Amigoe: Petition demands attention for tourism promotion in Aruba. When will they Ever get a clue?

How misguided could one island be? Individual and businesses in Aruba would signAruba beach cam empty a petition to promote and market Aruba. Where were you people to sign a petition to adequately solve and prosecute the disappearance of Natalee Holloway?

AVP wants to establish a tourism fund as soon as possible in order to fill the beaches again with tourists.

In the petition, the government is specifically asked to make an amount of 13 million dollars available to give the promotion of Aruba a big impulse and prevent a further decline.  They emphasize the importance of this by indicating that 85 percent of the jobs in Aruba have to do with the tourism.


When is Aruba going to wake up? Does Aruba really think that people do not know that they exist in the Caribbean? The fact of the matter is that most everyone does in the US and that is what upsets them. I am beginning to wonder how this island even became a tourism spot other that luck. As witnessed over the past 13 months it is certainly not because they know what they are doing, care about visitors or understand their market.

Does Aruba really believe in the motto … “if we spend it, they will come?” It’s not Field of dreamsgoing to happen. What part about people have no confidence in the fact that you will adequately protect and investigate a crime against a tourist have you not figured out? No amount of money is going to change that perception. At this point the ALE and Prosecutors office have not even admitted the real mistakes that were made.

No amount of money is going to change the fact that for some reason that only Aruba knows, the ALE departed from normal police procedure in the investigation of Natalee Holloway and provided preferential treatment to certain individuals. American tourists ARE NOT going to a place where there is a precedent of cronyism and turning your head to protect and hide what what happened to one of their own.

What is more telling is this sentence that hopefully the NYC Judge in charge of the Holloway and Twitty’s civil case is looking at.

The Aruba Marketing Retreat took place in New York recently.  The businesses and organizations in the tourism field that took part in the retreat expressed their concern about the lack of money for a big promotion campaign.

Isn’t that rather convenient. Aruba can come to NYC on a retreat to discuss the Joran served NYCmarketing and basically out-source their tourism with NYC consultants, but there is no NEXUS in the civil case according to the lawyers for the Van der Sloots. Its also OK for the Van der Sloots to come to NYC for their own self-serving purposes. Wouldn’t it seem a simple concept that if Aruba thinks it important enough to come to NYC to discuss the the what makes up 70% of their economy that it would create a relationship. So why isn’t it important enough that they entertain the idea of a civil case against an Aruban as well? That would be a hint to the NYC Judge. It would almost seem like Aruba has exported their tourism decisions to NYC, so why not this civil case as well?

However, the fact that Aruba thinks they can buy their way out of this is as short-sighted and misguided as it gets.

They are of the opinion that the negative publicity of last year after the disappearance of Natalee Holloway had hurt the tourism bad.  A big campaign would contribute to a recovery.  The government has cut the budget and made it impossible to start such campaign. 

Baghdad bob

A big campaign would contribute to your recovery? No it won’t!!! It will infuriate people even more. You would put money over human life? Aruba, you have been wrong ever inch of the way in dealing with this problem.Maybe you should listen to those that know the real reason for your problems rather than living in a vacuum listening to “yes” men.

Has Carlos N’ Charlie’s been penalized or prosecuted for allowing under age people to SM CnC close viewdrink in their establishment which contributed in the chain of events for Natalee Holloway’s disappearance. Has the Excelsior Casino been prosecuted for allowing individuals to gamble under age according to the laws of Aruba? What part about not even being allowed in the casino under 18 is difficult to comprehend, let alone to actually sit at a table and gamble? It could easily be stated that if the Excelsior Casino followed the laws of Aruba, Joran Van der Sloot would never have been allowed in to gamble and never met the Mountain Brook teens at the card table.

Joran Excelsior

The legal age for entry into a casino is eighteen (18) years, and the casino has the right to request a valid I.D. as proof of age. (Visit


Does everyone remember when Aruban Prime Minister said he would not tolerate any activities that would harm American tourists? What do you think the two examples above did?

 ”Learning the news of Natalee’s disappearance on our island left us all in a state of shock and disbelief,” Oduber said. “We will not tolerate any activities that harm our American friends or tarnishes Aruba’s reputation.”

(Fox News)

It was not negative publicity that caused the problem of Aruba’s declining tourism. It was the actions and inactions of the ALE and the powers to be in Aruba to investigate this disappearance in a professional and competent manner. That is your problem. Stop blaming others. Own up to this and maybe, just maybe you might be given a second chance. However, that will never occur unless you come clean. What are you hiding?


Read more

Natalee Holloway Investigation … One Year Later … Aruba wanted an Apology from Beth Twitty

One year ago … July 6, 2005 … this nonsense was going on then. Watch and listen Beth twitty 1to the video from a “Day Side” interview with Janet Yearman. A woman, who considers herself an Aruban. Seems like she forgot where she came from and what are true priorities.

This woman was more intent on getting an apology from Beth Twitty for calling the Kalpoe’s criminals rather than investigating the disappearance of Natalee Holloway. Only one month into the investigation and their was an opinion on the island that their pride was more important than the desperation of the mother of a missing teenager.

It is amazing to look back and see just how early in the investigation people had a rather peculiar outlook on the disappearance. Aruba wonders why it is in the predicament that it is today with tourism. All one has to do is look back and see what they were saying and thinking one year ago today.

A New Book: “For Natalee Holloway … A Community of Love” by Donna M. Greene

For Natalee…A Community of Love, a new book has hit the stands inspired by Natalee Holloway. “For Natalee … A Community of Love” is written by Donna M. Greene of Birmingham, AL. All proceeds with go to Beth Twitty’s non-profit organization,  the International Safe Travels Foundation.


(For review and order book click on pic or here)

A Birmingham publisher has a new book out in honor of the Mountain Brook teen who disappeared last year while on a graduation trip to Aruba. “For Natalee … A Community of Love” is a 55-page book written by Donna M. Greene. Greene, of Birmingham, is the founder and director of Community Ministry for Girls. “For Natalee” costs $20, and proceeds will go to the International Safe Travels Foundation, founded by Holloway’s mother, Beth Twitty. The publisher, Will Publishing, describes “For Natalee” as an “open thank you” to all who have helped and supported the family of Natalee Holloway during the past year.”

(Birmingham News)


Aruba Take Notes, This is how you treat victims and criminals and Do Damage Control

Aruban authorities and government officials may want to make a phone call to the PM Aruba MPPrime Minister of St Vincent to understand how one is supposed to act following a horrific crime. Aruba take notes:

It was reported earlier that four men were arrested in St Vincent for the rape and beating of two Florida teenagers and their mother. The horrible event was condemned by the Prime Minister as being just that, “dastardly criminal acts.”

Aruba take a good look at how people are supposed to act when they care about the ramifications of a crime and how it may impact them.

Prime Minister Dr Ralph Gonsalves and Leader of the Opposition Arhnim Eustace expressed sadness over the incident and urged the family to make themselves available to give evidence in the trial.

Prime Minister Dr Ralph

(Dr Ralph Gonsalves)

Gonsalves last week described the alleged incidents as “dastardly criminal acts” even as he identified a need for some damage control. Gonsalves told reporters last week that government had offered to have the alleged victims return to St Vincent for every stage of the trial, at the expense of the state.
Aruba, imagine if you had taken this tact from the very beginning, middle and end of Dompig BDthe investigation. Treating criminals like criminals and victims like victims. Imagine if you had not blamed the family of Natalee Holloway or even Natalee Holloway, as Gerold Dompig did, stating she died of an accidental overdose. Look at the reaction that Prime Minister Dr. Ralph Gonsalves received from the victims in this heinous crime. Aruba, you have much to learn in people skills as how to treat such a delicate situation like a family losing their daughter.
Gonsalves last week described the alleged incidents as “dastardly criminal acts” even as he identified a need for some damage control. Gonsalves told reporters last week that government had offered to have the alleged victims return to St Vincent for every stage of the trial, at the expense of the state.
“The victims acknowledge that our country is peaceful and law-abiding but that there are a few persons who are seeking to disturb our peace and tranquillity and who are criminally minded,” Dr Gonsalves who is also Minister of National Security said.
He added: “And we have to stamp out those elements and get them on the straight and narrow and where they are not coming on the straight and narrow they must be in the prison, away from law abiding people.
You take the matter seriously from the beginning, you don’t blame the victim and you don’t cover up crimes and make your tourism more important than human life. Aruba, also take note from above. Instead of whining about the expense that it has cost you in searching for a tourist that went missing on your island, you do everything in your power and foot the bill without saying a word.
Gonsalves told reporters last week that government had offered to have the alleged victims return to St Vincent for every stage of the trial, at the expense of the state.
Aruba, no one cares how much you have spent for the searches of a person that went missing on your island on your watch. You have more than made your fair share of money from US tourists.
Aruba, read these words from St Vincent Prime Minister Dr Ralph Gonsalves. Where were these words and actions from the Aruban Prime Minister?
“This paramount act of criminality offended the sensibility of all right thinking people.”
You offer people help. You offer people comfort. You offer people communication in the case and ask them to be a part of it. THIS IS NORMAL.
What is not normal is what Aruba did to the Holloway and Twitty’s
  • Tell Dave Holloway to go to C&C’s, have a beer and she will show up
  • Blame the family for their involvement for the cases initial failures
  • Not bother to consider what occurred as a crime and not investigate
  • Blame the victim for her own death
  • Blame the family for your declining tourism
  • Blame the media for bad coverage
  • You don’t provide insults, you provide compassion

Take some responsibly for what happened, other Caribbean islands seem to. You wonder why Americans feel the way they do and have decided to not return?

 What a difference an island makes.

 (Hat Tip: RR)

Listen to Beth Twitty & Red with Dana Pretzer

Listen to the archived pod-cast of Beth Twitty & Red from last night’s interview.


(Click on for link to pod-cast)

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