Christian Cast Member Angus T. Jones of “Two and a Half Men” Tells Fans … “Please stop watching it and filling your head with filth.”

Hmm, and now for something completely different …

Angus T. Jones, a Christian cast member of “Two and a Half Men” tells his fans in the below Youtube video, “Please stop watching it and filling your head with filth.” The actor also went on to say,  ”I’m on ‘Two and a Half Men’ and I don’t want to be on it.” I hate to be critical of someone who is basically stating the truth of the demeaning value of a TV show, but  I would ask what is stopping you from leaving and giving up your paycheck if this show and its message gets in the way of your beliefs? Just asking. I understand that the actor is still under contract for another year, but its not like other actors have not left the show … can you say Charlie Sheen and Winning!

Jones has played Jake, a sarcastic kid who lives with his single dad (Jon Cryer), since the hugely successful series launched in 2003. As one of the highest-paid teens, he takes home around $8 million annually, about $350,000 per episode.

From FOX News:

Move over Charlie Sheen, another “Two and a Half Men” controversy is exploding.

Angus T. Jones, who has played the role of Jake Harper, “the half” on the hit CBS show since 2003, is featured in a new video for the Forerunner Christian Church, in which he calls the sitcom “filth” that contradicts his devout Christian values.

That’s not all. The 19-year-old actor, who reportedly earns $350,000 an episode, even urges fans to stop watching.

“I’m on ‘Two and a Half Men’ and I don’t want to be on it,” he said. “If you watch ‘Two and a Half Men,’ please stop watching it and filling your head with filth. People say it’s just entertainment. Do some research on the effects of television and your brain, and I promise you you’ll have a decision to make when it comes to television, especially with what you watch.” (more)

This dude will have a bit more credibility if he finds a way to break his contract and leaves the show. Until then, it’s just words.

Osama Bin Laden Movie “SEAL Team Six: The Raid on Osama bin Laden” From Obama Mega Donor Harvey Weinstein To Air Weekend Before the 2012 Presidential Election

Oh yeah, because the release of this film has nothing to do with politics and trying to make Obama’s reelection efforts.

Um, the timing on the release of this movie is more than suspect … Under campaign-finance laws the Obama campaign should be made to pay for the entire film. Despicable, talk about a free infomercial for Obama using the brave and heroic efforts of our Navy Seals for Obama’s reelection efforts. The Obama administration and Hollywood will do anything and use anyone to get Obama reelected.

For those on the LEFT that like to complain about big money donations for corporations and mega donors, I wonder if they will be outraged by the following? An Osama Bin Laden movie from Barack Obama mega donor Harvey Weinstein is to air the weekend before the 2012 Presidential election.Of course this is just a coincidence in the timing. Company co-chairman Harvey Weinstein is a prominent fundraiser for President Barack Obama’s re-election campaign.  But of course that has nothing to do with the timing release of this movie.

Two days before Election Day on November 6, a movie detailing the raid that killed Osama bin Laden will air on the National Geographic Channel, the cable network announced Thursday.

The film is being distributed by the Weinstein Company, owned by a Harvey Weinstein, a major backer of President Barack Obama’s re-election campaign.

Titled, “SEAL Team Six: The Raid on Osama bin Laden,” the feature-length film will chronicle the raid in Pakistan, an event that Obama’s campaign touts as one of his crowning achievements.

From the AP, film makers lying through their teeth stating that the release of the film has nothing to do with politics, it was done to help promote the start of the channel’s fall season. Fall season, in November?

A film dramatizing the death of Osama bin Laden will debut next month on the National Geographic Channel, two days before the presidential election.

The channel says it will air “Seal Team Six: The Raid on Osama bin Laden,” distributed by The Weinstein Co., on Sunday, Nov. 4.

Company co-chairman Harvey Weinstein is a prominent fundraiser for President Barack Obama’s re-election campaign.

National Geographic Channel President Howard T. Owens said Thursday that the film’s air date is unrelated to politics and was chosen to help promote the start of the channel’s fall season.

Samuel L. Jackson’s Presidential Ad … “Wake the f@#k up! Vote for Obama” … Problem is, America is Awake and They Don’t Like What they See

Hmm, just what Barack Obama needs, Samuel L. Jackson telling voters to “Wake the f*ck up, Vote for Obama”. How is this exactly supposed to garner Obama support? A foul mouth Hollywood type cursing for votes for Obama. Really, that’s your plan? We are reminded by Jammie Wearing Fool that the lat time we saw Jackson he was saddened that Hurricane Isaac had spared Republicans and the RNC convention as he was curing, “GOP spared by Isaac! NOLA prolly f—– again!”

They picked the perfect actor for a political ad loaded with f-bombs.

Samuel L. Jackson will film a provocative spot supporting President Obama’s re-election bid as early as tomorrow — telling voters to “Wake the f–k up, Vote for Obama.”

The ad is a riff on Jackson’s viral video “Go the F–k to Sleep,” where he narrates a children’s book written by Adam Mansbach.

I have to agree 100% with Doug Powers at Michelle, America is finally waking up and realizing that Barack Obama is a total failure both domestically and in foreign policy. The abysmal economic conditions in the United States have opened people’s eyes and the Middle East burning has made us collectively shake our heads as to have naive and weak Obama could possibly be. Democrats and Obama have awoke a Sleeping Giant and they do not like what they see in the White House.

Wrong approach. If Obama’s in trouble in this election, it’s because people are waking the f–k up. Instead of “wake the f–k up,” Jackson’s ad should take a page from that book and advise voters to “go the f–k back to sleep.”

So Do You Feel Lucky? Clinto Eastwood Looks to Go Ahead, Make My Day … The Mystery RNC Speaker is Revealed

The mystery guest speaking at the RNC tonight has finally been confirmed and it promises to “Make our Day”.

There has been much speculation as to who the “mystery speaker” might be at tonight’s RNC Convention. So do you feel lucky? Hollywood Oscar winning actor and director Clint Eastwood will address the RNC and make a “Sudden Impact”.

Clint Eastwood will be the “mystery guest” at the Republican National Convention’s final night, a GOP source confirmed Thursday.

Eastwood, a longtime Republican, is expected to walk through the convention floor in the afternoon for a brief rundown of the night’s events.

The actor endorsed Romney at an Idaho fund-raiser at the beginning of August, where he told reporters beforehand he was backing the Republican presidential candidate “because I think the country needs a boost somewhere.”

SICK!!! Actress Ellen Barkin Hopes Hurricane Isaac Kills ‘Every Pro-Life, Xenophobic, Gay-Bashing SOB’ At The RNC

THE NEW ABNORMAL … Welcome to the despicable, unhinged, moonbat LEFT.

Actress Ellen Barkin and the latest unhinged Leftist expresses her tolerance for those she does not agree with when she wished that individuals would be killed at the hands of Hurricane Isaac in Tampa, FL at the RNC. UNREAL. Who is this sick to say such a thing and wish others dead? What a bitter, miserable, misguided person. Just one question, what ever happened to the tolerant LEFT?

On Sunday, Ellen Barkin expressed her hope that Tropical Storm Isaac would smash up the Republican National Convention in Tampa and drown all its delegates.

She retweeted the message of one of her followers that read: “C’mon #Isaac! Wash every pro-life, anti-education, anti-woman, xenophobic, gay-bashing, racist SOB right into the ocean! #RNC ” Barkin did not express any disagreement in her retweet.

So this is the “NEW NORMAL” for the Left, eh? Some how I just think that Elen Barkin just lost half of America from tuning into her new TV show. This is not the new normal, it’s the new abnormal.

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