24 Year Old Police Officer Tyler Stewart Shot & Killed in Flagstaff, AZ While Investigation a Domestic Violence Call … Murdered by Robert W. Smith


24 year old Flagstaff police officer Tyler Stewart was shot and killed on Saturday as he responded to a domestic violence call in Flagstaff, Arizona. Officer Stewart while responding to an earlier domestic violence call in the 800 block of West Clay Avenue in Flagstaff when he encountered suspect Robert W. Smith of Prescott, AZ. Officer Stewart was ambushed and shot dead by Robert W. Smith. The cop killer then turned the gun on himself and shot himself dead.

Officer Stewart, Rest in Peace. Our hearts and prayers go out to the family, friends and Flagstaff police department.

Tyler-Jacob-Stewart_Photo Flagstaff Police Department

Flagstaff police officer Tyler Jacob Stewart, 24, was shot and killed during a confrontation
with a domestic violence suspect Saturday, Dec. 27, 2014, in Flagstaff, Arizona

Officer Tyler Stewart encountered a suspect at a home in the 800 block of West Clay Avenue during an investigation of an earlier domestic-violence call, spokeswoman Sgt. Margaret Bentzen said. Robert W. Smith of Prescott, fired several shots at Stewart, who was outside his patrol car, police said. Smith then shot himself dead, according to police.

Additional officers were dispatched after Stewart’s emergency button went off and dispatchers could no longer get a verbal reply from him, Bentzen said. He was rushed to Flagstaff Medical Center, where he was pronounced dead.

“This is an enormous tragedy for our department and the family of our officer,” Flagstaff Police Chief Kevin Treadway said in a statement. “We are a very close-knit organization, and know that all members of the Flagstaff Police Department are grieving at this time. With that being said, all of the men and women of the Flagstaff Police Department extend our prayers and condolences to the family of our Officer Tyler Stewart.”

VIDEO – ABC15 Arizona

Flagstaff officer risked his life for us … routinely.

I could not have said it any better than AZ Central columnist EJ Montini, when it comes to what police officers routinely do in putting themselves into harms way no matter how deadly or not the common person thinks it is.

“Every ‘routine’ call is routine until it’s not,” a police officer told me once. “Which is why you have to assume that every call is not routine. And even then… it might not save you.”

This was decades ago. I was standing in the back parking lot of a convenience store where a Phoenix police officer has been killed after a “routine” confrontation with a shoplifter.

This is what they do for us.

They risk everything each time they pull over a driver for speeding or a broken taillight, not knowing what to expect when they approach the driver’s window. Each time they answer a “routine” call for a shoplifter, an aggressive panhandler, a disorderly drunk, a possible domestic dispute.

Every “routine” call represents their willingness to put their lives on the line.

That’s what they do for us.

Vice-President Biden Eulogizes NYPD Officer Rafael Ramos … ‘Our Hearts Ache For You’

This morning Vice-President Joseph Biden eulogized NYPD officer Rafael Ramos at the Christ Tabernacle Church in Queens, NY. As 25,000 police officers from New York, across the country and Canada looked on Biden talked of the slain hero police officer and gave thanks to the NYPD stating the following, “This is the finest police department in the world.” Biden would later add, the bullets that targeted the officers also “targeted the city, and (they) touched the soul of an entire nation.”

There are many individuals including President Barack Obama, Attorney General Eric Holder and NYC Mayor De Blazio better find it in their hearts and heads that what Biden said was so very true.


“I’m sure I speak for the whole nation when I say our hearts ache for you,” Biden told the family during the service.

He noted how an expected 25,000 officers were surrounding the church in solemnity and added how they “will stand with you for the rest of your life.

“Its an uncommon fraternity,” Biden said.

Biden referred to how Ramos — known to those close to him as Ralph — was gunned down December 20 along with fellow Officer Wenjian Liu as they sat parked in their patrol car in Brooklyn. The pair were assassinated, according to Bratton, simply because of the uniform they wore.

Today we pay tribute to Officer Ramos and Officer Wenjian Liu,” Biden said.

About police officers, he said: “Thank God for them.”

“Amen,” some in the church said.

“This is the finest police department in the world,” Biden added, drawing applause.

He added that the bullets that targeted the officers also “targeted the city, and (they) touched the soul of an entire nation.”

JetBlue Offers to Fly Police to NYPD Officer Funerals Free of Charge … Also Offering Flights at No Charge to the Families of the Murdered Officers

PUTTING THE “BLUE” IN JETBLUE … JetBlue Airways show of support for police …

JetBlue Airways is doing their part to support the men in blue of brtheren who wish to show support of the NYPD. JetBlue is offering free flights to two officers from any U.S. law enforcement agency who wish to attend the funerals of slain New York City policemen Wenjian Liu and Rafael Ramos. The two NYPD officers, Lie and Ramos, were gunned down as they sat in their police car in Bed-Stuy, Brooklyn.  JetBlue stated that it is also working with another airline to help fly some of Liu’s family members in from China for his funeral, which has not yet been scheduled. JetBlue is also offering flights at no charge to the families of the murdered officers. It is expected that thousands of law enforcement officials and Vice Present Joe Biden are expected to attend Ramos’ funeral on Saturday.

Jet Blue

JetBlue Airways (JBLU) is offering free flights to two officers from any U.S. law enforcement agency who wish to attend the funerals of slain New York City policemen Wenjian Liu and Rafael Ramos.

The carrier, which is based in New York, said it is also offering flights at no charge to the families of the murdered officers. The two were shot to death in Brooklyn on Saturday as they sat in their patrol car. JetBlue also said it is working with another airline to fly in the family of Ofc. Liu from China so they can attend his service.

“We’re honored to do what we can to support the communities we serve, and our team has made flights available to law enforcement agencies across our route network who wish to send representatives to New York to support their brethren,” a JetBlue spokeswoman said in a statement.

Berkeley, MO Police Release Surveillance VIDEO Moments Before Shooting … Shows Teen Pointing Gun at Police Officer


As previously mentioned when first reporting on last nights white police officer shooting of a black male in Berkeley, MO, there would most certainly be some sort of surveillance video available as the shooting occurred at a gas station. Sure enough there was and the police have released the VIDEO that shows that 18 year old Antonio Martin pointed a gun at the police car.  What else was a police officer to do, not shoot? Let’s get this straight America, to all those no matter what color you are, black, brown, white, pink, purple or beige, you point a gun at a police officer, there is a 99.9% chance you will be shot dead. Thus was the case last night in Berkeley, Missouri. The police officer shooting of an ignorant thug, who was stupid enough to point a gun at law enforcement is only a story because of race hustlers like Al Sharpton and Jessee Jackson and race-agitators like President Barack Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder. In days gone by, an individual pointing a gun at a cop and in turn being shot dead in response would have made the back pages of the police blotter.  However, in today’s society where community agitators are now presidents and mayors, all police are racist and it must be racism why a white cop would shot and kill a black male.

berkeley sHOOTING gUN

“The Berkeley police officer exited his vehicle and approached the subjects when one of the men pulled a handgun and pointed it at the officer,” the county police department, which is leading the investigation, said in a statement. “Fearing for his life, the Berkeley officer fired several shots, striking the subject, fatally wounding him. The second subject fled the scene.”

Police released surveillance tape that showed the police car pulling into the gas station parking lot. The officer appeared to get out of the car, turn on his flashlight and speak for several seconds with two people.

The video was taken from a distance but the episode did not appear to turn confrontational until one of the men turned away, reached down and then turned back to face the officer, appearing to point his arm straight out. The police said the man was holding a 9 mm handgun. At that point, the video stops; the shooting itself is not shown.

KSDK -5 : Mom Claimed her choir boy son did not have a gun.

Hmm, no gun eh? Just another “Gentle Giant” I guess. I guess some one would need to explain why the video shows the 18 year old point a gun and why a 9mm handgun was found at the crime scene with the serial number files off. I am guessing that he did not have a permit for it. What is Rev. Al and his ilk going to claim on this one, the white police officer shot and killed the armed teen before he had a chance to shoot? The 18 year old, with the criminal past, didn’t intend to shoot, he was just representing.

Evidence #5 – The 9 mm that the deceased mom claimed he did not have

berkeley sHOOTING gUN2

Pic – KHQ

Investigators recovered a 9mm handgun at the scene. The weapon was “defaced,” meaning the serial number was unreadable. Belmar suspects the serial number was intentionally removed.

The 18-year-old had a criminal record, including arrests for armed robbery, armed criminal action, and unlawful use of a weapon, and was known to local police departments, Belmar said.

Meanwhile, the officer involved in the shooting, a six-year veteran of the Berkeley police force, has been placed on administrative leave.

“He will carry the weight of this for the rest of his life, certainly for the rest of his career,” Belmar said of the officer. “So there are no winners here.”


I am going to go out on a limb and say that this will not even be presented to the grand jury, which will probably still cause riots and protests.

Violent Protests Break Out in Berkeley, MO After White Police Officer Shoots and Kills Black Male Near Ferguson (Male Killed ID’d as 18 Year Old Antonio Martin)


White police officer shoots and kills unarmed armed black male. Riots broke out last night around 11 pm in Berkeley, Missouri after a police officer shot and killed a black man at the gas station in the 6800 block of N. Hanley Road in Berkeley.  According to reports, the suspect allegedly pointed a gun at police. St. Louis County Police Chief Jon Belmar says the Berkeley shooting victim was black and the officer white. Berkeley is about 2 miles from Ferguson, Missouri. Needless to say, the shooting incident sparked riots from the community.

Berkely MO Shooting

click HERE to watch VIDEO via KSDK-5

A crowd of about 200-300 people gathered outside of a gas station in north St. Louis County overnight after a Berkeley police officer shot and killed an armed 18-year-old.

According to Sgt. Brian Schellman, a spokesman with the St. Louis County Police Department, the shooting took place at 11:15 p.m. at the Mobil station in the 6800 block of N. Hanley Road.

The officer was responding to a reported theft at the gas station when he noticed two young men along the side of the building. As the officer walked toward the front door, one of those men pulled out a handgun and pointed it at the officer, Schellman said.

The officer opened fire, striking the armed man, who died at the scene. The second man ran off.

The incident is reported by the St. Louis County Police Facebook page:

The St. Louis County Police Department is conducting an investigation into a shooting death involving a Berkeley, Missouri police officer.

At approximately 11:15 PM on December 23, 2014, a police officer with the City of Berkeley was conducting a routine business check at the Mobile Gas Station located at 6800 N. Hanley when he observed two male subjects on the side of the building.

The Berkeley Police Officer exited his vehicle and approached the subjects when one of the men pulled a handgun and pointed it at the officer. Fearing for his life, the Berkeley Officer fired several shots, striking the subject, fatally wounding him. The second subject fled the scene.

The Berkeley Police Department requested the St. Louis County Police Department’s Crimes Against Persons Unit to handle the investigation. St. Louis County Police Detectives have recovered the deceased subject’s handgun at the scene.

At this time, we cannot confirm the identity of the deceased subject. The investigation is on-going and further details will be provided as the investigation proceeds.

UPDATE I: Officer fatally shoots armed man in town near Ferguson, Missouri

Once again we are presented a picture of an innocent teen, who would never hurt anyone and whose mother said did not even own a gun. Other so-called witnesses on the scene claim he was running away from the police officers. We have heard this song and dance before. It is certain that the gas station had video surveillance so I am sure we will know whether or not the deceased had a gun or not and how it all went down. Get ready for Hands, Part Deux.

An 18-year-old male held a gun “straight out” at a Berkeley, Missouri, police officer before that officer fired “what we think … were three shots,” St. Louis County Police Chief Jon Belmar said Thursday. The man — who died after being shot by the officer — is not believed to have fired any shots himself, according to Belmar.

After the officer left his squad car, one of the pair pointed a gun at the officer, who fired multiple times at him, killing him, Schellman said. The second person fled, police said.

The slain man was Antonio Martin, an 18-year-old African-American, his family told CNN.

Police say the officer, whose name wasn’t immediately released, shot in self-defense.

UPDATE II: Berkeley officer kills suspect who pulled gun; police say victim was ‘known’ to police.

Police said they did not know who the second person was, but they called him a “person of interest” and asked for the public’s help to find him.

They said two bystanders on the Mobil parking lot were witnesses.

At a news conference later Wednesday morning, Berkeley Mayor Theodore Hoskins said, “You can’t compare this to Ferguson or the Garner case in New York.” He said the videotape showed the suspect pointing a gun at the officer. He said the city would conduct its own complete investigation, separate from the St. Louis County Police investigation.

“Our overall goal is to project the truth to residents,” Hoskins said.

Among the department’s 31 officers, the mayor said, 17 or 18 are African-American. About 75 percent of the command staff are black, in addition to the mayor, police chief and other city officials, Hoskins added.

“At this point, our review indicates that the police did not initiate this, like Ferguson,” Hoskins said.

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