Barack Obama’s Approval Rating of 43% Lowest Ever of Any President at this Stage of Term in Modern Political History … Lower than Jimmy Carter


Barack Obama is officials the worst president ever for this state of his term in office in the modern Presidential era.  According to the Gallup poll, Obama has a 43% approval rating. As compared to all other modern day presidents,  Obama’s approval rating is the lowest ever, including Jimmy Carter.

Mirror Images … Welcome to Carter’s Second term

President Obama’s slow ride down Gallup’s daily presidential job approval index has finally passed below Jimmy Carter, earning Obama the worst job approval rating of any president at this stage of his term in modern political history.

Since March, Obama’s job approval rating has hovered above Carter’s, considered among the 20th century’s worst presidents, but today Obama’s punctured Carter’s dismal job approval line. On their comparison chart, Gallup put Obama’s job approval rating at 43 percent compared to Carter’s 51 percent.

Barack Obama has been an EPIC FAILURE. His present 43% approval ratings compared to other president’s approval ratings at the same point in time during their terms.  Obama has hit a trend that his reelections minions cannot shake. Obama has consistently been at 43% for weeks. Only to be even lower in weeks prior to that.

  • Harry S. Truman: 54%
  • Dwight Eisenhower: 78%
  • Lyndon B. Johnson: 44%
  • Richard M. Nixon: 50%
  • Ronald Reagan: 54%
  • George H.W. Bush: 52%
  • Bill Clinton: 51%
  • George W. Bush: 55%

No President will be reelected with a consistent 43% approval rating. Obama’s approval ratings have literally politically flat-lined.

How bad is it for Obama? It is not like this is just one poll that has The One in the low 40′s. The RCP average has him at 43.4% approve, 51.2% disapprove.

DNC Chair and US Rep. Wasserman Schultz Says “It’s Baloney to Say the Stimulus Didn’t Work”

What planet does DNC Chair and US Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (NY-D) live on?

Yesterday DNC Chair Wasserman Schultz spewed the Obama, Democrat party mantra that the initial $787 billion stimulus package worked. Really Debbie, who is full of baloney? I guess Democrats believe their policies work when they add nearly a trillion dollars to the US national debt and average hundred’s of thousands of dollars for $40K a year jobs. I guess Debbie thinks that millions sent to bankrupt Solyndra was a success as well.

The stimulus worked so well that the Obama White House managed to triple the US deficit Obama’s first year in office… And, his second year in office… And, his third year in office.

The stimulus worked so well that Obama is considered 5 X’s worse on the economy than former president Jimmy Carter. Care to try again Debbie? Americans are dot going to tolerate lies from Obama’s minions and will take their wrath out in the 2012 elections.

More Obama Hope & Change: US Consumer Confidence Drops to Lowest Since Carter

Oh Yeah, He’s re-electable …

Once again we are witness to more “Hope & Change” from President Barack Obama … How many voters have buyer’s remorse?  Obama and his minions try and compare him to Reagan and Lincoln … SORRY, OBAMA IS CARTERESQUE!

Move over Jimmy Carter … American has Barack Obama, the worst President in modern American history. What more damage can Obama do to America? I am guessing he contemplates that while golfing.  The fact of the matter is that confidence in Obama is gone and is in no sign of ever coming back. Obama has done out of his way to implement policies that have failed and continues down the same path of failed polices and agendas. Obama has never been a leader, he was a talker and a campaigner. All of America is finally figuring it out. HAS A COUNTRY EVER HAD MORE BUYER’S REMORSE IN A PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION?

The unemployment rate continues to be over 9% and the underemployment is at 18.1%. Barack Obama is the first US President to reside over an economy that has had a downgrade of its credit rating.  Add one more notch to Obama’s belt … consumer confidence has dropped to the lowest level in three decades. Not since the Presidency and “MISERY” of  Jimmy Carter has the consumer confidence been so low.

Confidence among U.S. consumers plunged in August to the lowest level since May 1980, adding to concern that weak employment gains and volatility in the stock market will prompt households to retrench.

The Thomson Reuters/University of Michigan preliminary index of consumer sentiment slumped to 54.9 from 63.7 the prior month. The gauge was projected to decline to 62, according to the median forecast in a Bloomberg News survey.

The biggest one-week slump in stocks since 2008 and the threat of default on the nation’s debt may have exacerbated consumers’ concerns as unemployment hovers above 9 percent and companies are hesitant to hire. Rising pessimism poses a risk household spending will cool further, hindering a recovery that Federal Reserve policy makers said this week was already advancing “considerably slower” than projected.

According to a recent Gallup poll, only 8% of Americans think that the economy is good or excellent, while 55% believe its poor. It gets worse, or better if you are Barack Obama … 80% believe the US economy is getting worse, only 16% believe its getting better. That 16% either need their heads examined or root for the total destruction of America.

The numbers on the consumer sentiment index fell to 54.9 in early August, down from 63.7 in July, and the index has fallen for three straight months. Gallup has economic confidence at -56. Thanks Barack Obama.

Unemployment at 9.1 percent of the workforce, low wage rises, and the protracted debate in Congress over raising the U.S. government debt ceiling spooked consumers, survey director Richard Curtin said in a statement.

“Never before in the history of the surveys have so many consumers spontaneously mentioned negative aspects of the government’s role,” Curtin said.

“This was more than the simple recognition that traditional monetary and fiscal policy measures were largely spent. It was the realization that the government was unable or unwilling to act,” Curtin added.

Bad economic times were expected by 75 percent of all consumers in early August, just below the all-time peak of 82 percent in 1980. Buying plans for household durables and vehicles declined in early August, falling back to their recession level lows.

Barack Obama and his policies have crushed the spirit of Americans. According to a recent Rasmussen poll, only 32% say America’s best days are in the future. What inspiration Barack has given us. Is it any wonder why Obama has a -22% Rasmussen Presidential Index and an overall job approval rating of -6.3%.

As the Gateway Pundit states, its Barack Obama’s “MISSION ACCOMPLISHED”. 2012 can not get here fast enough. “We the People” need to take our country and future back in 2012 and throw this clown out of office in resounding and “landslideable” fashion.

Barack Obama, Welcome back Carter … “When Jimmy Carter Is your best-case scenario, you’re in trouble”

For quite some time President Barack Hussein Obama has been compared to Jimmy Carter and it’s not because he had sin in his heart. Barack Obama … Welcome Back Kotter Carter.

The Obama Presidency has been nothing more than Jimmy Carter on steroids. The RIGHT has pegged Obama from the outset; however, its now the LEFT that is beginning  to see that Obama is not Reaganesque or Lincolnesque … Obama is Carteresque.

People on the right have been comparing President Obama with Jimmy Carter for a while now: The rise from nowhere via inexplicable press adulation, the smarmy moralizing, the excessive faith in his own abilities, the tendency of everything he touches to turn to crap — all seem eerily reminiscent of the Carter presidency.

But now it’s people on the left who are saying the same thing. Trouble is, at this point a Carter rerun is probably a best-case scenario.

Democrat Eric Alterman writes: “Ask yourself if the following story does not sound like another president we could name. The gregarious Massachusetts pol, House Speaker Tip O’Neill, could hardly have been more eager to work with a Democratic president after eight years of Nixon and Ford.

“But when they first met, and O’Neill attempted to advise Carter about which members of Congress might need some special pleading, or even the assorted political favor or two with regard to certain issues, to O’Neill’s open-jawed amazement, Carter replied, ‘No, I’ll describe the problem in a rational way to the American people. I’m sure they’ll realize I’m right.’ The red-nosed Irishman later said he ‘could have slugged’ Carter over this lethal combination of arrogance and naivete, but it would soon become Carter’s calling card.”

How bad is it for Obama’s reelection bid when he is most compared to Jimmy Carter, considered the worst president in American modern times. Talk about a stigma that no Democrat up for reelection would want; however, Obama’s defenders now must face the fact that Obama has been far worse than Carter. For those that remember the Carter years and the misery index coupled with high gas prices and gas rationing, Obama’s lack of “golden” touch completely resembles those miserable years. However, the Lonely Conservative makes a good point where Obama might be even worse that carter, in that Carter was then at least likable … Obama is thin skinned and mean.

Obama has the Carter high gas prices, unemployment numbers, foreclosures, bankruptcies and now add increasing inflation rates.  Barack Obama stands to get a  second term just like Jimmy Carter did.

Gallup: Ronald Reagan Named Greatest US President Ever

With President’s Day 2011 almost upon us this coming Monday, according to a recent Gallup poll, Ronald Wilson Reagan was named the greatest United States President ever.  In the past 12 years of this survey, Reagan, Lincoln and JFK has have topped the list. If you ask me for the top 3 greatest Presidents ever … Lincoln, Washington and Reagan.

Ronald Reagan Speech – 1964 Republican National Convention


From 1964 to present, his words make even more sense today.

The 2011 poll had the rating as follows: 1. Reagan, 2. Lincoln, 3. Clinton, 4. JFK, 5. Washington and 7. Obama. With all due respect to those voting, its bad enough that Bill Clinton would have been named #3 and ahead of JFK, but Barack Obama at seven? ARE YOU KIDDING ME? Its obvious that 5% of those voting couln’t name another US President other than Obama. Would this mean as pointed out by Michelle that according to liberal MSM comparisons of Obama to Reagan, even though they have nothing in common, that Obama’s wins by the transiative property? The answer would be, no.

We might want to see what the break down looked like according to Republicans, Democrats and Independents. Some might find in shocking that Democrats would pick Clinton ahead of Kennedy, Obama ahead of FDR and Lincoln and George Washington no where to be seen. Then again, nothing should surprise us any more from these folks.

Read the full story at


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