Rasmussen: 61% of Americans Support the XL Keystone Pipeline as Obama Panders to Enviro-Wackos and Delays Decision Until After 2014 Midterm Elections
A recent Rasmussen poll has support for the XL Keystone Pipeline at all time highs. Sixty-one percent of Americans now support the building of the oil pipeline from Canada to Texas, while only 27% are opposed. Also, 62% of likely voters also say that the pipeline is good for the economy. However, the anti-fossil fuel Obama would rather pander to the environmental wacko minority and continues to dither and delay the decision on the construction. Just last week Barack Obama once again delayed his decision to go forward on its construction as he pushed it back until after the 2014 midterm elections putting Democrat party politics ahead of jobs for Americans. But of course we were told that Obama’s delay had nothing to do with politics from Debbie Wasserman-Schiltz. Of course not. Also reported in the poll was that 57% of voters say the pipeline is at least somewhat important to how they will vote in the next congressional election, with 23% who say it is Very Important.Democrats better be careful in 2014, there is no way that 57% are all Republicans.
I don’t care what a majority of the American people think, you are stuck with me. I do not work for you.
Support for building the Keystone XL pipeline is now at its highest level ever.
The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 61% of Likely U.S. Voters now at least somewhat favor building the major oil pipeline from Canada to Texas, while just 27% are opposed. This includes 37% who Strongly Favor the project and 10% who Strongly Oppose it. Thirteen percent (13%) are undecided. (To see survey question wording, click here.)
Support for building the pipeline is up four points from 57% in January and now has edged above the previous high of 60% found in November 2011 when President Obama first delayed the project for further environmental study.
It is Democrats and the MSM that always claim that the GOP panders to the radical Tea Party, Americans just might want to take a look at who Obama is taking his orders from.
Oh by the way, this weeks jobless claims jump 24,000 this week to 329,000 as Obama refuses to approve a project that would automatically create jobs in the private sector with no tax paid for stimulus.
The number of Americans filing for new unemployment benefits jumped last week, a sign layoffs have increased since touching a seven-year low earlier this month.
Initial claims for jobless benefits, a measure of layoffs, rose by 24,000 to a seasonally adjusted 329,000 in the week ended April 19, the Labor Department said Thursday. The weekly gain was the largest since December.
Economists surveyed by The Wall Street Journal expected 315,000 new claims last week. Claims for the prior week were revised up by 1,000 to 305,000.
Posted April 24, 2014 by Scared Monkeys Barack Obama, Bystander in Chief, Chicago-Style Politics, Crony Capitalism, Democrats, Divider in Chief, Economy, Energy, envirowackos, Epic Fail, Gutter Politics, Jobs, Keystone XL Pipeline, Liberals, Misleader, Moonbats, Obamanation, Politics, Polls, Progressives, Radicals, Rasmussen, The Dodger in Chief | one comment |
DNC Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman-Schultz Says Politics Had Nothing to do With Obama’s Delay of Keystone XL Pipeline Until After 2014 Midterm Elections
DNC Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman-Schultz (D-FL) was on ‘Meet the Press’ on Sunday spinning like a top. DWS told David Gregory that she does not believe that Barack Obama’s decision to delay the XL Keystone pipeline had nothing to do with politics. HAH! Seriously Debbie, the fact that it is referenced that a decision will be made at the earliest after the 2014 has nothing to do with politics? Sorry, but much like everything with Obama, it has everything to do with politics. This is just another example of Barack Obama kicking the political can of issues down the road and playing partisan politics and putting Democrats ahead of Americans. We know that the Keystone XL pipline construction will create primary jobs and secondary one’s from that. But that does not matter to the Food Stamp president.
DWS discusses Keystone XL Pipeline around the 4:00 mark
DWS went on to say, “It [Keyston XL pipeline] affects multiple states. What’s also true is that incumbent senators like [Louisiana Democrat] Mary Landrieu understand the issues that are important on the ground in their states to their constituents.” Yes, they do and they do not appear to be happy.
This woman has the nerve to talk about Tea party extremists when Democrats and Barack Obama are pandering to the far-left wing environmental wackos in delaying the XL Keystone as even Sen. Mary Landrieu (D-LA) stated, “Today’s decision by the administration amounts to nothing short of an indefinite delay of the Keystone pipeline. The decision’s irresponsible, unnecessary, and unacceptable. By making it clear that they will not move the process forward until there’s a resolution in a lawsuit in Nebraska, the administration is sending a signal that the small minority who oppose the pipeline can tie up the process in court forever.”
DAVID GREGORY: Are you worried, as the party chair, that this shouldn’t be resolved before the election because of the potential impact it could have on vulnerable Democrats?
REP. DEBBIE WASSERMAN SCHULTZ: As a member of Congress who represents hundreds of thousands of people in south Florida, I want to make sure that the right decision is arrived at. And that the president makes that decision carefully and he doesn’t factor politics into his decision, which I don’t think he is.
DAVID GREGORY: Is the issue in the fall a referendum on President Obama?
REP. DEBBIE WASSERMAN SCHULTZ: No, absolutely not. The–
I suppose the IRS targeting the Tea Party, blaming Benghazi on a video tape and delaying employee mandates for Obamacare were not political either.
Obama Administration Delays Once Again Final Decision on Keystone XL Pipeline … Play Politics Over Jobs for Americans
Barack Obama has made promises to Americans that jobs is his number one priority, but has done everything but …
The Obama administrations has once again kicked the can of American jobs down the road in place of playing politics. Team Obama has once again delayed the decision on the XL Keystone pipeline on Good Friday and Easter weekend. The decision now will most likely not be made until after the November midterm elections. How convenient. This is just another attempt to humor the far left and the environmental wackos to get their campaign dollars and votes. The Weekly Standard makes a valid and important point, “if the administration wanted the pipeline built, construction would have long since been underway … Witness the numerous executive fiats regarding the implementation of Obamacare.”
The Obama administration further delayed its decision on the controversial Keystone XL pipeline project on Friday, with no conclusion now likely until after the U.S. mid-term elections in November.
President Barack Obama has said he will have the final say on whether to allow the pipeline connecting Canada’s oil sands region to Texas refiners, and several government agencies had been given until May to weigh in. This had raised expectations of a final decision by mid-year.
But the State Department said on Friday it was extending that agency comment period, citing a need to wait until the Nebraska Supreme Court settles a dispute over what path the $5.4 billion TransCanada Corp project should take.
“That pipeline route is central to the environmental analysis for the project and if there are changes to the route it could have implications,” a senior State Department official told reporters.
UPDATE I: Keystone non-decision keeps some Democrats on the hot seat.
Politically, it seems like a great idea, since kicking Keystone down the road — probably long past November — is better than an outright rejection for vulnerable oil-state Democrats, whose voters love the proposed project. And it keeps environmentalists at bay, boosting hopes that President Barack Obama might still swing their way.
But the non-decision decision also makes life a little harder for several groups of Democratic senators and Senate candidates fighting for their lives.
Some, like Colorado Sen. Mark Udall, have yet to take a firm stance on the Alberta-to-Texas oil pipeline — and the State Department’s announcement Friday that it’s extending its review of the project removes the possibility that Obama could resolve the issue one way or another next month.
Meanwhile, pro-Keystone Democrats like Senate energy Chairwoman Mary Landrieu will face heightened pressure to take actions to match their rhetoric.
UPDATE II: Vulnerable Senate Democrat Mary Landrieu, D-LA Speaks Out Against Keystone XL Pipeline delay.
Responded Landrieu, the newly installed chair of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee: “Today’s decision by the Administration amounts to nothing short of an indefinite delay of the Keystone Pipeline. This decision is irresponsible, unnecessary and unacceptable. By making it clear that they will not move the process forward until there is a resolution in a lawsuit in Nebraska, the administration is sending a signal that the small minority who oppose the pipeline can tie up the process in court forever. There are 42,000 jobs, $20 billion in economic activity and North America’s energy security at stake.” Landrieu said she plans to use her chairmanship of the Senate Energy Committee to try and move the project forward.
Posted April 19, 2014 by Scared Monkeys Barack Obama, Bystander in Chief, Chicago-Style Politics, Democrats, Divider in Chief, Economy, Epic Fail, Government, Gutter Politics, Jobs, Keystone XL Pipeline, Misleader, Obamanation, Obamanomics, Oil, Politics | 4 comments |
WAPO-ABC News Poll: Keystone XL Pipeline Project Overwhelmingly Favored by Americans But Barack Obama Against Jobs
Once again Barack Obama finds himself on the wrong wide of the American people and refusing to approve a project that will create jobs for “We the People”.
According to a recent WAPO-ABC News poll, an overwhelming majority of Americans are in favor of supporting the contraction of the Keystone XL oil pipeline between Canada and the United States. 65% of Americans approve of the job creating pipeline project, while only 22% are opposed. An amazing 85% say that the Keystone XL oil pipeline project will create jobs; however, Obama continues to stonewall the project so to pander to his environmental wacko constituents. Republicans, Independents and Democrats are in favor of building the pipeline that will provide a significant economic benefit to the US, 82%, 65% and 51%, respectively. It is only moonbat, liberal Democrats that oppose the it.
Americans support the idea of constructing the Keystone XL oil pipeline between Canada and the United States by a nearly 3 to 1 margin, with 65 percent saying it should be approved and 22 percent opposed, according to a new Washington Post-ABC News poll.
The findings also show that the public thinks the massive project, which aims to ship 830,000 barrels of oil a day from Alberta and the northern Great Plains to refineries on the Gulf Coast, will produce significant economic benefits. Eighty-five percent say the pipeline would create a significant number of jobs, with 62 percent saying they “strongly” believed that to be the case.
That so many Americans back the pipeline, even with environmental risks, highlights the quandary facing President Obama and his top aides as they weigh whether to approve the proposal.
Support for Keystone is highest among Republicans, with 82 percent backing it. But majorities of independents and Democrats also want it approved, at 65 and 51 percent, respectively. Only self-identified liberal Democrats lean against, 47 percent to 36 percent.
But even though Obama continually says his primary focus to to create jobs for Americans, he does just the opposite. Obama wastes tax payers money on his failed backing of green energy policy like Solyndra, Fisker Automotive, ABC123, and Solar Trust just to mention a few. All he has to do is simply saying “yes”,instead he refuses to allow a job creating project to go forward. Obama’s war on oil is more important than jobs for the American people. Instead Obama would rather see Americans on food stamps and welfare, than working jobs for evil oil.
A recent State Department assessment said the project would create 1,950 jobs for a two-year period, after which it would generate 50 permanent jobs. But most people see it as a larger economic boon, the poll shows.
Posted March 8, 2014 by Scared Monkeys Barack Obama, Chicago-Style Politics, Democrats, Divider in Chief, Economy, Energy, envirowackos, Epic Fail, Jobs, Keystone XL Pipeline, Liberals, Misleader, Moonbats, Obamanation, Obamanomics, Oil, Polls, Progressives, Radicals, Unemployment, WAPO-ABC News | 3 comments |
Obama Sets Another Record as President, Highest Gas Prices on Labor Day in US History
This is what happens when you have a President that refuses to drill and refine our own resources and instead has a War on Oil.
The Clown Prince, Barack Obama, The Comedian in Chief can joke all he wants on the campaign trial about Mitt Romney and the RNC Convention being on black & white TV. I think anyone in America would take the prices of gas in those good ole days and the GDP of that era as well. However President Obama, no one is laughing at the cost of gas at the pump. Barack Obama has set another record as President, the highest gas prices on Labor Day in history.
Democrats arrived in Charlotte on Monday to an ill-timed reminder of one of the issues plaguing President Barack Obama’s reelection bid: high gasoline prices.
Prices at the pump reached a national average of $3.83 Monday, according to AAA, setting a record high for a Labor Day. The previous Labor Day record of $3.69 was set in 2008, at the height of the last presidential election fight.
President Obama Wants Higher Energy Prices … Obama wanted gas prices in the US the same as they were in Europe, $10/gal.
Video Hat Tip: Ed Driscoll
Gas prices have increased by 23 cents in the past month during the height of the summer driving season. But AAA predicts that Obama, who has faced sustained attacks from Republicans over gas prices, will get a respite in the coming weeks once refineries that shut down as a result of Hurricane Isaac reopen.
This President is just so funny. He gets up in front of his Kool-Aid, mind numb robots and asses around, cracking jokes as the American economy implodes, gas prices skyrocket and the National debt is about to hit $16,000,000,000. Yeah, a laugh riot you idiot. But of course Obama does not want to talk about the escalating gas prices, his blocking of the Keystone XL pipeline, and his war on oil. Imagine if America actually had an energy policy that really was an “all of the above” one, rather than Obama’s liberal inept and failed “green” energy agenda.
Posted September 3, 2012 by Scared Monkeys 2012 Elections, Barack Obama, Economy, Energy, Gas Prices, Green Energy, Keystone XL Pipeline, Lost in Smallness, Obamanation, Oil, Presidential Election | 5 comments |