Democrat Pat Caddell: “There Is a Purposeful Conscious Effort to Suppress News That Might Hurt Obama” (Video)

From liberal media bias … to the Press now actively engaged in determining an election … “Purposeful Conscious Effort to Suppress News That Might Hurt Obama”

During an interview on The O’Reilly Factor, Democratic pollster Pat Caddell told Bill O’Reilly tonight that there is a purposeful conscious effort to suppress news that might hurt Obama. In a speech seen n the below VIDEO, Caddell stated that if any other President of either party, whether it was Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton, George Bush, Ronald Regan, or George H.W. Bush had a terrorist incident and got on a plane and flew off to a fund raiser in Las Vegas, they would have been crucified by the press. However, not for Barack Obama, nothing was said at all, and nothing will be said.

“Purposeful Conscious Effort to Suppress News That Might Hurt Obama”

VIDEO Hat Tip: The Gateway Pundit

“Whether its organized or a straight conspiracy and we have gone down a slippery slope here. Look Bill, we’ve had liberal bias or bias in the press for a long time. And it’s gotten worse starting in 2008. But now we’ve got a press that is actively engaged in a reelection – putting out a narrative that Romney is a loser, they’re running polls… But Romney’s not my issue here. More importantly they not only decided to support Obama. On this issue the last two weeks what we see is a press that has decided that it will not tell the American people the truth.”

Barack Obama’s Approval Rating of 43% Lowest Ever of Any President at this Stage of Term in Modern Political History … Lower than Jimmy Carter


Barack Obama is officials the worst president ever for this state of his term in office in the modern Presidential era.  According to the Gallup poll, Obama has a 43% approval rating. As compared to all other modern day presidents,  Obama’s approval rating is the lowest ever, including Jimmy Carter.

Mirror Images … Welcome to Carter’s Second term

President Obama’s slow ride down Gallup’s daily presidential job approval index has finally passed below Jimmy Carter, earning Obama the worst job approval rating of any president at this stage of his term in modern political history.

Since March, Obama’s job approval rating has hovered above Carter’s, considered among the 20th century’s worst presidents, but today Obama’s punctured Carter’s dismal job approval line. On their comparison chart, Gallup put Obama’s job approval rating at 43 percent compared to Carter’s 51 percent.

Barack Obama has been an EPIC FAILURE. His present 43% approval ratings compared to other president’s approval ratings at the same point in time during their terms.  Obama has hit a trend that his reelections minions cannot shake. Obama has consistently been at 43% for weeks. Only to be even lower in weeks prior to that.

  • Harry S. Truman: 54%
  • Dwight Eisenhower: 78%
  • Lyndon B. Johnson: 44%
  • Richard M. Nixon: 50%
  • Ronald Reagan: 54%
  • George H.W. Bush: 52%
  • Bill Clinton: 51%
  • George W. Bush: 55%

No President will be reelected with a consistent 43% approval rating. Obama’s approval ratings have literally politically flat-lined.

How bad is it for Obama? It is not like this is just one poll that has The One in the low 40′s. The RCP average has him at 43.4% approve, 51.2% disapprove.

President Barack Obama Insults America Again, “We’ve Been a Bit Lazy”

Those were the days …

Remember when former President Ronald Reagan used to uplift us and urged us to be the best we could be? Reagan lead us back from the economic abyss following the Carter years and the misery index of double digit unemployment, inflation and interest rates.  Reagan inspired us with “American exceptionalism”, renewed Patriotism, that vision of the shiny city on the hill and Morning in America.

… I’ve spoken of the shining city all my political life, but I don’t know if I ever quite communicated what I saw when I said it. But in my mind it was a tall proud city built on rocks stronger than oceans, wind-swept, God-blessed, and teeming with people of all kinds living in harmony and peace, a city with free ports that hummed with commerce and creativity, and if there had to be city walls, the walls had doors and the doors were open to anyone with the will and the heart to get here. That’s how I saw it and see it still …” (Wiki)

That was then, this is now. Sadly, we are presented with a current president who sees fit to insult America. For the second time in as many months we are presented with the following.  At the annual Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) meetings in Hawaii Obama stated to the CEO’s,  that United States has gotten “lazy” and that America lost its hunger in promoting itself in a global marketplace. Lazy? So Obama thinks what Europe has done and what socialism and redistribution of wealth represents is not lazy?

For the second time in as many months, President Obama has taken the nation that elected him president to task for its own lackadaisical economic performance on the global stage.

Obama told a group of CEOs today that the United States has gotten “lazy” and that America lost its hunger in promoting itself in a global marketplace.

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I Thought Occupy Wall Street was Against Banks, Not Ronald Reagan … The Lunacy Has No Direction or Point

Yup, once again just like the Tea Party, not …

I thought the Occupy Wall Street protesters were against banks? Now they are against former President Ronald Reagan. Really? Oh, and let us not forget the continued Antisemitism. So this is what Barack Obama endorses? More from the Urban Infidel …

So much has been said about this movement, it has no discernible point, it smells, it’s violent, it has rapes, arson, assault, vandalism, theft and psychotics running the place along with a growing rap sheet, so I wasn’t sure what else I could find. Since the encampments have become more and more dangerous, I wasn’t sure I wanted to risk it, but I went anyway.

Pure class.

Obamanonics vs. Reaganomics: One a Complete Failure, the Other a Resounding Success … “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times”

Call it a Tale of Two Presidencies, Obamanonics vs. Reaganomics.

You make the call which is which, it should not be too difficult to determine Obama from Reagan. Democrats and the MSM like to call Obama “Reaganesque;” however, any common sense thinking person knows Obama is “Carteresque”. The talking points of the LEFT is that Obama inherited a bad economy and they have constantly used that as an excuse. Flashback to Ronald Reagan, who inherited a worse economy from Jimmy Carter and turned it around. No one heard excused from President Reagan, they got results instead.

Ronald Reagan, Barack Obama – the two should never be mentioned in the same sentence

“It was the best of times [Reagan], it was the worst of times [Obama], it was the age of wisdom [Reagan], it was the age of foolishness [Obama], it was the epoch of belief [Reagan], it was the epoch of incredulity [Obama], it was the season of Light [Reagan], it was the season of Darkness [Obama], it was the spring of hope [Reagan], it was the winter of despair [Obama], we had everything before us [Reagan], we had nothing before us [Obama], we were all going direct to Heaven [Reagan], we were all going direct the other way [Obama]

Democrats like to compare Barack Obama to former President Ronald Reagan, but do they really? Not after reading the Wallstreet Journal’s latest article spelling out the failed accomplishments of Obamanomics and the success of Reaganomics. No honest and thinking person could ever compare the two Presidents, the manner in which they went going about fixing a terrible economy and the results of their policies. The key words here were “honest” and “thinking”.  The MSM seems to have amnesia when they compare Obama and Reagan forgetting the fact that “The Great Communicators” policies

The two presidents have a lot in common. Both inherited an American economy in collapse. And both applied daring, expensive remedies. Mr. Reagan passed the biggest tax cut ever, combined with an agenda of deregulation, monetary restraint and spending controls. Mr. Obama, of course, has given us a $1 trillion spending stimulus.

By the end of the summer of Reagan’s third year in office, the economy was soaring. The GDP growth rate was 5% and racing toward 7%, even 8% growth. In 1983 and ’84 output was growing so fast the biggest worry was that the economy would “overheat.” In the summer of 2011 we have an economy limping along at barely 1% growth and by some indications headed toward a “double-dip” recession. By the end of Reagan’s first term, it was Morning in America. Today there is gloomy talk of America in its twilight.

My purpose here is not more Reagan idolatry, but to point out an incontrovertible truth: One program for recovery worked, and the other hasn’t.

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