GOP House Looks To Put Delay on Obamacare Individual Mandate … Or Does Obama & Democrats Only Want to Protect Business?


What’s good for the goose, should also be good for the gander. Or in this case, what the employers have been granted in a delay in the employer mandate should also be provided to individuals.

Speaker John Boehner and House Republicans are looking to protect average Americans as President Barack Obama has taken the side of “big” business with regards to Obamacare. House Republicans are asking for the same one year delay for “We the People” in the individual Obamacare mandate as Obama has granted to employers. Of course the fact that Barack Obama is not allowed to just arbitrarily extend one part of a law and not the whole thing is another issue.   Speaker John A. Boehner stated, “Is it fair for the president of the United States to give American businesses an exemption from his health care law’s mandates without giving the same exemption to the rest of America? Hell no, it’s not fair.” Polls show that Americans overwhelming are for a delay in the “individual mandate” … so will Obama only benefit business and not the people?

Boehner & Cantor discuss the unfairness of Obama in benefiting business, but not individuals.

House Republican leaders on Tuesday seized on the Obama administration’s one-year delay of a mandate for larger employers to offer health insurance or face penalties, demanding the same postponement for the mandate on individual insurance purchases and promising a series of showdowns aimed at dividing Democrats from the White House.

After more than two years of voting repeatedly and unsuccessfully to repeal the health care law, Republicans believe they are getting traction thanks to what they see as the Obama administration’s self-inflicted wound over the employer mandate.

House leaders began devising strategies that would most likely start this month with multiple votes, the first to codify the one-year delay on the employer mandate, then another to demand a delay on the individual mandate. They calculate that Democrats would first vote to back the administration’s decision, and would then have a hard time opposing the second measure. Some Republicans raised the possibility that a provision to repeal the individual mandate could be attached this fall to legislation raising the government’s statutory borrowing limit.

Even some Democrats are livid at Barack Obama for being one-sided in their protection against the train wreck known as Obamacare.  As reported at the Weekly Standard, Democratic senator Tom Harkin, who’s retiring at the end of this term, had some blunt words for the Obama administration over the recent change to Obamacare … “This was the law. How can they change the law?” Good question, he can’t. Barack Obama and the Democrats have been put into a box … Do Democrats side with the unpopular Obama legislation from a lame duck president or “We the People”. How peeved do they want to make the voters?

GOP Speaker of the House John Boehner on IRS Scandal … “My Question Isn’t Who’s Going to Resign. My Question Is Who Is Going to Jail Over This Scandal”?

This morning the Republican Speaker of the House John Boehner made a statement regarding the IRS scandal where they have apologized and admitted to purposely and willfully targeting Conservative organizations.  Speaker Boehner finally has grown a set and stated the following:

“In addition to this the IRS has admitted to targeting conservatives. Even if the White House happens to be stuck on the word “IF.” Well my question isn’t about who’s going to resign. My question is about who’s going to jail over this scandal.”

Speaker Boehner also provided a united Republican front with Eric Canter and  … on what the Republicans look to do in the future. . The Speaker said that the GOP wants to help Americans get jobs through a common sense approach and Americans deserve accountability from their government. The House is working to provide both. Boehner also said the GOP is still committed to repealing Obamacare because of its incredible expense to the American people. The Speaker also spoke of Benghazi; however, the IRS scandal was the big one and the money line.

First Lady Michelle Obama Rolls Her Eyes At Boehner As He Jokes With President as She Feeds her Face

The eye roll metaphor that will define Barack Obama’s second presidential term …

If anyone wanted to know just how much the Obama’s think of the GOP and their want to heal a very fractured country they only need to watch the below video of first lady Michelle Obama’s “eye roll” as Republican Speaker of the House Boehner jokes with President Barack Obama. The sheer public display of contempt is truly amazing. If that did not make you believe that the next four years are going to be even more partisan (video) and farther to the Left (video), you just needed to hear Obama in his own words during his Inauguration speech.

From Real Clear Politics.

Don’t get between Michelle Obama and her Food


As stated at the Politico, “But for a few brief moments on Monday, President Barack Obama and congressional Republicans actually seemed to enjoy each other’s company.” I guess this means that Obama did not accuse Boehner or Republicans of trying to kill children, old people or woman during the lunch.


GOP Speaker Proposed Allowing Tax Rates on those Making $1 Million or More (UPDATE: Obama rejects Offer)

Republican Speaker of the House John Boehner  has proposed allowing tax rates to rise for those individuals making $1 million or more. Of course this tax hike is conditional on President Obama agreeing to major entitlement cuts. This will likely go no where as any honest thing person knows that the revenues from tax increases on individuals making $250K as Obama wanted would only fund the government for 8 days, $1 million would probably fund the government for three.

$1 million dollars!!!

Speaker John Boehner has proposed allowing tax rates to rise for the wealthiest Americans if President Barack Obama agrees to major entitlement cuts, according to several sources close to the talks.

It is the first time Boehner has offered any boost in marginal tax rates for any income group, and it would represent a major concession for the Ohio Republican. Boehner suggested hiking the Bush-era tax rates for top wage earners, including those with annual incomes of $1 million or more annually, beginning Jan. 1, two sources said.

UPDATE I: Barack Obama rejects Speakers offer.  Obama will not be happy until he gets it all his way. And he knows the wuss Boehner will cave. 

President Barack Obama is not ready to accept a new offer from the Republican leader of the U.S. the House of Representatives to raise taxes on top earners in exchange for major cuts in entitlement programs, a source said late Saturday.

Obama Signs $40 “Pizza” Payroll Tax Cut Extension for Americans, Then Jets Off for $4 Million Hawaii Vacation

Nothing more than Obama political game playing at the expense of We the People …

CLASS WARFARE … Maybe Americans should take a good look at what their President is doing, rather than the class warfare rhetoric he is spewing. We the People are told to sacrifice and do without … What is Obama and the First family sacrificing?

Really Mr. President, you dare call a two month, $40 payroll tax cut extension a political victory? Oh but wait, we can buy a pizza with that money. Gee Barack, how big of you! Two can play at class warfare President Obama … most Americans cannot afford any vacation, yet the most out of touch President in modern times sets the example and vacations la vita loca while Americans struggle.

President Barack Obama signed the two month payroll tax cut extension today. Earlier in the day Congress passed the tax bill, H.R. 3765. Pundits are calling this a political victory for Democrats and Obama, why?  Obama originally asked for a one year extension, exactly what the republican controlled House had passed. Forget the fact that the money being cut is used to fund social security, the tax cut is only for two months. Big deal. What is a two month tax cut other than a complete and total waste of time.

President Barack Obama signed a two-month extension of the payroll tax cut Friday, ending what had been a heated political stalemate and sealing a hard-fought win for Democrats on an issue — taxes — that has historically favored the GOP.

Earlier in the day, the measure cleared the Democratic-controlled Senate and the Republican-controlled House of Representatives by unanimous consent, a procedural move allowing the measure to pass even though most members of Congress were already home home for the holidays.

But wait, our dear leader Barack Obama signs a bill into law that will give “We the People” a meager $40, yet King Obama following the signing vets off to Hawaii on a $4 million vacation. Are you serious. Obama provides Americans with crumbs while he vacations in the lap of luxury.

Michelle Obama insisted on a pricey holiday to Hawaii when her husband would have rather gone to a presidential retreat, according to reports.

She allegedly wanted the taxpayer-funded $4million trip when Barack Obama sought instead to make the short trip to Camp David in Maryland.

Political sources told the National Enquirer that the 47-year-old’s spending is rocketing and she even went on a shopping spree before the Hawaii trip.

Every think that maybe the Congress is dysfunctional because President Obama is? Just curious, I thought Democrats were all about social security? Why is it that they think the money that goes to pay for social security is OK to cut? How does the program fund itself if this continues?

The payroll tax cut is not a Democrat or Obama victory, it just shows the GOP, namely House Speaker Boehner’s failure to communicate. A two month extension to anything is nothing more than a waste of time. This was nothing more than political grandstanding and We the People were screwed again.

But wait America, while all this nonsense was going on in Washington, DC … the US Debts is now at $14.8 trillion in FY11 ... MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!

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