Scared Monkeys Radio Daily Commentary – Friday, February 8, 2008 – Dana Is Happy For Hillary Clinton?

  • Dana discusses how an anti-endorsement can in some ways be better than support – especially when it involves people like Michael Moore!

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Paparrazzi Admit They are Leeches … Pursuit of Britney Spears Has Gone Too Far

When is enough, enough?

Will the Paparazzi, media and internet tabloids only be happy when they are Paparazzi_LAtrying to get a story and picture of Britney Spear’s death? This does not and should not have to follow the same path as Anna Nicole Smith. However, some have made such stories a cottage industry.

The Free Online Dictionary defines a “leech” as the following:

  • 1. Any of various chiefly aquatic blood sucking or carnivorous annelid worms of the class Hirudinea, of which one species (Hirudo medicinalis) was formerly used by physicians to bleed patients and is now sometimes used as a temporary aid to circulation during surgical reattachment of a body part.
  • 2. One that preys on or clings to another; a parasite.

So the Paparazzi have admitted that they are low life, leeches who are only concerned with getting a picture for money and ready to exploit anyone’s misfortune for their profit. What a shock at this revelation. They have hounded an obviously troubled Britney Spears for months. At every opportunity they were there to exploit this girls obvious troubles. They are allowed to do it because she is a celebrity. Has our society really become this sick that we would condone this type of action by the Paparazzi and main stream media outlets? Imagine if this was just a normal every day person and not a celebrity who was hounded even when they were being carted off to the hospital having a mental break down … we would consider their actions disgusting and repugnant.

Spears’ 12-officer police escort prompts call for paparazzi limits

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Sylvester Stallone Back in Rambo 27 … Hollywood Critics Say, “No Plot” … No Duh!

Sylvester Stallone is back staring in Rambo 42, with as Hollywood critics say, Rambo_aarpnot much of a plot.  What a shocker, were you expecting one? So how is this any different from the rest? Were you expecting an Oscar winning performance? If its a Rambo movie, we can all be safe in the assumption that there will be no plot … only plenty of bullets and body counts. Why else would one go to see a Rambo movie, it best not be for the plot. There is no truth to the myth that the story line is that Rambo teams up with the AARP to take on the bad guys.


The Sylvester Stallone nostalgia tour that began with another “Rocky” continues with this fourth “Rambo.” Although Stallone plays it completely straight, the mere idea of the aging action star strapping on the bandana again is risible enough to let the movie play like a comedy too, albeit one with an unusually high body count. So while much of the audience will show up to admire what armored-piercing weapons do to human flesh, others can giggle at the notion of Rambo’s return in a movie that doesn’t risk gumming up its carnage with much of a plot.

Posted January 25, 2008 by
Celebrity, Fun, Hollywood | 4 comments

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