Author Seymour M. Hersh Says Barack Obama Lied About Osama bin Laden raid


On Sunday in the London Review of Books, author Seymour M. Hersh , published as expose alleging that President Obama deceived Americans with his narrative of the 2011 assassination of Osama bin Laden.  Hersh accuses Obama of rushing to take credit for the al Qaeda leader’s death. Read the full story at The Hill.

The Hill:

An expose published on Sunday alleges that President Obama deceived Americans with his narrative of the 2011 assassination of Osama bin Laden.

Author Seymour M. Hersh accuses Obama of rushing to take credit for the al Qaeda leader’s death.

This decision, Hersh argues in the London Review of Books, forced the military and intelligence communities to scramble and then corroborate the president’s version of events.

“High-level lying nonetheless remains the modus operandi of U.S. policy, along with secret prisons, drone attacks, Special Forces night raids, bypassing the chain of command, and cutting out those who might say no,” Hersh wrote of the Obama administration’s counterterrorism policies.

Hersh based his report on a single, anonymous source. This individual, he said, is a “retired senior intelligence official who was knowledgeable about the initial intelligence about bin Laden’s presence in Abottabad.”

Hersh’s source alleged that the Pakistani government had an active role in approving and implementing the raid on bin Laden’s compound.

Two Police Officers Have Been Shot in Hattiesburg, Mississippi (Update: Both Officers, Benjamin Deen & Liquori Tate Confirmed Dead)(Update: Suspects: Curtis Banks, Marvin Banks & Joanie Calloway Arrested)


Two police officers have been shot in the line of duty in Hattiesburg, MS Saturday night in what began as a routine traffic stop. Sadly, it became much more violent as two police officers were gunned down. The two were taken to the hospital where later Forrest County Coroner Butch Benedict confirmed the deaths of officers Benjamin Deen and Liquori Tate.

We have said this over and over at SM, that for police officers, there is no such thing as a routine traffic stop. A police officer never knows when they approach a vehicle, especially at night, who or what they are about to encounter when they pull some one over. With what happened in Hattiesburg, Mississippi is exactly why police act like they do when they approach a vehicle.

UPDATE I: Police Officers Identified as officers Benjamin Deen and Liquori Tate.

HATTIESBURG POLICE Officers murdered

Officer Benjamin Deen, left, and Officer Liquori Tate (HATTIESBURG POLICE DEPARTMENT)

The two Hattiesburg, Mississippi police officers that were murdered Saturday night following what was supposed to be a routine police stop were  34-year-old Benjamin Deen and 25-year-old Liquori Tate. One, was a great police officer and the other, a rookie to the force.  Deen as a past department “Officer of the Year” and Tate as a newcomer.  Tate was a recent graduate from the police academy who posted on his Facebook page that he graduated June 11 and thanked all who made it possible.

Liquori Tate_FB

Tate graduated South Pike High School and attended Southwest Mississippi Community College before joining the Hattiesburg Police Department.

Deen, 34, was a K-9 officer. He was named HPD Officer of the Year in 2012.

UPDATE II: 2 Mississippi officers fatally shot; 3 suspects arrested.

Authorities arrested Curtis Banks, 26, and Marvin Banks, 29, and Joanie Calloway, 22, early Sunday morning. They were taken to Troop J of the Mississippi Highway Patrol, where they were to be questioned by the Mississippi Bureau of Investigation. Marvin Banks was charged with two counts of capital murder, grand theft auto, and a felon in possession of a firearm; Joanie Calloway was charged with two counts of capital murder; and Curtis Banks was charged with accessory after the fact of capital murder.

Three suspects were arrested Sunday after two police officers were shot and killed during a traffic stop in Hattiesburg, Miss. Two of the suspects were charged with capital murder.

Forrest County Coroner Butch Benedict confirmed that both officers had died at Forrest General Hospital. Benedict identified the officers as Benjamin Deen, 34, of the Sumrall area and Liquori Tate, 25, of Hattiesburg.

Warren Strain, a spokesman for the Mississippi Department of Public Safety. said Marvin Banks, 29, and Joanie Calloway, 22, were each charged with two counts of capital murder.

Banks was charged with one count of being a felon in possession of a firearm. He was also charged with grand theft for fleeing in the police cruiser after the shooting, Strain said.

“He absconded with a Hattiesburg police cruiser. He didn’t get very far, three or four blocks and then he ditched that vehicle,” Strain said.

Banks’ 26-year-old brother, Curtis Banks, was charged with two counts of accessory after the fact of capital murder.

Second Garland, TX ‘Muhammad Art & Cartoon Contest’ Shooter Identified as 34 Year Old Nadir Soofi


The authorities have identified the second Garland, Texas gunman radical Islamist who opened fire at the draw ‘Muhammad Art & Cartoon Contest’ as 34 year old Nadir Soofi. He and his fellow jihadist, Elton Simpson, who were roommates and lived in Phoenix, AZ attacked the pro-free speech event and were shot dead by Garland police. Simpson was reportedly known to the FBI for his possible terrorist ties; however, Soofi appears not to have been. Imagine that, you are the roommate of a supposed terrorist and no one thinks to look at his actions. Really? One thing is for certain, we will no longer have to worry about either one of them now.

The two men attended the Islamic Center of North Phoenix together.

Nadir Soofi

Authorities in Texas have identified Nadir Soofi as the second gunman who opened fire on a “Draw Muhammad” art contest in a Dallas suburb on Sunday night.

Soofi, authorities say, shared an apartment in Phoenix with Elton Simpson, who was convicted of lying to federal authorities in 2011 and was considered a terrorist suspect. The two men attended the Islamic Center of North Phoenix together.

Just minutes before Soofi and Simpson launched their attack at a community center in Garland, Texas, the two men posted messages on social media accounts with the hashtag “#TexasAttack.” Groups such as ISIS picked up on the hashtag and posted messages of support for the two gunmen, who were then killed by a police officer outside the building.

CNN: What we know about the Garland shooters,  Elton Simpson and Nadir Soofi.


He may have been an ISIS supporter

While U.S. authorities investigate whether Sunday’s shooting has any link to international terrorism, ISIS claimed responsibility for the attack. In a radio broadcast, the terror group referred to Simpson and Soofi as two of its “soldiers” and and threatened more attacks.

Moments before the shootout, Simpson posted an ominous tweet with the hashtag #texasattack: “May Allah accept us as mujahideen.”

The tweet also said Simpson and his fellow attacker had pledged allegiance to “Amirul Mu’mineen,” which means “the leader of the faithful.” CNN terrorism analyst Paul Cruickshank said that probably refers to ISIS leader Abu Bakr al Baghdadi.

Earlier, Simpson had asked his readers on Twitter to follow an ISIS propagandist.

After the shooting, the same propagandist tweeted: “Allahu Akbar!!!! 2 of our brothers just opened fire.”


He died near where he was born

Soofi was born in Garland and spent the first three years of his life there, his mother said, according to The Dallas Morning News.

“He was raised in a normal American fashion,” Sharon Soofi said. “Yes, he was very politically involved with the Middle East. Just aware of what’s going on. I don’t know if something snapped or if Elton Simpson was just working on him.”

He left behind an 8-year-old son

Sharon Soofi also said her son had an 8-year-old boy whom he adored.

“He put his son above everything,” she said. “The hard thing to comprehend is why he would do this and leave an 8-year-old son behind.”

He went to a prestigious private school

25 Year Old NYPD Officer Brian Moore Died Monday After Being Shot in the Head by Career Criminal Demetrius Blackwell


Sadly, 25 year old New York City police officer  Moore has died after from his injuries after being shot in the head while on duty Saturday night in Queens, NY.  Officer Moore was removed from life support at 11:15 AM on Monday. Brian Moore was shot in the face around 6:15 PM when Moore and his partner, Officer Erik Jansen, approached a “person of interest” near the intersection of 212th Street and 104th Road in the Queens Village neighborhood. Before the officers could react to an individual who had a gun in his waist, he fired upon the officers. Demetrius Blackwell was later arrested in connection with the shooting.  According to the New York Post, Blackwell has a record of 10 arrests, including five on charges of robbery, criminal possession of a weapon and grand larceny.

What would the White House and media response have been have the rolls been reversed?

`Brian Moore_NYPD

NYPD Officer Brian Moore, RIP

An NYPD officer who was shot in the head while sitting in an unmarked car in Queens Saturday has died from his injuries.

Brian Moore, 25, died Monday, the NYPD confirmed.

“Condolences to the family of PO Brian Moore who lost his life today. RIP to a true hero. We will never forget. #Hero,” the NYPD 104th Precinct tweeted Monday afternoon.

“The shooting of Officer Brian Moore over the weekend was a deplorable act of violence that has robbed New York of one of its finest,” New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo said in a statement Monday. “As a member of the NYPD, Officer Moore put the safety of his fellow New Yorkers before his own, and we will remember his service with gratitude and pride. I join with all New Yorkers in mourning his passing and send my deepest condolences to his friends and family.”

Moore underwent surgery for what court papers described as “severe injuries to his skull and brain” and had been in a coma.

Question, do police lives matter? As Barack Obama, black activists, black politicians, liberal politicians and the liberal MSM rail against police attacks and racial bias upon blacks, one has to ask where is the outrage from these folks when police officers are gunned down in the line of duty by dirt-bag thugs? Where are the protests for Brian Moore? Thanks to the racial divide caused by irresponsible leaders and an all too willing lap-dog media to create a narative that does not exists, they have put a target and a bulls-eye on police officers. I hope you are happy. We have lost a good man in Brian Moore at the hand of a career criminal who should have been locked away because he served no functional purpose to society.

I am still waiting for the outrage from Obama, Holder, Sharpton and all the usual suspects.

Grace Lee Whitney, Better Known as Yeoman Janice Rand on Star Trek Has Died at 85, Rest in Peace

One of my childhood crushes has passed away, Rest in Peace Yeoman Janice Rand …

Actress Grace Lee Whitney, better known as  Yeoman Janice Rand of Star Trek fame, has passed away at the age of 85. She  died at her home on May 1st in Coarsegold, California.  Whitney played the short skirted Star Trek officer on the original Star Trek, who had a crush on James T. Kirk; however, was unceremoniously let go after only 8 episodes.  She was born Mary Ann Chase in Ann Arbor, Michigan in 1930. She was adopted by the Whitney family, and as a teenager, began her career in entertainment as a singer and dancer. Whitney was a recovering alcoholic and drug addict and had reportedly spent the last 35 years of her life helping others with addiction problems, including volunteering at women’s correctional facilities.

Grace Lee Whitney

April 1, 1930 – May 1, 2015, Rest in Peace

Later, Grace Lee Whitney returned for the movie franchise starting with 1979’s “Star Trek: The Motion Picture,” with a promotion to chief petty officer, then in “Star Trek III: The Search for Spock,” “Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home” and she was finally promoted to lieutenant in 1991’s “Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country.”

An actress who appeared in just eight episodes of the original “Star Trek” — but made harrowing allegations in a memoir of sexual assault during her tenure — has died at 85.

Grace Lee Whitney — better known as Captain Kirk’s sometime love interest, Yeoman Janice Rand — died of natural causes at her home in California, her son Jonathan Dweck told the Associated Press.

“Over time, she became appreciative of her short time on ‘Star Trek’ because she developed meaningful relationships with the fans, Leonard Nimoy and other cast members,” Dweck said.

In a 1998 book, Whitney said she had high hopes for the show. Born Mary Ann Chase in Ann Arbor, Mich., in 1930, as NBC reported, she was raised by adoptive parents and in the middle of a divorce when she landed her part on a show she called her “Higher Power.”

Still, Whitney continued to appear on television, and returned as Rand in the first “Star Trek” film, later reprising her role in some of the sequels and TV series. She cited Nimoy as a crucial force in helping restart her career.

“The one person who really reached out to me after I was written out of ‘Star Trek’ was Leonard Nimoy,” she wrote. ” He was the only one who really knew how much I was hurting.”

Star Trek Season 1 – Episode 12, Miri

RIP Grace Lee Whitney, Star Trek’s Yeoman Janice Rand.

In her later years, Whitney worked as an advocate for people struggling with substance abuse. She credited her own recovery in some part to the Star Trek fans who supported her:

“When I told the fans I was an alcoholic, they all applauded. When I told them I had given myself to a higher power, they cheered again,” Ms. Whitney told The Bee’s Rick Bentley in 2013. “I’m in a great place because I’ve gone full circle.

Outside of Star Trek, the Ann Arbor, MI. native was in the Broadway musical Top Banana, and appeared in the 1954 movie version of the show. Her TV career included roles on The Life and Legend of Wyatt Earp, The Real McCoys, The Outer Limits, Batman, and Bewitched. She also served as the inspiration for the Chicken of the Sea mermaid.

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