#FULL OF SCHIFF: Russian Comedians Prank Called to Democrat Rep. Adam Schiff, Promised Naked Photos Of Trump (Audeo)


If you ever wanted to know just how low Democrats would stoop to in getting dirt on Donald Trump, here it is. As reported at The Daily Caller, California Rep. Adam Schiff, the top Democrat on the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence fell for a prank phone call in which two Russian comedians claimed to have naked pictures of President Donald Trump. Don”t let them fool you in saying they knew it was a prank. No one would take this much time and get access to the Representative. The double standard and hypocrisy of Shifty Adam Schiff is amazing. Whether this was a prank or not, Schiff did not know and didn’t he just get caught colluding with a foreign agent? This dude thought he was going to get dirt on Trump and didn’t care where it came from.

The Daily Mail:

The ranking Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee was the victim of a prank phone call by Russian comedians who offered to give him ‘compromising’ dirt on Donald Trump – including nude photos of the president and a Russian reality show star.

DailyMail.com can disclose that after the prank, his staff engaged in correspondence with what they thought was a Ukrainian politician to try to obtain the ‘classified’ material promised on the call.

On an audio recording of the prank call posted online, Adam Schiff can be heard discussing the committee’s Russia investigation and increasingly bizarre allegations about Trump with a man who claimed to be Andriy Parubiy, the chairman of the Ukrainian Parliament.

From Real Clear Politics:

The call, made a year ago, was reportedly from two Russian comedians nicknamed ‘Vovan’ and ‘Lexus’ who have become notorious for their phony calls to high-ranking American officials and celebrities, including UN Ambassador Nikki Haley and Elton John. The call was first reported in The Atlantic’s Jan/Feb 2018 issue, where a spokesman for Schiff said: “Before agreeing to take the call, and immediately following it, the committee informed appropriate law-enforcement and security personnel of the conversation, and of our belief that it was probably bogus.”

“There were pictures of naked Trump,” one of the pranksters told Schiff, explaining that they were obtained by Putin’s goddaughter.

Schiff asks: “And the materials you can provide to the committee and to the FBI, would they corroborate this allegation? … So you have recordings… where they’re discussing the compromising material?”

“Obviously we would welcome the chance to get copies of those recordings,” Schiff tells them. “So we will try to work with the FBI to try to figure out how we can take copies of those… I’ll be in touch with the FBI about this, and we’ll make arrangements with your staff. I think it would be best to provide these materials to both our committee and the FBI. We’ll make arrangements between my staff and yours on how to facilitate that.”


Hmm, wasn’t it Adam Schiff who condemned Donald Trump Jr. and claimed the younger Trump violated his oath of citizenship by meeting with Russian agents to obtain incriminating information against Hillary Clinton? I am just curious, well what the hell does he think he is doing? What the hell is the Russian dossier but obtaining the same thing from foreign entities?

Donald Trump Jr.’s willingness to meet with a Russian agent last year to obtain incriminating information on Hillary Clinton represented “a breach of civic responsibility” and a “violation of the oaths of citizenship,” Rep. Adam Schiff, the top Democrat on the House intelligence committee, told reporters Tuesday.

The committee is leading one of several congressional investigations into Russian interference in the 2016 election and the Kremlin’s potential ties to the Trump team.

Schiff offered some additional insight into where the committee’s investigation might be heading, in light of an email exchange made public by Trump Jr. on Tuesday confirming details of his meeting with a woman described as a “Russian government attorney” who had apparently promised to deliver dirt on Clinton.

Mark Levin Radio Show 2/2/18 … Brian Mudd of WJNO fills in & Presents a 30 Point Fact Sheet that is Undisputed from the 4 Page FISA Memo (Audio)

Brian Mudd does a masterful job of presenting the undisputed facts …

As Brian Mudd states, “There are two sides to every story and one side to every fact, and if the premise of everything isn’t right then everything built on it is false.” Mudd comes up with a 30 count indictment off the 4 page memo. No one is disputing many of the facts that were laid out in the 4 page FISA memo. The 30 points begin at about the  7:00 mark of the video. The facts are quite amazing in their totality.

Mark Levin Show 2/1/18: Dan Bongino Hosts and Provides a Step by Step Analysis of the Most Consequential Scandal in the United States … Obama Spied on Trump (Audio)

MUST LISTEN TO … Dan Bongino walks us through the story step by step.

This might just be the best explanation of what took place … Don’t ever forget the main premise, The Obama team spied on the Trump team. The spying on the Trump team was a set up the entire time from the beginning. Bongino provides the why, how and motivations of why Obama spied on Trump. Fantastic analysis!!!

Sean Hannity – Fox News, 2/1/18: What Would the MSM & Democrats be Doing If Rolls Were Reversed and Trump did What Hillary, Obama Admin. & Heads of FBI and DOJ Did?

#RELEASE THE MEMO looks like it will happen today, Friday, 2/2/18.

The double standard and liberal media bias has come to a head. Democrats have consistently stated that they have no evidence of collusion between the Russians and Donald Trump. Yet, the MSM and the LEFT want no part of transparency for possible abuses in the DOJ and FBI. So what are Democrats so afraid of if they have nothing to hide? The question really is, why would the media not want the truth? Sadly, the LEFT and their lapdog media continue to lie to the American people.

The MSM has the Watergate story of their life time in front of them, but because of their political bias and hatred for President Trump, they will not investigate to find the truth. This is the death of journalism.

Fox News Sean Hannity: When FBI Director Wray Read the FISA Memo on Sunday “It Shocked Him to His Core” (VIDEO)


Last night on Hannity, he interviewed investigative reporter Sara Carter, former White House adviser Sebastian Gorka and Judge Jeanine Pirro. As she has been doing for months now, Sara Carter provided amazing content. Sara stated that according to her sources, McCabe may have asked FBI agents to change their 302′s, the interviews with witness. If this is true, this is obstruction of justice and he will be fired.

Sean Hannity: A source of mine told me tonight that when Wray read this it shocked him to his core

Is this just the beginning of the firings at the FBI and DOJ … DRAIN THE SWAMP!!!

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