Why the Outrage … McCain was not the First to Compare Barack Obama to Paris Hilton

Media to McCain … You can’t do that to our pledges, only we can do that to our pledges. Paris_Hilton5

Why is everyone, especially the media, so up in arms over republican Presidential candidate John McCain comparing Barack “Mr. Celebrity” Obama to Paris Hilton? The outrage was heard across the media news rooms as the evil McCain and him minions dare compare their messiah to Paris Hilton. Obama and his campaign were quickly whined and responded in the manner that basically proved the ads point.

The ad was described as “nasty”, “childish” and “juvenile”, a “strange” “nuclear attack” for having dared to compare their anointed one to the brainless celebutant hotel heiress.

However, Newsbusters points out that John McCain was not the first to make the celebrity comparison of Obama and Paris Hilton. It turns out that the LEFT MSM had beaten McCain to the punch. Check out the Washington Post article from February 24, 2005.

There’s nothing exotic or complicated about how phenoms are made in Washington, and, more to the point, how they are broken.

“Andy Warhol said we all get our 15 minutes of fame,” says Barack Obama. “I’ve already had an hour and a half. I mean, I’m so overexposed, I’m making Paris Hilton look like a recluse.”

Obama_rock star

Obama a Celebrity … Because they said so.

I guess it was fine when the Washington Post wrote the same words and context that appeared in John McCain’s ad. What’s the difference? You gotta love internet search engines … they are so unforgiving.

The Corner reminds us that it was also not John McCain who dragged the ditzy heiress, Paris Hilton, in to the political debate. That sad reality was the doings of Barack Obama and the Paris Hilton tax break.

Scared Monkeys Radio Daily Commentary – Wednesday, July 2, 2008 – “Mini Me” Sex Tape Surfaces

  • Dana discusses the curious casting of a movie that wasn’t meant to see the light of day.

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Mini Me Sues TMZ … Judge Orders TMZ to Remove Sex Tape of ‘Austin Powers’ film Mini Me, Verne Troyer

Mini Me Sues TMZ … Judge Orders TMZ to Remove Sex Tape of ‘Austin Powers’ film Mini Me, Verne Troyer

MINI ME … MINI LAW SUIT. Well maybe its a “major” law suit. As Mini_meone internet website stated, “Well, at least we know that one thing is big about Verne Troyer: his lawsuits”.

Verne Troyer has filed a $20 million lawsuit, claiming TMZ.com violated his rights by publishing and airing portions of his sex tape. Just when one thought that the airing of individuals pics and videos couldn’t get any more weird. One thing is for certain, just because the original clips were taken down does not mean that there are not still pics all over the internet. Or bits and pieces on You Tube. As they say, pardon the pun … the genie is out of the bottle. Which raises the real question,  is there a celebrity in Hollywood who does not have a sex tape?

In the suit, filed Thursday in U.S. District Court in downtown L.A., Troyer claims TMZ violated his privacy rights and infringed on his copyright and trademark by running portions of the tape on TMZ TV and TMZ.com. He also alleges TMZ violated his right of publicity and misappropriated his name and likeness.

A federal judges has ordered TMZ.com to remove video clips of a private sex tape of Verne Troyer. Who is Verne Troyer you ask? He is the actor who played “Mini Me” in the Austin Powers movies. Troyer states that the sex tape was stolen from his home.

U.S. District Judge Philip S. Gutierrez issued a temporary restraining order against TMZ and two other parties allegedly attempting to sell the video after ruling that Troyer “demonstrated a strong likelihood of success” in his suit.

According to court papers, the video of Troyer and former girlfriend Renae Schrider was stolen from the actor’s residence in the last few months and “was never intended . . . to be shown to the public.”

The judge’s order prohibits TMZ, promoter Kevin Blatt and SugarDVD, an online distributor of adult films, from selling or distributing the video.

Judge Enrobes Troyer Sex Tape, There’s one less unnecessary thing on the Internet these days

Judge halts release of Verne Troyer sex tape

VIDEO interview of Mini Me stolen tape fiasco. Interestingly enough the MSNBC story from Keith Olbermann actually has footage of the so-called banned video clips.

A 25-second snippet of video showing Verne Troyer and a former girlfriend having sex that was available online over the past couple of days is all the world will see of the tape — for now.

A federal judge on Friday granted a temporary restraining order requested by Troyer’s attorneys that prevents porn distributors from taking orders for the full-length video, and prevents TMZ from broadcasting any more clips.

UPDATE I: TMZ allowed to repost portion of actor’s sex tape

The Mini Me sex tape is now a go for TMZ.com. It appears that the website had gotten permission from the other half of the sex duo starring in the tape. However, the best story in all of this foolishness has to come from Mediabistro.com. This is perfect, “The moral of the story is: You know your throw away joke has horribly backfired when you are sent a temporary restraining order.”

The woman in a sex tape featuring Verne Troyer – best known for his role in the “Austin Powers” movies – says she allowed celebrity Web site TMZ to broadcast snippets of the tape.

Troyer’s ex-girlfriend, Ranae Shrider, signed a declaration filed in federal court in Los Angeles stating the tape was created with her video camera. Her statement prompted a judge to allow TMZ to reinstate a post featuring snippets of the tape.

Spike Lee Invoke Racism, Never! Round 3 Spike Lee & Clint Eastwood … “We’re not on a plantation, Clint.”

What a shocker … Spike Lee uses the race card! Hey Spike, I thought you said you were going to take the high road in this matter? Or is this the high road for you? A “plantation” reference by a black man who was more money and power than most white people, heck most anyone in general … that’s priceless. Who really furthers racial division in America?

Since when does one movie director have a right to tell another how or what they should do with the direction of a production? The answer is you don’t. Not unless that director is Spike Lee and he is once again invoking what else? Racism. We are now presented with round 3.

In the recent war of words between directors Clint Eastwood and Spike Lee it was only a matter of time before Spike brought up the “slavery” issue. Why would it shock anyone? Spike is a one trick “racist” calling pony. In the latest name calling effort by Spike Lee toward Eastwood, Lee says the we’re not … “”on a plantation”.

The acrimonious feud between two of Hollywood’s best-known film directors reached a new level of name-calling and accusation at the weekend as Spike Lee invoked America’s bitter legacy of slavery in response to Clint Eastwood’s comments to the Guardian on Friday.

But after the remarks were reported around the world, Lee hit back, reminding the older man that they were not “on a plantation”.

Spike Lee’s comparison and reference to a plantation just shows how easy it is in today’s society to call some one a racist with no regard. The arrogance and race baiting used by Spike Lee is pathetic. So how or another Spike Lee make a plantation reference and now Eastwood is an angry old man. No Spike, you are a hateful race baiter who had used the division of races to your benefit for years. It is disgusting that the very people who claim to be one thing, yet further racial division. Keeping the races at each others throats is a cottage industry in the US.

In responding to Eastwood’s Guardian interview, he said: “First of all, the man is not my father and we’re not on a plantation either. He’s a great director. He makes his films, I make my films … And a comment like ‘A guy like that should shut his face’ – come on Clint, come on. He sounds like an angry old man right there.”

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