Youth Misery Index at All-Time High Under Barack Obama … But I am Sure He Will Blame Republicans

Add another accomplishment to Barack Obama … Hardly ‘Hope and Change’ for the Youth.

The Youth Misery Index hits all-time high under Barack Obama. In 2009 when Obama took office, the YMI was at m 83.5; however, has skyrocketed to 98.6 in 2013. This represents an 18.1% increase since Obama took office. But Obama claims he is for the youth of America and the youth continue foolishly vote for him in large numbers.  The index is calculated by adding youth unemployment and average college loan debt figures with each person’s share of the national debt. And before Obama and his minions blame Bush, when President George Bush left office in 2008, the index was 69.3.

Young Americans Foundation


Pic – Young America’s Foundation

A Youth Misery Index that measures young Americans’ woes has skyrocketed under President Barack Obama and hit an all-time high.

The index, released Wednesday, was calculated by adding youth unemployment and average college loan debt figures with each person’s share of the national debt. While it has steadily grown over the decades, under Obama the figure has shot up dramatically, from 83.5 in 2009 to 98.6 in 2013.

The index has increased by 18.1 percent since Obama took office, the highest increase under any president, making Obama the worst president for youth economic opportunity, according to the nonprofit that released the figure.

“Young people are suffering under this economy,” said Ashley Pratte, program officer for Young America’s Foundation, which developed the index and calculates it annually using federal statistics. “They’re still living in their parent’s basements, unable to find full-time jobs that pay them what they need in order to pay back their debt.”

Youth unemployment in 2013 was 16.3 percent, and student loan debt came in at a record-breaking average of $29,400 last year, the foundation points out; what’s more, each person’s share of the roughly $17 trillion dollar national debt stands at its highest level ever: $52,948.

FOX and Friends – Ashley Pratte, YAF’s Public Relations Officer

Youth_Misery_Index_Obama_Ashly Pratt

Pic – screen Grab from Fox & Friends Interview:  Click on Pic for VIDEO

Sorry, but what Obama has done to the youth of America should be considered a crime … Can he be charged with child abuse? How about Generational theft?

UPDATE I: Thanks Teach for the link at the Pirate’s Cove.

Mavericky McRino John McCain Says “Don’t Count Obama Out”

Why “Establishment, RINO” Republicans need to go … Who knew lying was considered a talent to be proud of?

The Hill is reporting that Senator John McCain (AZ-R), says that we should not underestimate Barack Obama and to count a man out of that talent would be a mistake. Just curious Sen. McRino, exactly what talents are you actually referring to? Would it be Obama’s ability to not follow the Constitution, to pass executive orders rather than have the Congress pass laws, to have the talents to force such a disastrous law like Obamacare down the throats of Americans, his masterful skills of backing the Muslim Brotherhood in foreign policy that have the Middle East on fire or would it be his keen ability to put a record number of Americans on food stamps? Would it be Obama’s talent to divide a country, destroy the very foundation that America was built on or the record spending and $17 trillion debt and counting? Maybe it is Obama’s ability to have so many scandals going on in one presidency, that must be his talent. So McRino, which is it?

Obama is not a man of talent, he is a man who is destroying America bit by bit …


Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) says people shouldn’t underestimate President Obama as he heads into his sixth year in the White House.

He discounted Obama’s low approval ratings and said a sitting president always has influence.

“We all wear thin with the American people after a while,” McCain told the Associated Press.

“To count a man of that talent out at this point in time in his administration would be a huge mistake,” he added.

So let’s understand this, we are witness to a sitting president who’s cornerstone for his election in 2008 and reelection in 2012 has been a lie that Obamacare is going to provide free healthcare to millions of uninsureds,  but it would also allow you to keep your healthcare if you liked it, would allow you to keep your doctors if you liked them and reduce healthcare costs. ALL LIES!!! Now we have a RINO like McCain coming out and defending Obama that he is some formidable individual, are you kidding me?  This is exactly what is wrong with the gutless establishment GOP. RINO’s think Obama is a “man of talent” rather than a bold face liar!

For the love of God and all things Holy, please, oh please have the GOP 2016 candidate not be a moderate, squishy candidate like McRino and Romney … PLEASE!!!

Gallup Poll: 72% Say Big Goverment is Greatest Threat to America Than Big Business or Big Labor … Total Rejection of Obama, Nanny State Liberalism

Looks like America might just know tyranny when they see it …

According to the latest Gallup poll, an astonishing 72% of Americans now say that “BIG” government is the greatest threat to America as compared with big business and big labor. WOW!!!

The PJ Tatler makes an astute observation that has a lot of merit, see the chart below and notice when the noticeable upward trend began in 2009. Hmm, what happened then? Of course this boost in Americans fear of big government has everything to do with the so-called “Hope & Change” that they voted for in electing Barack Obama. It would appear that the folks at Hot Air noticed the remarkable trajectory as well.  He promised transparency and delivered something quite different. What’s the matter America, you have a problem with the IRS enforcing Obamacare? Personally, I think they need to start including the MSM in these polls as well.

America, wake the hell up and make a stand against “BIG GOVERNMENT” liberalism or it will be here to stay. Elections matter, get out and vote against it if you feel strongly against it!!!

An Gallup_Govt Biggest Threat

Pic –


Seventy-two percent of Americans say big government is a greater threat to the U.S. in the future than is big business or big labor, a record high in the nearly 50-year history of this question. The prior high for big government was 65% in 1999 and 2000. Big government has always topped big business and big labor, including in the initial asking in 1965, but just 35% named it at that time.

The latest update comes from a Dec. 5-8 poll. Gallup has documented a steady increase in concern about big government since 2009, rising from 55% in March 2009 to 64% in November 2011 and 72% today. This suggests that government policies specific to the period, such as the Affordable Care Act — perhaps coupled with recent revelations of government spying tactics by former NSA contractor Edward Snowden — may be factors.

I would also add this upswing has in part to do with a bunch of gutless, establishment RINO’s who think that it is more important to sell ouch their Republican principles and protecting “We the People” as opposed to retain their power.

Mavericky RINO Senator John McCain Says Republicans Voting Against Budget Deal Lack ‘Intellectual Integrity’ … Um, President Ronald Reagan Would Disagree

So this is what the Republican party has become in 2013, and this sorry, mavericky RINO was nominated the GOP’s presidential candidate in 2008, ever wonder why you lost?

RINO John McCain (R-AZ) called out Republicans who would dare oppose a bad budget deal that does nothing to reduce the out of control spending and the +$17 trillion debt. McCain said that Republicans who vote against the budget deal lack “intellectual integrity”. Really sir, you may want to look up that definition as you are exactly what is wrong with the GOP and the lack of any integrity to stand for the American people, the catastrophic escalating debt and our hero soldiers. So this is about some gutless GOP Senators worried about a government shutdown, rather than the collapse of the USA with unsustainable spending?  A bunch of establishment RINO’s are more concerned on how a shut down will effect them, rather than being statesmen and doing the right thing for the American people? UNREAL … sadly we have become a government of, by and for the American People establishment government class.

Spending is increased; however, the budget comes at the expense of our heroes, injured veterans who have given of their body and mind to the defense of this nation to have their benefits reduced. ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!! Civilian workers do not face the same benefit cuts, it is on the backs of our wounded warriors. You should all be ashamed of yourself. So this is what bi-partisanship looks like, agreeing on crap? And a note to the GOP … I am sick of your excuse that you only control the House, these gutless RINO’s would have done the same if they controlled the Senate.

Senate Democrats actually block an amendment to restore veteran benefits by closing illegal immigrant welfare loophole and still these treasonous 12 Republican Senators voted for this rotten bill. So illegal immigrants were just treated better than the men and women who have givens arms, legs, mind body and soul to defend America. That my GOP turncoats would be the definition of a lack of “Intellectual Integrity”. As stated at The Right Wing News, we all know that the Dems prefer illegals to our military vets, but my issue is with the GOP traitors. I expect this kind of crap from the LEFT, I do not expect it from Republicans. And we wonder why establishment Republicans are being primary challenged.

Senate Republicans were unable to stop military pension cuts when Senate Democrats blocked a vote on an amendment to prevent the cuts by closing a welfare loophole for illegal immigrants Tuesday evening.

The two-year budget deal brokered by Senate Budget Committee Chairwoman Patty Murray and House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan, would cut military pensions by $6 billion over ten years, leaving some Senate Republicans scrambling to stop the cuts.

The US Senate voted 67-33 with

RONALD REGAN WOULD DISAGREE WITH MC RINO. For all of those who have said that Reagan would not agree with the Tea Party, you have no clue. Reagan left the Democrat party, stating, I did not leave the Democrat party, the party left me. Sadly, the Dutch would probably say the same thing today and leave the GOP.

I want you to listen to what Ronald Reagan said during a 1975 interview with Johnny Carson on ‘The Tonight Show” and his brilliance of what he spoke of then, that is even more applicable today. Reagan had it right, government was not the solution, it was the problem. The US, its people, business and the economy would work gang-busters if the government got out of the way. The VIDEO below is a must watch.

“If government would shut the doors and sneak away for about three  weeks, we would never miss them” – Ronald Reagan (1975)

Remember when Ronald Reagan responded to Johnny Carson in 1975 on how do you balance the budget? Reagan said, “balance the budget is like protecting your virtue, you just have to learn to say no.” I guess we now know where Nancy Reagan got her idea against drugs to “Just Say No”.


OMG … Boy This VIDEO Makes Me Want To Sign Up for Obamacare or Puke … Drop It Like It’s Hot, What You Mean Like Indivuals Canceled Insurance Plans?


Your tax dollars hard at work, the below video is part of the White House’s new celebrity PR push to get young people to enroll in Obamacare. I will say this, if this VIDEO actually gets young people to sign up for Obamacare then we might as well kiss it all good bye because this country has no future. When I first saw this I thought it was making fun of Obamacare, I never thought it was actually trying to promote it.

One question, does Obamacare cover it if one gets physically ill after watching this VIDEOt?

Hat Tip – Greta Wire

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