprompter #2

Al Sharpton VS the Teleprompter #3

Liberal Comedian David Letterman Turns on Obama & Mocks His ISIS Strategy … “Now Have a Name for the War Against ISIS: Operation Hillary’s Problem”

Even uber-Lib comedian David Letterman is mocking President Barack Obama these days. With the Obama administration not providing a name to the war on ISIS, Letterman announced to his audience that it appears that Obama has finally come up with a name for the war on ISIS … “Operation Hilary’s Problem”.

On Friday night, liberal late night host David Letterman mocked President Obama over is handling of ISIS. The CBS comedian joked “the administration now has a name for the war against ISIS. Have you heard the name?”

The CBS host continued by pointing out how “every military operation has to have a name so people can get behind it and they now have a name for the war against ISIS: “Operation Hillary’s Problem.’”

SNL Mocks Barack Obama on ISIS and His Underestimating of the Terror Group … “Could I Throw One Particular Person Under the Bus … James Clapper”

Saturday Night Live mocked Barack Obama’s handling of ISIS and the continual Secret Service screw ups at the White House. After throwing James Clapper under the bus, in the spoof, Obama then went on to inform Steve Kroft what the “I” in ISIS stood for. They always say that there has to be a little truth in humor to make it funny. The reality is in the SNL skit below, the entire thing is pretty much a rehashing of what actually happened and people in the audience laughed. Guess what America, the joke has been on you.

Steve Kroft: You made the point  that ISIS and the Islamic faith are in no way connected. Do you still believe that?

Barack Obama: Actually, I am beginning to think there is some connection. For example, did you know that the first “I” in ISIS stands for Islamic, I mean who knew?

Texas Republican Sen. Ted Cruz Wins The 2014 Value Voters Summit Presidential Straw Poll … Mocked MSM & PC Police with Undocumented White House Visitor Joke

America, if you really want to elect a true Conservative to turn the country around, you best get serious about Ted Cruz.

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) wowed them at the 2014 Values Voters Summit and won the straw poll for the second year in a row. Ted Cruz won with 25%, former Johns Hopkins University neurosurgeon and political newbie Ben Carson came in second with 20%, while former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee  came in third, with 12%. Carson also came in first in the polling for vice president, winning 22% of the votes. Just a note to those at Value Voter Summit, Huckabee is not a conservative.

But Ted Cruz was the star of the show and had the crowd laughing with joke about the recent White House fence jumper, nailing the MSM, political correctness and illegal immigration all in one.

“We should hold the media to account. Because I will say in their reporting on this person who broke into the White House, they really have not used the politically correct term and we should insist that ABC, NBC, CBS, they refer to the visitor according to the term that is politically correct, an undocumented White House visitor.

The Hill:

Texas Republican Sen. Ted Cruz won the Value Voters Summit presidential straw poll on Saturday.

The crowd burst onto applause on Saturday, as Family Research Council President Tony Perkins announced that Cruz won 25 percent of votes at the annual Washington conference.

The victory is a big victory to the Republican firebrand and Tea Party icon, coming just a day after he drew standing ovations with a religious and emotional speech that blasted ObamaCare, congressional Democrats and called for Republicans to take over the White House in 2016.

Cruz also won the straw poll in 2013.

Coming in second was neurosurgeon Ben Carson, a political novice who has a large following in conservative circles but said earlier this week that there is a “strong” likelihood that he would run for president. He won 20 percent of the votes.

Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee (R) came in third, with 12 percent of the vote.

As a signal of Carson’s popularity at the summit, the former Johns Hopkins University neurosurgeon came in first in the polling for vice president, winning 22 percent of the votes.

US Rep. Jim Clyburn (D-SC) Says Key To Getting Out The Dem Vote Is ‘Sexting’ (VIDEO)

74 year old Democrat Representative Jim Clyburn from South Carolina has come up with a sure fire way to get out the Democrat vote in 2014 … SEXTING!!! I am almost certain Bill Clinton might agree.

From the The Daily Caller comes the third-ranking House Democrat’s appearance on C-SPAN, where REP. Jim Clyburn (D-SC) accidentally misspoke and used the word “sexting” instead of “texting”. Oops. Sorry Wonkette, but this is funny. Like you have never pointed and laughed at anyone before. Nothing like some good, clean, innocent humor.  Nothing mean intended here, obviously Rep. Clyburn not a big texter. However, with the problems facing the Democrats in 2014 thanks to Obama’s failures, sexting may be the only way to get out the vote.

“Use the tools that we have,” he said, according the Daily Caller’s clip of the appearance. “We’ve got great tools to communicate about everything else. We can text. What do we call it? Sexting. Let’s do some voting, organizing over the internet. We’ve got the tools. Let’s use them for a new massive movement that will make sure that we can have in November 2014 the kind of turnout at the polls that we had in 2012 in November.”

Anthony Weiner was not available for comment :-) .


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