More Baltimore Murders … 16 Year Old Arnesha Bowers Found Sexually Assaulted, Strangled and Set Her on Fire (Two Gang Members Arrested for Murder, Adonay Dixon and John Childs)

Do black lives matter when its black on black crime, or is that only used when they are killed by white police?

16 year old Arnesha Bowers, a promising, young, black high school student had her life cut far too short by the acts of two savage black gang members. Arnesha Bowers was found sexually assaulted, bound and strangled to death in her Northeast Baltimore home that had been set on fire in an attempt to cover up the crime. Investigators say that Arnesha Bowers knew her attackers and they used her cell phone records to track them down. This is just one in the long line of murders that have taken place in Baltimore; however, all the MSM and liberal politicians care about is going after police officers so to hide their pathetic and terrible record on crime.

Where is Al Sharpton protesting this heinous murder? Or does this murder not fit his narrative like Freddie Gray?

Arnesha Bowers_murdered

16-year-old girl was killed before her Northeast Baltimore home was set on fire, police said Monday, the latest child caught up in the surge of violence afflicting the city.

In Curtis Bay, officials canceled classes Monday at an elementary school after police found the body of a man outside. Four children were wounded during the weekend; three by gunfire.

“As a mother, to know that this violence has impacted our young people is stressing,” Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake said Monday night at an anti-crime walk in South Clifton Park.

“We have to be present in every neighborhood around the city. We have to be present as one unified. The police and the community together, and that’s what this is about.”

The City Council held a moment of silence Monday for Arnesha Bowers, a 16-year-old City College high school student whose body firefighters found in a burning house. She was one of six people killed in Baltimore between Saturday and early Monday, bringing the total for June to 13.

UPDATE I: Gang Members 23-year-old Adonay Dixon and 20-year-old John Childs Charged with Murder.

According to court documents, Childs and Dixon were hanging out with the teen at a party when they followed her home and plotted a burglary.

Investigators say Childs and Dixon broke into the home through a basement window, but were soon discovered by Bowers.

Childs told police while he ransacked the house for money, Dixon dragged the teen into the basement. Detectives say she was strangled with an electrical cord before the house went up in flames.

Childs and Dixon face multiple charges, including first-degree murder.

John Childs was released on bond from the Baltimore County jail on a burglary charge just five days before the murder.

Adonay Dixon_John Childs_Photo_Baltimore Police

Adonay Dixon and John Childs. Photo via Baltimore Police

Terrorist Suspect Usaamah Abdullah Rahim Shot and Killed by Boston Police & David Wright Was Plotting Terrorist Attacks to Behead Police Officers


26 year old Usaamah Abdullah Rahim, who was shot dead by police yesterday, and David Wright were plotting to kill and behead police officers. Usaama Rahim had been under 24 hour surveillance by the Joint Terrorism Task Force, which is comprised of state, local and federal law enforcement agents, when he was shot dead at about 7 a.m. near a CVS in the city’s Roslindale neighborhood in Boston. Rahim produced a military-like knife when he was approached by authorities. The radical Islamist refused to obey police instructions and lunged at the police. Rahim was then shot dead. As per Fox News, the affidavit said one of the officers outside the CVS instructed Rahim to drop his weapon and Rahim responded, “You drop yours.” Tuesday, authorities arrested another suspect, David Wright, at his home in Everett, MA in connection with this terrorist murder plot. Good grief, really … In an effort to calm the Muslim community, the police said that the incident was recorded on surveillance video and that they decided to show it to community leaders, including Muslim leaders, in the interest of transparency. UNREAL. What ever happened to in the United States … WE KILL TERRORISTS,

“We believe the intent was to behead a police officer,” one official told The Boston Globe. “We knew the plot had to be stopped. They were planning to take action Tuesday.”

Rahim, Wright and an unidentified third person met Sunday on a Rhode Island beach to discus plans, the affidavit, which was released Wednesday, said. Wright, who waived his Miranda rights, told the FBI the plans included an attack on a victim in another state, the court papers said. Hours prior to the shooting, Rahim told Wright he had changed plans and was going to “go after” the “boys in blue,” the court papers said.

NBC News:

A terrorism suspect alleged to have been plotting a beheading was not shot in the back when he was killed by police in Boston, as his family claimed, community leaders said Wednesday after police took the unusual step of showing them video of the encounter.

Usaamah Abdullah Rahim, 26, was killed Tuesday morning after he was stopped for questioning. The FBI said Wednesday that Rahim was the subject of a terrorism investigation into an alleged plot to kill law enforcement officers sometime this week.

Boston police said Rahim threatened them with a military-style knife as officers ordered him to stand down Tuesday morning in the parking lot of a CVS pharmacy in Boston’s Roslindale neighborhood. As they retreated, Rahim continued to move forward and was shot three times in the front of his body, police said.

Terror Suspect Usaama Rahim, Shot Dead By FBI & Boston Police After Refusing to Drop Military-Style Knife (Update: Brother of Boston Imam Ibrahim Rahim, Claims Brother Shot in Back)(Update: Second Suspect David Wright [Dawud Sharif Abdul Khaliq] Arrested)


An armed individual, being tracked by Boston police and the FBI counterterrorism unit was shot dead yesterday in Roslindale, MA when he refused to drop his weapon, a military-style knife, and came at police in an aggressive manner.  The man shot was the 26 year old brother of Boston Imam Ibrahim Rahim, who claims he was shot 3 times in the back. For the record, The Boston Globe reports that Usaama was shot twice, once in the chest and once in the stomach. Also police sources state, Usaama had been radicalized by ISIS propaganda and may have been preparing an attack on law enforcement.

From the Jawa Report, the family of Usaama is crying racism and Islamophobia and claiming Usaama was ‘shot in the back’. Usaama was a grievance hustler’s twofer. Imagine that, a completely different story from a criminal and in this case an individual being tracked by counter-terrorism. Wow, will this give rise to #Terrorist Lives Matter?

An armed man in his 20s being surveilled by the FBI counterterrorism unit was shot and killed by an FBI agent and a Boston police officer in Roslindale this morning, according to Boston Police Commissioner William Evans.

“He was on foot, under surveillance,” Evans said. “The officers have been surveilling him and again they wanted to speak to him … and he turned and our officers gave several commands for him to drop the weapon and unfortunately he came at the officers and they did what they were trained to do and that’s never an easy decision for any officer to make.”

One FBI agent and one BPD officer fired, FBI Special Agent in Charge Vincent B. Lisi said.

Evans said the suspect was wielding a large military-style black knife that he could have “done a lot of damage” with.

“I think our officers tried their best with the FBI to try to convince him to put down the knife but he didn’t leave us a choice,” Evans said. “It’s an active investigation with the joint terrorism task force … It’s very fluid it’s ongoing, but we have one male shot and as you can see it is a very active scene.”

The Boston Globe – Man shot in Roslindale was under 24-hour surveillance.

Usaama Rahim, 26, had made threats against law enforcement, according to two law enforcement officials with knowledge of the case. Officials declined to explain what had led to the ongoing antiterrorism task force investigation or detail its scope, although they said it had been going on for a while.

“We believed he was a threat,” Boston Police Commissioner William B. Evans said. “He was someone we were watching for quite a time. The level of alarm brought us to question him today. I don’t think anybody expected the reaction we got out of him.”

Rahim allegedly wielded the knife after being approached on Washington Street in Roslindale by task force members. Evans said the officers did not have their guns drawn when they approached.


UPDATE I: Man arrested in Everett in connection with terrorism investigation.

A man was arrested in Everett in relation to a Joint Terrorism Task Force investigation.

In Everett, police blocked off Linden Street, unsettling neighbors, and officers entered a home there late Tuesday afternoon.

Just after midnight, authorities confirmed that they arrested David Wright, who will face federal charges in court on Wednesday. Officials said the investigation was potentially an “ISIS inspired plot to harm law enforcement officials.”

UPDATE II: Boston terror probe widens after police arrest suspect.

A Massachusetts man is in custody in connection with Tuesday’s shooting of a man police say was radicalized by Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) propaganda, reports CBS News correspondent Jeff Pegues.

Police led the man, David Wright, out of an Everett home late Tuesday, linking his arrest to the terror investigation of Usaama Rahim.

Just 14 miles away, investigators say, Rahim had pulled out a knife and waved it at officers in Boston. Moments later, police fired, shooting and killing him. He was under 24-hour surveillance at the time he was killed.

“We believed he was a threat,” Boston Police Commissioner William Evans said.

Evans says the shooting was caught on nearby surveillance cameras, and the video shows police guns weren’t drawn at first.

UPDATE III: Police seek third person in Usaamah Rahim’s Boston terror plot.

Rahim, 26, and Wright, 25, were apparently tight — Rahim called him his nephew on Facebook, where he thanked him for attending his wedding. Both of them used aliases on Facebook. Rahim went by “Abu Sufyaan” and referred to Wright as “Dawud Sharif Abdul-Khaliq.”

And they spoke in coded language, too, the FBI said, but Rahim’s meaning in recorded phone conversations with Wright seemed obvious to agent Joseph Galietta, who listened in.

Rahim would come out swinging with a knife soon to kill police officers — probably Tuesday, Wednesday at the latest, Galietta said in an affidavit.

“I’m just going to, ah, go after them, those boys in blue. Cause, ah, it’s the easiest target,” Rahim told Wright, according to the affidavit.

10 Years Later: Searching in Aruba for Natalee Holloway … The Search of the Aruba Landfill in 2005 for Missing Natalee Holloway (PICS)


On July 23, 2005 Scared Monkeys conducted an interactive, town hall style  on-line interview with Tim Miller of Texas Equusearch, the non-profit search team that had been searching for Natalee Holloway in Aruba since she had gone missing on May 30, 2005.  Texas Equusearch had been flooded with emails of encouragement and tips from the many followers and readers at Scared Monkeys that Tim granted the interview. Interactive web interviews are commonplace today, needless to say they were not in 2005 and the logistics to make it happen was nothing short of a miracle. Following the interview as I thanked Tim Miller on the phone and for TES’s great work in their search for Natalee Holloway, Mr. Miller did an amazing thing … he asked if I wanted to go to Aruba and help search for Natalee. Once we cleared up some logistics and made sure that we could pay for the ticket to Aruba ourselves so not to impose on TES or have them divert any funds from the search on our account, we let it be known that Red was going to Aruba to search with Texas Equusearch.


Returning to Aruba, a place where my family had vacationed since the 1970′s, long before the many high-rise hotels and wining vacations there on game shows. Aruba, a place where I got to know so many families, who treated us as one of their own and a place where I had even dated an Aruban girl, who’s family was pretty well connected. Talk about your long distance relationship, before the days of social media and Facetime or Skype. A place where I hung out with more locals than tourists. Aruba, a place where I lived and worked as well. Now I was going back to help find Natalee Holloway.

I have to admit i was not sure what I was getting into and was not sure which searches I would be doing, land, water, both? I had told Tim that I was going to be a member of the search team first and reporting on the story second. Little did I realize than just a couple days before going to Aruba that that I would be helping search in the Aruba landfill as The witness claimed he saw the men dumping the body on the afternoon of June 1. The following article discusses the landfill search on such a generic and antiseptic way. Let me just say it was far from that and maybe one of the most rewarding and disgusting thing I have ever done in my life.


Picture via Scared Monkeys – 2005

A volunteer group searching for Natalee Holloway dug through a landfill for a third day Sunday but found no clues, while the missing teen’s mother left Aruba for the first time since her daughter disappeared two months ago.

Crews equipped with trained dogs, a bulldozer and a tractor hoe dug 15 holes in a landfill where a witness claims he saw men dump and cover a female body two days after Holloway disappeared, said Robert Cook, spokesman for the volunteer Texas EquuSearch, which is coordinating the landfill effort.

Searches at the landfill Friday and Saturday also produced no sign of Holloway.


From July 30, 2005 … Red searched the landfill from 10 AM till 3 PM. He said it was one of the foulest and god awful smelling places he has ever been in. For three days we searched the landfill and for every hole that was dug to a certain level, some one then had to get into it to do a more fine search with rakes and shovels. The picture below taken by a digital camera, although it looks grainy. That would be because of the constant Aruba trade wind blowing all the sand and crap in the dump around.

During the landfill search, I not only searched for Natalee Holloway with the members of Texas Equusearch, I also was digging next to her dad, Dave Holloway. I thought to myself as we were digging in the worst filth and the most disgusting stench that I had ever experienced in my life, I so wanted to help this man and find his daughter. Then I thought to myself in the next second, it might not be the best thing to happen when he was present. It was one thing to take part in this search, another thing to find human remains in a landfill, but quite a different thing to have to see a grown man break down in uncontrollable tears and emotions if we actually found her. This was the roller-coaster of thoughts and emotions that took place ever day as we searched for Natalee Holloway.

This search will forever be seared in my mind, body and soul … as previously stated, one of the best and worst things I have ever done in my life.


Picture via Scared Monkeys – 2005

Unlike most landfills in America where those in charge can locate and track what was dumped where and when, Aruba had no such tracking system. Imagine that. Instead, we had to go by the witness as to what area of the landfill he thought he saw the vehicle and where the dump site was. All the while the witness covered his face for fear of being recognized and to prevent the foulness from getting into his nose and mouth. So how did we know how far down to dig or where to dig holes? At a certain point we got in the holes and looked that the daily news papers that were thrown away to see what date they were to find the date just before May 30, 2005. That was the methodology.


Picture via Scared Monkeys – 2005

And for every hole that was dug like the one above, when we got to what we thought was close enough to the correct proximity of time, some one had to get into the hole and comb throw it to see if we made needed to dig deeper or had to use a rake, shovel and your hands to search. That would be yours truly in the blue shirt in the hole.

landfill RED

Picture via Scared Monkeys – 2005

And all the while Red and the members of Texas Equusearch were in the landfill in some of the most foul and hideous conditions trying to help Beth and Dave find their daughter on a witness tip we were following up on, the media was kicking their feet up from a distance trying to get a picture with their telephoto lenses.


Picture via Scared Monkeys – 2005

Or better yet, a close up of the media getting a sun tan while we are in the landfill busting our butts to get some closure for the Holloway/Twitty/Reynold’s family.

landfill media

Picture via Scared Monkeys – 2005




Picture via Scared Monkeys – 2005

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Landfill RED4

Picture via Scared Monkeys – 2005


Picture via Scared Monkeys – 2005

Beau Biden, the Son of Vice President’s Son, Dies at Age 46 of Brain Cancer

Beau Biden,  the son of Vice President Biden and former state attorney general of Delaware, died Saturday after battling brain cancer at the age of 46. He is survived by his wife, Hallie, and two children. Joseph Robinette “Beau” Biden III had battled brain cancer for several years and underwent surgery in Houston in 2013 and then followed a normal course of radiation and chemotherapy. In 2010,  Biden, suffered a mild stroke. Biden had been given a clean bill of health in 2013; however, Beau had a recurrence this spring in 2015 and began an aggressive treatment and was admitted to Walter Reed this month. Sadly, he has lost his battle with this insidious disease.

Beau Biden

Beau Biden, a major in the Delaware Army National Guard’s Judge Advocate General Corps, became one of his state’s most popular public figures and had been considered the front-runner for the 2016 race to become the state’s next governor, but in August 2013 he was admitted to one of the world’s most renowned cancer treatment centers, MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, to begin his fight with the disease.

Beau Biden became a national political star in 2008 after delivering a stirring introduction of his father at the Democratic National Convention in Denver the night Joe Biden accepted the nomination for vice president. A little more than a month later, Beau Biden deployed to Iraq and served there for one year — except for a trip home in January 2009 to see his father take the oath of office as vice president.

Beau Biden was awarded the Bronze Star.

A statement from Vice President Joe Biden announcing the death of his son Beau Biden:

It is with broken hearts that Hallie, Hunter, Ashley, Jill and I announce the passing of our husband, brother and son, Beau, after he battled brain cancer with the same integrity, courage and strength he demonstrated every day of his life.

The entire Biden family is saddened beyond words. We know that Beau’s spirit will live on in all of us—especially through his brave wife, Hallie, and two remarkable children, Natalie and Hunter.

Beau’s life was defined by service to others. As a young lawyer, he worked to establish the rule of law in war-torn Kosovo. A major in the Delaware National Guard, he was an Iraq War veteran and was awarded the Bronze Star. As Delaware’s Attorney General, he fought for the powerless and made it his mission to protect children from abuse.

More than his professional accomplishments, Beau measured himself as a husband, father, son and brother. His absolute honor made him a role model for our family. Beau embodied my father’s saying that a parent knows success when his child turns out better than he did.

In the words of the Biden family: Beau Biden was, quite simply, the finest man any of us have ever known.

Joe_Beau Biden

Joe & Beau Biden – Our condolences to the Biden family

On a personal note, I had a sister that passed away far too young from brain cancer and my prayers go out to the Biden family that they find peace. Also, I am no fan of the political policies, beliefs an agenda of Vice President Joe Biden and Lord only knows we make fun of him because he gives us so much material to do so, but today my heart goes out to this man as no one person should ever have to experience the death and pain that this man has suffered.  In December 1972, Joe Biden received a phone that his wife, Neilia, and three children had been in a horrible car crash on the way home from purchasing the family Christmas tree. His wife and daughter had died, and his two sons, Beau and Hunter, were critically injured. Now tragically, VP Biden has lost Beau to cancer. Our condolences go out to the Biden family.

His wife, Neilia, and three children had been in a horrible car crash on the way home from purchasing the family Christmas tree. His wife and daughter had died, and his two sons, Beau and Hunter, were clinging to life. Having just turned 30, Joe Biden raced home to Wilmington and considered never taking the oath of office.

Through the support of other senators, Biden agreed to be sworn in the next month at the hospital bedside of Beau and Hunter. Eventually venturing to Washington, Biden decided that he would take the train every morning from Wilmington and return every night.

“As a single parent, he decided to be there to put us to bed, to be there when we woke from a bad dream, to make us breakfast, so he’d travel to and from Washington, four hours a day,” Beau Biden told the Denver crowd on Aug. 27, 2008, in the speech that introduced the world to a story that his father had told many times.

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