Heather Locklear Gets 3 Years Probation in DUI case … Would You Have been Afforded the Plea?

Heather Locklear has received a slap on the wrist and 3 years probation for her DUI Heather_Locklearcase. Conveniently, Locklear evaded DUI charges by pleading no contest to a lesser charge of misdemeanor reckless driving charge. The Santa Barbara Deputy District Attorney Lee Carter called it “wet reckless” and said that she was treated the same as anybody else in a similar situation.”

I might have to disagree on that one. Who else thinks that if they were in the same situation that they would have been able to plea down to a lesser charge if they were John Q. Public? Illegal drugs or prescription drugs makes no matter. Abuse is abuse and one would then ask how she was able to get such a quantity of legal drugs  to abuse?

Locklear was given three years of informal probation, will pay a fine and attend a driver’s education program, said Lee Carter, Santa Barbara senior deputy district attorney.

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One of the Funniest Thanksgiving Moments Ever from WKRP in Cincinnati … Turkey Drop

This is not our formal Thanksgiving Day salute; however, I would be remiss if we did not include on this day what had to be one of the top 10 funniest comedy episodes of all time.

One of the funniest comedy clips of all times …. Turkey Drop from WKRP in Cincinnati.

As God as my witness, I thought turkeys could fly


Posted November 27, 2008 by
Fun, Hollywood, Humor, You Tube - VIDEO | no comments

Some Well Needed Comic Relief While Watching Election Returns … American Celebrity

Found this little diddy tonight while scouring the internet for election results. After McCain lost Pennsylvania some comic relief was much needed.

Take a listen to American Celebrity … funny as hell and dead on correct.

 Hat Tip: PoliPundit

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