Accused Rapist Syed Sirf Khan Dragged From His Jail Cell in India By Mob, Lynched and Killed


A mob consisting of thousands stormed a jail in the northeastern Indian city of Dimapur, seized the accused rapist, marched him through the streets and then lynched him. Syed Sirf Khan, accused by locals of being an illegal migrant from Bangladesh, was arrested on February 24 on suspicion of raping a woman from a Naga tribal community. It would appear that the Dimapur saved the formalities of a trial or incarceration by using mob justice and taking care of the matter themselves.

After the rape accused was caught, he was stripped naked, paraded and beaten up by a mob while the police personnel remained silent spectators, security sources said. The accused later died of severe beatings after being paraded naked from Central Jail to the Clock Tower Junction in the heart of Dimapur.

The body was dragged and later strung on the fencing under the Clock Tower Junction where armed personnel were seen standing with the crowd, security sources pointed out while clarifying that a total of 186 prisoners were lodged in the prison. Three convicts among the prisoners also tried to escape, taking advantage of the melee, but were later caught by the prison personnel, security sources said.

Here is an interesting back story of the events in how it relates to illegals.  The local residents told this newspaper that the incident was a manifestation of the prevailing tension between the suspected illegal immigrants and local Naga residents of the area. Pointing out that large number minority youths, who came in search of jobs and livelihood to the state, got married to Naga girls and settled in the area, they said this creating a fear of demographic invasion among the tribal population of the state. But I guess if this same illegal came to the United States, he would have been provided a drivers license, pathway to citizenship, amnesty and income tax refunds all at the expense of John Q. Public. Also, had he raped some one in America, Obama’s policies would have just have allowed him to remain here and not be deported.  The point here is not to justify mob rule, although dealing with a rapist like this was swift justice. The point is that don’t ever let anyone tell you that the US treats illegals poorly. If anything, these days they are treated better than American, law abiding citizens.

India_mob kills rapist

Click HERE or on PIC to watch VIDEO via NDTV

The New York Times:

A mob of thousands stormed a jail in the northeastern Indian city of Dimapur, seized a prisoner accused of rape, paraded him through the streets and beat him to death before they could be stopped by police gunfire, a police official said on Friday.

The dead man, identified by the authorities as Syed Sirf Khan, was accused by locals of being an illegal migrant from Bangladesh and had been arrested on Feb. 24 on suspicion of raping a woman from a Naga tribal community the day before.

How the mob was able to overcome armed police officers on Thursday at the jail in Dimapur, the commercial hub of Nagaland State, was not clear on Friday. The top police official in Nagaland, L. L. Doungel, said that because there were a number of students wearing uniforms in the crowd, the police did not want to resort to violence.

“There would have been a lot of casualties,” Mr. Doungel said. “That was one reason. The mob was in the thousands.”

Actor Leonard Nimoy, Star Trek’s’ Mr. Spock Dead at Age 83 …”Live Long and Prosper” … REST IN PEACE

Live long and prosper … Actor Leonard Nimoy has passed away at the age of 83 … Rest in eternal peace.

Leonard Nimoy, the actor that will forever be known for his role as Mr. Spock, the half human, half Vulcan first officer of the Starship USS Enterprise has died at age 83. Nimoy died on Friday morning at his home in the Bel Air section of Los Angeles, California. According to his wife, Susan Bay Nimoy, confirmed Nimoy’s death and said it was a result of end-stage chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, COPD. The actor tweeted on Jan. 14, 2014, that he had lung disease.  Nimoy had just recently been hospitalized.  Sadly, he has passed.

As Captain James T. Kirk, William Shatner, stated at the conclusion of Star Trek – The Wrath of Khan when he emotionally eulogized Mr. Spock, “Of my friend I can only say this, of all the souls I have encountered in my travels, his was the most human”.

Leonard nimoy

 Leonard Nimoy, 1931–2015, Rest in Peace

Leonard Nimoy, the sonorous, gaunt-faced actor who won a worshipful global following as Mr. Spock, the resolutely logical human-alien first officer of the Starship Enterprise in the television and movie juggernaut “Star Trek,” died on Friday morning at his home in the Bel Air section of Los Angeles. He was 83.

His wife, Susan Bay Nimoy, confirmed his death, saying the cause was end-stage chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

Mr. Nimoy announced that he had the disease last year, attributing it to years of smoking, a habit he had given up three decades earlier. He had been hospitalized earlier in the week.

Yet he also acknowledged ambivalence about being tethered to the character, expressing it most plainly in the titles of two autobiographies: “I Am Not Spock,” published in 1977, and “I Am Spock,” published in 1995.

In the first, he wrote, “In Spock, I finally found the best of both worlds: to be widely accepted in public approval and yet be able to continue to play the insulated alien through the Vulcan character.”

“Star Trek,” which had its premiere on NBC on Sept. 8, 1966, made Mr. Nimoy a star. Gene Roddenberry, the creator of the franchise, called him “the conscience of ‘Star Trek’ ” — an often earnest, sometimes campy show that employed the distant future (as well as some primitive special effects by today’s standards) to take on social issues of the 1960s.

On a personal note, although I am not a Trekky, but I loved the original Star Trek series.  Which is quite sad, because now with Leonard Nimoy’s passing, he has joined fellow Star Trek actors DeForest Kelley (Dr. “Bone” Mcoy) and  James Doohan, (Scotty) in heaven.

Variety – Obit:

Leonard Simon Nimoy was born in Boston; his parents were Jewish immigrants from the Ukraine, and the language at home was Yiddish. He developed an interest in acting at an early age, first appearing on stage at 8 in a production of “Hansel and Gretel.” He took drama classes for a while at Boston College, and after leaving home to pursue his career in Hollywood, he landed his first lead role in the 1952 film “Kid Monk Baroni.”

After serving in the Army from 1953-55, he appeared in small roles in a few films, but mostly found roles in TV series, appearing in episodes of “Dragnet,” “Sea Hunt,” “Bonanza,” “Wagon Train,” “Rawhide,” “The Twilight Zone,” “The Untouchables,” “The Outer Limits,” “The Virginian,” “Get Smart” and “Gunsmoke” before rising to fame in “Star Trek.”

Most recently, he recurred on Fox sci-fi series “Fringe” as maniacal, genius professor William Bell, and he voiced Spock for a 2012 episode of “The Big Bang Theory.”

In addition to his work on “In Search Of…,” Nimoy lent his resonant, intelligent voice to a variety of films, TV projects and documentaries, including A&E docu series “Ancient Mysteries.”

The two videos from the Star Trek movie,  The Wrath of Khan now take even more importance that Leonard Nimoy has now passed. Who could forget in 1982 when Mr. Spock died saving the USS Enterprise and its crew, “The needs of the many, out way the needs of the few. Or the One”.

Mr. Spock Funeral scene from Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan movie

Captain Kirk, William Shatner, delivers an emotional eulogy for his friend Spock … “Of my friend I can only say this, of all the souls I have encountered in my travels, his was the most human”.

Double Murder-Suicide: Former White Plains, NY Police Officer Glen Hochman Murders His Two Daughters (Alissa, 17, and Deanna, 13), Family Dogs and Then Commits Suicide


The New York Daily News is reporting that Glen Hochman, a 22-year veteran who left the White Plains Police Department in January, has murdered his two teenage daughters, as well as the family dogs and then killed himself at their Adelphi Avenue home in Harrison on Saturday. In doing the unthinkable, Hochman killed his two teen daughters, 17 year old Alissa and 13 year old Deanna. Glen Hochman was found by police in the garage with a self inflicted gunshot wound. Alissa and Deanna were found dead in their bedrooms. Glen Hochman had a wife and another daughter, who were not at the house at the time of the killings.

What would have possessed the former 52 year old White Plains, NY police officer to do such an unspeakable act? White Plains Public Safety Commissioner David Chong said, Hochman served with “honor and integrity” and had an unblemished record. According to the NY Post, Glen Hochman and his wife, Anamarie, had been having serious marital problems and had been talking divorce.

Alissa_Deanna Hochman murdered

Facebook: Alissa (left), 17, and Deanna Hochman, 13, Rest in Peace

The high school in the small Westchester town shaken by a former police officer’s murder of his two teenage daughters continued to come to grips with the unspeakable tragedy Sunday and was scheduled to open at noon to offer counseling to grief-stricken students.

Glen Hochman, a 22-year veteran who left the White Plains Police Department in January — killed his daughters Alissa, 17, and Deanna, 13, as well as the family’s pets in their Adelphi Ave. home in Harrison Saturday before killing himself, authorities said.

“No words to describe it,” said Chris Garritano, 17, a senior along with Alissa at Harrison High School. “We always hung out. It’s just unreal to see her gone….She always seemed happy.”

Police did not immediately reveal how the murders were committed. The retired White Plains cop was recently honored for saving a man’s life.

Unfathomable tragedy:’ Retired officer kills daughters and then shoots self in Harrison.

Glen Hochman, 52, a retired White Plains officer, killed himself after killing his two youngest daughters, Alissa Hochman, 17, and Deanna Hochman, 13, on Saturday at their home on Adelphi Avenue.

Harrison Police Chief Anthony Marracini said a gun was found at the home.

Marracini did not discuss a possible motive.

Hochman’s wife, Anamarie DiPietro-Hochman, 50, and their eldest daughter Samantha, 22, were out of town when the shooting happened.


Facebook – Glen Hochman and his daughters Deanna (center) and Alissa.

Danish Police Kill Suspected Gunmen in Copenhagen Terror Attacks

Good riddance to bad rubbish … Danish Police have killed suspected gunman in Copenhagen multiple terror attacks.

In the video below, Astrid Sondberg, a reporter for TV2 in Copenhagen, speaks to CNN and reports that police shot and killed a man at a residence in Copenhagen. As reported at the New York Times,  the Copenhagen police said on Sunday that they had shot and killed a man and identified the suspect as a 22-year-old native of Denmark who was already known to security services as a gang member with a violent criminal record, but they did not name him.

Danish police shot and killed a man early Sunday suspected in the slayings of two people in Copenhagen since Saturday, in what the country’s prime minister calls a “cynical act of terror against Denmark.”

Authorities said the man, who has not yet been publicly identified, was fatally shot after he opened fire on officers near a train station.

Officials said no evidence suggests other gunmen were involved the shootings, one at a free-speech event and the other outside a Copenhagen synagogue.

Police investigator Joegen Skov said Sunday, “We are still faced with a huge investigation. We need to make sure that our theory is in fact correct.

“A number of things indicate that we did get the right man, but we still have to investigate whether he acted alone, but at the moment there is nothing to suggest that any other perpetrators were involved,” Skov said.

Several Shots Fired at Swedish Cartoonist Lars Vilks at “Arts, Blasphemy and Freedom of Expression” Event in Copenhagen, Denmark (VIDEO) … Two Terrorist Suspects Remain At Large (Update: 1 Dead in Terrorist Shooting, 3 Police Wounded)(Update: Another Shooting at Copenhagen Synagogue)


The BBC is reporting that several shot have been fired at Swedish Cartoonist Lars Vilks in a cafe where a freedom of speech event was taking place in Copenhagen, Denmark. Obviously, this was a terrorist-like shooting, similar to that of the one that took place in Paris, France at the offices of Charlie Hebdo. Lars Vilks has had numerous death threats since his 2007  drawing pictures of the Prophet Muhammad dressed as a dog. The two, unidentified suspects remain at large. According to the police, the Islamo-terrorists fled the scene in a dark Volkswagen Polo, which has since been found abandoned.

According to Lars Vilks website, the event that the 68-year-old artist was hosting Saturday was called “Arts, Blasphemy and Freedom of Expression.”

Lars Vilks

Reports say up to 40 shots were fired during the attack and a manhunt has been launched.

Swedish cartoonist Lars Vilks has faced death threats after drawing caricatures of the Prophet Muhammad.

He was not harmed during the attack.

Shortly after the shooting, a message appeared on the Twitter feed of French ambassador Francois Zimeray saying he was still alive.

The area around the venue is under lockdown, the BBC’s Malcolm Brabant reports.

Police have erected cordons and are searching a nearby park, he adds.

There were reports that police were hunting two gunmen, but this is unconfirmed.

Shooting at Copenhagen blasphemy debate

UPDATE I: From Local Denmark, Danish police confirm that one person has died after shots were fired at a meeting attended by controversial Swedish artist Lars Vilks.

Update, 6.18pm: The civilian killed in Saturday’s shooting attack was a 40-year-old Danish citizen, police have said. Police added that they have founded the suspected getaway vehicle but two suspects are still at large.

Update, 6.08pm: Reports of up to 200 shots fired
The French ambassdor to Denmark told AFP from inside the venue that shots rang out in the midst of a debate on Islam and free speech in Copenhagen.

“They fired on us from the outside. It was the same intention as [the January 7 attack on] Charlie Hebdo except they didn’t manage to get in,” Francois Zimeray said by telephone.
Swedish artist Lars Vilks, the author of controversial Prophet Mohammed cartoons published in 2007 that sparked worldwide protests, was also at the debate.

Three police officers were reported wounded outside the building, Danish media reported, quoting eyewitnesses.

ABC News – Police: 1 Dead in Shooting at Copenhagen Free Speech Event:

According to a statement from Danish police,  said the victim was a 40-year-old man inside the cafe attending the event. He has not yet been identified. The police also stated that three police colleagues at the event were also shot.

 A gunman fired on a cafe in Copenhagen as it hosted a free speech event Saturday, killing one man, Danish police said. The event was organized by Swedish artist Lars Vilks, who has faced numerous threats for caricaturing the Prophet Muhammad.

Danish police said the gunman shot through the windows of the Krudttoenden cafe, which the TV2 news channel said were riddled with some 30 bullet holes. Helle Merete Brix, one of the event’s organizers, told The Associated Press that Vilks was at the meeting but was not hit.

“I saw a masked man running past,” Brix said. “I clearly consider this as an attack on Lars Vilks.”

CNN – 1 dead in shooting at event attended by cartoonist who depicted Mohammed:

Helle Merete Brix — the founder of the Lars Vilks Committee, created two years ago in support of the Swedish cartoonist whose portrayals of the Prophet Mohammed angered many in the Muslim world — told CNN that security on site moved her and others to safe areas once they realized a shooting had taken place.

She and Vilks ended up in a storage room together, holding hands, until police told them it was OK to come out.

“We have never taken any chances,” Brix said, pointing to the heavy security from police, Danish intelligence services and Vilks’ own security guards at this and other committee events. “What we have so much been frightened would happen happened tonight.”

 VIDEO – Telegraph: Aftermath of Copenhagen cafe shooting

Continual Updates from the UK Telegraph.

UPDATE II: French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius condemned what he called a “terrorist attack.”

UPDATE III: The man killed at the free-speech debate identified as Finn Norgaard.


UPDATE IV: Police Respond to Second shooting in Copenhagen synagogue in Krystalgade street.

Hours later, a gunman opened fire outside a synagogue in Krystalgade street, about 5km from the scene of the first attack, killing a Jewish man and wounding two police officers.

The victim was named as Dan Uzan, 37. He had been on security duty while a bat mitzvah ceremony was taking place inside the synagogue.

UPDATE V: Copenhagen attacks – the victims.

Finn Norgaard:

Finn Norgaard, 55, who was killed in the Copenhagen cafe attack, was a Danish film director, who directed and produced documentaries for Danish television including in 2004 “Boomerang boy” about an Australian boy’s dreams to become a world boomerang champion and in 2008 “Le Le” about Vietnamese immigrants in Denmark.

Dan Uzan:

Dan Uzan, 37, who was killed in the subsequent synagogue attack, came from a family active in Copenhagen’s Jewish community. He attended a Jewish school and joined the community’s security efforts, taking part in patrols to protect Jewish institutions, from a young age.

At 6ft 9 inches, he was a talented basketball player and had played for Horsholm 79-ers since 1996. In a statement the club described him as “a great player and a great personality.”

UPDATE VI: Danish police raid Internet cafe, arrest 2 in terror attacks investigation.

Danish police raided an Internet cafe in Copenhagen, arresting at least two people in the area where a suspected gunmen in Saturday’s terror attacks was killed, AFP reported on Sunday, citing Danish media.

Police told Denmark’s DR television that the raid was part of the investigation into the terror attacks in which two people were killed.

UPDATE VII: Suspected terrorist gunman killed by Danish Police.

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