Disturbing: Body Found Inside 55 Gallon Cement Sealed Drum in Sorage Unit Likely Missing 22 Year Old Theresa DeKeyzer

22 year old Theresa DeKeyzer has been missing since Monday, June 16, 2014 in Warren, Michigan.  Theresa has not been seen after being dropped off  about four blocks from her home her boyfriend near 9 Mile Road and Van Dyke Avenue. Also, her cellphone has not been used has her bank accounts been accessed since that day. Police have previously interviewed DeKeyzer’s 37-year-old boyfriend, Scott Wobbe, who is currently jailed in a drug case.  They’ve also searched his home with cadaver dogs, but found no evidence to show that he was involved in DeKeyzer’s disappearance.

Now police have made a gruesome discovery in a Plymouth Township storage unit, the Travel Trailer Storage Facility, on Ann Arbor Road. While serving a search warrant on Thursday, police found a woman’s body inside a 55-gallon blue plastic drum that was filled with sand, sealed with cement and wrapped in plastic. The individual inside the 55 gallon drum is believed to be that of missing Theresa DeKeyzer. Although, authorities used tattoos, jewelry and clothing to help identify the body, they are awaiting the Wayne County medical examiners confirmation for a positive identification.

Theresa DeKeyzer_missing

Theresa DeKeyzer

Dental records will be examined over the weekend to determine if a decomposed body found in a 55-gallon plastic drum is that of a missing Macomb County woman.

Warren Police Commissioner Jere Green tells The Associated Press Friday that there are “strong indications” the victim may be 22-year-old Theresa DeKeyzer.

“It was quite disturbing to see a 22-year-old young gal stuffed in a 55-gallon drum and cement poured over her in the fetal position,” Green told WWJ’s Mike Campbell.

The Wayne County medical examiner’s office says Friday that autopsy results are pending.

Warren police were executing a search warrant Thursday at the Travel Trailer Storage Facility, on Ann Arbor Road, when they found a woman’s body inside a 55-gallon blue plastic drum that was filled with sand, sealed with cement and wrapped in plastic. The barrel was apparently bolted to the floor of a small utility trailer at the facility.

The Detroit News: The storage lot was rented by a man nine days after the Warren woman disappeared.

The storage lot where Theresa DeKeyzer’s body was discovered Friday in a concrete-capped barrel was rented by a man nine days after the Warren woman disappeared.

Doris Temple, manager of Travel Trailer Storage on Ann Arbor Road in Plymouth Township, wouldn’t identify the man who rented the space, citing privacy.

Boone Police Find Body Near Appalachian State University Campus … Could Be Missing 18 Year Old Anna Marie Smith (Update: Boone PD Believe It Is, NC Driver’s License & APP St. ID Found)

Police in Boone, NC have found a body and are confirming that they are working to identify the body found near campus of Appalachian State University on Saturday morning. Neighbors said someone called authorities Saturday to report a suspicious odor in a heavily wooded area off Poplar Grove Road, on the west edge of the Watauga County university town.  It is believed to be that of missing 18 year old Anna Marie Smith, but there has been no official confirmation yet.  Anna Marie Smith was last seen on September 2, 2014.

Anna M. Smith_missing

UPDATE I: The family on Facebook, Find Anna Marie Smith, says “At this point we do not have confirmation that Anna was found.  I realize there are many news reports out there now, but again the family DOES NOT have confirmation.”

UPDATE II: But …   The Watauga Democrat is reporting that according to area law enforcement, the body of missing student Anna Smith was found Saturday morning in a wooded area off of Poplar Grove Road.

Scanner traffic also indicated that a body had been found in the Poplar Grove Road area. Boone Police vehicles blocked a section of Poplar Grove Road and redirected traffic at the intersections with Bodenheimer Drive and Water Street.

At 11:54 a.m., however, Boone Police Sgt. Shane Robbins said he could not confirm the report at the time. At 1:43 p.m., Boone Police issued the following statement:

“At approximately 10:30 a.m., Boone Police officers responded to a report of a deceased individual located in a wooded area adjacent to Poplar Grove Road, on the west end of town. Boone Police investigators are processing the scene. The identity of the individual is unknown at this time. More information will be released when it becomes available.”

Calls and emails to university spokespersons were not immediately returned Saturday morning. Around 2:45 p.m. ASU posted the following message on its Facebook page from Chancellor Sheri N. Everts:

“Dear members of the Appalachian community, I am deeply saddened to share that the Boone Police Department has confirmed that a body was discovered mid-morning (Sept. 13) at an off-campus location in Boone. The town of Boone and State Bureau of Investigation are in charge of the investigation. While the media is reporting that it might be the body of missing freshman Anna M. Smith, the investigating agencies have not made an identification. As more developments take place, we will send you further updates. I ask that you keep in mind this is an incredibly difficult time for Anna’s family, and keep their wellbeing foremost in your thoughts.”

UPDATE III: Police believe body found in Boone is missing Anna Smith.

The Boone Police Department believes a body found in a wooded area in the western section of the town Saturday is missing 18-year-old High Point student Anna Smith.

The Boone police said late this afternoon that “Initial evidence located at the scene indicates that the deceased is Anna M. Smith.”

A North Carolina driver’s license and an Appalachian State University student Identification card belonging to Smith were found at the scene.

A State Medical Examiner is at the location of the body. The body will be transported to Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center for an autopsy, according to police.

UPDATE IV: Police Confirm the Body of missing ASU student found near campus.

Police in Boone have confirmed the body found around this morning near the Appalachian State University campus is that of missing student Anna Smith.

Police responded to a report of a deceased individual in the woods near Poplar Grove Rd. at around 10:30 Saturday morning. An ASU identification card and a North Carolina driver’s license belonging to Smith were found at the scene.

The cause of death was not immediately available, but Boone Police said an autopsy at Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center in Winston-Salem will yield more information.

Atheist Unhappy that Arkansas State Football Team Wore Cross Decal Remembering Deceased Player Markel Owens & Equipment Mgr. Barry Weyer, Jr … University Just Handed Atheists a Major Victory


Let me just say the following, we are not a better country, nor a better people by continually allowing political correctness and Atheist thugs to dictate how we live our lives. The below story will show you just how far as a country we have fallen because every time a secular Atheist troublemaker makes waves, we cower. This has nothing to do with the “establishment clause” of the US Constitution, but instead everything to do with secularism looking to impose their ways on others and the others. If you think things have not changed in this country, and for the worse … think of the following. Think back to Nov. 14, 1970 and the plane crash that took the lives of nearly the entire Marshall football team and devastated a community. Remember the scene in the movie ‘We are Marshall’  where the coaches go to West Virginia and visit then Mountaineer head coach Bobby Bowden? That was a true story, discussed HERE by Bowden, and how so many years later he was brought to emotion. Do you remember the helmets that the University of West Virginia players were wearing, they had what on them? Who thinks back then any Atheist dare tell Bobby Bowden to remove the crosses from those helmets?

We are Marshall_WVA Helmets

That was then, This is Now ... The Arkansas State University football team in Jonesboro Arkansas wore a small cross on the back of their helmets with the initials MO and BW in honor of their fallen team member and equipment manager, Markel Owens and Barry Weyer. Sadly, Weyed died in a car accident in June and Owens was shot to death in January 2014. The players thought it would be a special way to remember and honor both of them by placing a decal featuring their initials on the arms of a cross.  According to Barry Weyer Sr., the father of one of the deceased being honored, “the players knew they were both Christians so they decided to use the cross along with their initials. They wanted to carry the spirits of Markel and Barry Don onto the field for one more season.” This is what sports and team work inspires.

Arkansas State University_X_commemerate

But that was not acceptable to some trouble-making atheists who had no connection with the team, the players or those being remembered. An attorney contacted Arkansas State and told them they he was “uncomfortable” with the players wearing a cross decal and wanted it removed.  Louis Nisenbaum, an attorney in Jonesboro, Arkansas, saw the team playing on television recently. He is the trouble maker who reached out to the university’s legal counsel to complain about the cross. Sadly, the gutless wonders and the legal department crumbled and allowed themselves to be bullied by atheist terrorists. When the hell are schools actually going to stand up for what is right, instead of acting like a bunch of ball-less wonders in the fact of secularism and Atheists?

Arkansas State University attorney Lucinda McDaniel agreed that the symbol was problematic, recommending that athletic director Terry Mohajir order it removed or alter it. Mohajir says after speaking with the university’s legal counsel they will modify the sticker removing any religious symbols, but keeping the initials. Gutless, just simply gutless.

In a statement released by the university, Mohajir stated:

“I am 100 percent in support of our coaches’ and players’ expression of faith, as well as their choice to honor the two individuals associated with our team who passed away by voluntarily wearing a cross decal on the back of their helmets. Unfortunately, we have received a complaint that use of the cross violates the Constitutional prohibition against separation of church and state.”

“After consulting with University counsel, we have been advised to either modify the decal or remove it completely. Thus, in order to ensure that we are in full compliance with Constitutional law, we will be modifying the decal to still honor the two individuals who are no longer with us.”

HOW IS THIS CROSS WITH INITIALS OF FALLEN TEAMMATES “ESTABLISHING A RELIGION?” It is not. It is honoring individuals who had died, nothing more, nothing less.  The players VOLUNTARILY wore the decal on their helmets, THEY WERE NOT FORCED TO!!!  The only thing that the player have been forced to do, is not wear the cross decal because of a belligerent, trouble-making and narrow minded atheist.

From USA Today:

Athletics director Terry Mohajir said he wanted to fight the decision because the decal was intended to honor former player Markel Owens and equipment manager Barry Weyer, who both passed away this year. However, Mohajir said he had little choice but to follow advice from the university’s legal counsel to remove or modify the symbol.

“My job is to support our players and our coaches in their expression of any type of grief, and that’s what I was doing,” Mohajir told USA TODAY Sports. “Yes, it is unfortunate, and I am disappointed. However, we’re also going to uphold whatever legal advice we got, and that’s what we did based on the Establishment Clause of the U.S. Constitution. That’s what we were told we needed to do. So that’s what we did.”

Arkansas State, you might want to fire your legal council and get a backbone. At some point someone, some institution is going to have to stand up to these bullies. This cannot continue to happen.

Thanks Arkansas State, all you did by caving to Atheist thugs was to promote secularism and Atheism as seen by Freedom From Religion Foundation attorney Rebecca Markert comments when she told the outlet that the decision to remove the symbol is “great news” and that “putting religious imagery on public school property is unconstitutional.”

Tennessee Bureau of Investigation Confirm that Remains Found Sunday in Decatur County is that of Missing Holly Bobo (VIDEO)

Sad conclusion to a three year search … Holly Bobo has been found.

The TBI, Tennessee Bureau of Investigation, has confirmed that the remains found in Decatur County is that of Holly Bobo.  On Sunday, two individuals found a human skull in an isolated wooded area in Decatur county while searching for ginseng. The remains were found about 10 miles away from the property of her suspected killer, Zachary Adams. Two men have been charged in connection with Bobo’s death,  Zachary Adams and Jason Wayne Autry.  Both have pleaded not guilty. District Attorney Matt Stowe stated, he is “ready, willing and able to seek the death penalty in this case.  We are going to make sure that everyone who played a part in the heinous crime that has attacked the peace and dignity of the great state of Tennessee faces a consequence for that.”


Bobo’s remains were found Sunday in Decatur County, the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation said Monday night.

CNN affiliate WREG reported that hunters had found a human skull.

District Attorney Matt Stowe said he is “ready, willing and able to seek the death penalty in this case.”

“We are going to make sure that everyone who played a part in the heinous crime that has attacked the peace and dignity of the great state of Tennessee faces a consequence for that,” Stowe said Monday night.

UPDATE I: Press Conference VIDEO of the confirmation of the remains found in Decatur County, TN are that of missing nursing student Holly Bobo.

RAW VIDEO: TBI holds conference on discovery of Holly Bobo’s remains.

WSMV Channel 4

Now it is time to get JUSTICE FOR HOLLY!!!

District Attorney Matt Stowe promised that everyone involved in the death of Holly Bobo will be held accountable. Stowe said he is “ready, willing and able to seek the death penalty in this case.”

Pioneering Female Stand-Up Comic Icon Joan Rivers Dies at Age 81, Rest in Peace

How sad, one of the very most funny comedians ever has passed away … “CAN WE TALK HERE?”

Comedic icon Joan Rivers has passed away at the age of 81 at Mount Sinai Hospital in NYC from complications of surgery on her vocal cords. Joan Rivers was groundbreaking, edgy, unabashed, but most of all she was just funny as hell. On a person note she is and will always be one of my all-time favorites. Rivers said things that no one else would, but the way she delivered it was not mean. Her mocking of others was only outdone by her incredible self-deprecating humor. She was born Joan Alexandra Molinsky on June 8, 1933, in Brooklyn, NY to Russian immigrants. Joan Rivers got her big break in 1965 when she appeared on the Tonight Show. Then In 1983, after frequent appearances on Carson’s “Tonight Show,” she was designated the first permanent guest host. She certainly did break down barriers for women in comedy.

One of the best comments in describing Rivers was, “Comedians typically push the edge of the envelope, but Rivers proved time and again that she didn’t even see the envelope.” So very, very true. The world just became a little less funny.

Joan Rivers, a pioneering female stand-up comic and the queen of “Can We Talk?” gossip, has died, her daughter, Melissa Rivers, said Thursday. She was 81.

Rivers was undergoing surgery on her vocal cords at a clinic in New York City on Aug. 28 when she stopped breathing and had to be transported to Mount Sinai Hospital. Melissa Rivers and Joan Rivers’ 13-year-old grandson, Cooper, who live in Malibu, California, rushed to her bedside.

“My mother’s greatest joy in life was to make people laugh,” Melissa Rivers said in a statement. “Although that is difficult to do right now, I know her final wish would be that we return to laughing soon.”

Joan Rivers stand-up on The Tonight Show and hilarious monologue from 1984, must watch, she was just too, too funny.

TMZ – Hollywood Reacts to Joan Rivers’ Death.

Don Rickles — Our dear Joan is gone. Knowing her, working with he and enjoying the fun times of life with her was special. She will always be in our hearts.  She was a good friend to Barbara and I. Melissa, be strong and take care of your son Cooper.  Joan…we will miss you.

Gilbert Gottfried –  First Robin. Now Joan. The world just became a less funny place. RIP Joan Rivers.

Rob Schneider ?– #JoanRivers was thee trailblazer for ALL WOMEN COMICS WHO FOLLOWED!She proved a woman could be just as outrageous and as funny as the guys!

Joan Rivers returns to The Tonight Show. She had been banned from the show forever after she took a gig with Fox and went up against the comedic king Johnny Carson. Rivers first appeared on the Tonight Show 49 years ago, then was banned. However, Jimmy Fallon welcomed Joan Rivers and she explained why she was a little late as only Joan could.

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