Actor Wesley Snipes Given 3 Years For Tax Evasion …. Prisoner 57

This time the rich, powerful and elite did not elude justice. Wesley Snipes will soon be learning in prison if “White Men Can Jump” as he was sentenced to a maximum of 3 years on tax evasion.


Snipes was the highest-profile criminal tax target in years, and prosecutors called for a heavy sentence to deter others from trying to obstruct the IRS. The government alleged Snipes made at least $13.8 million for the years in question and owed $2.7 million in back taxes.

Maybe this will be a sign of things to come that people of privilege and wealth cannot evade the law. Now its up to future juries to stop being star struck by people they perceive as important. It looks like Prisoner 57 will be headed off to prison, not a Hollywood set. Think the judge was not upset that Snipes had dodged the fraud charges against him?

Wesley Snipes called on famous friends to vouch for him, highlighted his clean criminal record and even wrote the government $5 million in checks — all in an effort to convince a judge that his conviction on tax charges should cost him nothing more than home detention and some public service announcements.

None of it worked. The “Blade” actor was ordered to do hard time.
Snipes was sentenced to three years in prison Thursday for failing to file tax returns, the maximum penalty — and a victory for prosecutors who sought to make an example of the action star. (FOX News)

Luke Mullins of The Collar provides us with some comforting new that all the spin and BS from Hollywood could not save Snipe’s bacon. Hollywood certainly has a distorted definition of character and integrity.

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