Peter Fonda Calls Obama a Fu@king “Traitor” at Cannes Film Festival


Peter Fonda called President Barack Obama a “TRAITOR” in the handling of the post BP oil spill. It’s pretty bad when the far LEFT is turning on Barack Obama. I wonder if VP Biden whispered in Obama’s ear that this is a “big F’n deal?” Is this the start of Obama losing his base and the Left becoming disillusioned? As much as the MSM wants to portray the GOP in trouble for not having a clear Presidential candidate for 2012 … it is all just a smoke screen for the apathy and disillusion of the LEFT of Obama, his campaign promises and policies. As Jammie Wearing Fool states, how will this go over in Hollywood?

Peter Fonda launched a four-letter attack on US President Barack Obama at the Cannes film festival on Wednesday, calling him a traitor over the handling of the aftermath of the Gulf oil spill.

Fonda — a keen environmentalist and co-producer of the film which centres on the explosion of the BP oil rig Deepwater Horizon, the ensuing spill and its consequences — accused Washington of trying to gag reporting on the issue.

“I sent an email to President Obama saying, ‘You are a f(expletive) traitor,’ using those words… ‘You’re a traitor, you allowed foreign boots on our soil telling our military — in this case the coastguard — what they can and could not do, and telling us, the citizens of the United States, what we could or could not do’.”

LOL, what Weasel Zippers said.

Imagine how the MSM would be covering this story if someone on the RIGHT made such a comment?

Lindsay Lohan Sentenced to 120 Days in Jail for Violation of her Probation

Maybe this will finally teach her a lesson …

Actress Lindsay Lohan has been sentenced to jail for 120 days by Judge Stephanie Sautner for violating her her probation. According to TMZ, Lohan was also ordered  ordered to complete 480 hours of community service, 360 of those hours must be performed at the Downtown Women’s Center. Will this finally teach Lohan a life lesson or will this out of control Hollywood actress continue to spiral out of control?

Lohan was also ordered to complete 480 hours of community service — 360 of those hours must be performed at the Downtown Women’s Center, so Lindsay can see how needy women have to live.  The remaining 120 hours will be served at the L.A. County morgue.

Judge Sautner explained that Lindsay should have called the store and notified the owners about the necklace sooner.  She waited several weeks and returned the necklace after finding out the cops were about to raid her house.

Judge Sautner also ruled  that the necklace theft case against Lohan will go forward to trial; however, the felony charge was reduced to a misdemeanor. Even though the charge was reduced to a misdemeanor, the troubled actress could face up to a year in prison if convicted.  Lohan was taken into custody following today’s court hearing in her necklace theft case. She is expected to post a $75,000 bond and be freed. Her court date is set for June 3, 2011. Will this finally be a wake up call for Lindsay Lohan?

Before delivering the good news to Lohan about the reduction of the charge, the judge addressed her much-publicized misbehavior.

“She thumbs her nose at the court,” Sautner said, referring to an incident with another judge last year. “She walks into court with ‘F U’ on her fingernails. I don’t know what that means unless it has ‘I am’ before it.”

Elizabeth Taylor Passes Away … Dead at the Age of 79, Rest in Peace

Hollywood’s most giving an glamours megastars has passed away.

Actress Elizabeth Taylor has passed away at the age of 79.  She literally was the last of a dying breed of Hollywood actress from the Golden Age of Hollywood whose life on and off the silver screen was larger than life. The two time Oscar winning actress had a list of movies that is just too long to mention. According to her publicist, “Taylor passed away from congestive heart failure in hospital last night having suffered from the condition since November 2004″. She died surrounded by her children: Michael Wilding, Christopher Wilding, Liza Todd and Maria Burton


Taylor died “peacefully today in Cedars-Sinai Hospital in Los Angeles,” said a statement from her publicist. She was hospitalized six weeks ago with congestive heart failure, “a condition with which she had struggled for many years. Though she had recently suffered a number of complications, her condition had stabilized and it was hoped that she would be able to return home. Sadly, this was not to be.”

 A Place in the Sun (1951)


From ‘National Velvet’, to ‘A Place in the Sun’, to ‘Cat on a Hot Tin Roof’, to ‘Cleopatra’ to the many many others … Elizabeth Taylor will be more than missed. Who could not forget her in ‘Lassie Come Home’?  On a personal note, Elizabeth Taylor was one of my mom’s favorite actresses. Never did an Elizabeth Taylor movie not come on when I was growing up that did not take precedent on the tube. I did not realize until later on in life that a pic in my house was not that of Elizabeth Taylor, but was in fact my mom. Now with the passing of Mrs. Taylor, I guarantee one of her biggest fans will be greeting her in Heaven.

A statement from Michael Howard Wilding, 58, memorialized his mother:

“My Mother was an extraordinary woman who lived life to the fullest, with great passion, humor, and love,” he said. “Though her loss is devastating to those of us who held her so close and so dear, we will always be inspired by her enduring contribution to our world. Her remarkable body of work in film, her ongoing success as a businesswoman, and her brave and relentless advocacy in the fight against HIV/AIDS, all make us all incredibly proud of what she accomplished.

Much more at TMZ.

Elizabeth Taylor … Rest in Peace.

The Politics of Oscar … What a Shock, Hollywood LEFT Bashes GOP Wisconsin Gov. Walker

Breaking news from last nights Oscars … they are Leftist, union supporting, Republican bashers.

As reported at ABC’s  The Note, during last nights Academy Awards, cinematography winner Wally Pfister went out of his way during his acceptance speech of thanking his union crew on “Inception.” But that’s not where it ended, he went into even greater Leftist politics backstage, off screen where he bashed Wisconsin Go. Scott Walker 

Backstage he went further, expressing shock at Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker’s budget proposal, which would limit union’s collective bargaining powers. Opponents of the plan have been protesting at the state capitol for 21 days.

“I think that what is going on in Wisconsin is kind of madness right now,” Pfister says. “I have been a union member for 30 years and what the union has given to me is security for my family. They have given me health care in a country that doesn’t provide health care and I think unions are a very important part of the middle class in America all we are trying to do is get a decent wage and have medical care.”

Just curious Hollywood, how do all those non-Union folks ever get by? 

Oh the amazement and irony of it all of the union label. As stated at Big Hollywood, isn’t it rather comical that  there is “nothing like an Academy Award winner who can afford to send his three children to whatever school he wants coming to the aide of the unions that have destroyed the public schools”.

Another shock, Hollywood types dropping the F-bomb and its just laughed off.

Lindsay Lohan in Trouble Again, Suspect in Criminal Battery Case at the Betty Ford Clinic

As reported at TMZ

Lindsay Lohan cannot seem to keep herself out of trouble. This time she is a suspect in a battery case while she was at the Betty Ford Clinic. Are you serious? She can’t even behave herself while in rehab! It is reported that ”the victim desired prosecution.” When will this girl ever learn?

Lindsay Lohan is a suspect in a criminal battery investigation and the alleged victim — a staff member at Betty Ford — wants Lindsay prosecuted … this according to law enforcement sources.

The Palm Desert Police Department is now investigating an altercation that occurred after Lindsay and her roommates reportedly went to a bar and came back home.  Upon arriving at the house, the incident with a female staffer from Betty Ford allegedly went down.

The police received a call at 1:03 AM on December 12 for “hand-to-hand battery.”

From Newsday comes the following:

There, as the site claimed Lohan told friends afterward, a female staff member “unfairly” scolded her, demanded she take a drug/alcohol test and, during a heated exchanged, put her hands on the starlet. Lohan, said TMZ, told the woman “Take your hands off of me” and then “pushed back.”

Just a couple of weeks from completing her court appointed rehab,Lohan now finds herself being investigated by police after allegedly assaulting a female employee at the clinic. So how will this affect the terms of Lohan’s DUI probation?

UPDATE I: Lindsay Lohan Snuck Out of Rehab for Alcohol, Worker Says.

I guess this would defeat the purpose of being in rehab.

An employee of the clinic went public Tuesday with claims the actress was “out of control” and had alcohol on her breath during a tussle between them on Dec. 12.

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