Michigan State University Prof. William Penn Suspended from Teaching After Caught on Video Going on an Anti-Republican Tirade During Literature Class
More attempted liberal indoctrination at institutes of higher education …
After the below VIDEO going viral, Michigan State University was forced to suspend Prof. William Penn from teaching the rest of the semester. His rant against the GOP and his anti-Republican tirade was actually on the first day of class. Imagine what this class would have been after that? However, the even more amazing part of this was that this was not a political science class, it was a literature one. During the video, released by Campus Reform early this week, Penn expressing his political views saying that Republicans were “cheap” and “raped” the country. NICE.
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Question: How often must this type of nonsense go on in colleges all across America but is never caught on video?
Michigan State University (MSU) administrators have suspended Prof. William Penn from teaching for the remainder of the semester, after he was caught on video going on an anti-Republican tirade on the very first day of his literature class.
Although Penn will not teach again this year, the school will continue to pay his salary, which is $146,510 according to MSU’s official website, a spokesman for the university told Campus Reform on Thursday evening.
In an email to students Thursday morning, Dean Karen Wurst of the College of Arts & Letters, cited his “inappropriate, disrespectful and offensive” comments.
“On Aug. 29, during your Literatures, Cultures, Identities course, Professor William Penn made comments he has acknowledged were inappropriate, disrespectful and offensive and may have negatively affected the learning environment,” she wrote. “Once MSU was made aware of the situation the Office of the Provost immediately began a review.”
“As a result, Penn’s duties have been reassigned, and he will not be teaching this semester,” she added. “A new instructor is being assigned to your course.”
So does this professor get fired for his actions? Not at all. As reported at The Daily Caller, The professor who called Republicans racists and rapists may have been relieved of his teaching duties for the rest of the semester, but he will still be paid in full by Michigan State University.
Campus Reform learned from an MSU spokesperson on Thursday that creative writing professor William Penn’s would still receive his annual salary of $146,510.
“His employment status has not changed; his teaching duties have been reassigned,” wrote Josiah Ryan, editor in chief of Campus Reform, in an email to The Daily Caller.
The Daily Caller is also reporting that the hate-filled professor also attached Christians and athletes. Wow, what a positive influence on the student body. And this guy had a teaching job how?
An eye-witness account from a student in the class revealed previously unreported details of Penn’s rant. According to sophomore Caroline Freeman, Penn also attacked Christians and athletes.
“He was talking about how Christians are dumb and don’t know what what they’re talking about and that they’re all blind followers,” said Freeman in a statement to MLive. “He was just tearing down a whole institution of belief, and it had nothing to do with class.”
He then turned on athletes.
“He said athletes were wasting their time trying to throw a ball in a hoop and how we glorify them for no reason,” she said. “He was calling people bad for playing football.”
Posted September 6, 2013 by Scared Monkeys Child Welfare, College, Education, Liberal Indoctrination, Liberals, Moonbats, Progressives, Radicals, WTF, You Tube - VIDEO | 2 comments |
Florida Dad Furious After Finding His 4th Grade Son’s School Paper: “I Am Willing to Give Up Some of My Constitutional Rights … to Be Safer”
These public schools just do not give up on brainwashing the children of America. Pay really close attentions parents, because the next child being indoctrinated might just be yours. Why do many liberal educators so hate the freedoms provided in the US Constitution? Maybe some one should have stood up and told the teacher that, “FREEDOM IS NEVER FREE”!
Aaron Harvey, a Florida dad who’s 4th grade son attends the Cedar Hills Elementary in Jacksonville is furious because of a writing assignment given to his son and rightfully so. As reports at Yahoo News, a local attorney came in to teach the students about the Bill of Rights. in January; however, after the attorney left, the fourth-grade teacher Cheryl Sabb dictated the following sentence to part of the class and had them copy it down … “I Am Willing to Give Up Some of My Constitutional Rights … to Be Safer”. Really, why would a teacher pick giving up individual’s rights provided in the ‘Bill of Rights’to be the lesson of the day? Can you say liberal indoctrination? The question that needs to be answered is why should any of “WE THE PEOPLE” have to give up any of our Constitutional rights to be safer? But of course a 4th grader would never respond in that manner, thus the reason why a teacher would attempt to indoctrinate them at that age. At some point it needs to be made a criminal offense for teachers to bring their politics into the classroom. That would put an end to this nonsense.
The words are written in crayon, in the haphazard bumpiness of a child’s scrawl.
“I am willing to give up some of my constitutional rights in order to be safer or more secure.”
They’re the words that Florida father Aaron Harvey was stunned to find his fourth-grade son had written, after a lesson in school about the Constitution.
Florida 4th Grader Brings Home Paper That Says, I Am Willing to Give Up Some of My Constitutional Rights in Order to Be Safer…
Aaron Harvey’s son wrote as part of a school lesson, “I am willing to give up some of my constitutional rights in order to be safer or more secure.” TheBlaze has redacted the child’s name.
Harvey’s son attends Cedar Hills Elementary in Jacksonville, Fla. Back in January, a local attorney came in to teach the students about the Bill of Rights. But after the attorney left, fourth-grade teacher Cheryl Sabb dictated the sentence to part of the class and had them copy it down, he said.
The following is rather telling. Kandra Albury, the spokesperson for Duvall County Public Schools stated that the Cedar Hills principal received many concerns by parents back in January when the lesson was first done and the district/principal was looking into it. The spokesperson made an underhanded reference that Harvey was not one of the concerned parents who complained. Here it is April, 3 months later, and the school district has still not explained themselves. Maybe they will now that they have been outed in the media as the furious father went directly to The Blaze rather than getting the run-around and the story buried by the district.
Kandra Albury, a spokeswoman for Duvall County Public Schools, which includes Cedar Hills, told TheBlaze she didn’t know what prompted Sabb to have students write the sentence.
She said the principal had fielded one parent’s concern about the lesson in January, but it wasn’t Harvey. She said Thursday the district and principal were “checking into” what had happened.
UPDATE I: Florida School District Responds to Child’s ‘Give Up Some of My Constitutional Rights’ Assignment: ‘A Review and Investigation Will Occur’.
The problem is not what the attorney taught in providing civics to the youth. At issue is the liberal teacher who wants children to start thinking about what rights they would give up to so-called be safer.
The lesson taught by the attorney was part of Justice Teaching, a program started by former Florida Supreme Court Chief Justice R. Fred Lewis that puts legal professionals in Florida schools to teach about the American legal system and the Constitution.
“The Justice Teaching activity on constitutional rights that was conducted at Cedar Hills Elementary School is consistent with our efforts to broaden civics-based education and develop critical thinking skills among our students,” Dr. Nikolai P. Vitti, superintendent of Duval County Public Schools, said in a statement to TheBlaze. “The lesson builds awareness of First Amendment rights through a partnership with an association of local attorneys. Our possible concern rests with a follow-up activity that may have been conducted after the lesson. A review and investigation will occur to determine the facts of that assignment.”
Posted April 14, 2013 by Scared Monkeys Abuse of Power, Bill of Rights, Child Welfare, Crime, Education, Elementary School, Facebook, Freedom - Liberty, Liberal Indoctrination, Liberals, Moonbats, Partisan hack, Politics, Progressives, Radicals, Tyranny, US Constitution, WTF, You Tube - VIDEO | 4 comments |
Teachers Shouldn’t Use Red Colored Pens to Mark Students Homework Because It’s Like Shouting and Upsets Them
How on Earth are today’s kids going to be able to cope with any problems in the future. There in lies the rub, maybe they already can’t and explains the irrational fatal responses to dealing with issues and confrontation of today’s children.
Who in there life has not got a test or paper back in school marked up in read showing the misspelled words, errors and teachers comments? That may be a thing of the past. In the wussified world we live in today because “red” pens make children feel uncomfortable, researchers at University of Colorado in the U.S say that teachers should use more neutral colors like blue. GOOD GRIEF!!! The researchers behind the study say that teachers should not use red pens to mark homework and tests because it could upset schoolchildren. GOOD, THAT IS THE POINT SO THEY DON’T MAKE THE SAME MISTAKE IN THE FUTURE.
Teachers should stop using red pens to mark homework and tests because it could upset schoolchildren, U.S researchers say.
A study showed students think they’ve been assessed more harshly when their work is covered in red ink compared to more neutral colours like blue.
Sociologists Richard Dukes and Heather Albanesi from the University of Colorado told the Journal of Social Science: ‘The red grading pen can upset students and weaken teacher-student relations and perhaps learning.’
In 2008, hundreds of schools banned teachers from using red ink to correct work because they considered it ‘confrontational’ and ‘threatening’.
But Chris McGovern, chairman of the Campaign for Real Education, slammed the findings saying: ‘In my own experience of 35 years in teaching is that children actually prefer teachers to use red ink because they can read comments more easily.
The entire point of marking a child’s paper, test, exam and quiz in red is to stand out from the blue or black ink or pencil that was used by the student. What a joke and candy-a$$ country we have become if a child cannot take having their exam graded in red ink. It might upset them? Really, maybe it should upset them so that they learn from their mistakes and get it right the nest time? But the liberals who have destroyed today’s public schools would rather the children feel better and not have anything upset them, rather than actually learn.
What have we come to in this country? I am sorry, but no one can tell me that the school system today. Between educators are more worried about teaching ‘Heather has Two Mommies’, charging children on terroristic threats when in possession of a Hello Kitty bubble gun, teaching sex-ed at far too young an age and gumming down the educational system with “No Child Left Behind’, allowing children to retake tests until they pass. We now have these fools worried about upsetting the children with red ink. Guess what, when you get a 100% or A+, that is in big bold red ink as well. Is that upsetting them as well? AMERICA, when are the parents going to stand up and make educators understand that it is during a child’s learning years that they understand how to cope with mistakes and failures that will serve them later on in life? Then again, many of the times, the parents are also to blame for their coddling of little Bobby or Suzie who were made to feel uncomfortable by getting a bad grade.
We have already taken away dodge ball and any thing that would promote completion in public schools. Picking teams is history because those who are chose last are made to feel inferior. Is it any wonder why when you do nothing but coddle children that they have no idea how to perform in the real world?
Any school that would follow the banning of red ink, should maybe have their decision makers be provided a pink slip as well.
Posted January 24, 2013 by Scared Monkeys America - United States, child abuse, Child Welfare, Culture, Education, Liberal Indoctrination, Liberals, Restoring America, We the People, WTF | 6 comments |
South Carolina Chapin High School English Teacher Stomps om American Flag in Class
Hey liberal teachers … actions have consequences.
A Lexington-Richland District 5 English teacher at Chapin High School in South Carolina finds himself in hot water from his actions of stomping on the American flag in class. The misguided liberal teacher told the class that there would be no consequences in what he did because the flag was just a piece of cloth. How wrong could one fool be. One may have the freedom of speech to stomp and burn the American flag, but the school also has the right to toss this liberal teacher out of the school on his ear. The teacher chose symbols of a cross and a flag to desecrate, isn’t that interesting that these idiot would have chose those two symbols to disrespect?
When Michael Copeland overheard his teenager talking about what her honors II English teacher did with the flag in their classroom, he pressed for details.
“He drew a couple of symbols, like one of them was a cross, and he said, ‘What does this represent,’ and everybody said, ‘Christianity,’” said Copeland.
“Then he proceeds to take down the American flag, and said, ‘This is a symbol, but it’s only a piece of cloth. It doesn’t mean anything,’ and then he throws it down on the floor and then stomps on it, repeatedly.”
“I asked what was he trying to get, the point across? And she said, ‘I don’t know,’ and he said, his explanation was there would be no consequences, it’s just a piece of cloth that doesn’t mean anything.”
But there are consequences.
“Our superintendent served in the military, I served in the military for 20 years, our flag is a symbol of our freedom, and so many people have fought and died for that liberty, and so we take this action very seriously,” said Mark Bounds, a spokesperson for Lexington-Richland 5.
One may want to explain to this teacher that the superintendent of the school was a served in the military for 20 years and South Carolina is not California. Wake up America, this crap goes on every day in our schools where teachers with liberal, anti-American values try to indoctrinate children to their screwed up world view. A schooll spokesman said,“There is a code of ethics for teachers that talks about professional conduct, and then we tell our teachers that their personal opinion is their personal opinion and shouldn’t be brought into the classroom.” Liberals do not care.
“Our superintendent served in the military, I served in the military for 20 years, our flag is a symbol of our freedom, and so many people have fought and died for that liberty, and so we take this action very seriously,” said Mark Bounds, a spokesperson for Lexington-Richland 5.
The lesson was repeated in three classes that day, prompting a full investigation. After an unrelated incident at Dutch Fork where a teacher was suspended for a political sign in her room, officials say teachers know better.
However, I will say this … this misguided teacher does have the right to do what he did under the First Amendment, but there are always consequences to one’s actions, especially when teachers sign “ethics” and “conduct” guidelines.
Posted January 10, 2013 by Scared Monkeys American Flag, Bizarre, Child Welfare, Education, Ethics, Freedom of Speech, Liberal Indoctrination, Moonbats, Politics, Progressives, Radicals, US Constitution, WTF | one comment |
President Obama Booed During Clemson Game & Clemson President Forgets the US Constitution … Hold that Tiger!!!
I knew there was a reason why I liked the Clemson University … HOLD THAT TIGER??? The University president wants you to hold your tongue.
Clemson football fans boo President Barack Obama during the swearing in of ROTC recruits at Military Appreciation Day last weekend. Clemson University president James Barker was not too amused and scolded Tiger nation.
The president of Clemson University is chastising those who booed President Barack Obama during the college’s Military Appreciation Day at last weekend’s game.
During the university’s annual event that was held this year during the Clemson vs. Virginia Tech game on Saturday, a ceremony was held to induct ROTC cadets into the military.
The ceremony was disrupted by booing from some fans in the stands.
In an email with the subject line, “Dear Clemson Family: Focus on Positive Dialogue and a Civil Discourse,” Clemson University president James Barker addressed the behavior at the football game.
A note to Clemson University president James Barker, you might want to check out this thing called the US Constitution and a little thing called the First Amendment that has to do with freedom of speech!Who the hell do you think you are? How about some cheese with that wine? So it was ok to cheer Obama, but not boo him. Really?
We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
You have no right to tell other what they can and cannot say. Good grief, even in one of the most Red of state’s college, we have to put up with a bleeding heart. Let’s get something straight president Barker, those in the stands are citizens of the United States before they are Clemson students. And, who is to say that they were students? It is amazing that these college stuffed shirts think that they are God and can dictate to others the
The president of Clemson University is chastising those who booed President Barack Obama during the college’s Military Appreciation Day at last weekend’s game.
In an email with the subject line, “Dear Clemson Family: Focus on Positive Dialogue and a Civil Discourse,” Clemson University president James Barker addressed the behavior at the football game.
“Unfortunately, the day was marred by bad behavior from some fans. During the ceremony inducting ROTC cadets into the military, a number of fans booed during the section of the oath they take to obey the President of the United States.
Comment of the day comes from Weasel Zippers, “It’s almost like the military and its supporters aren’t big fans of Obama.”
Posted October 24, 2012 by Scared Monkeys Barack Obama, Education, Epic Fail, Freedom of Speech, Liberal Indoctrination, Obamanation, US Constitution, WTF, You Tube - VIDEO | one comment |