NYU College Students Hate Trump’s SOTU Address … Before It Has Ever Even Happened (VIDEO)
Wow, the students are so intelligent at NYU that they know what President Donald Trump has said before he has even given his first State of the Union Address. Who knew they were so brilliant? On Tuesday night, January 30, 2018, President Trump will be giving the State of the Union and touting the great economy, low unemployment and record stock market, yet these brain surgeons from NYU below don’t even know that it has not took place yet. Instead, they provide the typical group think of anti-Trump all the time. Hell. for all they know he will call for free college tuition. NOT! Let’s also hope that these same individuals from the video also have no idea when elections take place.
Posted January 29, 2018 by Scared Monkeys College, Education, Liberal Indoctrination, Liberals, Progressives, Socialist, WTF, You Tube - VIDEO | one comment |
City Councilman & Teacher Gregory Salcido Tells Students Members of Military Are ‘Dumbsh*ts,’ ‘Lowest of the Low (VIDEO)
Pico Rivera, California teacher and Councilman Gregory Salcido is under investigation by the school board after the release of recordings in which he disparaged and degraded members of the military during a class. The remarks by the El Rancho High School teacher called members of the military “dumbshits” and the “lowest of the low.” Salcido’s comments have caused a backlash in a community. Salcido’s rant against the military was in response to a student wearing a Marine Corps sweatshirt. In other worsd it was a form of intimidation as well. What a vile individual and note to the LEFT, this is not freedom of speech. It is reprehensible what passes as education these days in public schools. Welcome to the indoctrination of the LEFT.
This individual needs to be terminated immediately. Teachers are supposed to be teaching, not spewing their vile opinions passed off as education.
City Councilman & Teacher Gregory Salcido calls military “dumb-shits”
Take a good look and listen to what liberal public school has to offer these days …
A California high school teacher and local politician is being investigated after a student clandestinely recorded his apparent anti-military rant.
Administrators at a high school in Pico Rivera, Calif., east of Los Angeles, are looking into comments Councilman Gregory Salcido allegedly made to his students.
“Think about the people you know who are over there [in the military]. They’re your freaking stupid Uncle Louie or whatever,” Salcido said, according to the audiotape.
“They’re dumb [expletives]. They’re not high level bankers, they’re not academic people, they’re not intellectual people,” he said. “They’re the freaking lowest of the low.”
The student who recorded Salcido’s rant said he did so because he found the comments offensive as the son and nephew of veterans
UPDATE I: Backlash and cat now has the tongue of big-mouth liberal teacher.
Now that this liberal’s comments have been made public, Salcido suddenly has no comments to make. Image that? What’s the matter big man, you aren’t so quick to shoot your moth off now that every one is looking and listening? You are a coward. It is you that are the DUMBSHIT and the LOWEST OF THE LOW … you express your freedom of speech and hide behind the bravery of our military. YOU and your ilk make me sick!
Salcido could not be reached for comment, but on a Facebook post stamped New York he wrote: “I don’t think it’s wise for me to make any specific comments, but I want my friends, family and students to know we are fine and we respect the rights of free expression for all individuals.”
Pico Rivera Mayor Gustavo Camacho sent KCAL9/CBS2 a statement, reading in part: “The City of Pico Rivera was founded upon the principles, values and sacrifices of many of our veterans who when called upon by our nation served with great pride and honor.”
Posted January 29, 2018 by Scared Monkeys Education, High School, Liberal Indoctrination, Liberal Intolerance, Liberals, Military, Progressives, WTF, You Tube - VIDEO | no comments |
US Olympic Skier Lindsey Vonn Says I Won’t be Representing US President at Winter Olympics (VIDEO)
In a loaded and politically bias interview with CNN’s Alpine Edge, US Olympic skier Lindsey Vonn was asked how she felt competing in an Olympics for the United States whose president is Donald Trump? Vonn responded by saying, “Well I hope to represent the people of the United States, not the president.” Really, so you will be representing the people, not the president? Last time I checked Donald J. Trump was a person of the United States. It is sad that these athletes would let politics get in the way of athletics as all this has accomplished is having people, yes the American people, hate you. Lindsey, you do realize that 62,984,825 people of the United States voted for President Trump, right? It is a sad commentary that these athletes cannot shut up and just do what they are skilled at, instead of alienating half of America.
On a person note, I have skied since I was in the second grade. I grew up in a part of the country where we had half days on Wednesday and Friday so we could lean to ski. I have long followed Alpine skiing and snowboarding forever, long before it was cool to. And have known individuals who trained for the Olympic ski team and made it. And some who passed away in the pursuit of it. I have long cheered for Lindsey Vonn because of her amazing talent. However, for the first time I will find myself not cheering for Lindsey not to win Olympic gold. Not because she isn’t a Trump fan, but because she is so ignorant and bias in her beliefs, that she is acting like the very individual she thinks that Donald Trump is. It is sad that athletes think they have to mouth off and tell us about their political beliefs. WE DON’T CARE!!! Sports and the Olympics is an escape from politics. Thanks for ruining that Lindsey.
A number of US athletes have spoken out against Donald Trump during his presidency — and skier Lindsey Vonn has become the latest to have her say.
Targeting Olympic gold at February’s Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang, Vonn is in St. Moritz, Switzerland, where she spoke passionately about what it means to compete for the US ski team.“Well I hope to represent the people of the United States, not the president,” Vonn told CNN’s Alpine Edge.
And Vonn revealed she wouldn’t accept an invitation to the White House if she were to win gold at Pyeongchang.
“Absolutely not,” said Vonn. “No. But I have to win to be invited. No actually I think every US team member is invited so no I won’t go.
Posted December 8, 2017 by Scared Monkeys Democrats, Donald Trump, Donald Trump, Liberal Indoctrination, Liberal Intolerance, Liberals, Olympics, Partisan hack, Politics, Progressives, Sports, You Tube - VIDEO | one comment |
When Will the PC Nonsense End … Is Your Dog’s Halloween Costume Sexist?
What now we have a war on Halloween? The WAPO asks, in a never-ending liberal agenda and wusification of America, is your dog’s Halloween costume sexist? Seriously folks, really? This is what you consume your time with? Because some how if a female dog is dressed up like a French maid and a male dog is a doctor or fireman, that is the end of the world and going to cause irreparable harm to little girls? GET OVER YOURSELF! I asked the same question that was posed at Twitchy, how the hell did this get into the pages of the WAPO and how is this journalism? These fools will only be happy if a male bulldog is dressed in a pink tu-tu with a fucsia boa.
Can liberals just leave stuff alone and take their meds?
Don’t be telling me what I can and cannot wear
Young girls may be discarding their princess wands for superhero capes this Halloween, but not so in the canine world.
The glass ceiling appears to be firmly in place at PetSmart, where career costumes labeled “male” include firefighter and police officer, while female dogs can choose between a pink cowgirl costume and pink loofah.
On the site BaxterBoo.com, options for your female pooch include “sweet heart nurse” or French maid. “Any tidy girl dog will look adorable wearing this French Maid Dog Costume,” the site’s description reads. “Whether your pup is a clean freak or a messy mutt, she will enjoy playing ‘dress up’ in this fun costume.”
The choices for male dogs, meanwhile, include fireman, mob boss and doctor (suggested pairing: “match up with a girl friend with the Sweet Heart Nurse Dog Costume.”)
“It seems silly on the surface, but this is part of a larger message we’re sending, that there are certain jobs for men, and certain jobs for women,” said Scott Lawrie, 36, who co-hosts a podcast, ‘She will not be ignored,’ about gender issues. “The career options for women — and dogs — need to go beyond pink loofahs and pink cowgirls.”
Posted September 30, 2016 by Scared Monkeys Halloween, Liberal Indoctrination, Liberal Intolerance, Liberals, Media, Political Correctness, Progressives, Washington Post, WTF | no comments |
Lee Francis, Teacher at Massey Hill Classical High School in Fayetteville, NC Suspended after American Flag-Stomping Faux First Amendment Lesson
Lee Francis, a teacher at Massey Hill Classical High School, has been put on suspension with pay after he placed an American flag on the ground and stepped on it in an so-called effort to teach children about freedom of speech. The backlash from this disgusting act has been swift and massive on social media and from the public at large. The top school system administrator, Cumberland County Schools Superintendent Frank Till said in a statement, “Clearly, there are other ways to teach First Amendment rights without desecrating the flag.” However, the radical leftist teacher said he’s been shocked by the backlash, both in-person and on social media, that his lesson has generated. REALLY, WHAT KIND OF A CLUELESS INDIVIDUAL ARE YOU? This fool is shocked that people would be outraged that you used a school setting to desecrate an American flag in a state that has so many military installations!
A note to Lee Francis and the rest of the American hating liberal teachers in America … the majority of people in the U.S. love America and they don’t need you stomping on a flag to provide them with a lesson on free speech. This was just a hateful act of a liberal trying to spew their venom on children. Nothing more.
A teacher’s First Amendment lesson at a Fayetteville high school has sparked outrage and he has been place on leave by school officials.
Lee Francis, a teacher at Massey Hill Classical High School, said he put an American flag on the ground and stepped on it. But, he said, it was in the context of a lesson on freedom of speech.
“I put it on the ground and I used my right foot and I took two steps on it, and immediately two kids get out of the room,” he said.
A number of residents denounced Francis’ actions, calling them unpatriotic.
“I think it’s inappropriate to teach that in school,” said Fayetteville resident Grayson Chavonne. “If he wants to do that in his own home that’s his prerogative, but it doesn’t need to be taught to our kids.”
Dan Travieso, who is running for the N.C. Senate in District 21, called Francis’ lesson a direct insult to those who fought for our country and a “poor choice of judgment.”
“Just because I step on the flag doesn’t mean I step on their graves,” Francis said. “It doesn’t mean I step on their bodies as they return from overseas. It means I step on a piece of fabric.”
This fool’s statement shows just how little this man really knows and why he should never be teaching children. Guess what you moron, people have given their lives to defend the flag that is symbolic of America and liberty. Yes you were disrespecting those that died defending it and if you can’t understand that, you should be no where near teaching children.
Posted September 21, 2016 by Scared Monkeys America - United States, American Flag, Education, First Amendment, Freedom of Speech, High School, Liberal Indoctrination, Liberals, Progressives, US Constitution, We the People | no comments |