Even Matt Damon is Disappointed in Obama … For Not Being Radical Enough

Once again we see just how out of touch the Hollywood, loony left truly is …

Barack Obama, you know you have it bad when even Matt Damon is disappointed in you. Such is the case for the radical Leftist Hollywood star. Of course Damon is upset with Obama because The One is not ignoring the Will of the People more and trying to force health care down the throats of an unwanting public fast enough.

Talk about between a Barack and a hard place. Please the radical Left and lose the Independents, please the Left and lose the Independents, please the Independents and lose you LEFTIST base.

It’s hard to think of a movie that’d play better in the Obama White House screening room than Matt Damon’s new Iraq War thriller, “Green Zone,” in which the Oscar-winner adroitly portrays a soldier fighting to expose the Bush administration’s weapons of mass destruction deception. Yet for all the ammo his movie may give Democrats, Damon admits he’s “disappointed” in the man who replaced George W. Bush.

“Politics is compromise,” says the actor, who campaigned hard for Barack Obama. But Damon feels his candidate has compromised too much. “I’m disappointed in the health care plan and in the troop buildup in Afghanistan. Everyone feels a little let down because, on some level, people expected all their problems to go away. But real change comes from everyday people. You can’t wait for a leader.”

Maybe some one would like to explain to Matt Damon that Barack Hussein Obama and the Democrats have not compromised. The Obamacare bill that is so unpopular with the people is entirely the result of Democrats and no Republican involvement.

Sadly we see Matt Damon in another fantasy anti-Bush, anti-American Iraq War movie “Green Zone.” I guess this fool learned nothing from being in Saving Private Ryan.

Venezuelan Leader Hugo Chavez Accuses United States of Causing Haiti Earthquake

As actors, actresses, singers and other celebrities come out and offer their help to aid Haiti, “Hope for Haiti Now,” in the wake of the devastating 7.0 magnitude earthquake, the Hollywood LEFT’s favorite Marxits, socialist, Venezuelan leader Hugo Chavez accused the US for the  earthquake in Haiti last week.

Once again we are blessed with the comments of Hugo Chavez:

Russia Today: Venezuelan leader Hugo Chavez has once again accused the United States of playing God. But this time it’s Haiti’s disastrous earthquake that he thinks the U.S. was behind. Spanish newspaper ABC quotes Chavez as saying that the U.S. Navy launched a weapon capable of inducing a powerful earthquake off the shore of Haiti. He adds that this time it was only a drill and the final target is … destroying and taking over Iran.


Hugo’s Lost that Loving Feeling?

According to the Venezuelan voice of sanity, the United States apparently possesses an “earthquake weapon” that set off the catastrophic quake in Haiti and killed 200,000 innocents.

Wonder why Chavez would think that Comrade Obama would do such a thing seeing that he considers Obama more LEFT than he or Castro. Or is it that Chavez thinks all US Presidents are the Devil.

Daily Commentary – Wednesday, January 6th, 2010 – Another Hollywood Tragedy – Casey Johnson, Heiress of the Johnson & Johnson

  • Casey Johnson, heiress of the Johnson & Johnson empire, passed away this week at the age of 30. Yet, another example of money does not buy you everything. Personal responsibility being front and center … “where she became a familiar face on the Hollywood party scene”. There is something to aspire to.

Casey Johnson was an heiress to one of the world’s great fortunes, grew up privileged in Manhattan with socialite sisters Paris and Nicky Hilton and eventually moved to Los Angeles, where she became a familiar face on the Hollywood party scene.

But amid a gilded existence, Johnson also struggled.

She was diagnosed with diabetes, battled drug addiction, had strained relations with her family and last month was hit with criminal charges for allegedly breaking into the home of a girlfriend and taking $22,000 in property.

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Liberal Power Couple Split … Susan Sarandon & Tim Robbins Split after 23 Years

WOW, who saw this coming. One of Hollywood’s most powerful and influential politically liberal couples have split. Susan Sarandon and Tim Robbins are saying adios.

One of Hollywood’s most enduring couples has separated.

Susan Sarandon and Tim Robbins, partners for 23 years and parents of two sons, split up over the summer, publicist Teal Cannady said in a statement Wednesday. She did not elaborate.

Sarandon, 63, and Robbins, 51, met while shooting the 1988 film “Bull Durham.” He played a hotshot pitcher, she was the passionate fan who simultaneously seduced him and prepared him for the big leagues.

From The Gawker: Did Susan Sarandon Dump Tim Robbins for a Ping Pong Entrepreneur?

Posted December 24, 2009 by
Bizarre, Celebrity, Hollywood | 10 comments

Actress Brittany Murphy Dead at the Age of 32 – Cardiac Arrest

Actress Brittany Murphy died early Sunday morning at the age of 32 from a cardiac arrest. She died while being transported to Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in LA.  Brittany Murphy went into cardiac arrest, could not be revived and was pronounced dead on arrival.

To some one that appeared to have a troubled life recently, may Brittany Murphy finally rest in peace.


Brittany Murphy, Rest in Peace

Brittany Murphy acting career included  such popular films as “Clueless,” “8 Mile,” and “Don’t Say a Word.” I had forgot that Brittany Murphy did the voice over of Luanne Platter in over 200 episodes of King of the Hill.

According to TMZ, a 911 was made at 8:00 AM from the  Los Angeles home that is listed as belonging to her husband, Simon Monjack.  They are also reporting that Brittany Murphy’s mom discovered her unconscious in the shower.

There is a police investigation into the death of Brittany Murphy.

The AP is reporting that Murphy appears to have died from natural causes. Natural causes? A 32 year old dies of a cardiac arrest and it is assumed natural causes. Bizarre.

However, this is rather peculiar … according to TZM, Murphy’s husband did not want an autopsy preformed. Why would that be?

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